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英语四种基本句式:述、疑问、祈使和感叹句 一:肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句 例

句:I am a student.

He goes to school. I am not a boy. He does not go to school.

Are you a stude nt?

Do you / Does she like En glish What time (is it ),please ? which is your pen?

What day today ? 问星期 what date is it today? 问日期 含 be/am is are was were:

This is a book.

Is this a book? __ yes, it is / no, it isn This is not a book.

What is this ? what this is ? 不含be 的,借助do/does: like ?


how long 问时间 how soon 问时间 how often 肯定句转否定句中特殊用法:

1. some 变为 any 。如:There are some birds in the tree. — There aren't any birds in the tree.

但是,若在表示邀请、请求的句子中,some 可以不变。女口: Would you like some orange juice? 与此相关的一些不定代词如 somethi ng, somebody 等也要进行相应变化。

2. and 变为 or 。如:I have a knife and a ruler. — I don't have a knife or a ruler.

You needn ' t worry about the job and pay._ You needn

' t worry about the job or pay. (Don ' t need to )

3. a lot of (=lots of ) 变为many (修饰可数n )或much (修饰不可数n )。如:

They have a lot of frie nds. (可数名词)— They don't have many frien ds.

There is lots of orange in the bottle.


There isrnttch orange in the bottle. 4. already 变为 yet 。如:I have bee n there already.

— I have n't bee n there yet. I have sent you the mail already. — I haven ' t sent you the mail yet.

二:疑问句questios 分类:一般疑问、特殊疑问、反意疑问、选择疑问

II. 一般疑问句的基本结构:

A . be/助/情态动词(be can do have will 等)+主语+谓语/表语+(其他),句子要读升调; I like En glish. I do no t like En glish.

Do you like En glish? What do you like? She likes En glish.

She does not like En glish. Does she like En glish. What does she When 问时间

who 问人 whose 问主人 where 问地点 which 问选择 why 问原因 what

day 问星期 how old 问年龄 what time 问时间 what date 问日期 how many/much what color 问颜色 what about 问意见 what place 问具体地点 How 问情况

问数量、价 how about 问意见 how far 问路程


Eg: Are they your friends ? Can you play basketball ? Can you swim to the other side ?

Does he go to school on foot ? Do you like En glish?

Have you locked the door ? Will you be free tonight ? 以上均可用yes、no 来回答。


Eg: Somebody is with you ?He didn ' t finish the work You arefresh from America ,I

suppose ?

22.一般疑问句的回答:除yes、no 夕卜,也可用certainly , probably , perhaps , of course , all right ,with

pleasure 等代替yes,用never,not at all 等代替no ;

Eg: —Can you help me ? —Certai nly.

—Could you please make less noise ? —All right ,sir.

—Have you bee n there ? —Never.

33.一般疑问句的否定式:A. 一般结构:系/助/情态动词+not+主语;


Eg: Do you not/Don

Are you not / Aren

Is he not / Is n Does Hele n not /Does n ? t you believe me? Is it not / Isn ? t it a lovely day?

? t you coming?Will you not /Won ? t you sit down? ? t he a doctor? Will he not /Won ? t he go with you?

? t Helen like chocolate海伦不喜欢巧克力吗?


Eg:Haven ' t you read the newspaper Wor? t he come ?他不来了啊?

Shouldn ' t we start now Wasn ' t it an interesting film ?

Wouldn ' t you like to go with me Won'? t you have a cup of coffee _____ ?

44.一般疑问句否定式的回答:否定的一般疑问句的答语中,yes的含义为“不”,no的含义为“是”,但在回答这类句子时,应该注意yes后接肯定结构,no后接否定结构,这和汉语习惯不同。Eg:—Are you n ot Mr Smith ? —Yes,I am.丕,我是//—No,I am not.是的,我不是

—Haven ? t you read this book before Yes,l?have.不,我读过// —No,I haven ? t. 是的,我没有Don ? you play chess ? —Yes ,I do.不,我下棋//—No ,1 don ? t.是我不下棋。

教你一招:在这样的答语中,只要根据实际情况来判断,如果事实上是,就用肯定的结构,前面接yes;如果事实上不是,就用否定结构,前面接no ;但此时的yes、no应翻译成反义的中文。

2. 特殊问句special questions : wh-questions 型问句,when. where. what. who. why. which.

A .特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句;即特殊疑问词+be/助/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语+(其他).

Eg: Who is it on the phone ?谁来的?How many oran ges can you see in the picture ?
