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1 abandon/desert/quit 放弃35 take sth into



2 abnormal 不正常的36 on account of/because

of/due to/owing to


3 abnormality 异常37 accountant 会计

4 aboard 在[船,飞机,火车]上38 accurate 准确的

5 how/what about 怎样39 accuse/charge 指责,指控

6 be about to do...when 正要做某事…突然40 accuse sb of doing 指责某人做某事

7 above 不屑于41 be accustomed to doing 习惯于…

8 above all 最重要的是42 make achievements 取得成就

9 after all 毕竟43 acid 酸,酸的

10 at home and abroad 在国内外44 acknowledge/admit 承认

11 in/during sb's absence 在某人不在时45 acquire 获得

12 be absent from 缺席46 acquisition 获得

13 people absent/present 缺席的人/在场的人47 act 行为,表演;法案

14 absolute 绝对的48 take action/put it into



15 absorb 吸收,理解49 active 活跃的,积极的

16 absorption 吸收50 passive 被动的,消极的

17 be absorbed in 专心于51 actually 实际上

18 abstract 抽象的;摘要52 adapt to/adjust to 适应

19 academic performance 学业成绩53 add up to 总计达

20 accent 口音,重音54 be addicted to 沉溺于

21 accept 接受,认可55 in addition/moreover/ furthermore/what's more


22 acceptable 可接受的

56 in addition to/as well

as/apart from/aside

from/other than


23 access 接近,进入权,享用权,入口

24 accessible 易接近(进入、使用、得到)的57 address 演讲,处理

25 have/get access to 可以到达/使用;有接触(或进


58 adequate/sufficient 充足的,适当的

26 by accident 意外地,偶然59 adjust 调整

27 accommodate 提供住宿,容纳60 administration 管理,行政

28 accommodation 住宿61 admire 赞赏,钦佩

29 accompany 陪伴62 admirable 令人钦佩的

30 accomplish 完成,实现63 admission 准许进入,录用,入场券

31 account 描述,账户,理由64 adolescent 青少年,青春期的

32 accountable 负责任的65 adopt 采用,通过,收养

33 account for 解释,占..比例66 in advance 提前

34 on no account/by no

means/in no case/under

no circumstances

绝不67 take advantage of 利用


1 advocate提倡,提倡者38 anniversary 周年纪念日

2 affair事件39 announce宣布

3 affect 影响,打动,(疼痛、疾病)


40 announcement宣告

4 affection感情,喜爱41 annoy使烦恼,使恼怒

5 can afford sth/to do能负担得起某事/做42 annual每年的,年刊

6 afterwards后来43 answer for为...负责

7 agent代理人,特工44 anti-pollution反污染,防污染

8 aggressive 侵略的,咄咄逼人的,积极


45 anxiety焦虑,渴望

9 agree with/on/to do 同意某人,适合,与...一致/


46 anxious焦虑的,渴望的

10 agreeable令人愉快的,和蔼可亲的47 anyhow/anyway/in any case不管怎样/无论如何

11 agriculture农业48 tear sth apart撕裂…

12 ahead of time提前49 apartment公寓

13 aid/assist帮助50 ape猿;模仿

14 first aid急救

15 aim at doing/to do目的在于做

16 aircraft飞机

17 alarm警报,惊恐

18 album专辑,相册,集邮本

19 alcohol酒精

20 alert警惕的,使警惕

21 alter改变

22 allowance津贴

23 let alone更不用说

24 get along/on well with相处很好,进展很好

25 alphabet字母表

26 alternative/option选择,供选择的

27 amateur业余爱好者,业余爱好的

28 be amazed at对...惊异

29 ambition/aspiration志向

30 a considerable amount of



31 amuse逗...乐

32 analysis分析

33 analyze分析

34 ancestor祖先

35 ancient古代的,古人

36 angle角度

37 ankle脚踝
