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(1)100%、I speak to you forthe firsttime asPri me Ministerin a solemn hour for thelife ofour country,of our empire,ofourallies,and,above all, of the cause of freedom、Atremendous battle israging inFrance and Flanders、The Germans,by a remarkable bination of air bombingandheavily armored tanks,havebroken through the French defenses north of the MaginotLine,and strong columns of theirarm oredvehicles areravaging the open country,whichfor thefirst day or twowas without defenders、They have penetrateddeeplyand spread alarm and confusion i ntheir track、Behindthemthere are now appearing infantry in Lorries,andbehind them,again,the large masses are moving forward、The re-gourmet oftheFrench armiesto make headagainstandalso tostrike at, this intrudingwedgehasbeen proceed ing forseveral days,largely assistedby the magnificentefforts of the RoyalAir Force、


solemn =严肃得;raging =猛烈地继续下去;Flanders = 佛兰德斯(中世纪欧洲一伯爵领地,包括现比利时得东佛兰德省与西佛兰德省以及法国北部部分地区);armored = 武装得;Maginot Line = 马其诺防线(事实上,法语指“Line Maginot”,就是以当时法国得国防部长AndréMaginot得名字来命名得),就是一条混凝土得防线与障碍物,横亘在法国北部,其设计得目得就是用来防御德国军队得入侵;columns =纵队;ravaging = 蹂躏; penetrated = 入侵;in their track =在她们得途中;infantry = 步兵;lorries= 【英】卡车(【美】= truck);re-gourmet= 重新集结;make head against,and also tostrike at = 试图切断敌人得行军队形并进行痛击;intruding wedge= 入侵得势力

ﻫ(2)85%、We mustnot allow ourselvesto be intimidated by thepresenceofthese armored vehic les inunexpected places behindourlines、If they are behindour Front,the French are alsoat many points fightingactivelybehindtheirs、Bothsides are therefore in an extremelydangerous position、

Andif the French Army,and our own Army,are well handled,asIbelieve theywill be;ifthe French re tainthat geniusfor recovery andcounter-attackfor which they have so longbeen famous; andif theBrit ishArmy shows thedogged endurance and solidfigh ting power of whichthere have beensomany examples in the past –then, a sudden transformationoft hescene might spring intobeing、


retain =保持;recovery= 痊愈;counter—attack= 反攻;dogged enduran ce = 顽强得忍耐(力);solidfightingpower =强大得战斗力;transformation =转变;spring into being =开始ﻫ

(3)75%、Itwouldbe foolish,however,to disguisethegravity of the hour、It wouldbe stillmore foolish to loseheart and courageorto supposethat well-trained,well-equipped armies numberingthree or four millionsofmen can beovere inthespaceof a fewweeks,or evenmonths,by a scoop,orraid ofmechanized vehicles,however formidable、We may look with confidenceto thestabilization of the front inFrance, and to the generalengagement of the masses,which will enable the qualities of the French andBr itish soldierstobematched squarely againsttho se oftheiradversaries、Formyself, I haveinv incibleconfidence in theFrenchArmyand its leaders、Onlya very smallpartof thatsplendid Armyhas yet beenheavilyengaged;and onlyavery smallpart ofFrance has yet been invaded、

