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21.“You shouldn't smoke in public.”


A.It's very kind of you to say that

B.I'll give it a try

C.Thank you for your suggestion

D.No, thanks

22.“Excuse me, ____?”

“That's 108 yuan altogether, sir.”

A.can I order, please

B.could I have the bill, please

C.how much is the meal we've had

D.please count the money, will you

23.“Is everything going all right?”

“Well, ____as we expected, though.”

A.not so smoothly B.not so smooth

C.as smooth D.as smoothly

24.____weather in Xi'an is very hot in ____ summer.

A./;the B.The;/

C.The; the


25.He knows ____of physics, and still less of chemistry.

A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 26.I don't believe him. He ____be serious.

A.can't B.mayn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't

27.It will be some time ____they know the final results.

A.before B.when

C.than D.until 28.A new building is to be built here and now the old houses ____. A.are pulling down

B.are pulled down

C.are being pulled down

D.have pulled down

29.“She isn't a dancing teacher, is she?”

A.No, she is

B.No, but her sister is

C.Yes, she isn't

D.Yes, I think so

30.John got beaten in the game, ____had been expected.

A.as B.that

C.what D.who

31.“Have you started writing your composition yet?”

“No, I really don't know ____.”

A.what to write

B.how to write

C.what to write on

D.how to write in

32.Our teacher encourages us not to be afraid when ____difficulties.

A.have met B.we are met

C.meet D.meeting

33.I have no place to go, ____to take to and ____to do.

A.anybody; anything

B.nobody; nothing

C.everybody; everything

D.somebody; something

34.He worked ____a teacher and did a lot ____free.

A.as; for B.on; of

C.like; for D.at; for

35.He me to keep away from cigarette and do morning exercises every day.

A.agreed B.suggested

C.promised D.wished



When people discuss education they insist that preparation for examination is not the important purpose. They are right in theory(理论), but in 36 , we all realise 37 important examinations are. 38 do you know about the

examinations 39 at English secondary schools? Here are a few facts 40 some of them.

Pupils who remain at school 41 they are sixteen normally take what 42 the General Certificate(证书)of Education at Ordinary Level. The examination is a subject examination. This means you can take a number of subjects. Some pupils take as 43 as ten. The 44 subjects the better chance a pupil has of 45 a job 46 leaving school. For short, this examination is called
