四级写作补充讲义__石雷鹏 功能段落法 201305

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7)强调句:1)强调谓语:I love you. -� I do love you. / I did love you. 2) 强调句式:It is +被强调成分+that/who+句子其他成分 8) (半)倒装: 1)表否定的副词、 短语或状语位于主语之前或句首,主句半倒装(一 般疑问句语序);Eg. I will never agree. � Never will I agree. 2)Only +状语位于句首,主句半倒装 When my beloved is beside myself, I can feel the true happiness. � Only when my beloved is beside myself, can I feel the true happiness. 3) As/though 倒装形式 Although ZYK is a girl, she is called brother Zeng. � Girl as ZYK is, she is called brother Zeng. 4)平衡结构性倒装:如图表作文首句:Given is a chart which clearly illustrates the striking contrast/ relation between _____ and ______. 9)双重否定:用于强调: no ____ is / are more _____ than ________. The importance of _____ can not be too emphasized. 10)Ving/ Ved 状语:I climbed the stairs. I took a suitcase. � I climbed the stairs, taking a suitcase. � Climbing the stairs, I took a suitcase. 11)with 结构:with+n/pron+adj /ed /ving/ prep
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
2) 在中心名词后加入定从, 关系词 who, whose, whom, where, which, when 4)含同位语句式: 1) 人—》 身份; Eg. I am convinced that …� As a college student, I am convinced that 2 )物—》性质 : A strong will brings us power … � As a vital quality, a strong will brings us 5)it 句式:形式主语 1)it is +被动/形容词/名词+that 从句/to do … 形式宾语 2)sb find/ notice it difficult to do … 6)there be:
a.前面有逗号,与整个句子隔开:充当整个句子状语成分 b.前面无逗号,直接用在名词后:充当前面名词定语成分 12) 插入语:
四、篇章写作思路: 现象、危害、原因、建议、观点(利弊) 、意义段写作逻辑:
4.1 现象描述段:______(引出问题+具体描述+总结问题)=主题句+具体现象 1)引出问题: ☆ 首 句 1. On many campuses/ In contemporary society/Nowadays, it has become a (prevalent) trend/tendency for _______to ______. ☆ 首 句 2. Living in an era of knowledge/competition, ______have more access to ______. ☆首句 3. In recent years, (it can be noticed that) __________________________than (ever) before. (比较级引出问题) ☆ 首 句 4 : In China, _________ has/ have gained great/wide popularity among _______. 或: In China, ______ has been enjoying growing popularity and it is of great importance. 首 句 5 : The past years /decades have seen the huge/speedy advancement/ development of _____________. 2)具体描述: 二句 1: (事实描述) Meanwhile, an increasing number of individuals/people find it difficult/ hard/ troublesome to __________________. An increasing number of: find--> deem/ regard 负面:difficult�正面: 二句 2: (举例描述 1)A case in point is /A typical example is/This phenomenon can be best illustrated by the fact that . Turning/Taking a look around/at_______, we can notice/find a ☆ (举例描述 2) great many/plenty of/a good deal of examples like this: 两个例子. 二句 3:(举例描述 3):Our daily life has been filled with a variety of examples, (but the following will suffice:) ______________. 二句 4: (调查法描述: ) (According to a recent survey,) a majority/72.34% of people/ students /individuals /citizens /residents admit/reckon /acknowledge that _______. 3)总结问题:承上+启下 三句 1: (承上) Thus/Therefore/Hence, (启下) how to _______________ effectively has become a matter of concern. ☆ 三句 2: (承上)As a result/ Consequently/ Accordingly , (启下)_____ requires/ necessitates/ calls for close attention of the whole society. ☆ 三句 3: (承上) So, (启下 1)due attention should be paid to _____/ (或)we should keep a close eye on ____.
第一章 审题注意三事项: 1. 体裁+话题 2. 内容要求:汉语提纲/英文提示 3. 字数:四级 140-160/六级 170-190
写作时间安排: 1. 审题:识别功能段落 2. 以关键词形式打草稿 3. 段落写作:现象、原因、危害、建议、意义、观点 4. 检查修正 第二章 写作基础
4.2 分析危害段: (弊)=主题句+危害 1+危害 2+总结 主题句 1: If we keep turning a blind eye, this trend is bound to generate/ result in/lead to serious effects. ☆ 主 题句 2: Apparently enough, there are some negative impacts which we should not ignore/neglect. ☆ 主 题 句 3 : Quite obviously, it is of great necessity to figure out the negative influences (behind it). 主 题 句 4 : To tackle this problem, it is of great/vital significance to analyze the potential negative impacts of this matter. 具体危害写法 ☆危害 1 : To begin with, _____ may damage/ hurt/ injure/ harm/ impair/ undermine the over-all development of ______, (because____________). ☆危害 2:Moreover, (强调句式) it is _____ that does not enable ______to build up / expand /enjoy__________. 危害 3 : This trend is particularly worth concern for the background that ____ focus too much eyesight on ____, totally turning a blind eye to the significance of _____. ☆ 危 害 4 : Besides, (it can be argued that) _____ means/equals a grave amount of time/energy/natural resources; (however, the result/ quality /reality of _____is not always as satisfactory as expected). ☆ 危害 5 : As a matter of fact, ______in mounting/ large numbers have ignored the significance /necessity of _____ ☆万能危害总结 1 : And if we let this situation continue as it is, we will not know where ____ will be in the forthcoming future. 危害总结 2:To conclude, it is undeniable that the bad impacts of _____ can never be turned a blind eye to. 4.3 分析原因段:=主题句+原因 1+原因 2+总结 ☆主题句 1 : Generally speaking, several reasons can account for this phenomenon. (中性话题) 主题句 2: In general, there are several factors contributing to this phenomenon(, but the following may be the most critical).(中性话题) ☆主题句 3:It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. 主题句 4:To solve/deal with this worrying/disturbing issue, it is of vital significance to explore / investigate the possible reasons. ☆原因 1 : In the first place, ___________ is the root cause. A good case in point is that _____________________/(According to a survey), a majority of ______ admit that _____. (原因+例子/或调查法描述) In the second place, _____ constitutes another major cause. Specifically/To ☆原因 2: be specific, _______________________________. (原因+具体说明:即现象描述). ☆原因 3: (强调句式)Then, it is _____ that makes /attracts/ enables ____ to ___. ☆ 万 能原因 4 : As a matter of fact, ______in mounting/ large numbers have (not) come to realize the significance /necessity of _____(for ____) ☆原因 5: Besides, social prejudice/ignorance plays a critical role in this issue/matter. ☆ 原 因 总 结 1 : As a consequence, _______ pay relatively less(more) attention to _______. 原因总结 2:Consequently, ____ has (not) been emphasized.
一、 写作用词两方面: 1. 广度:using a rich variety of words � 方法:1). 同义反义词; 2). 同根词(词性转化) ; 3). 范畴词:上义词、 下义词、 相关词 (如: 题目 online shopping 的相关词可以是: Internet, shopping websites, customers, online stores, goods) 4). 代词替换:某群体 those with/ people who 如: 拥有博士学位的人群� those with doctoral degrees/ people who have doctoral degrees 2. 广度:弃用第一反映词。 二、 句子写作 2.1 造句原则:1) 切忌逐字翻译;2)汉语意思—》英文结构 2.2 造句基础:1)简单句:主谓、主谓宾、主系表、主谓双宾、主谓宾补 2)并列句:and/ or/ while/ but 3)复合句:名词从句、定语从句、状语从句 备注:三种基本句式变体为:陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句 等 2.3 如何写正确?三个事项: 1)词性;2)单复数;3)动词(时态、语态、语气) 4 写作翻译常用句式: 2. 2.4 For CET-4 1)被动