

Do you remember anything about your childhood?

Where were you born?Born-->bear

I was born in a small town/village called Taixing.

Born rich--->出生富贵

I feel like reborn.

where did you live when you were young?

I have been living in the same place for my whole life.

I grew up in a town called Taixing and this pleasant Spring takes me back to my hometown/childhood.

that noodle smell great.

it really takes me back to my childhood.

I spent my childhood in a village called Taixing.

what kind of upbringing did you have?

were your parents strict with you?

I guess my parents didn't really bring me up too strictly.

bring sb.up哺育某人

I was actually raised up by my grandparents,who tended to spoil me somehow.

spoil sb

spoil my stomach.

spoil oneself=give myself a treat

what did your parents teach you when you were a kid?

--I was brought up to be polite and respectful.

they tried to let me make my own mistakes.(自己发现自己的问题)

I think it was because they wanted me to be able to stand up for myself (勇敢面对).

Do you have any siblings?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

one child policy


I don't have any,but I have four younger cousins from my father's side. do you get on with them?

get on with与sb相处的如何

yes,we get on well now.

we have great time when we see each other.

But we didn't get on very well when we were children.

we used to argue and fight about everything.

I used to smoke

I used to drink,but I don't do it now.


if I want to get ahead,I need a good education.

get ahead取得成功.

I hope to carry on further education,and that's why I want to study in your country,which has the most prestigious university in the world. carry on持续,继续做...

Can you carry on?-let’s carry on.

what were your school days like?

I suppose I got on okay.

I wouldn't say I was quite successful,for most of the time,I got on okay. suppose猜想

you are not supposed to come back at home in this moment.

you are supposed to at school.

but sometimes I was quite naughty and messed around,just like most kids.

Messed around瞎混.

Were you a good student?

no,I'm not a good student,because I usually got down to work in the end.

got down to着手处理

Luckily,I got through all my exams.

got through通过

you can't imagine how much hardship l have gone through when I managed to pass the entrance examination,and went on to university to receive higher education.

managed to设法

Went on to接着,继续

you can't imagine how bad it was.

I managed to pay back all my debt.

are you feeling OK?I don't think you're looking too well today.

no,not really.I have got a temperature,a headache,a sore throat.

oh dear,I would say you’re going down with the flu or chicken pox. yes,I think so too,but I have got to fight it off.

go down with染上....样的病

Fight sth off竭力摆脱.

what can we do to get rid of flu?

some pain killers should bring your temperature down.

pain killer止痛片

Bring sth down把...降下来

if you’re feeling hot and unwell,drinking water will stop you from being so hot,which means cold water will cool you down too.

what else can we do to get rid of flu?

having a bit of a lie down will also make you feel better.

make sb feel better

you will get it over very soon if you follow what doctor said.


Moving into a new place

hi,I heard you've got a wonderful new flat楼房/apartment楼房/house (独栋)

that's great,I have just moved in.you must come round sometime. come round顺道拜访

thanks,I would love to come to visit.

would love to sth特别想做sth

I would love to have some more,it's really nice.

why don't you come round next week then.

why don't you do sth.

Why don't you look after it well.

why don't you carry on umbrella with then.

visiting one's new home

hold on a second/minute

so glad you could come round.

come on in.

this is a fantastic house.

let me hang my coat up and put my scarf on the same hook,too,just in case I forget.

I'll show you around,let's have a look at the living room first.

show sb around带某人看看逛逛

this is such a great house,you're so lucky,I'm very jealous,if I were you, I definitely won't be moving on for a while.I would want to stay in. thanks,it's only been a week and feel like I have been here for years.I settled in already.


I have brought you some champagne to celebrate.a toast to your new flat.

let's drink to the flat,cheers.

let's have a toast to the new bride and groom,happy marriage.

house warming party

guests are coming over to my place for a house warming party and I'm getting in lots of crisps and alcohol to keep them happy.

get in购买

Why don't you put another CD on.this is a great song to join in and dance to.

the lyrics even say‘get down‘which means to dance.

this party food is delicious.

eat up.there's plenty more.

thanks,it's great I'll have no problem eating them up,it's lovely.

drink up

I'll go and make you anther cocktail.

you are a great host.

hang on then and I'll finish this first.

hang on=hold on


I have just been buying some new clothes.

I have got a brand new outfit.

when I'm on my shopping trip,I don't just do window shopping,I love to try on new clothes,because I want to see if clothes in shops fit me or not.

I'm doing some Internet videoing,and I have to dress up,which means to wear something formal.I always try to make an effort to look smart. dress up打扮正式

make an effort to努力做sth

look smart看上去精神

but if I'm not getting on TV or Internet,I can dress down,which means I can wear something casual.

when I finish videoing,I have got to do some running so I need to wear my sports outfit instead.


you're standing in the rain waiting for you date,you have been wait for a long time.

it looks like they have stood you up.

stood you up让某人空等,放某人鸽子

it's horrible being stood up.

horror movie恐怖电影

you feel that they’ve let you down,which means they've not done what they said they would do.

if people stood you up,the next time you see them,you'll probably fall out it means you'll argue or quarrel with them.

fall out闹翻争吵

you never want to see them again as long as you live.

many friends fall out over food/money.

you might even decide to end the relationship or break up with your friends.

but sometimes,people break up,and then they make up again.they stop arguing and think they'll give it another try.再试一试

some couples seem to be breaking up and making up again all the time. if someone was really special to you,you need time to get it over.恢复you need some time to get used to live without them,to accept the end of the relationship.

move on

meet someone new

starts over again


do you have a glittering career?

is it all you even dreamed it would be?

well-paid,nice office,company car

how are you getting on at work?

get on怎么样

how well are things going for you at work/in life/at school

I'm so lucky to land a dream job in my ideal company.

it was difficult to get employed,but I managed to pass the tests and successful in the interviews,and get in.(be accepted)

I have just been promoted(I have got a more important job now)

I'm really heading for the top.

this job is taking over my life,because I have to work longer and harder than before.

I really think this job makes me run out of time to do other things in my life.

run out of time没时间

Take over占据

Get employed被聘用

I have got to slow down,otherwise I'll be too tired to do anything.

and I'm going to burn out and won't be able to do my job probably


burn out燃尽

I need to pace myself-work more slowly


don't run out of steam before you get to the top.

(I don't want to use all my energy before I can get promoted again) promoted晋升


一、问候Begruessung 1 您好!Guten Tag! 2 早上好。GutenMorgen! 3 下午好。Guten Tag! 4 晚上好。Guten Abend! 5再见。Auf Wiedersehen! 6谢谢。Dankeschoen! 7你好吗?Wie geht es Ihnen? 8你叫什么名字?Wie heissen Sie? 9你来自哪个国家?Woher komm en Sie? 10见到你很高兴!Ichfreuemich sehr, Sie zu sehen. 二、问路Fragen nach dem Weg 11请问去体育馆怎么走?Entschuldigung, darf ich Sie mal fragen, wie ichzumStadion gehe? 12您可以乘坐地铁。Sie koennen mit der U-Bahn dorthin fahren. 13最近的地铁站在哪?Woistder naechste U-Bahnhof? 14你一直往前走。Gehen Sie bitte immer geradeaus! 15公共汽车站离这远吗?Ist die Bushaltestelle weit von hier entfernt? 16走路大概要10分钟。Zu Fuss braucht m anzirkazehn Minuten. 17我打算去动物园。Ich m oechte zum Zoo. 18你可以乘坐出租车前往。Sie koennen ein Taxinehmen. 19让我们看看地图。Schauen wir mal auf die Landkarte! 20好吧,我们现在出发。OK, jetzt fahren wirlos. 三、购物 21你想去王府井购物吗?22我们去逛街吧。23这件衣服多少钱?24这双鞋很适合你。25这条裤子有些贵。26可以使用信用卡结帐吗?27有其他的颜色吗?28可以试穿一下吗?29可以便宜一点吗?30好的,我买了。Einkaufen21MoechtenSie zur Wangfujing-Strasse einkaufen gehen?22 Gehen wireinkaufen!23Wie viel kostet die Kleidung?24 Die Schuhe passenIhnen gut.25 DieHose ist mir ein bisschen teuer.26 Kann man


英语聊天常用语100句 1. How are you doing? 你好吗? 2. I'm doing great. 我过得很好。 3. What's up? 出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了? 4. Nothing special. 没什么特别的。 5. Hi. Long time no see. 嗨,好久不见了。 6. So far so good. 到目前为止,一切都好。 7. Things couldn't be better. 一切顺利。 8. How about yourself? 你自己呢? 9. Today is a great day. 今天是个好日子。 10. Are you making progress? 有进展吗? 11. May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名? 12. I've heard so much about you. 久仰大名。 13. I hope you're enjoying your staying here. 希望你在这里过得愉快。 14. Let's get together again. 改天再聚聚。 15. That's a great idea! 好主意! 16. Please say hello to your mother for me. 请代我向你母亲问好。 17. I'm glad to have met you. 很高兴遇到你。 18. Don't forget us. 别忘了我们。 19. Keep in touch. 保持联系。 20. I had a wonderful time here. 我在这里度过了难忘的时光。 21. Have a nice weekend. 周末愉快。 22. Same to you. 彼此彼此。 23. Nice talking to you. 很高兴与你聊天。 24. Take care of yourself. 自己当心/照顾好你自己。 25. Thank you for everything. 谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。 26. Thank you all for coming. 谢谢光临。 27. I appreciate your help. 我感谢你的帮助。 28. You're always welcome. 别客气/不用谢 29. Forget it. 算了吧 30. It was my pleasure. 不用谢。 31. I made a mistake. 我弄错了。 32. I'm terribly sorry. 实在抱歉。 33. I must apologize! 我必须道歉! 34. I feel terrible. 我感觉糟透了。 35. It's not your fault. 那不是你的错。 36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you. 抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。 37. What do you do? 你做什么工作? 38. How do you like your new job? 你觉得你的新工作怎样? 39. I like it a lot. 我很喜欢。 40. I like reading and listening to music. 我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。 41. What's wrong? 怎么回事?


德语考试口语学习:旅行情景对话 A: Wie lange sind Sie schon in China ? 您来中国多长时间了 ? B: Sechs Monate. 六个月了。 A: Sind Sie inzwischen viel gereist ? 这期间您经常去旅行吗 ? B: Ja, ich war im Juli in Guilin. Guilin ist eine gro?e Attraktion für uns Ausl?nder. 是的,我在七月份去了桂林。对于我们外国人来说桂林是非常有吸引力的。 A: Sind Sie nun zum ersten Mal in Beijing ? 您是第一次来北京吗 ? B: Ja, in Beijing gibt es viele sch?ne alte Bauwerke, die mir sehr gut gefallen. Und die weltbekannte Gro?e Mauer liegt nicht weit von Peking. Morgen werden wir die Mauer besichtigen. 是的,在北京有许多美丽的古老建筑,我十分喜欢。而举世瞩目的长城离北京不远,明天我们将去游览长城。 A: Zu dieser Jahreszeit ist in Peking fast immer herrliches Wetter. 这个季节里北京几乎都是好天气。 B: Stimmt. Wir haben die ganze Zeit blauen Himmel. 没错,这段时间一直是天气晴朗。 A: Wissen Si e, in China gibt es noch viele sch?ne Sehenswürdigkeiten. 您知道吗,在中国还有好多美丽的风景名胜呢。 B: Sie haben recht. Ich m?chte daher n?chstes Jahr auf die Seidenstra?e fahren und dort zwei Wochen verbringen. Ich wei? nicht, ob ich fliegen oder mit dem Zug fahren soll . 您说得对,所以我想明年去趟丝绸之路,在那儿待上两个星期。但是我不知道,我该乘飞机去还是坐火车去。 A: Mit dem Zug kann man die Landschaft unterwegs genie?en, wenn man so viel Zeit hat. 如果有时间坐火车的话,可以欣赏沿途的风光。 B: Ja, aber es ist mir zu weit weg. Und Sie? Kennen Sie Deutschland ? 是的,不过对于我来说路太远了。那您呢 ?您去过德国吗? A: Ja, ich habe im Sommer eine Gesch?ftsreise nach München gemacht. Es war sehr sch?n. Die Stadt hat viele bedeutende Baudenkm?ler. Die Frauenkirche mit den zwei berühmten Türmen gef?llt mir sehr gut. 去过,今年夏天我出差到了慕尼黑,这个城市很漂亮,有许多重要的名胜古迹,我很喜欢有两个著名尖塔的圣母教堂。 B: Klar, München ist das süddeutsche Kulturzentrum. Die Landschaft von Oberbayern ist auch sehr sch?n. 那当然,慕尼黑是德国南部的文化中心,上巴伐利亚的风光也很美。 A: Unser Hotel lag direkt an dem “Englischen Garten”. Die Umgebung dort war


Hao: Good morning madam. What can I get you? Hao: 早上好,您要点什么? Jenny: I’d like a coffee please. Jenny: 我要一杯咖啡。 Hao: Certainly madam, what kind of coffee would you like? Hao: 您要哪一种? Jenny: What have you got? Jenny: 你们都有什么? Hao: Well we have espresso, cappuccino, latte, skinny latte or americano. Hao: 我们有义式浓缩咖啡,花式咖啡,拿铁咖啡,脱脂拿铁咖啡或美式咖啡。 Jenny: Goodness me! What a choice! I think I’ll have a cappuccino please Jenny: 这么多种类! 请给我一杯花式咖啡吧。 Hao: Here you are. You’ll find the sugar just over there. Hao: 给您,砂糖就在那边。 Ling: Would you like something to drink? Ling: 你想喝点什么? Jenny: Yes please. Do you have any teas? Jenny: 好的,你们有茶吗? Ling: Of course we have lots of teas? Ling: 当然,我们有很多。 Jenny: What do you recommend? Jenny: 你给推荐一种吧? Ling: What about a green tea or perhaps a jasmine tea? Ling: 你看绿茶或茉莉花茶,怎么样? Jenny: What’s this one? Jenny: 这是什么? Ling: That’s Oolong tea – it’s a Cantonese tea. Ling: 这是乌龙茶-是一种广东茶。 Jenny: Ok, I’ll try that. Jenny: 好吧,我想试试。 What can I get you? 你要点什么? What have you got? 你们有什么? What do you recommend? 你给推荐一下好吗? I’ll try that. 我来试试那个。


Schoen Tag noch! 1.Hatten Sie einen schoen Tag! 祝您有美好的一天! Ruhe bitte! 2.请安静! Kannst du mir helfen? 3.你能帮我么? Koennen Sie das bitte aufschreiben? 4.您能记下来么? Ja,auf jeden Falls. 5.无论如何都可以。 Gleichfalls. 6.Ebenfalls. 你也一样。 Ganz gut! 7.非常好! Job ganz ok! 8.还不错! Viel Spa?! 9.祝你愉快! Viel Glueck! 10.祝你好运! Viel Glueck Geburtstag! 11.生日快乐! Ein bisschen. 12.Nur ein bisschen. 13.只有一點點 Das wei? ich nicht. 14.Ich weisz nicht. 我不知道 übung macht den Meister. 15.熟能生巧 Gesundheit ! 16.祝你健康! Wirklich? 17.真的麼? Gete Bessrung! 18.祝你早日康復! Das ist nicht wichtig! 19.那一點都不重要 Du bist sp?t! 20.你遲到了! Bis sp?ter! 21.晚點見! Auf dein Wohl! 22.为你的健康干杯! Prost!干杯 23.Sehr angenehm 24.很高兴认识你 Ich habe Sie nicht verstanden. 25.Etwas lauter bitte 26.Keine Panik! 27.Vielleicht hast du recht. 28.常用的德语日常对话 2015年6月4日15:51


《英语日常会话常用句型》 How do we greet people? When meeting someone for the first time, it is usual to shake the person's right hand with your right hand. People who do not know each other generally do not kiss or hug when meeting. When you first meet someone, it is polite not to talk about personal matters. Many Australians look at the eyes of the people they are talking with. They consider this a sign of respect, and an indication that they are listening. Do not stare at the person for a long time. You can address a new acquaintance using their title and family name. You may use their first name when they ask you to or use it in the introduction. In the workplace and among friends, most Australians tend to be informal and call each other by their first names. 1.Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西·金。 4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 How to make introduction ?


?日常用语: 就是日常生活中的交际用语,如Thank you. Sorry.等 谚语: 即是人们生活中常用的现成的话。 谚语类似成语,但口语性强,通俗易懂,而且一般都表达一个完整的意思,形式上差不多都是一两个短句。 例如:Helaughsbestwholaughslast.谁笑到最后,谁就笑得最好。 Nopains,nogains.没有付出,就没有收获。 ?英语日常交际用语分类: 打招呼与告别用语(Greeting and Saying Good-bye) 1.-How are you ? -I’m fine, thanks. 2. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too. 谈论颜色(Talking about colour) 1. -What colour is it? -It’s red. 2. -What’s you favourite colour, Jenny? -My favourite colour is blue. 3. -How many colours do you like? -Three. 谈论高度(Talking about height) 1. -Are you short or tall? -I’m short/tall. 2. -How tall am I, Mr Wood? -You’re 1.6 metres tall. 看病用语(Seeing a doctor) 1. -What’s the matter? -I cut my knee. It hurts. 就餐用语(Having meals) 1. -Would you like some dumpling? -No, thanks./ Yes please. 2. I’d like porridge for breakfast. 3. It’s /Thery’re delicious. 4. What would you like for supper? 5. -Are you ready to order? -Yes, please. I’d like……. 谈论天气(Talking about weather) 1 -How is the weather today?/What’s the weather like today?


Man gew?hnt sich an alles. 一切都会习惯的 Mein Magen meldet sich. 我饿得肚子直叫 Das ist zum Schreien. 真可笑! Gib blo? nicht so an! 别吹牛了! Du bist in etwas getreten. 你脚上有脏东西 Ich habe schon alles M?gliche angestellt. 我已经想尽办法了Stell dich nicht so dumm an! 别那么傻比了 Er l?sst sich gut anstellen. 他很听使唤 Was führt dich zu mir? 什么风把你吹来了? Wohin führt dieser Weg? 这条路通到哪里? Sonst noch was! 岂有此理! Wer sonst, wenn nicht er? 不是他,还会有谁? Jetzt reicht’s mir aber! 我受够了! Gib Acht auf die Kleine. 看好小孩子 Sch! 嘘! Benimm dich nicht wie ein altes Weib. 别像个老太婆一样的Er ist auf Rente. 他已经退休了 Wir kommen gut miteinander aus. 我们相处得很好 Das geht dich einen Dreck an. 这管你屁事(粗) Das kümmert mich einen Dreck. 这管我屁事(粗) Quatsch doch nicht rum! 别废话了! Ich muss mich doch sehr wundern. 我可真没想到 Endlich fasste ich mir ein Herz. 最终我鼓起勇气


归纳总结功能相同的句型: 打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:i am ,please。但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。 May I speak to Mr. Li I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please. 对,我就是。 Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。) 您是哪位 Who's calling, please或者 Who's speaking, please 或者Who is this, please This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。 其他 Is Sue James in休·詹姆斯在吗 I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。) He's not in. 或者He's out now. 感谢类: Thanks! Thank you! Thanks a lot!

Thank you very much! Thank you very,very much! 答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系. That’s OK. 没关系. Not at all. 不用谢. You are welcome.不必谢. It’s a pleasure. 道歉类: Sorry. I am sorry… I am sorry for… 应答类:That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That’s nothing. 建议类:You had better … Shall we do… What about doing… How about doing…


英语口语情景对话,职场常用英语句型大盘点 外企职员必备的一项基本技能。很多员工头疼自己的英文过不了关,一碰到要用英文进行文书或是要和老外进行交流就六神无主,今天小编特地为大家搜罗了一些经典且常用的句型,大家不妨做个有心人收藏着,莫到用时方恨少呢! 1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我写信时要确认/询问/通知你… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today… 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话... 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5… 先前在10月5日所写的信… 5. As I mentioned earlier about… 如我先前所提及关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail… 如我在先前的信中所提出… 7. As we discussed on the phone… 如我们上次在电话中的讨论…

8. From our decision at the previous meeting… 如我们在上次会议中的决定… 9. As you requested/per your requirement… 按照你的要求… 10.In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided… 回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定… 今天我们要讲的习惯用语都是以thin这个单词为主。Thin就是瘦,或者是很薄。要是人们有选择的话,恐怕许多人都喜欢瘦一点,而不愿意太胖。但是,今天我们要讲的前两个习惯用语都包含消极的意思。 1. wear thin 打折扣;逐渐消失 Wear在这里的意思是某一样东西在一段时间里,它的功能和价值在逐步降低,也就是中文里说的损耗。这可以指具体的东西,也可以用在其他方面。举例来说吧。 例句-1:Your patience with another person may wear thinif he keeps doing something you don't like. 要是一个人老是做你不喜欢的事,那你对他就会越来越没有耐心。 我们再来举一个例子。要是一个人问你借钱,他保证在一个月后还给你。但是,到了时候他没有还。而且还不断地找借口,拖延不还。过了半年,你对他实在没有耐心了,于是你对他说: 例句-2:Joe, remember that money you borrowed six months ago. You told me you'd pay it back in 30 days. But you keep finding reasons not to return it. Now I really need it back, and I must say that all your excuses for delay are beginning to wear thin.


聊天之常用语 alles klar. (好的) auf wiedersehen! (下次再见) auf wiedersehen! (再见) bitte nach ihnen. (您先请) bitte schon (别客气) bitte! (请) danke (谢谢) ein wenig (稍微一点儿) einen moment bitte! (请稍等) entschuldigen sie mich bitte! (对不起了) entschuldigen sie mich bitte! (我失陪一会儿) fntschuldigen sie! (对不起了) gut! (行了) gute nacht. (晚安) guten abend. (晚上好) guten morgen. (早上好) guten tag. (您好) ich freue mich,sie kennenzulernen. (幸会幸会) ich freue mich,sie zu sehen. (能见到您真高兴) ich gratuliere! (恭喜) ich habe den weg verloren. (我迷路了)

ich verstehe sie nicht. (你说的话我不懂) ich verstehe. (知道了) in ordnung. (好的) ja (是) nein (不) sagen sie bitte noch einmal! (请再说一遍) schnell bitte! (请快些) schon gut! (行了) schones wetter,nicht wahr? (天气真好啊) sprechen sie bitte noch langsamer! (请说得再慢一点) um wieviel uhr? (几点了) viele (很多) wann? (什么时候) warum? (为什么) was bedeutet das? (这是什么意思) was ist das? (这是什么) was? (什么) welche? (哪一个) wer? (谁) wie geht es ihnen? (您好吗) wie heissen sie? (请问尊姓大名) wie lange? (多少(时间、长度))


德语购物情景对话 王先生按照行人的指点找到了这家商店,他走进去后,商店的服务员热情地为他服务。 Herr Wang hat das Kaufhaus gefunden。Er geht in den Laden und die Verk?uferin bedient ihn freundlich。 对话Dialog - Guten Tag!Womit kann ich dienen? 您好。我怎样为您效劳? - Sie haben im Schaufenster eine Jacke,die mir gef?llt。 您在橱窗里有一件我很喜欢的上衣。 - Welche Jacke meinen Sie? 您指的是哪件? - Die Jacke rechts。Ist sie blau oder grau? 右边的那一件。蓝色的还是灰色的? - Das kann ich nicht gut erkennen。Ich zeige Ihnen,welche Jacke ich meine。 我看不太清。我指给您看是哪一件。 - Welche Gr??e haben Sie? 您穿多大的? - Gr??e 48。 48号的。 - Moment,ich sehe nach。 等一等,我去看一看。 - Bitte,Ihre Gr??e und Farbe。 您要的尺寸和颜色。 - Ich ziehe die Jacke mal an。 我是一下。 - Sie sehen sehr gut darin aus。 看起来很适合您。 - Wie teuer ist diese Jacke? 这件衣服多贵? - Das ist reine Seide,italienische Marke…… 这是纯丝绸的,意大利的牌子…… - Der Preis? 价钱呢? - 390 Euro。 390欧元。 - Nein,ich glaube,das ist zu teuer für mich。 不,我想太贵了。


英语口语日常情景对话用语 一、祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much. 2.- I hope you‘ll succeed in everything. - So do I. 3.- I wish you success. - Thank you. 4.- We send you our best wishes. - Thank you very much. 5.- Happy new year ! - Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - Thank you. 7.- I hope you‘ll have a good time. - Thank you. 8.- Happy birthday! - Thank you. 二、邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) 1.- Would you like to come to the party? - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday. - I‘m sorry, but I can‘t. 3.- Will you go dancing with us? - Of course. I‘ll be glad to. 4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - Yes, thank you. 5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - OK. When? 6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see


西安英德教育,专注、德语、法语、西班牙语、托福、雅思、AP 、STA 等语言培训! 本文只是提供德语字母和字母组合发音以及发音规则的一个总结,供初学者快速学习使用。但要想能牢固掌握德语的语音的话,还需要不断的练习。德语的语音学习起来较为简单,因为字母的发音相对比较固定,所以无须借助国际音标就能学习。元音德语共有5个元音字母 a e i o u 和3个变元音字母? ? ü 。元音的发音有长音和短音之分。另有复合元音 au,eu (?u), ei(ai,ey,ay) ,复合元音无长短音。 元音长短音规则 1 在音节元音中后面没有辅音字母时发长音:da du Opa oder 2 在同一音节中元音后只有一个辅音发长音:gut Tat,否则发短音:Mann Bett Mund 。例外:das es an 3 元音后有不发音的h 时发长音:geht Kuh 4 元音重叠发长音(字母i 不重叠,而写成ie ):Tee die Boot 5 在非重读音节或词尾时字母e 轻读,发成类似“的”中的韵母e 的音:bitte bekommen 辅音 德语辅音字母的读音基本同用语中相应的字母相同,这里只列举出发音不同的字母 w 在德语中发成英语中字母v 的音,即f 对应的浊辅音。 v 一般发成清辅音,在外来词中才发浊辅音。 j 与汉语中“压”的声母相似。 z 与英语的祖母组合ts 类似,有点象汉语拼音的声母c 。 c 在a ,o ,u 前发k 的音,在e ,i 前发z 的音 r 一般通过小舌振动发出小舌音。发不出小舌音可以通过喉头摩擦发音来蒙混过关。 x 发成ks 的音 y 与j 相同。但也可以做元音发成ü。 如果辅音字母有相应的清辅音,则当其后没有元音时,该字母要发成相应的清辅音。 下面是一些辅音字母组合的发音 ch 在a o u au 后发成[x],与h 有些象,但绝对不是h ;在e i 后发成[?],类似汉语的“西”,但也不真是。(这里给出了精确的国际音标,因为否则实在没法讲。) chs 发成ks 的音 ds ,ts ,tz 均发成z 的音,即音标[ts]。 dt ,th 发成 t 的音。 -ig 在词尾或辅音前发成ich 的音。 ph 发成f 的音。 qu 发成kw 的音,即[kv]。 ss 或? 永远发清音。 sch 发成类似汉语拼音声母sh (“师”)的音。 sp ,st 中的s 发成sch 的音。 tsch 发成类似汉语“吃”的音。 好了,德语语音大致就这么些东西,现在你就可以去找东西来练习了,先一个个词来,慢慢到句子,再到篇章。 更多语言学习知识尽在--西安英德教育(https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d11333248.html,)

德语情景对话 点餐知识讲解


A: Guten tag. B: Tag, Ist der Platz hier frei? 这个位子有空? A: Ja, der Platz ist frei. 是的,这个位子有空。 B: Danke. A: Hier ist die Speisekarte. Was darf ich Ihnen bringen? 这里是菜单, 您要什么菜? B: Mm, gibt es eine hiesige Spezialit?t?嗯,有什么招牌菜吗 A: Ich empfeh le Ihnen Sü?-sauer Fisch 我想您推荐糖醋鱼 B: Sch?n. Das nehme ich.好吧。我就要这个。Und ich m?chte noch Hühnersuppe. 我还要一份鸡汤。 C: Die m?chte ich auch mal bestellen. 我也要订一份Und ich m?chte noch Mapo Tofu我还要一份麻婆豆腐Und für uns als Nachspeise ein Eis. 给我们冰淇淋作饭后点心。 A: Und was trinken Sie? 那还要喝什么? C: Zu trinken bitte einen Apfelsaft und eine Cola. 饮料要一杯苹果汁和一杯可乐。 A: Sonst noch etwas? 此外还要些什么? B: Nein,danke. 不,感谢 A: Guten Appetit! 祝好胃口

B: Prost ! 干杯! C: Zum Woh l ! Ach, es riecht so gut. Mir l?uft das Wasser im Mund zusammen. 祝你健康!啊,真好闻!我都要流口水了。 B: Wie schmeckt es dir,? 味道怎样? C: Hm,gut! Das Restaurant versteht die chinesische Kochkunst ziemlich gut. 这家餐馆的中国菜手艺很不错 B: Sehr gut ! Greif bitte zu. 很好!请多吃些 C: Heute haben wir sehr gut gegessen. Ich kann wirklich nicht mehr. Ich habe noch nie so viel gegessen. 今天我们吃得很好,我真的不能再吃了,我从来没有吃过这么多 B: Frau Ober, bitte zahlen ! Was macht das zusammen ? 小姐,请结帐!一共多少钱? A: 23 Mark, bitte ! Hier ist die Rechnung. 一共是23马克,这是帐单 B: Danke, das stimmt so. Der Rest ist für Sie.. 给您钱,不用找了。 A: Vielen Dank. 非常感谢


情景对话练习三 1、同学之间互相打招呼时可以说:()A. Hello! B. Goodbye! 2、向别人作自我介绍时说:()A. I’m Sarah. B. Hello! 3、家里来了客人,要礼貌地说:()A. What’s your name? B. Welcome! 4、老师问你的名字,你回答:()A. What’s your name? B. My name is Chen Jie. 5、早上见到老师可以说:()A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! 6、当你的同学把他的兄弟John介绍给你认识时,你对John说:() A. This is John. B. Nice to meet you. 7、你想把你的好朋友Mike介绍给你妈妈时可以说:() A. This is Mike. B. Hi! Mike 8、你想邀请你的同学和你一起去上学,你说:()A. This is my school. B. Let’s go to school. 9、问候你的朋友可以说:()A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. 10、别人对你说:How are you?时,你回答说:()A. Fine, thank you. B. I’m nine. 11、你想知道新同学的名字,可以问他:()A. What’s your name? B. Welcome! 12、想跟人家道别,可以说:()A. Welcome! B. Goodbye. 13、问别人的红铅笔在哪,应该说:() A. Where is your red pencil? B. Where is your black pencil? 14、别人帮你的忙,你应该说:()A. Thank you! B. You’re welcome. 15、别人向你道谢,你应该说:()A. Thank you! B. You’re welcome. 16、你想告诉别人你喜欢红色时,你说:() A. I like green. B. I like red. 17、请别人看你时,你说:()A. This is me. B. Look at me. 18、你的同学向你提议一起去上学,你同意了说:()A. Hi! B. OK! 19、人家问Where is your book?你指着书说:() A. This is my book. B. Here it is. 20、Mike对你说“I like white”你也喜欢,你可以说:() A. Me too. B. This is white. 21、你想告诉别人你有一个黑色的书包,你说:() A. This is a black bag. B. I have a black bag. 22、你想知道对方是谁,可以问:()A. How are you? B. Who are you? 23、老师在教新单词,要求同学们认真观察他的口型时说:() A. Look at my eye. B. Look at my mouth. 24、要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说:()A. Have some milk! B. I like milk. 25、Mike想吃汉堡包,你拿给他时说: ()A. Can I have a hamburger? B. Here you are. 26、向妈妈表示自己想喝果汁时说:() A. Have some juice, please. B. Can I have some juice? 27、别人请你吃东西,你不想吃了说:()A. Yes, thank you. B. No, thank you. 28、请别人把他的玩具熊给你看时说:() A. Show me your Teddy Bear. B. Where is your Teddy Bear? 29、想看别人的东西时问:()A. May I have a look? B. How old are you?
