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评分标准: 1.讨论小组成员论点鲜明,论证有力.(50%)




1.What are your ideas about college education? What's the meaning of it? How

should you study in the college?

2.What is the meaning of learning? Why do human beings need to learn? Does

learning only occur at school? Why do we have a variety of courses at school?

What knowledge and skills are necessary for people to survive in the age of information?

3.You are now a freshman in college, what’s the ideal university on your

opinion? How did you spend during your college life? What do you think about your college life? Talk about your attitudes towards the current college education in China briefly.

4.What preparations should be made for college life? How to adapt to the new

college life? Do you think you have adapted to the new life here?Are there any difficulties in your present life?

5.Where are you from? Why did you choose this university? What’s your

major? Why did you choose it? Do you think your major will count for your future career?

6.Can you describe the likes and dislikes of your parents? Some people say it is

necessary for a child to celebrate birthdays for his or her parents, but some don't think so, what's your idea?

7.In a family, who do you think plays the more important role, the mother or

the father (the wife or the husband)? When there are quarrels between your parents, how will you do with it? Why?

8.What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages for a child to grow

up in a big family? Do you think there are any advantages to having a grandparent living with the family? In general, do you think having old people and young people living together creates conflict (or, problems)?

9.Could you tell me something about your family? Who does the most shopping

in your family? Who does the most cooking in your family? Who makes the major decisions in the home? What qualities do you expect from a good father and a good mother respectively?

10.In your opinion, which is more important, family or career? Why do you

think so? Suppose in the future your life is busy, then how to balance your family and career?

11.Do you think you have true friends? What do you think a true friend should

be? What kinds of attributes do you pay attention to when you make friends with others? What are three qualities you want in a good friend? What are three qualities you don’t want in a friend?

12.Do you think you are lucky enough to meet good people to make friends with?

How do you maintain your friendship? If there is distrust between you and your friend, how will you solve this crisis? If one of your friends did something terrible to you, would you forgive him/her?

13.Describe a friend you had when you were a child: how you first met, how

long you were friends, what you used to do together, and explain why you liked this person.

14.Have you ever found it difficult to make friends with others? What are the

efficient ways to make friends? How to make a longtime true friend? What will you do if one of your friends is having a difficult time?

15.Is real friendship only confined within the same sex? Someone said that

childhood friendship rarely lasts into adulthood. What do you think of the point of view? Will real friendship be influenced or altered by time and distance?

16.Have you ever heard of the story “The Wolf Is Coming”?Why did our

parents or grandparents tell us the story in our childhood? What values did you get from the story? If you feel liking telling a lie, will you recall the story?

Why or why not? Does this story still have any active influence on your present life? Why or why not?

17.What is a white lie? What is your attitude toward white lie? Have you ever

told a white lie? Under what circumstances do we tell a white lie?

18.How do you define honesty? Why is honesty important? Why is honesty so

difficult at times? When is honesty difficult? What would you do if you were cheated?

19.What is the opposite of honesty? Why is dishonesty not good? What kind of

problems does dishonesty cause? Is there difference between dishonesty and lying? What are some common situations when people are sometimes dishonest? How do you feel when you have been dishonest with someone?

How do you feel when someone has been dishonest with you?

20.How can you be honest and not hurt someone? Is it ever all right to give only

a partial truth? When might it be all right to give only a partial truth?

21.Do you think time is very important? Do you think time management is

important? Would you say you are good at managing your time? Do you think it a good habit to stay up late before an examination?
