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beautiful girls.
一般现在时 (疑问句)
句中有be动词或情态动词时,be 动词或情态动词can提前,首字母变 为大写;some 变any;第一人称变成 第二人称。
一般现在时 (一般疑问句)
He is a student. You are a boy.
Is he a student? Are you a boy? I can swim. They are teachers.
1. 表示经常性、习惯性的动作或状态 • I wash the dishes every day. • You go to school by bus sometimes. • They usually have lunch at 11:30. • He always gets up early. 2. 表示表示客观事实 You are 13. He is a student. 3. 表示永恒不变的真理; The moon goes round the earth.

Yes, he does. No,he doesn’t.
Does Amy often playes basketball on Sunday ? .

Yes, she does. No,she doesn’t.
Do they They

Yes, they do. No,they don’t. Yes, I do. No,I don’t.
take a shower every day ? .
I often go to school on foot . Do you ?

Does He he usually goes home by bus .?
I am a student. You are a nurse.
He is a policeman.
He is a postman.
It is a snake. It is a lion. They are animals.
I He
am Chen Jie. is a policeman.
She is
Can you swim?
Are they teachers?
I am a student.

a student ?
Yes, I am. No,I am not.
John is my Is John

your friend?
Yes, he is. No,he isn’t.
Do you go to school every day?
Mike likes playing computer games. Does Nancy likes games? playing computer
John wants some bread. Does John want any bread?
1)当谓语是实意动词时,一般现在时的构成: ①主语(非第三人称单数)+动词原形+其他 如:I often watch TV in the evening. Amy and Sarah like playing football. ②主语(第三人称单数)+动词的第三人称单数形 式+其他 如:John usually goes shopping on Sundays. Mike studies English every day.
They are students.

students ?
Yes, they are. No,they aren’t.
Is He
he is
Cheng Long .?
Chen Jie .?
Are I
you am
Are you We are
You Are are you

主语(非第三人称单数)如 I often go to school on foot. You usually go home by bus. We take a shower everyday. They often play basketball on Sunday.
Mike and John play football everyday.
二、单个人名、地名或称呼作主 语;是第三人称单数。
①Chen Jie looks like her mother. 陈洁看起来像她的母亲 ②Beijing is in China. 北京在中国。 ③My mother often makes cakes. 王叔叔经常做蛋糕。
实义动词第三人称单数的动词形式变化规则: 1、一般情况下,直接加s,如: reads, plays, works, makes 2、以s, x, ch, sh,o结尾的单词,后加es. 如: watches washes teaches does goes 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的单词, 变y为i,再加es, 如:flies, studies 4、不规则变化 如:have-has
She can speak English. She can not (can’t) speak English.
am not
We are not
You are not He is
a teacher. Jerry.
She is not
It is
They are not
1、I go 疑问句: Do to school by bus. you go to school by bus.
2、He goes
疑问句: Does bus.
to school by bus.
go he to school by
We go to school every day.
The students do homework everyday.
一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单 数。
He likes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。 She has lunch at twelve. 她十二点吃午餐。 It looks like a cat. 它看起来像只猫。
It is
a nurse.
a snake. girls. a student. students.
We are You are You are
They are beautiful girls.
一般现在时 (否定句)
在一般现在时中,句 中有be动词或情态动词 (can等)时,否定句在 be动词和情态动词后加 not。 例如
否: I don’t 2、He goes
to school by bus. to school by bus.
否百度文库He doesn’t go
I study English every day. I don’t study English every day.
She speaks Chinese well.
They don’t often play basketball on Sunday.

Mike doesn’t plays
football every day.
The students don’t do homework every day.
一般现在时 (一般疑问句)
句中没有be动词或情态动词时, 主语为非第三人称单数,变一般疑问 句在句首加Do,句子中动词用原形。 主语为第三人称单数,一般疑问句在 句首加Does,句子中原有动词用原形; Some变any. 例如
一般现在时 (否定句)
1、I am a teacher.否:I am not a teacher.
2、He is a student.否: He is not a student.
3、You are a boy.否: You are not a boy. 4、I can swim.否: I can not(can’t) swim.
句中没有be动词或情态动 词时,主语为第三人称单数的 变否定句在动词前加does not (doesn’t),非单三时,变否定 句在动词前加do not(don’t) 例如
一般现在时 (否定句)
1、I go to school by bus. go to school by bus.
Chinese .?
a student . ?
She is Is she
Is It it is Are are they They
lucy . ?
Zoom .? beautiful girls .?
二. 实义动词的一般现在时 1、什么叫实义动词? 实义动词是指表示有具体意思的动词, 也叫行为动词。 如: like(喜欢), eat(吃), live(居住), have(有), run(跑) 等等。 实义动词占英语中动词的绝大多数。
sit________ sits go goes makes make ________ writes write________ cry________ cries watch_______ watches says say_______ has have______
swim________ swims do _______ does run ________ runs sees see_ _____ study _________ studies wash_______ washes plays play _______ takes take_______
She doesn’t speaks Chinese well.
They don’t take a shower everyday.

He doesn’t often go es to school on foot. You don’t usually go home by bus.

We don’t take a shower every day.
The simple present tense
一般现在时表示经常发生的、习惯性的动作或存 在的状态。
与频率副词usually ,often, sometimes ,always和 时间短语in the morning /afternoon/evening, on Sundays , every day/week/year连用
I am a good boy. I am not a good boy.
He is a student. He is not (isn’t) a students.
They are students. They are not (aren’t) students.
always(总是) often(经常)
hardly(几乎不) never(从不) every year(每年) on Monday(在星期一)
usually(通常) sometimes(有时)
rarely(很少) every day(每天) all the time(所有时间) in January (在某月)
一. be动词的一般现在时
1. be动词: 主语 + be

am is(单三) +其它 are
如:I am a boy. 我是一个男孩。 He is a boy.他是一个男孩。
1)当谓语是be动词时,一般现在时的构成: 主语+be动词+其他 如:I am a student. He is Jim’s father.