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11 The European Commission said that it had carried out“unannounced inspections”at big oil and biofuel companies, including S hell, BP, Norway’s Statoil, as well as at Platts, the world’s leading price-reporting agency.


commission◆n. 委员会;犯(罪)v. 委任;委托【构词】com+miss(=send/cast,送,放出,派,错过)+ion【近】council n. 委员会;理事会【词组】in commission 服役中

shell n. 壳v. 去壳;剥落【派生】shell less a. 无壳的【近】crust n. 面包皮;硬外壳【词组】shell out 付款;交予

leading a. 前列的;主要的

agency n. 机构;代理;(政府的)局、处【构词】ag(=do/act,做,代理做)+ency 【近】department n. 部门;系;知识范围

(Business this week/May 18, 2013)

12 Charities who find Section 501(c)(3)’s restrictions hamper their advocacy, often create a (c)(4) a ffiliate to pursue their lobbying agenda.



section n. 款;部件;阶层【构词】sect(=cut/divide,切、割)+ion)

affiliate n. 隶属的机构v. 使附属;接纳【派生】affiliative a. 有亲和力的

lobby v. 对……进行游说;陈情n. 门厅;休息室;游说团【派生】lobbyist n. 说客

agenda n. 日常工作事项;议事日程【构词】ag(=do/act, 做,代理做)+enda【近】programme n. 计划;程序【词组】set the agenda 制定议程

(The IRS scandal:How can you tell a charity from a political front? May 20, 2013)

13 Too often, airline staff at the boarding gate run lax regimes, allowing the most aggressive and (literally) pushy travellers to skip to the front of the line, play dumb about which groups have been called, and board before more rule-abiding types, who are all too often left to gate check their bags.


aggressive◆ a. 好斗的;有进取心的【构词】ag+gress(=go/walk,行走,步)+ive 【派生】aggressively ad. 侵略地;有闯劲地【近】militant a. 好战的literally ad. 简直,差不多;逐字地;真正地

dumb a. 哑的;沉默的【派生】dumbly ad. 默默地;无言地【近】mute a. 哑的;沉默的【词组】dumb down 降低……的难度

(A reward for packing light/May 20, 2013)

14 To add to the alarm, the authorities intercepted two letters, one addressed to Barack Obama and another to Roger Wicker, a senator, which appeared to contain ricin, a lethal poison.


alarm◆n. 惊恐;警报v. 使惊恐【构词】al+arm(=weapon,武器,臂)【派生】alarmingly ad. 惊人地;让人担忧地【近】shock n. 震动;休克

addres s◆v. 寄往,寄给;对……发表演说n. 地址【构词】ad+dress(=direct,直接的,指引)【派生】addresser n. 发信人;发言人

contain◆v. 包含;容纳;遏制【构词】con+tain(=hold,拿住,支撑)【派生】containable a. 可容纳的;可控制的【近】include v. 包含,包括

poison n. 毒药v. 使中毒;在……中放毒【派生】poisoner n. 投毒者【习语】What’s your poison? (非正式)想喝点什么?

(The Boston bomb/Apr 20, 2013)
