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Module 1

hot dog热狗

I don’t know. 我不知道

look good 看起来不错

Can I help you? 我能帮你吗

how much多少钱

here you are. 给你

Thank you. 谢谢你

enjoy your meal 祝你用餐愉快

be careful 当心

I’m sorry 我很抱歉

want to 想要

lots of /a lot of 许多,大量的come in 进来

Module 2

get up 起床

have breakfast 吃早餐

have lunch 吃午餐

have dinner 吃晚餐

have a/our picnic举行野餐

be going to打算,将要

in the park在公园

go to the park去公园

at half past twelve 十二点半What time is it now? 现在几点了one hour to go 差一个小时

on the pond在池塘上dark clouds 乌云

in the sky在空中

I don’t thank so.我不这样认为

a beautiful day 一个好天

Let’s go 让我们走

oh dear 天哪

oh no 不

look at 看

look like看来好像

stay hungry继续挨饿

after dinner 晚餐之后

play chess 下象棋

go to bed 上床睡觉

have a good night 祝你好梦

read a book 看书

at home 在家

Module 3

naughty bird 淘气的小鸟

little dog 小狗

How are you?你好吗

have a very interesting day 非常有趣的一天

send you some photos 寄给你一些图片miss everyone 想念每个人

write to me soon 快点给我回信

in the tree在树上

start to rain 开始下雨

fly away飞走

clean the room 打扫房间

in this photo在这张照片中

in the mountains 在山里

drink water 喝水

play hide-and-seek 捉迷藏

have a good/lovely time 玩的开心look out of the window 朝窗外看jump in the water 在水里跳

come to the station 驶入车站

on the sea 在海面上

the middle of the night 深夜

paly football 踢足球

fly a kite 放风筝

Module 4

at the supermarket在超市

have a birthday party举行生日聚会have a party 聚会

on the phone打电话

fly away飘走

happy birthday 生日快乐

fall down掉落

pick up捡起

what a mess 太混乱

get on 上车

get off 下车

half of us 我们的一半

sit down 坐下

stand up 起立


play the suona吹唢呐

the third time 第三次very loudly非常大声地

cross the street 穿过街道

do exercise 做早操

eat dinner 吃晚饭

talk to her friend 跟她的朋友谈话

do her homework 做作业

know nothing一无所知

too hot 太热了

watch TV 看电视

start to sing开始唱歌

very dark非常黑

wave to say goodbye 挥手说再见

call out my name 喊我名字

ice cream 冰激凌

wake up from my dream 从梦中唤醒

high up above the plan 在飞机上面

Module 6

welcome home 欢迎回家

on the earth在地球上

Many presents许多礼物

space travel太空旅行

be interested in对…感兴趣

very much 非常

in the book 在书里

many pictures 许多图片


finish the book 看完这本书

decide to 决定

make a paper spaceship 做一艘纸质宇宙飞船
