

体育英语词汇:General Terms

manager 经纪人

instructor 教练,技术指导

guide 领队

trainer 助理教练

professional 职业运动员

amateur 业余运动员,爱好者

enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者

favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite)

outsider 无取胜希望者

championship 冠军赛,锦标赛

champion 冠军

record 纪录

record holder 纪录创造者

ace 网球赛中的一分

Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会

Universiade 世界大学生运动会

stadium 运动场

track 跑道

ring 圈

ground, field 场地

pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地

court 网球场

team, side 队

referee, umpire (网球.棒球)裁判

linesman,touch judge (橄榄球)裁判

contestant,competitor,player 运动员

Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会


Words of Sports: Athletics 竞技

race 跑

middle-distance race 中长跑

long-distance runner 长跑运动员

sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)

the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏

marathon 马拉松

decathlon 十项

cross-country race 越野跑

jump 跳跃

jumping 跳跃运动

high jump 跳高

long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump) triple jump,hop step and jump 三级跳

pole vault 撑竿跳

throw 投掷

throwing 投掷运动

putting the shot,shot put 推铅球

throwing the discus 掷铁饼

throwing the hammer 掷链锤

throwing the javelin 掷标枪

walk 竞走


Words of Sports

Individual Sports 体育项目

gymnastics 体操

gymnastic apparatus 体操器械horizontal bar 单杠

parallel bars 双杠

rings 吊环

trapeze 秋千

wall bars 肋木

side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马weight-lifting 举重

weights 重量级

boxing 拳击

Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤hold, lock 揪钮

judo 柔道

fencing 击剑

winter sports 冬季运动

skiing 滑雪

ski 滑雪板

downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降slalom 障碍滑雪

ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比赛ski jump 跳高滑雪

ice skating 滑冰

figure skating 花样滑冰

roller skating 滑旱冰bobsleigh, bobsled 雪橇



Words of Sports

Games and Competitions 球类运动

football 足球

rugby 橄榄球

basketball 篮球

volleyball 排球

tennis 网球

baseball 垒球

handball 手球

hockey 曲棍球

golf 高尔夫球

cricket 板球

ice hockey 冰球

goalkeeper 球门员

centre kick 中线发球

goal kick 球门发球

throw in, line-out 边线发球

to score a goal 射门得分

to convert a try 对方球门线后触地得分batsman 板球运动员

batter 击球运动员

men's singles 单打运动员

in the mixed doubles 混合双打



Words of Sports: Water Sports 水上运动

swimming pool 游泳池

swimming 游泳

medley relay 混合泳

crawl 爬泳

breaststroke 蛙式

backstroke 仰式

freestyle 自由式

butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳

diving competition 跳水

water polo 水球

water skiing 水橇

rowing 划船

canoe 划艇

boat race 赛艇

yacht 游艇

kayak 皮船

sailing 帆船运动outboard boat 船外马达



Words of Sports: Tennis 网球

tennis 网球运动

lawn tennis 草地网球运动grass court 草地网球场racket 球拍

racket press 球拍夹

gut, string (球拍的)弦line ball 触线球

baseline ball 底线球

sideline ball 边线球

straight ball 直线球

down-the-line shot 边线直线球crosscourt 斜线球

high ball,lob 高球

low ball 低球

long shot 长球

short shot 短球

cut 削球

smash 抽球

jump smash 跃起抽球

spin 旋转球

low drive 抽低球

volley 截击空中球

low volley 低截球

deep ball 深球

heavy ball 重球

net 落网球

flat stroke 平击球

flat drive 平抽球

let 重发球

fluke,set-up,easy 机会球

ground stroke 击触地球

wide 打出边线的球

overhead smash,overhand smash 高球扣杀game 局

set 盘

fifteen all 一平

thirty all 二平

forty all 三平

deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局

love game 一方得零分的一局

double fault 双误, 两次发球失误

‘not up’两跳,还击前球着地两次service line 发球线

fore court 前场

back court 后场

centre mark 中点

server 发球员

receiver 接球员



Words of Sports: Football 足球

football, soccer, Association football 足球field, pitch 足球场

midfied 中场

kick-off circle 中圈

half-way line 中线

football, eleven 足球队

football player 足球运动员

goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员

back 后卫

left 左后卫

right back 右后卫

centre half back 中卫

half back 前卫

left half back 左前卫

right half back 右前卫

forward 前锋

centre forward,centre 中锋

inside left forward, inside left 左内锋inside right forward, inside right 右内锋outside left forward, outside left 左边锋outside right forward, outside right 右边锋kick-off 开球

bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球

chest-high ball 平胸球

corner ball, corner 角球

goal kick 球门球

ground ball, grounder 地面球

hand ball 手触球

header 头球

penalty kick 点球

spot kick 罚点球

free kick 罚任意球

throw-in 掷界外球

ball handling 控制球

block tackle 正面抢截

body check 身体阻挡

bullt 球门前混战

fair charge 合理冲撞

chesting 胸部挡球

close-marking defence 钉人防守

close pass, short pass 短传consecutive passes 连续传球

deceptive movement 假动作

diving header 鱼跃顶球

flying headar 跳起顶球

dribbling 盘球

finger-tip save (守门员)托救球clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好flank pass 边线传球

high lobbing pass 高吊传球

scissor pass 交叉传球

volley pass 凌空传球

triangular pass 三角传球

rolling pass,ground pass 滚地传球

slide tackle 铲球

clearance kick 解除危险的球

to shoot 射门

grazing shot 贴地射门

close-range shot 近射

long drive 远射

mishit 未射中

offside 越位

to pass the ball 传球

to take a pass 接球

spot pass 球传到位

to trap 脚底停球

to intercept 截球

to break through, to beat 带球过人

to break loose 摆脱

to control the midfield 控制中场

to disorganize the defence 破坏防守

to fall back 退回

to set a wall 筑人墙

to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

ball playing skill 控球技术

total football 全攻全守足球战术open football 拉开的足球战术

off-side trap 越位战术

wing play 边锋战术

shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术time wasting tactics 拖延战术

Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式four backs system 四后卫制

four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式

red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)



Air ball:“三不沾”,投出的球什么都没碰到。



Arena:比赛场;竞技场。比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena。





Backdoor paly:篮球基本战术之一。当一个队员在罚球弧周围接到球时,





Block shot:盖帽(缩写:Blk.)。


Bounce pass:击地传球。

Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动





Buzzer beater:比赛结束前的最后一投。buzzer是比赛用的蜂鸣器。


Coach:教练。比如Head coach是主教练,Assistant coach是助理教练。

Coast-to-coast:从球场的一端到另一端(n)。例如:coast-to-coast pass。Conference:联盟。NBA分东、西两个联盟(Eastern Conference和Western


Commissioner:总裁。NBA的现任总裁是David Stern。

Court:球场;赛场。home court主场。

Crossover:交叉运球过人。是Tim Hardaway的商标动作。




喊"Defense! Defense!"。

Deny the ball:绕前防守。





Double dribble:两次运球。





Fadeaway shot:后仰投篮。也作fadeaway jumper。


Fast break:快攻;快速突破。


Field goal:投篮(总称),包括两分球的投篮也包括三分球的投篮(缩写:FG.)。Finger roll:低手上篮时手指拨球的动作。

Flagrant foul:没有必要或动作过大的犯规。

Foul:犯规。个人犯规是personal foul;全队的累计犯规叫team foul。

Foul trouble:(n)一个队员由于受到犯规次数的约束而带来的麻烦,比如说这个队员的


Free agent:自由人。合同的期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队


Free throw:罚球(缩写:FT.)。











Hang time:滞空时间,即运动员投篮时在空中停留的时间。

High post:罚球弧的周围。

Hook shot:钩手投篮,有时也直接用"hook"表示。

Illegal defense:非法防守。联防防守即为非法防守。

Injury list:伤员名单。如果某个队员受伤不能参加比赛,根据NBA的规定必须要将其


Jam:扣篮。one-handed jam单手扣篮;two-handed jam双手扣篮。著名歌星Michael Jackson和Michael Jordan合作拍过一部MTV,名字就叫"Jam"。




Jump ball:跳球;争球。

Jump shot:跳投。也作jumper。

Lane:罚球区,也作free throw lane。篮球刚发明的时侯罚球区是细长的,其宽度比罚

球弧的直径还要短,形状就象把钥匙,所以也称之为the key。


Ligament:韧带。cruciate ligament,十字韧带,膝关节中的韧带,是运动员最容易受

伤的部位,分anterior cruciate ligament和posterior cruciate


Locker room:更衣室。


Low post:三秒区内,篮筐两侧,靠近底线的那部分。




Move:移动。这个词在NBA里出现的频率特别高,比如,一个漂亮的移动我们说"Great move!";后转身的摆脱我们称之为"Spin move"。

MVP:Most Valuable Player,最有价值的运动员。

Net:篮网。检验球是否入筐的标志,原Utah的David Benoit在扣篮时,球砸在自己的头



No-charge area:进攻有理区。根据去年的新规则在两个篮下各画定一以篮筐的中心为


进攻有理区里只有带球撞人而没有阻挡犯规(注:O'Neal修正案除外)。Offense:进攻。形容词形式是offensive(缩写:off.),可以修饰其它名词,例如offensive rebound就是前场篮板球(进攻篮板球)。

Outlet pass:抢到篮球板后的第一传,一般都是隔场的长传。


Palming:我们常说的“翻腕”,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。


Personal foul:个人犯规。


英语叫"set a pick",然后掩护队员向篮下移动叫"roll",再接

队友的传球,在无人防守的情况下投篮。Pick n' Roll是Malone和Stockton的看家本







Point guard:组织后卫,也作控球后卫。


Power forward:大前锋,我国常称之为“二中锋”。二者略有不同,“二中锋”是基中锋的位置,来源于“双中锋”战术,这是我们从苏联老大哥那


Press:紧逼(防守)。full-court press,全场紧逼;half-court press,半场紧逼。Pump fake:投篮的假动作。







Reverse:反身的(a)。比如从底线切入后的反身扣篮是reverse dunk。


Run:连续得分。比赛中屏幕上会经常打出某支球队12-0 run in last 4 minutes,就是


Salary Cap:工资上限。




Shot clock:24秒计时器。


Sixth man:第六人,即第一个替补上场的队员。

Slam dunk:重扣,特指双手持球高高跳起的使出吃奶力气的重扣:),也可以是单手的重





Strong side:强侧。有球的一侧为强侧。(关于强侧与弱侧的具体定义请见《联






Technical foul:技术犯规。

Three-point shot:三分投篮。


Three-second violation:三秒违例。


Timeout:暂停。NBA中有20秒的短暂停(20-second timeout)和100秒的长暂停(regular timeout)。










Weak side:弱侧。无球的一侧为弱侧。(关于强侧与弱侧的具体定义请见《联防FAQ》) Wide open:开阔(n),无人防守。大多数情况下战术配合的目的就是给队友制造wide open,以便从容出手。

Zone:联防;区域防守。也作Zone defense。


虎门中学高三周测英语试题1 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A The small coastal town of Broome, in northwest Australia, is a remote village in the vast countryside. There are no traffic jams and hardly any roads. There is only the massive Australian wild land, where some houses are 500 miles apart and some driveways are 50 miles long. There seem to be only two main sources of entertainment out here: the sunset at the beach and Sun Pictures. Sun Pictures is a very different movie theater:The seats are park benches and deck chairs, but you’re also welcome to sit on the grass. It is the world’s oldest outdoor movie garden. Sun Pictures was built in 1916 on the other side of the globe from Hollywood. All the big films were shipped here and the lonely country was amazed. Broome resident Pearl Hamaguchi has never traveled far from home. But in the Sun Pictures chairs, under the deep blue night sky, she has been almost everywhere. “And we came back excited about Gregory Peck,” she recalled. This is one of the few places left in the world where you can see two sets of stars at the same time-----one set in the sky, the other in the film. Each night, dozens of people from around the world line up at the old wooden stand, with no computer in sight, and buy their tickets to the latest films. Sun Pictures is also a museum, exhibiting projectors(放映机) that date back to the silent films, a portrait gallery of the famous people who never knew about this place---- even though they came here all the time. Every once in a while, I’m told, you might find a non-ticket holder in your seat. That’s why it’s always a good idea to shake out your chair to make sure there are no spiders or scorpions. “We’ve only had a couple of scorpion incidents but no one’s been stung yet,” said Aaron Mestemaker, a tourist visiting from Michigan. Sun Pictures is a holy hall of movie history and a reminder that air conditioning and carpet are no match for grass and fresh air---even when the lizards steal the scene. 21. The first two paragraphs want to show that__________. A. living in Broome is inconvenient B. the life in Broome is boring C. few people like to live in Broome D. Broome is simple but vast 22. Sun Pictures is different from other theaters because _________. A. it is the most historical outdoor theater in the world B. the audience can either sit on chairs or on the grass C. it was built by some constructor from Hollywood D. all the films were imported here from Hollywood 23. Gregory Peck is most probably the name of_________. A. a place B. a film C. a movie star D. a country fellow


高三调研测试卷 英语 姓名____________ 准考证号__________________ 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。全卷共14页,选择题部分1至12页,非选择题部分13至14页。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 (共80分) 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔分别填写在试卷和答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0. 5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1. —I’m happy that we’ve finally cleared up some problems. — ______. A. That’s all right B. I’m with you C. It’s a pleasure D. That’s nice 2. You don’t necessarily have to own ______ latest everything but you should have ______ rough idea of what is changing. A. a; 不填 B. the; a C. 不填; the D. the; the 3. Our friends will be here in half an hour. ______, we’ll have some tea. A. Up to now B. All at once C. In the meanwhile D. Now and then 4. The old couple walked rather slowly, and could be seen, from time to time, to stop and rest, ______ out to sea. A. to be staring B. stared C. having stared D. staring 5. ______ some people have several e-mail addresses, they expect you to keep track of them all. A. Now that B. As if C. Just as D. In case 6. Looking back now, if I ______ the effort in learning the piano then, I would not be who I am. A didn’t put in B. hadn’t put in C. wouldn’t have put in D. shouldn’t put in 7. — Do you mind if we look in here?


石家庄二中实验学校2018级英语周考试卷 命题人张建伟做题人殷晓优考试时间8 月23 日 I 阅读理解(共4 小题;每小题2 分,满分8分) Recently, researchers at the University of Toronto figured out a way with a quick video selfie to accurately measure blood pressure with your smartphone’s camera by developing a technology known as transdermal optical imaging (TOI)(透皮光学成像). Cameras on smartphones can catch red light reflected from hemoglobin (血红素)under our skin, which permits TOI to visualize and measure blood flow changes. Researchers measured the blood pressure of 1,328 Canadian and Chinese adults by getting two-minute vide os of their faces on an iPhone. “From the video got by the technology, you can see how the blood flows in different parts of the face and through this flow, you can get a lot of information,” said Kang Lee, lead author of the study. Lee also helped create an app called Anura, which allows people to try out the TOI software for themselves, giving them the ability to record a 30-second video of their face and receive measurements for stress levels and resting heart rate. Lee said more research was needed to make sure that the measurements were as accurate as possible, explaining that the study didn’t test people with very dark or very fair skin. “In order to improve our app to make it usable, particularly for people with hypertension (高血压),we need to collect a lot of data from them, which is very hard because a lot of them are already taking medicine,”Lee explained. “We cannot tell them not to take medicine, but from time to time, we get participants who don’t take medicine so we can get hypertensive people this way.” The scientists said there were many potential applications of the technology, including providing health services for those who lived in remote areas. 1. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 2? A. Information offered by TOI. B. New findings on hypertension. C. How TOI is put into smart phones. D. How the TOI technology works. 2. What might people benefit from the new technology mentioned above? A. Living a life free from stress. B. Improving the heart function gradually. C. Accessing health services for free. D. Knowing abnormal blood pressure earlier. 3. What can be done for a better Anura? A. Equipping phones with better cameras. B. Allowing phones to record longer videos. C. Collecting data from more diverse samples. D. Persuading participants not to take medicine. 4. Why does the author write this text? A. To predict future applications of TOI. B. To introduce TOI and an app related. C. To describe functions of cameras on phones. D. To evaluate the quality of an app called Anura. II 单项选择(必修五U1-U5;满分15分,每小题1分) 5. I _______ Mary’s wedding last Saturday, where I ran into one of my university classmates. A. attended B. joined C. took part in D. participated in 6. ________ to strong sunlight will do harm to your skin. A. Be exposed B. Being exposed C. Exposed D. Exposing 7. First he opened a shop and then he ________ a sign outside the shop to attract customers. A. put out B. put off C. put away D. put up 8. Always read the ________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. advertisements B. ingredients C. instructions D. functions 9. _________, the manager of our company will arrange a convenient time for us to visit the British Museum. A. To our delight B. To our shame C. To our regret D. To our disappointment 10. The short film, ________ two parts, introduces the present situation of our school. A. consists of B. makes up C. making up of D. consisting of 11. Your health will ________ if you always stay up. A. break up B. break down C. break out D. break off


2020届天津市耀华中学2017级高三上学期第一次月考 英语试卷 ★祝考试顺利★ 一、单选 1.——I'm going to Paris next week. ——____________! So am I A. Wish you good luck B. What a coincidence C. Don't mention it D. Good trip 【答案】B 【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——我下周要去巴黎。——太巧了!我也要去。A. Wish you good luck“祝你好运”;B. Wh at a coincidence“巧合,一致”;C. Don't mention it“不要客气”;D. Good trip好旅行。两个人不约而同,要去同一个地方,所以这是一种“巧合”。故选B。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/142725389.html,pared with those brought up in harmonious families, children repeatedly exposed to violence are more likely to be ________ when they grow up. A. available B. aggressive C. admirable D. attractive 【答案】B 【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与那些在和谐家庭中长大的孩子相比,反复接触暴力的孩子长大后更有可能具有攻击性。A. available可得到的;B. aggressive好斗的;C. admirable 令人钦佩的;D. attractive有吸引力的。根据“exposed to violence”可知此处表示“好斗的、侵略性的”,故B项正确。 3.--- I’m sorry that I didn’t ans wer your phone call just now because I _______ a meeting. --- It doesn’t matter. A. would have B. was having C. had had D. has had


2017-2018学年广东省广州市荔湾区广雅中学高一(上)期末数 学试卷 一、选择题(每小题5分,共60分) 1.(5分)已知R为实数集,集合A={x|x2﹣2x﹣3≥0},则?R A=()A.(﹣1,3)B.[﹣1,3]C.(﹣3,1)D.[﹣3,1] 2.(5分)直线x+y+1=0的倾斜角是() A.B.C.D. 3.(5分)下列命题中错误的是() A.如果平面α⊥平面β,那么平面α内一定存在直线平行于平面β B.如果平面α不垂直于平面β,那么平面α内一定不存在直线垂直于平面β C.如果平面α⊥平面γ,平面β⊥平面γ,α∩β=l,那么l⊥平面γ D.如果平面α⊥平面β,那么平面α内所有直线都垂直于平面β 4.(5分)过点(﹣1,2)且与直线2x﹣3y+4=0垂直的直线方程为()A.3x+2y﹣1=0B.3x+2y+7=0C.2x﹣3y+5=0D.2x﹣3y+8=0 5.(5分)一个几何体得三视图如图所示,则该几何体的体积为() A.B.C.D.5 6.(5分)由直线y=x+1上的一点向圆x2﹣6x+y2+8=0引切线,则切线长的最小值为()A.1B.2C.D.3 7.(5分)下列函数中,既在定义域上是增函数且图象又关于原点对称的是()A.y=﹣B.y=lg(﹣1)

C.y=2x D.y=2x+2﹣x 8.(5分)设a=log3,b=()0.2,c=2,则() A.a<b<c B.c<b<a C.c<a<b D.b<a<c 9.(5分)已知α,β是两个不同的平面,m,n是两条不同的直线,给出下列命题: ①若m⊥α,m?β,则α⊥β; ②若m⊥n,m⊥α,则n∥α; ③若α∩β=m,n∥m,且n?α,n?β,则n∥α且n∥β. ④若m∥α,α⊥β,则m⊥β. 其中真命题的个数是() A.0B.1C.2D.3 10.(5分)已知三棱锥D﹣ABC的底面ABC是直角三角形,AC⊥AB,AC=AB=4,DA⊥平面ABC,E是BD的中点.若此三棱锥的体积为,则异面直线AE与DC所成角的大小为() A.90°B.60°C.45°D.30° 11.(5分)已知实数x,y满足方程x2+y2=1,则的取值范围是()A.B. C.D. 12.(5分)已知f(x)=,则函数y=2f2(x)﹣3f(x)+1的零点的个数为()个. A.3B.4C.5D.6 二、填空题(每小题5分,共10分) 13.(5分)已知函数为奇函数,则实数a=. 14.(5分)在平面直角坐标系中,以点A(1,0)为圆心且与直线(3m+2)x+(m﹣1)y ﹣5(m+1)=0,(m∈R)相切的所有圆中,半径最大的圆的标准方程为. 三、解答题(每小题10分,共30分) 15.(10分)已知函数f(x)=x|m﹣x|(x∈R),且f(4)=0.


高二英语 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) A Edmund Halley was an English scientist who lived over 200 years ago. He studied the observations of comets(彗星) which other scientists had made. The orbit of one particular comet was a very difficult mathematical problem. He could not figure it out. Neither could other scientists who dealt with such problems. However, Halley had a friend named Isaac Newton, who was a brilliant mathematician. Newton thought he had already worked out that problem, but he could not find the papers on which he had done it. He told Halley that the orbit of a comet had the shape of an ellipse. Now Halley set to work. He figured out the orbits of some of the comets that had been observed by scientists. He made a surprising discovery. The comets that had appeared in the years 1531, 1607 and 1682 all had the same orbit. Yet their appearances had been 75 to 76 years apart. This seemed very strange to Halley. Three different comets followed the same orbit. The more Halley thought about, the more he thought that there had not been three different comets, as people thought. He decided that they had simply seen the same comet three times. The comet had gone away and had come back again. It was an astonishing idea! Halley felt certain enough to make a prediction of what would happen in the future. He decided that this comet would appear in the year 1758. There were 53 years to go before Halley's prediction could be tested. In 1758 the comet appeared in the sky. Halley did not see it, for he had died some years before. Ever since then that comet had been called Halley's comet, in his honour. 1.Halley made his discovery________. A.by doing experiments B.by means of his own careful observation C.by using the work of other scientists D.by chance 2.Halley made a surprising but correct prediction in the year________. A.1704B.1705C.1706D.1707 3.This text in general is about________. A.Halley and other scientists B.the orbit of a comet C.Newton and Halley D.Halley and his discovery 4.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Edmund Halley was an American scientist. B.Halley made his discovery by doing experiment. C.Isaac Newton was a famous mathematician. D.The orbit of a comet had the shape of a round. B Recordings of angry bees are enough to send big, tough African elephants running away, a new study says. Beehives (蜂窝)—either recorded or real—may even prevent elephants from damaging farmer’s crops. In 2002, scientist Lucy King and her team found that elephants avoid certain trees with bees living in them. Today, Lucy wants to see if African honeybees might discourage elephants from eating crops. But before she asked farmer to go to the trouble of setting up beehives on their farms, she needed to find out if the bees would scare elephants away. Lucy found a wild beehive inside a tree in northern Kenya and set up a recorder. Then she threw a stone into the beehive, which burst into life. Lucy and her assistant hid in their car until the angry bees had calmed down. Next,Lucy searched out elephant families in Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya and put a speaker in a tree close to each family. From a distance, Lucy switched on the pre-recorded sound of angry bees while at the same time recording the elephants with a video camera. Half the elephant groups left the area within ten seconds. Out of a total of 17 groups, only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees. Lucy reported that all the young elephants immediately ran to their mothers to hide under them. When Lucy played the sound of a waterfall (瀑布) instead of the angry bees to many of the same elephant families, the animals were undisturbed. Even after four minutes, most of the groups stayed in one place. Lucy is now studying whether the elephants will continue to avoid the sound of angry bees after hearing it several times. She hasn’t tested enough groups yet to know, but her initial (最初的) results were promising enough to begin trials with farmers. She has now begun placing speakers in the fields to see if elephants are frightened away. 5. We know from the passage that elephants may be frightened of . A. loud noises B. some crops C. video cameras D. angry bees 6. As mentioned in the passage, Lucy . A. works by herself in Africa B. needs to test more elephant groups C. has stopped elephants eating crops D. has got farmers to set up beehives on their farms 7. Why did Lucy throw a stone into a wild beehive? A. To record the sound of bees. B. To make a video of elephants. C. To see if elephants would run away. D. To find out more about the behavior of bees. 8. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Young elephants ignore African honeybees. B. Waterfalls can make elephants stay in one place. C. Elephants do not go near trees with bees living in them. D. Farmers do not allow Lucy to conduct tests in their fields.


学科:英语 教学内容:高三英语综合测试题 【同步达纲练习】 I.听力部分略 II. 单项选择填空 21. Now that the wind has ______, we can go out to play badminton. A. dipped B. dropped C. reduced D. slowed 22. Is this the way which you enjoy _____ yourself English? A. in teaching B. to teach C. teaching D. to learn 23. _____ , I had no idea this would happen so soon. A. To be honest B. Being honest C. Having being honest D. My being honest 24. —Where ____ you put my dictionary? —I left it on your desk when you _____ to Tom. A. did; spoke B. have; spoke C. had; were speaking D. did; were speaking 25. The engineer and worker referred to ____ to design something. A. be going B. are going C. is going D. be likely 26. Food is ____ into useful substance by chemicals in the body. A. broken off B. broken out C. broken down D. broken away 27. I thought her nice and honest ____ I met her. A. first time B. the first time C. for the first time D. by the first time. 28. A computer does only _____ thinking people _____. A. what; have it done B. what; have it do C. that; have it done D. that; having it do 29. The police didn’t believe the traffic accident that he insisted on seeing ____ on the road the other day. A. happen B. happened C. happening D. to happen 30.—I am sorry I broke your mirror. —Oh, really? _____. A. Not at all B. That’s nothing C. Don’t be sorry D. I don’t care 31. —I didn’t think the job would be so hard. —You ____ of that earlier. A. should think B. must have thought C. must think D. ought to have thought 32. The factory is producing this kind of telephone ____. A. a great number B. in large number C. in large numbers D. a great number of


广东华南师范大学附属中学人教版七年级数学上册期末试卷及答案 一、选择题 1.在数3,﹣3,13,1 3 -中,最小的数为( ) A .﹣3 B . 1 3 C .13 - D .3 2.如果一个角的补角是130°,那么这个角的余角的度数是( ) A .30° B .40° C .50° D .90° 3.根据等式的性质,下列变形正确的是( ) A .若2a =3b ,则a =23 b B .若a =b ,则a +1=b ﹣1 C .若a =b ,则2﹣ 3a =2﹣3b D .若 23 a b =,则2a =3b 4.把一根木条固定在墙面上,至少需要两枚钉子,这样做的数学依据是( ) A .两点之间线段最短 B .两点确定一条直线 C .垂线段最短 D .两点之间直线最短 5.一个角是这个角的余角的2倍,则这个角的度数是( ) A .30 B .45? C .60? D .75? 6.下列四个式子:9,327-,3-,(3)--,化简后结果为3-的是( ) A .9 B .327- C .3- D .(3)-- 7.在22 0.23,3,2,7 -四个数中,属于无理数的是( ) A .0.23 B .3 C .2- D . 227 8.如图,数轴的单位长度为1,点A 、B 表示的数互为相反数,若数轴上有一点C 到点B 的距离为2个单位,则点C 表示的数是( ) A .-1或2 B .-1或5 C .1或2 D .1或5 9.下列方程是一元一次方程的是( ) A . 2 1 3+x =5x B .x 2+1=3x C .3 2y =y+2 D .2x ﹣3y =1 10.下列因式分解正确的是() A .21(1)(1)x x x +=+- B .()am an a m n +=- C .2 244(2)m m m +-=- D .2 2(2)(1)a a a a --=-+ 11.化简(2x -3y )-3(4x -2y )的结果为( ) A .-10x -3y B .-10x +3y C .10x -9y D .10x +9y


天津耀华中学2011-2012学年高三第二次校模拟 英语试卷 本试卷共分为两部分:第I卷和第II卷;满分l30分 将I卷的选择题填涂到答题卡上;II卷的答案写在答题纸上 第I卷(选择题共95分) 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项选择 (共15个小题,每小题1分,满分l5分) 1.---Oh my God,I left my portable computer in the taxi! --- .Let’s call the taxi company first. A.Pray for it B. Cheer up C.Forget it D. Calm down 2.The Greens’shop has been broken into three times in the last two years, resulting in their great loss. A.each B. ever/ C.any D. either 3.Today, when I think of my friend Jane,I remember the way her face when she saw the picture of a lovely kitten. A. cheered up B.shone up C. looked up D.1it up 4. Premier Wen’s three-day visit to Japan, as the “ice-melt” trip, has a positive effect on Sino-Japanese relationship. A.being intended B.intended C.having intended D. to intend 5.Experts warn that global warming will cause extreme climate changes including more floods,heat waves and droughts. A.usual B.ordinary C.frequent D.common 6.---Could you meet me at the airport? ---I'd like to,but I'm、afraid I a very important meeting when you return. A.am attending B.was attending C.will be attending D.will have attended 7.You will really get into trouble you c an’t explain the whole thing clea rly to the police. A. unless B.while C.until D.when 8. Since you have such good preparations,there be any problem about passing the coming job interview. A.mustn’t B.shan’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t 9.---Is there anyone in the classroom? ---No, not only the students but also the teacher to the playground to watch the opening ceremony of the Art Festival. A.goes B.go C. has gone D.have gone 10.The science of computer, rapid progress has been made in recent years,plays a very important role in our daily life. A.from which B.in which C. with which D. to which 11.As far as we are concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn,。 A.the more for life are you equipped B.the more equipped for life you are
