

1.Types of Business Organization:

1)Sole Proprietorship :an unincorporated business owned by one person

2)Partnership :owned by two or more individuals (called partners)

a)Limited partnership——general partners,limited partners

3)Corporation :a legal entity separate from its owners

2、Separation of Ownership and Control (pros and cons):

Pros(赞成的理由): Specialization,Efficiency,Diversify,Going concern

Cons(反对的理由):Four major downsides:agency problem,free-riding problem,increased costs of information https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510904444.html,rmation asymmetry

3.Overview of Financial Statements

balance sheet; income statement;statement of cash flows;statement of retained earnings

4. Statement of Retained Earnings,it shows:

the retained earnings balance at the start of the period;how much the firm earned (net income);

how much dividends the firm paid;how much net income was reinvested back into the firm (retained earnings);any repurchases of the firm’s stock;any new issues of the firm’s stock; andthe retained earnings balance at the close of the period.

4. Statement of Cash Flow:Operating Cash Flows ,Investing Cash Flows ,Financing Cash Flows

5.Analyzing Financial Ratios

Financial ratios are not standardized. Analyzing a single financial ratio for a given year may not be very useful. Some of a firm’s financial accounting practices or choices will affect its financial statements and, finally, its financial ratios. Financial ratios do not provide analysts with all of th e answers about a firm’s condition.

7. Uses and Limitations of Financial Ratio Analysis:while ratio analysis can provide useful information concerning

a company’s operations and financial condition, it does have limitations that necessitate care and judgment

1.Risk-return tradeoff

Investors will take on additional risk only if they anticipate high return.

2.Time value of money

A dollar available today is worth more than a dollar available at a future date. This is because a dollar today can be invested to earn a return.

3.Types of value

Going-concern value,Liquidation value ,Book value ,Market value ,ntrinsic value

4.Valuation Approaches

discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation,relative valuation,contingent claim valuation,option-pricing models 7.Contractual Provisions of a Typical Bond

Par Value,and Coupon Rate,Maturity,Call Provisions,Sinking Fund Provisions,Conversion Rights

,Put Provisions,Indenture,Trustee,Collateral,Bond Rating

1.Introduction to Risk and Return

All financial assets are expected to produce cash flows, and the risk of an asset is judged by the risk of its cash flows. Here are two assumptions about risk and return: Assumption (1): The returns from investments are normally distributed.Assumption (2): Investors are risk-averse. The risk of an asset can be considered in two ways: (1) on a stand-alone basis (2) in a portfolio context. In a portfolio context, an asset’s risk can be divided into two components: a,diversifiable risk ;b. market risk.An asset with a high degree of relevant (market) risk must provide

a relatively high expected rate of return to attract investors.

4.Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)

Assumption 1:The returns from investments are normally distributed.Assumption 2: Investors are risk-averse.Assumption3:Investorsare rational.Assumption4:Investors are price takers.Assumption 5: The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) holds.

5. Three types of financial market efficiency:

allocationally efficient, operationally efficient,informationally efficient

6. Three main factors associated with informational market efficiency

The type of information to which the market price reacts,The speed at which the market price reacts to information,The degree to which market participants over-or under-react to information

8. Characteristics of an Informationally Efficient Market

Price changes cannot be predicted. The price of the asset is equal to its fundamental (unobserved but true) value.Prices change due to the inflow of new information, and information flows randomly to the market.Therefore, price changes should be random and unpredictable.

10. Modern portfolio theory —Markowitz’s Mean-variance Framework ,Efficient portfolios are those that have: the lowest risk for an expected rate of return; or the highest expected rate of return for a given level of risk.The assets that meet these criteria make up the efficient frontier.

1, Guidelines for Estimating Project Cash Flows

Identify Incremental Cash Flows ,Focus on After-tax Cash Flows ,Postpone Considering Financing Costs ,Other Cash Flow Considerations:①Sunk Costs,②Opportunity Costs,③Allocated Overhead,④Residual Value,⑤Side Effects

2.Investment Rules:

Net Present Value (NPV) ,Profitability Index (PI),Internal Rate of Return (IRR) ,Payback Period (PP),Discounted Payback Period (DPP)

3. Analyzing Project Risk:

Sensitivity Analysis——Sensitivity analysis involves assessing the effect of changes or errors in the estimated variables on the net present value of a project. Break-even Analysis——Break-even analysis is a form of sensitivity a nalysis. Sensitivity analysis generally involves finding answers to “what if ” questions. Simulation——simulation allows a manager to consider the effects of changing all the variables whose values are uncertain.

4. What is post-audit?

comparing actual resu lts with those predicted by the project’s sponsors; explaining why any differences occurred.

5.Two main purposes of the post-audit:Improve forecasts ,Improve operations

1. The Role of Financial Markets:

Help channel funds from suppliers to demanders. Provide a resale market. Set market prices and rates of return.

2. Types of Financial Markets :

Money Markets vs. Capital MarketsPrimary Markets vs. Secondary marketsPrivate Markets vs. Public Markets

3. Three major services by investment banks:Advising ,Underwriting ,Marketing

4. Advantages of Going Public

Broaden a firm’s access to capital market;Increase the liquidity of a firm’s stock.Set a value for a firm’s shares. Increase a firm’s ability to attract management.

5. Disadvantages of Going Public

Dilution of control;Costs; Disclosure of operating data; Possible inactive trading.

6,Different methods of Issuing New Securities :

Public offer:the sale of an issue of securities to the public, Cash offer ,Rights offer:also called a privileged subscripti on, involves initially offering the securities to the firm’s existing stockholders.

8. The cost of capital is the rate that the firm has to pay, explicitly or implicitly, the investors for their capital or the minimum rate of return required by the suppliers of capital.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510904444.html,e of the Cost of Capital in two major ways:

To help identify the discount rate to be used to evaluate proposed capital investments;To serve as a guideline in developing capital structure and evaluating financial https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510904444.html,e

10. Capital Components:various types of debt,preferred stock,common security

12.Measuring a company’s WACC involves two major steps:

estimating the cost of each capital component; determining the weights of each component. Multiplying each capital component by its weight in the capital structure and then summing the percentages produce an estimate of the WACC.

5. Capital Structure and the Value of a Firm:

The Modigliani-Miller Theorem ,Tradeoff Theory of Optimal Capital Structure ,Pecking Order Theory of Capital Structure

6. Checklist for Capital Structure Decisions:

Sales stability,Asset structure,Operating leverage,Growth rate,Profitability,Taxes,Control Management attitudes ,Lender and rating agency attitudes,Market conditions ,The firm’s internal conditio n ,Financial flexibility

1. Types of Dividends:(1)Cash Dividends (2) Stock Dividends (3)Property Dividends

2.Factors Influencing the Dividend Decision:

Shareholder factors: (1)Income Needs (2) Risk Preferences (3)Tax Status (4) Dilution of Ownership

Firm factors: (1)Stage of Life Cycle (2)External Financing Costs (3)Access to Funds and Reserves (4)Profitability and Earning Stability

Other constraints

3. Dividend Policies:

Residual Dividend Policy,Stable Dollar Dividend policy,Constant Dividend Payout Ratio,Low Regular plus Specially Designated Dividends

5. Reasons for Stock Buybacks

If a company is sitting on a large sum of cash and must decide how to invest it, one of the options is to distribute part of it to shareholders by buying up outstandin g shares. If a company’s stock is suffering from low financial ratios, buying back stock can give some of the ratios a temporary boost. Another reason companies buy back stock is to cover large employee stock option programs (ESOP). Some companies buy back shares as protection

against unfriendly takeovers from other companies.

2. Approaches to Working Capital Management

relaxed or conservative approach ,restricted or aggressive approach ,moderate approach

3. Cash Management involves three major decision areas:

Determining appropriate cash balances;Investing idle cash;Managing collections and disbursements.

4.Three Motives for Holding Cash:

Speculative Motive,Precautionary Motive,Transaction Motive

5.Types of Money Market Securities

US Treasury Bills ,Short-term tax exempt instruments ,Commercial paper ,Negotiable certificates of deposit (CDs) ,Bankers’ acceptances ,Repurchase agreement

6. The three principal sources of delay are:

Mail float: the time when a check is in the mail;Processing float: the time required to process a check after it is received; Clearing time float: the time required for a check to clear through the banking system and to reduce the paying firm’s account.

7. Successful Inventory Management :

Maintaining a wide assortment of stock, —but not spreading the rapidly moving ones too thin;Increasing inventory turnover, —but not sacrificing the service level;Keeping stock low, —but not sacrificing service or performance;Obtaining lower prices by making volume purchases, —but not ending up with slow-moving inventory; andHaving an adequate inventory on hand, — but not getting caught with obsolete items.

2.Corporations expand beyond their domestic borders for many reasons, including:

To gain access to new markets,To achieve production efficiency,To gain access to resources,To reduce political and regulatory hurdles,To diversify,To gain access to technology

3.Quotation :direct quotation ,indirect quotation,Exchange rate system

4.floating exchange rate system :fixed exchange rate system ,managed floating exchange rate system .

6. An international firm can finance foreign projects in three basic ways:

It can raise cash in the home country and export it to finance the foreign project.It can raise cash by borrowing in the foreign country where the project is located.It can borrow in a third country where the cost of debt is the lowest.


《英语教学法》课程教学大纲 英文名称:English Teaching Methodology 课程代码:0452117 学时数:32学时学分:2 课程类别: 课程性质:必修 适用专业:英语(教育方向) 先修课程:教育学、心理学、综合英语、英语听力、英语口语、 考核方式:闭卷笔试 一、课程的性质、地位和作用 《英语教学法》是英语(教育方向)专业必修课程,也是专业核心课程,在本专业的课程体系中具有举足轻重的作用。它在学生掌握一定的英语语言基本知识与基本技能以及教育学心理学基本理论的基础上,帮助学生形成英语教与学的理论素养与实践技能,直接为学生的顺利就业打下基础。本课程立足于培养优秀的中小学英语教学应用型人才,除了让学生掌握扎实学习教学理论知识之外,还让其具备较强的实际教学能力,较强的分析能力、合作能力和创新创业能力。本课程的作用是使学生系统地掌握英语教学的基本理论以及各教学层面的基本路子和方法,形成科学的教学观、语言观、学习观和方法观等,并具备一定的基本操作能力,旨在引导学生以本书阐述的理论为线索,了解英语教学的基本方法,初步掌握英语教学的理论知识,为将来从事英语教育打下坚实的基础。 二、教学内容及要求 第1章导论 【教学要求】 了解教学法的研究对象和意义以及英语教师的专业发展过程 重点和难点:教学法的内涵和教师专业发展 【教学内容】

1、教学法研究的对象、内容; 2、学习英语教学法的意义; 3、何为一名合格的英语教师 4、如何成长为一名合格的英语教师 【教学重点与难点】 教学法的内涵与本质;语言教师的专业发展过程 第2章、语言与语言教学 【教学要求】 了解语言的性质;了解语言学习的过程;了解语言教学的主要流派及其理论基础;了解语言教学的新趋势; 【教学内容】 1)语言、语言教学的性质; 2)英语教学的语言学基础 3)英语教学的心理学基础 4)语言教学的主要流派及其理论基础; 【教学重点与难点】 语言教学的主要流派及其理论基础;语言教学的新趋势; 第3章、英语教学方法 【教学要求】 理解交际能力的内涵;了解交际教学和任务性语言教学的发展历程和基本特征;基本掌握交际教学原则在教学实践中的运用;正确评价交际教学法和任务型语言教学; 【教学内容】 1、交际能力的内涵及对英语教学的启示; 2、交际能力的内涵 3、交际教学的基本特征; 4、交际教学活动的创设; 5、对交际教学法的评价;


参考文献中文刊名的英文缩写对照表 参考国际标准ISO4-1984《文献工作—期刊刊名缩写的国际规则》及国家标准GB7714-87《文后参考文献著录规则》,《植物营养与肥料学报》编辑部编制了本刊参考文献中常见中文刊名的英文缩写对照表,请作者投稿时参考。具体如下: 杂志中文名 杂志英译名缩写 安徽农学通报 Anhui Agric. Sci. Bull. 安徽农业大学学报 J. Anhui Agric. Univ. 安徽农业科学 J. Anhui Agric. Sci. 安全与环境学报 J. Saf. Environ. 北方果树 Northern Fruits 北京农学院学报 J. Beijing Agric. Coll. 北京农业科学 Beijing Agric. Sci. 草地学报 Acta Agrestia Sin. 草业科学 Pratac. Sci. 草业学报 Acta Pratac. Sin. 地理科学 Sci. Geogr. Sin. 地理科学进展 Prog. Geogr. 地理学报 Acta Geogr. Sin. 东北农业大学学报 J. Northeast Agric.Univ. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版) J.Fujian Agric. For. Univ. 福建农业科技 Fujian Agric. Sci.Tech. 福建农业学报 Fujian J. Agric.Sci. 福建热作科技 Fujian Sci. Tech. Trop. Crops 干旱地区农业研究 Agric. Res. Arid Areas 干旱区研究 Arid Zone Res. 甘肃农业大学学报 J. Gansu Agric.Univ. 甘肃农业科技 Gansu Agricl Sci.Tech. 耕作与栽培 Cult. Plant. 广东农业科学 Guangdong Agric. Sci. 广西农学报 J. Guangxi Agric. 广西农业科学 J. Guangxi Agric. Sci. 贵州农业科学 Guizhou Agric.Sci. 果树学报(果树科学) J. Fruit Sci.


2012—2013学年度第一学期 应用化学专业《专业英语》课程试卷(A ) 注意事项:1. 考生务必将自己姓名、学号、专业名称写在指定位置; 2. 密封线和装订线内不准答题。 一、词汇填空 (写出下列每个词汇对应的英 汉单词)(共20小题,每空1分,共20分) 1、化学性质 (chemical property ) 2、物理性质 (physical property ) 3、溶解度 (solubility ) 4、密度 (density ) 5、沸点 (boiling point ) 6、熔点 (melting point ) 7、反应 (reaction ) 8、无机的 (inorganic ) 9、有机的 (organic ) 10、化合物 (c ompound ) 11、烷烃 (alkane ) 12、乙醇 (ethanol ) 13、烯烃 (alkene ) 14、炔烃 (alkyne ) 15、ester ( 酯 ) 16、ether ( 醚 ) 17、acetone ( 丙酮 ) 18、formaldehyde ( 甲醛 ) 19、ammonia ( 氨 )

20、benzene ( 苯 ) 二、给下列无机化合物的英语名称(共10小题, 每小题2分,共20分) 1、CaO calcium oxide 2、HClO 4 perchloric acid 3、CuSO 4 copper sulfate 4、NaBr sodium bromide 5、NaCl sodium chloride 6、HNO 3 nitric acid 7、HNO 2 nitrous acid 8、Al 2O 3 aluminum oxide 9、KNO 3 potassium nitrate 10、FeBr 3 ferric bromide 三、给下列有机化合物的英语名称(共5小题, 每小题4分,共20分) 1.辛烷 octane 2.CH 2=CHCH 2CH 3 1-butene 3.CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2OH butanol 4.CH 3CH 2OCH 3


医学专业英语 I.Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D (40points) 1.Which of the following suffixes does not mean “pertaining to”? A. -ic B. -al C. -ar D. -our 2.Which of the following combining forms means cell? A. -cyte B. cyt/o C. cel/o D. both a and b 3.Which of the following forms means tissue? A. erythr/o B. immun/o C.hist/o D. vascul/o 4.A- means _____ . A. up B. down C. apart D. without 5.The suffix -itis means _____ . A. infammation B.inflammation C.inflammazed D. instrument 6.The combining form of radi/o means _________ . A. radar B. x-ray C. radio D. both B and C 7.The instrument for viewing is –scope whereas the instrument for cutting is ______ . A. –scopy B. –tome C. –meter D. –graph 8.Which of the following forms refers to “surgical incision o f ?” A. –tomy B. -stomy C. –tome D. –ectomy 9. A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called _______ . A. electroencephogram B. electromyogram C. electrocardiogram D. electroencephalogram 10.Stethalgia means the pain of chest, which can also be expressed in ____ . A. stethodynia B. thoracalgia C. thoracodynia D. all of the above 11.Which of the following forms means fungus? A. my/o B. myel/o C. myc/o D. none of the above 12.The combining form meaning “the skin” is _______ . A. dem/o B. derm/o C. dermat/o D. both B and C 13.Which of the following combining forms means blood vessels ? A. vascul/o B. angi/o C. chromat/o D. Both A and B 14.The term meaning “pertaining to secretion” is _______ . A. crinogenic B. endocrine C. crinologic D. endocardial 15.The disease of having too many white blood cells is referred to as ________ . A. leukocyte B. leukemia C. leukogenesis D. erythrocyte 16.Inflammation of liver is known in English as ________ . A. bronchitis B. pneumonitis C. gastritis D. hepatitis 17.-plasm means ______ . A. treatment B. knowledge C. diagnosis D. growth 18.Mammo/o refers to ______ . A. mother B. thymus gland C. thyroid gland D. breast 19.Which of the following does not mean “within or in”? A. en- B. endo- C. intra- D. none of the above 20._____ means surgical repair of an organ. A. phag/o B. –plasm C. –plasty D. –pathy


高职专业英语教学模式及案例分析 “模式”一词是英文model的汉译名词。model还译为“模型”、“范式”、“典型”等。何谓“教学模式”?美国乔伊斯和韦尔在《教学模式》一书中是这样界定的:“教学模式是构成课程和作业、选择教材、提示教师活动的一种范式或计划。”也就是说,是在一定的教学思想或教学理论指导下建立各种类型教学活动的基本结构 或框架,即为教学模式。其具体表现为教学过程中多样性和可操作性的程序策略体系。高职专业英语教学没有现成的模式,也不允许恪守固定的模式,但这并不是说不需要模式、排弃模式。因此教师对教学模式的选择和运用是有一定的要求,教学模式必须与教学目标相契合,并考虑实际的教学条件和针对不同的教学内容来选择教学模式。 一、高职专业英语适用的教学模式 对教学模式的研究,一向是教育学界研究的热点。近几十年来,研究者提出了各种各样的教学模式,乔伊斯和韦尔在《教学模式》一书中将其归纳成传递接受式、自学辅导式、探究式、概念获得式、巴特勒学习式、抛锚式、范例式、现象分析式、加涅式、奥苏贝尔式、合作学习式、发现式等12大类。这12大类模式都是从教学的整体出发,根据教学的规律原则而归纳提炼出的包括教学形式和方法在内的具有典型性、稳定性、易学性的教学样式。它们各有特点,在教学中是选择某个单一模式、还是几个模式相互融合在一起,教师需根据学生情况和教材内容而定。

笔者在常年的专业英语教学实践中,曾尝试各种不同的模式,几经磨砺后,遵循教学模式的建构理论,尝试总结出下述两个模式,并在职业学院专业英语教学中运用,取得了不错的教学效果。 其一,传递接受模式与探究模式相结合的模式 传递接受模式源于赫尔巴特的四段教学法,很多教师在教学中自觉不自觉地都在用这种方法教学。其理论基础是行为心理学中操作性条件反射的原理,着眼点在于充分挖掘人的记忆力、推理能力与间接经验在掌握知识方面的作用,使学生比较快速有效地掌握更多的信息量。基本教学程序是: 复习旧课——激发学习动机——讲授新课——巩固练习——检查评价——间隔性复习 该模式的优点是:学生能在短时间内接受大量的信息;不足是:学生对接受的信息很难真正地理解,不利于培养的学生创新思维和解决实际问题的能力。 探究式教学模式的理论基础是依据皮亚杰和布鲁纳的建构主义理论,注重学生的前认知,并以“问题解决”为中心的,着眼于学生的思维能力的培养。基本教学程序是: 问题——假设——推理——验证——总结提高 该模式的优点是:能够培养学生创新能力、思维能力,以及自主学习的能力。不足是:只适宜知识面宽的学生。 所谓传递接受模式与探究模式相结合的模式,就是在了解学生知识储备的前提下,将两种模式结合取舍,然后运用,可以最大化地


数学专业英语期中测试要求 将下列论文的摘要翻译为英语(按照学号顺序每个人分一个题目)。标题字体为黑体,字号三号,“摘要”二字以及“关键字”三字黑体,字号小四,其它字体为宋体,字号小四。行间距都为1.5倍行距。每人把自己要翻译的中文拷贝下来,然后在后面把它翻译为英文(英文字号与中文一样,字体为Times new roman,黑体的地方改为加粗),写上姓名,学号(格式如下面的例子),打印出来交给我。大家认真做一下,你们写毕业论文要用到,学一学怎样写规范的文章,包括文章的排版(上学期反复强调交给我的matlab程序的打印的格式,结果有人交给我的程序竟然有上百页,字体很大,行距很大,还单面打印!(按照要求做的话只要几页就够了)有些人老是听不进老师讲的话!这样做既劳民伤财又不利于存档)。大家做好以后交到学习委员处,学习委员收齐以后交来给我,期末之前给我就行。 例子 中文标题 (姓名:学号:) 摘要 这是摘要正文…… …… 关键字:关键字1;关键字2;关键字3 English title (name: ,student id: ) Abstract This is the content of the abstract…… …… Keywords: keywords1; keywords2; keywords3;

1.泰勒公式的证明及其应用 摘要 本文先叙述并证明了不同条件下的泰勒公式,并进行了比较。然后讨论了泰勒公式在不同领域中的应用。本文着重论述了带有积分余项,拉格朗日余项和佩亚诺余项三种形式的泰勒公式,并比较了带不同余项的泰勒公式的异同。泰勒公式是数学分析中的重要知识,在理论分析和实际中都有广泛的应用。本文讨论了泰勒公式在10个方面的应用:利用泰勒公式求极限和导数,求无穷远处极限,证明中值公式,中值点的极限,证明不等式,导数的中值,估计关于界的估计,方程中的应用以及在近似计算中的应用。 关键词:泰勒公式;积分余项;佩亚诺余项;拉格朗日余项 2.论中学数学学习中的性别差异及其对成绩的影响 摘要 通过对初、高中两所学校男女学生数学成绩的调查,从智力、非智力、教育、社会环境等方面差异进行分析研究,得出性别差异对学生数学成绩有影响,并且随着年级的升高,男女生的数学成绩存在显著的差异。并提出了提高女生数学成绩应注意的几个方面。 关键词:中学生性别差异数学成绩因性施教 3.论在数学教学中培养学生的创新精神 摘要


01 哲学 0101 哲学 010101 马克思主义哲学010102 中国哲学 010103 外国哲学 010104 逻辑学 010105 伦理学 010106 美学 010107 宗教学 010108 科学技术哲学 02 经济学 0201 理论经济学 020101 政治经济学 020102 经济思想史 020103 经济史 020104 西方经济学 020105 世界经济 020106 人口、资源与环境经济学 0202 应用经济学 020201 国民经济学

020202 区域经济学 020203 财政学(含∶税收学) 020204 金融学(含∶保险学) 020205 产业经济学 020206 国际贸易学 020207 劳动经济学 020208 统计学 020209 数量经济学 020210 国防经济 03 法学 0301 法学 030101 法学理论 030102 法律史 030103 宪法学与行政法学 030104 刑法学 030105 民商法学(含:劳动法学、社会保障法学) 030106 诉讼法学 030107 经济法学 030108 环境与资源保护法学 030109 国际法学(含:国际公法、国际私法、国际经济法) 030110 军事法学

0302 政治学 030201 政治学理论 030202 中外政治制度 030203 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动030204 中共党史(含:党的学说与党的建设) 030205 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育030206 国际政治 030207 国际关系 030208 外交学 0303 社会学 030301 社会学 030302 人口学 030303 人类学 030304 民俗学(含:中国民间文学) 0304 民族学 030401 民族学 030402 马克思主义民族理论与政策030403 中国少数民族经济 030404 中国少数民族史


2009 —2010学年第一学期 化学与材料学院(系)07级应用化学专业 《专业英语》期末试卷 1.Write the structural formula or Chinese name for each of the following (2% for each answer): (1)barium ion: (2)chlorate ion: (3)potassium ion: (4)carbonic acid: (5)ammonium ion: (6)pyrrole:(吡咯) (7)polystyrene: (聚苯乙烯) (8)p-hydroxybenzoic acid:(对羟基苯甲酸)(9)benzonitrile (苄腈) (10)critical pressure: (临界压力)(11)methanal: (甲醛)(12)buffer solution :(缓冲溶液)(13)alkali burette:(碱式滴定管)(14)extract :(萃取)(15)tetrasulfur dinitride: (S4N2)(16)aldose:(醛醣)(17)sodium dihydrogenphosphate (磷酸二氢钠) (18)zinc oxide: (19)6-ethyl-4-methyldecane: (20)quantitative analysis: (定量分析) 2.Write the English name for each of the following(2% for each answer): (1)IBr: (2)天平(balance)(3)阴离子(anion) (4)H2SO3 (5)滴液漏斗: (dropping funnel)(6)CuNO3: (7)AgF: (8)滴定(n.):(titrate)(9)Ca(MnO4)2: (10)辛醇: (11)十三烷: (12)(CH3CH2)2Hg: (diethylmercury) (13) CH3CHCH CH2 3: (14) CH3CH2CHCOOH CH3: (15)


第三,教材必须对汉文化背景知识的语言单位或行为单位加以必要的文化注释。但需注意的是,注释必须 有一定的的概况性、 提示性和针对性,注释范围原则上要做到系统、全面、有层次性。 参考文献: [1]Byram,M.TeachingandAssessingInterculturalCommu-nicativeCompetence[M].Clevedon:MultilingualMatters,1997. [2]ClaireKramsch.ContextandCultureinLanguageTeach-ing[M].Shanghai:ShanghaiForeignLanguageEducationPress,1993.[3]赵爱国,姜雅明.应用语言文化学概论[M].上海:上海 外语教育出版社, 2003.2013年第·1期 太原城市职业技术学院学报 Journal of TaiYuan Urban Vocational college 期 总第138期 Jan2013 [摘要]PBL模式是一种以学生为中心、基于内容的、探究性的教学模式。通过PBL模式在大学专业英语 教学中的实践得出如下结论:项目学习对大学专业英语学习的影响主要体现在激发学生的学习动机,促进学生学习自主性与合作学习能力的提高。 [关键词]PBL;专业英语;教学[中图分类号]G642 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-0046(2013)1-0150-02 大学专业英语教学中PBL模式的应用 王晓彦 (忻州师范学院,山西忻州034000) 一、PBL模式概述 PBL(Project-basedLearning,简称PBL),即基于项目的学习,将项目以解决的问题或任务交给学生,学生结合已有的知识与技能,再通过各种渠道搜集相关信息,与他人进行合作交流,最终将成果以项目的形式进 行展示。PBL模式属于小组合作式学习的一种, 首创于1969年加拿大麦克麦思大学的医学教育中,随后,这种教学模式在更多医学院应用并很快被推广到其他学科教育领域。Blumenfeld等学者将其过程描述为:学生“提出问题、精炼、讨论、推测、计划、试验、收集整理数据、作出结论、交流展示成果、提出的问题、创造出产品”。项 目学习模式注重合作、 创造、展示和交流活动,不仅是一种典型的以学习者为中心的教学模式,也是一种学习者自己能动地进行学习的模式。项目学习模式能够使学生接触到不同的学习方式,适用于不同层次的学生,帮助他们发挥各自优势,提高学习效果。 二、PBL模式实施流程及特征 PBL模式强调以学生为中心,注重小组合作学习。 根据不同专家学者提出的PBL模式实施流程,笔者将 其概括为选定项目、制定计划、实施项目、总结成果、交流成果、评价项目。 PBL模式有如下几个主要特征:合作性、问题性、探究性、 自主性。(1)合作性:PBL模式尤其适用于学习水平存在着较大差异的学习者之间的合作,拥有不同生活和学习背景的学生能够从不同的角度看待同一问题,提出各自不同的解决问题的途径。通过小组合作学习,可以把学习新知识所带来的认知负担分散到每个小组成员的身上,分别负责某个学习要点。通过合作,小组可以解决单个学生无法解决的问题。 (2)问题性:围绕提出问题、解决问题的学习是PBL模式的组织核心。当学生能够从多个角度看待事物的环境时,问题情境能够很快吸引学生的兴趣并使之维持,同时促使他们积极地寻求解决问题的方法。学生致力于对问题的解决,通过分析问题的症结所在,努力寻找解决问题的最好方法,并探究问题解决的现实意义,成为自 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![4]陈仕清.英语新课程理论与实践[M].上海:上海教育出 版社, 2006.[5]杜学增.中英文化习俗比较[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999. [6]顾喜祖,陆.语言与文化[M].上海: 上海外语教育出版社,2002. [7]教育部.英语课程标准[S].北京: 北师大出版社,2001.[8]贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.[9]平洪,张国扬.英语习语与英美文化[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000.[10]束定芳.外语教学改革:问题与对策[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004. 日升150 ··


体检不予录取及不宜就读专业汇总 一、“不予录取”的专业 我国现行的《指导意见》中明确规定,患有以下5种疾病者,学校有关专业可以不予录取。 序 号 体检结论不予录取的专业 1 轻度色觉异常(俗称 色弱) 化学类、化工与制药类、药学类、生物科学类、公安技术类、地质学类各专业,医学类各专业;生物工程、生物医学工程、动物医学、动物科学、野生动物与自然保护区管理、心理学、应用心理学、生态学、侦察学、特种能源工程与烟火技术、考古学、海洋科学、海洋技术、轮机工程、食品科学与工程、轻化工程、林产化工、农学、园艺、植物保护、茶学、林学、园林、蚕学、农业资源与环境、水产养殖学、海洋渔业科学与技术、材料化学、环境工程、高分子材料与工程、过程装备与控制工程、学前教育、特殊教育、体育教育、运动训练、运动人体科学、民族传统体育各专业。 2 色觉异常II度(俗称 色盲) 除同轻度色觉异常外,还包括美术学、绘画、艺术设计、摄影、动画、博物馆学、应用物理学、天文学、地理科学、应用气象学、材料物理、矿物加工工程、资源勘探工程、冶金工程、无机非金属材料工程、交通运输、油气储运工程等专业。

3 不能准确识别红、黄、 绿、蓝、紫各种颜色 中任何一种颜色的导 线、按键、信号灯、 几何图形者 除同轻度色觉异常、色觉异常II度两类列出专业外,还包括经济 学类、管理科学与工程类、工商管理类、公共管理类、农业经济 管理类、图书档案学类各专业。不能准确在显示器上识别红、黄、 绿、兰、紫各颜色中任何一种颜色的数码、字母者不能录取到计 算机科学与技术等专业。 4 裸眼视力任何一眼低 于5.0者 飞行技术、航海技术、消防工程、刑事科学技术、侦察。 5 裸眼视力任何一眼低 于4.8者 轮机工程、运动训练、民族传统体育。 二、“不宜就读”的专业 与冷冰冰的“不予录取”相比较,“不宜就读”给人一种温和的感觉。正是这种柔性的字眼,使有的考生产生了错觉,认为只要高考成绩上线,其他都是可以商榷的,于是不顾自身条件,仍一厢情愿地去报相关专业。殊不知,这完全是一种自欺欺人的侥幸心理。因为在我国高校资源——尤其是优质资源目前还比较紧缺的形势下,各高校都会在同等条件下对身体条件好的考生优先录取。 “不宜就读”的专业有以下9种情况: 序 号 体检结论不宜就读的专业


江南大学英语语言文学宾题冋忆版基础英语,词汇部分,有不是专八单词的部分,有点难,修辞, 今年貌似没书上原题,比较简单,改错,专八难度,无选项填空考的是一篇关于命令下达方式的不 太难。阅读,题量很大,3篇10问,不太能真接找到答案,要总结,作文给了马克吐温的一句话写自己的看法。翻译写作,英翻汉两篇,第一篇关于哲学,第二篇叙事,不太难,个别单词比较难。 汉翻英,考了荷塘月色,还有屮国经济可持续发展,发展方式之类的,没有考参考书上的。总Z时 间很紧。南京大学英语语言学2013考研真题冋忆 第一题,与去年相同,依然是术语区分l.fricative vs. affricate 2.meronymy vs. hyponymy 3.positive face vs. negative face 4.sense vs. reference 相比Z下,今年该题偏简单,第一个不清楚,后三个都是很基木的概念,平时复习注意总结,结 合例了用自己的语言表达出来即可。 第二题,依然是二分法 1.inter natio nalizati on 2.The weather in Chicago today is no good for watching cridket. 第三题,选择,要求找出四个选项屮与其他三个选项不同的那个选项,并用一句话解释,共10道题,每题3分,该题大部分部是刘新仁那木语言学第二、第三章的内容,语音,重读,因索,词 类,构词法基本齐一题。另外还考了一道semantic relation,这个基木近儿年每年都考,这个是重 点,也容易理解,这几分一定得拿到手,因为基木上没人失分。最后一道是语用学里的,Speech act theory. 第四题,简答题,给了5个新闻标题,要我们分析,what rules are there when we write elliptical English newspaper headlines? (1) 3 Arrested in New Orleans Hospital (2)Blast Kills 53 in Iraq Holy city (3)Missio n Applauded as Shuttle Returns (4)U.S. at odds with Allies on Mideast Conflicts (5)0ptimism on Both Sides of Gay-marriage Debate 然后再为今夭的考试 写一个新闻标题 第五题,简答题。irre呂ulat verbs n go""come" ,their past-tense are "went""came".再举出两个这样 的例了,然后总结它们的共同特征。并从这些特征研究英语构词法。 第六题,简答题。两种动词,drive, finish.,其中drive可以跟for+ time, finish跟in+time,反Z 不对,分析这两种动词,并用这两个词造两个复杂的句了。 第七题,两个笑话,要用语言学术语分析它们为什么可笑。(1)baby pig -—piglet 然示baby toy 应该是?------- toilet 这个应该是overgeneralization (2)A : William has asked me for a loan of five pouds. Should I be doing right in len ding it to him? B: Certai nly. A: Why? B: Because otherwise he would try to borrow it from me. 这个我实在。。。。 第丿I题,Charterizing learners' English peoficiercy often calls for a meticulous an alysis of their output, writte n or spoke n, in terms of accuracy, complexity, fluency, and idiomaticity. How can the four items be measured spec讦ically?


英语教学法 1语法翻译法Grammer Translation Method 2直接法Direct Method 3听说法Audio-lingual Method 4情景法又称视听法the situational approach 5认知法cognitive approach 6交际法communicative approach 功能法functional approach 意念法notional approach 功能-意念法functional-notional approach 7 任务型教学法task-based language approach 任务前Pre-task 任务环task-cycle :task, planning, reporting 语言聚焦languaga focus: analysis, practice (types of tasks: brainstorming tasks;jigsaw tasks;information-gap tasks; problem-solving tasks;decision-making tasks;opinion exchange tasks) 英语语言知识教学 一、语音教学teaching pronunciation 语流层次的语音教学 stress of sentences; rhythms ;sense-group and pause ;liaison and loss of plosion ;intonation three ways to show the stress patterns of words, phrases and sentences: use gestures; use the voice; use the blackboard 口语中: elision and assimilation 二、词汇教学teaching vocabulary 词汇教学模式: PPT模式:presentation, practice, testing LBLT模式:task based language teaching Ways of presenting vocabularyf 1.try to provide a visual or physical demonstration to show meaning. 2.Provide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510904444.html,e synonyms, antonyms, to explain meaning https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510904444.html,e lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings. 5.Translate and exemplify. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510904444.html,e word foemation rules and common affixes to build new lexical knowledge on what is already known. 7.Teach vocabulary in chunks. 8.Think about the context in real life where the word might be used. 9.Think about providing different context for introducing new words. 10.Prepare for possible misunderstanding or confusion that students may have. Ways of consolidating vocabulary https://www.360docs.net/doc/1510904444.html,belling 2.Spot the differences 3.Describe and draw


一、数学符号翻译 12/156 twelve over one hundred and fifty-six 234/567 two hundred and thirty -four over five hundred and sixty-seven 4% four percent 7‰ seven permill 6.79 six point seven nine 52.3 three point two five recurring 85x the eighth root of x to the fifth power 53 x x to the minus three fifths dx x f b a )( f is integrable on [a,b] 32)(dx x f f is integrable on [2,3] x f the partial (derivative) of f with respect to x y f the partial (derivative) of f with respect to y 5lo g 3 the logarithm of five to the base three x a log the logarithm of x to the base a B A A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B B A A cup B / A join B / A union B A a a is an element of A B b b is an element of B 二、名词翻译 function theory 函数论 schematic representation 图解表示 geometry 几何学 trigonometry 三角学 consequence 推论 proposition 命题 theorem 定理 pyramid 棱锥 cone 圆锥 abscissa 横坐标 ordinate 纵坐标 coordinate system 坐标系 coordinate axis 坐标轴 polygonal region 多边形区域 tangent 切线 slope 斜率 complex-valued sequence 复值序列 convergence 收敛 real valued sequence 实值序列 divergence 发散 rational number 有理数 irrational number 无理数 odd number 奇数 even number 偶数 prime 质数、素数 composite 合数 plane 平面 surface 曲面 broken line 折线 Venn diagram 文氏图 universal set 全集 the underlying set 基础集 proper subset 真子集 quadratic equation 二次方程 the absolute-value function 绝对值函数



国际经济与贸易 金融学 会计学 工商管理 农林经济管理 经济学 市场营销(物流管理) 法学 广播电视编导 地理信息系统 英语(经贸) 人力资源管理 市场营销 英语(翻译) 电子商务 土地资源管理(房地产开发与物业管理) 行政管理 英语 汉语言文学 劳动与社会保障 旅游管理 土地资源管理 服装设计与工程(服装工程) 公共事业管理 森林资源保护与游憩(生态保护与资源信息管理)测绘工程 行政管理(企业行政管理) 公共事业管理(城市管理) 社会学 历史学 社会工作 公共事业管理(公共应急管理) 行政管理(公共政策) 历史学(文化旅游) 哲学 电子科学与技术 计算机科学与技术 软件工程 机械设计制造及其自动化 土木工程 数学与应用数学 车辆工程

水利水电工程 食品科学与工程(食品营养) 广播电视编导 食品科学与工程 食品质量与安全 建筑学 电子信息工程 自动化 应用化学 光信息科学与技术 城市规划 生物技术 电子信息科学与技术 茶学(加工与贸易) 法学 园艺(花卉与景观设计) 电气工程及其自动化 通信工程) 土木工程(工程管理) 应用化学(化学生物学) 材料化学 统计学 环境工程 茶学 网络工程 动物医学(包括小动物疾病防治) 土木工程(道路与桥梁) 信息管理与信息系统 制药工程 生物科学 工业设计 园林 水产养殖学(观赏鱼) 农业机械化及其自动化(机电一体化)生态学 生物工程 农学(农业信息技术) 软件工程(软件学院) 农学(农业生物技术) 服装设计与工程(服装工程) 环境科学 植物保护

交通运输(汽车运用工程) 动物科学(动物营养与饲料科学) 茶学(茶艺) 农学 地理信息系统 工业工程 信息与计算科学 园艺 农学(农产品标准化与贸易) 包装工程(设计) 植物保护(农产品安全与检测) 资源环境科学 林学 蚕学(蚕业资源与生物技术) 植物保护(微生物工程) 木材科学与工程(家具工程) 水产养殖学 动物生物技术 草业科学(草坪与高尔夫管理) 动物科学 木材科学与工程 教育技术学 园艺(园艺生物技术) 测绘工程 林学(城市林业) 园艺(园艺产品贮藏与流通) 动物药学 园艺(种子科学与工程) 设施农业科学与工程 森林资源保护与游憩(生态保护与资源信息管理)动画 动画(数码影像设计) 服装设计与工程 服装设计与工程(广告表演与商务礼仪) 艺术设计(产品造型设计) 艺术设计(环境艺术设计) 艺术设计(家具与室内设计) 艺术设计(视觉传达设计) 艺术设计(展示设计) 音乐学(音乐表演)


1.Why are cast metal sheet ingots hot-rolled first instead of being cold-rolled? Because of cold rolling is to use hot rolled steel coils as the raw material, after acid pickling to remove oxide skin for cold rolling, the finished product is hard roll, because of cold work hardening caused by deformation of continuous cold rolling hard roll strength, increase hardness, toughness and plastic index decreased, so the stamping performance will deteriorate, can only be used for simple deformation of the parts 2.What type of heat treatment is given to the rolled metal sheet after hot and “warm” rolling? What is its purpose? 轧钢的热处理的类型?轧钢热处理的目的? Heat treatment of the main types are annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering, solution treatment and aging treatment, cold treatment, chemical treatment, etc. Annealing: The steel is heated to a certain temperature and heat preservation for a period of time, and then make it slowly cooling, called annealing. Steel annealing is a heat the steel to the phase change or part of the phase change temperature, slow cooling after heat preservation heat treatment method. The purpose of annealing is to eliminate tissue defects, improve the organization make composition uniformity and fine grains, increase mechanical properties of the steel, reduce residual stress; Can decrease the hardness at the same time, improve the plasticity and toughness, improve machinability. So before annealing in order to eliminate and improve both the legacy of tissue defects and internal stress, and to prepare for the follow-up process, so the annealing is belong to the intermediate heat treatment, also called heat treatment in advance Normalizing: Normalizing is heated to above the critical temperature of steel, to all into homogeneous austenitic steel, heat treatment and natural cooling in air. It can eliminate hypereutectoid steel mesh cementite, for hyposteel normalizing can refine crystal lattice, improve comprehensive mechanical properties, low requirements for the parts use the normalized instead of the annealing process is more economic. Quenching: Quenching is the steel is heated to above the critical temperature, heat preservation for a period of time, then quickly into the quenching medium, the temperature plummeted, rapid cooling at greater than the critical cooling rate of speed, which is mainly composed of martensite and unbalanced heat treatment method of the organization. Can increase strength and hardness of the steel quenching, but to reduce its plasticity. That is commonly used in quenching hardening agent are: water, oil, caustic soda, and salt solution, etc
