




Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1.A. The man doesn’t want to see Mr. Williams.

B. Mr. Jones is in an inferior position than Mr. Williams.

C. Mr. Jones used to be in charge.

D. Mr. Williams doesn’t want to work tomorrow.

2.A. They need to make more efforts.

B. They’ll have more work to do tomorrow.

C. The others have done the greater part of it.

D. They’ve finished more than half of it.

3.A. She was feeling very sorry.

B. She felt a bit annoyed.

C. She was in a hurry.

D. She was in her office.

4.A. Jane was telling a lie.

B. The woman wasn’t being sincere.

C. Jane has already come back from Paris.

D. Jane wasn’t in Paris that day.

5.A. The knife belongs to him.

B. Bob should mind his own business.

C. The man once borrowed Bob’s knife.

D. Bob’s knife isn’t as good as that of the man.

6. A. He’ll miss the meeting that afternoon.

B. He’ll have an appointment with the host.

C. He won’t miss the meeting.

D. He is very hardworking.

7.A. Because she won’t fulfill her promise.

B. Because her mother would be very angry.

C. Because she can’t finish the job ahead of schedule.

D. Because she would be the last to finish the job.

8. A. He always talks on the phone for that long if it’s toll free.

B. They have so much free time to talk on the phone for that long.

C. They talked on the phone for too long.

D. He wants to know what they talked about.

9.A. At a restaurant.

B. At the cinema.

C. In the office.

D. At a department store.

10.A. She wrote the thesis for the man.

B. She warned the man about writing on such a topic.

C. She likes to take risk.

D. She was secretary to Professor Smith.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After

you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,

B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line

through the center.

Passage One

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11.A. Americans are too attached to their cars.

B. American cars are too fast.

C. Automobiles endanger health.

D. Automobiles are the main pubic transportation tools of USA.

12. A. Because they pollute air.

B. Because they are natural hazards.

C. Because they are increasing in numbers.

D. Because people don’t walk so often.

13. A. Control of natural hazards.

B. Control of heavy traffic.

C. Control of heart disease.

D. Control of man made hazards.

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A. It smashed into a row of houses.

B. It was run over by a truck.

C. It was too nervous to leave the strip in the middle of the road.

D. It hit a truck.

15. A. A passenger.

B. The dog.

C. The truck driver.

D. A policeman.

16.A. In the street.

B. In a family swimming pool.

C. In a public swimming pool.

D. In a kindergarten.

17.A. A big steak.

B. A piece of bread.

C. A bottle of milk.

D. An extra bone.

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

18. A. Seasonal variations in nature.

B. How intelligence changes with the change of seasons.

C. How we can improve our intelligence.

D. Why summer is the best season for vacation.

19. A. Summer.

B. Winter.

C. Fall.

D. Spring.

20. A. All people are less intelligent in summer than in the other seasons of the year.

B. Heat has no effect on people’s mental abilities.

C. People living near the equator are the most intelligent.

D. Both climate and temperature exert impact on people’s intelligence.

Section C

Directions: Listen to the following news once and fill in the blanks

1. The Netherlands: A fire at a New Year’s celebration near Amsterdam ki lled at least 5 people and injured _______ more. Officials say about 700 young people were celebrating in the three-level building at the port of V olundem. The fire spread quickly through the third floor. Dutch police are____________ reports that all but o ne of the building’s emergency doors were blocked.

2. In business news: _______________________ has cut interest rates. Policy makers of the Federal Reserve lowered the banks main interest rate by one half percentage point to six percent. The goal is to prevent the economy from slowing down too much. The Federal Reserve policy makers noted a continuing drop in _______ and production. Their decision to lower the cost of borrowing money was not expected at this time. Financial markets rose ___________ after the announcement. You are listening to the news in VOA Special English.

Section D

Directions: listen to the following news twice and answer the following questions.

1. What are the three nations mentioned by Bush?

2. What is one of the top priority in the year ahead?

3. What is Mr. Bush also being pressed to do?

4. How does Bush sum up his economic security plan?

5. What is the main topic of this news?

Part II Reading comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A Fast Reading

Directions: Questions 1-5 are based on the resume you will read. Try to answer each question by quickly scanning the material.


Stacy Lee

Email: Slee2001@https://www.360docs.net/doc/1518668332.html,

Phone: 13801053940393

Date of birth: Oct. 1, 1956

Work Experience

1993-Present: Senior Consultant at Beijing Best Consulting

?Lead China market research projects for foreign firms and organizations in the industry of IT, software, detergent, cosmetics, household goods, etc.,

?Help plan and organize business visits overseas for Chinese firms and agents in the industries mentioned above,

?Lead Delegations of Chinese Manufacturers to visit trade shows and conferences in America.

Served as main interpreter for heads of delegations.

?Organized the first Chinese Small Business Exporters Conference in Beijing in 2002. ?Organized the sixth annual International Comic Book and Cartoon Art Festival in Beijing in 2004.

1989-1993: China Representative of the Motion Picture Association of America ?Collect information on the film, TV and home video business in China and report regularly to the head office,

?Arrange some of the first meetings held in China for MPAA .

?Organized the first conference on Movie Intellectual Property Rights in Shanghai in 1992. ?Administer China office.

1986-1989: Translator and secretary at United Press International Beijing Office ?Arrange interviews for visiting journalists

?Translate interviews and news.

?Set up the first clipping service for UPI in China.

?Set up branch offices for UPI in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xi’an.

1976-1986: Translator and secretary at Foreign Language Press, Beijing

?Work to help promote Chinese Literature in other countries

?Arranged Sales Meetings for Foreign Distributors

?Served as Interpreter for Business Leaders during sales visits to the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and the Philippines.


2001-Current Studying Part Time for Masters Degree in Education, subject

in Teaching English as a Second Language – Beijing Normal


1972-1976: American and British Literature at Beijing Foreign Studies University

1. Stacy Lee worked at United Press International between the year _____________

2. She organized the Chinese Small Business Exporters Conference in the city of _______.

3. Where did she work as a translator in 1978?

A. United Press International

B. Beijing Best Consulting

C. Foreign Language Press

D. Motion Picture Association of America

4. What did she study at Beijing Foreign Studies University?

A. Teaching English as a Second Language

B. English for Translation.

C American and British Literature

D. Economics and Foreign Trade

5. For whom did she organize a conference in Shanghai?

A. United Press International

B. Motion Picture Association of America

C. Foreign Language Press

D. Beijing Best Consulting

Section B Careful Reading

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.

You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the

Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

As our lives become increasingly sedentary (久坐的) and our eating habits correspondingly unhealthy, some of us are eating ourselves into an early grave. The statistics really are alarming. More than half the adults in the UK are overweight and one in five is obese (肥胖的)-which means their weight noses a serious threat to their health.

The reasons for this weight "epidemic" seem to be a combination of sedentary lifestyle and the way our eating habits have changed in recent years. Some people may be more inclined to put on weight for genetic reasons, but the fundamental cause of overweight and obesity is the fact that

people are simply consuming more calories than they use up, and the excess is stored as fat. Certainly, we exercise less than we once did in our daily lives. Where our grandmothers swept floors and carpets and washed clothes and dishes by hand, these tasks are commonly carried out by a machine today, while walking or cycling to work or to the shops has been replaced in many cases by a car journey---or even working or shopping electronically from home. Many tasks at work are now also automated.

Eating habits, too, have changed radically. We may be voracious (狼吞虎咽的) consumers of TV cookery shows, but some scholars point out that we watch them as entertainment rather than rushing off immediately afterwards to recreate the featured dishes. In fact, ready meals and fast food often replace home-prepared and cooked food, especially during the week, and different members of the family tend to eat when they want to rather than waiting for a meal to be ready to sit down together. We have also become a nation of "grazers" - picking at snacks throughout the day rather than confining the bulk of our consumption to three set mealtimes. Unfortunately, many of our favorite and readily available snacks, fast foods and takeaway meals are heavy on fat or sugar and short on fruit and vegetables. While this is not harmful in itself if used as an occasional treat, the situation becomes more serious when they form too large a proportion of the diet. These dietary changes are also affecting children. A 1999 study estimated that between 5 and 15 per cent of children of school age were overweight or obese, with the true number thought to be even higher.

21. What does the author imply by saying "some of us are eating ourselves into an early grave"

(Line 2, Para 1)?

A. Some people eat too much in their daily lives, they pay no attention to their health.

B. Some of us like eating in a grave.

C. Unhealthy eating habits will result in illness, even death.

D. People's weight poses a serious threat to their health.

22. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason for being overweight and


A. Lack of exercise.

B. Changing eating habits.

C. A sedentary lifestyle.

D. Not sweeping floors and carpets or washing clothes and dishes by hand.

23. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. People's eating habits have changed radically in recent years.

B. People's lifestyles have changed;changed lifestyles have an influence on people's health.

C. The fundamental cause of being overweight and obesity is the fact that people are simply

consuming more calories than they use up, and the excess is stored as fat.

D. Many tasks in daily life are now automated.

24. Which of the following is INCORRECT according to the passage?

A. For most people, to a large extent, watching TV cookery shows is to learn how to recreate

the featured dishes.

B. Overweight and obesity may be caused by genetic reasons.

C. Consuming too much fat or sugar is harmful to one's health.

D. Home-prepared and cooked food are often replaced by ready made meals and fast food.

25. The author's attitude towards the current situation of being overweight and obesity is


A. positive

B. neutral

C. suspicious

D. realistic

Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

As parents, we want our children to reach their full academic potential. We read to them, encourage their special talents, and support them when they have problems. If they choose to participate in music or sports, we also help them reach their potential in those areas. These are all good goals.

There is, however, an even more important goal. It is a goal more difficult than excellence in arithmetic or soccer or the violin. Parents are responsible for providing their children with a moral compass. They need to nurture and treasure goodness in their children. Every child has the capacity to become a good, decent human being. To fulfill this capacity, children need the guidance and support of parents and other adults. Raising good, moral children is the most important job we will have.

What is a good, decent human being? While we may differ on some details, most would agree that respect for others, kindness and caring, honesty and honor, and a reverence (尊重)for life are key. Good, decent human beings are people with a firm sense of direction and purpose - a moral compass - to guide their lives. Children need our help to develop these characteristics and values.

While most people try to act with honor and kindness, doing so consistently is difficult and requires lifelong effort. Goodness is not easy for an adult, and it is even more difficult for a child. They do not have the knowledge, experiences, or cognitive skills to understand the impact and consequences of their actions.

Reinforcement is sometimes an efficient approach to building positive behavior. The child behaves in a desired way and the parents provide reinforcement. The behavior then typically increases in frequency. This approach works for teaching "Please" and "Thank you". The new behavior is maintained, because it helps the child get along in the world.

Loving, everyday interactions are the beginning of raising moral children. The child who falls and receives adult concern learns how to treat others kindly when they stumble. The child who makes a mistake and is encouraged to try again learns how to support others. When parents intercede(调解) graciously for their child, the child can see the basis for friendship. When we treat children with respect and care, we provide a positive model of how to behave. These early experiences establish patterns for their treatment of others.

26. To provide their children with a moral compass, adults should__________.

A. encourage their children to learn more knowledge about sports or music

B. encourage their children to be a man with high integrity

C. support their children when they have problems

D. set a good example and give positive instructions to children

27. According to the author, people with a moral compass are the kind of people who __________.

A. can reach their full academic potential

B. can lead a decent life

C. know what to do

D. have developed characteristics and values such as respect for others

28. Why does the author talk about teaching "Please" and "Thank you" (Line 4, Para 5)?

A. To demonstrate that saying "Please" and "Thank you" is a good habit.

B. To demonstrate that politeness is the nature of a moral compass.

C. To demonstrate that politeness helps the child get along in the world.

D. To demonstrate that reinforcement is an efficient approach to building positive behavior.

29. Which of the following can express the main idea of the last passage?

A. Adults should treat children with love.

B. Adults should have more positive communication with children.

C. Adults should treat children with respect and care.

D. Adults should provide a positive model of how to behave for children.

30. Which of the following can serve as the best title for this passage?

A. How to Make Your Children an Academically Excellent Student.

B. How to Explore Your Child's Potential.

C. How to Mold a Moral Child.

D. How to Make Your Child a Versatile Student.

Passage Three Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

Expansion of cities, destruction of forests, erosion of fields and rising demand for water are likely to threaten human and ecological health in many countries for at least a generation, according to a new United Nations report on environmental trends.

The world has seen significant environmental progress in recent years, says the report, which was released yesterday by the United Nations Environment Program. Population growth is slowing, for example, and food production is largely keeping pace with it. But the report warns of severe water shortages in the Middle East over the next generation, and it says the growth of agriculture is damaging landscapes, raising the level of salt in the soil and reducing habitat for wildlife.

It also includes some bleak findings, cast in a manner that is rarely seen in United Nations reports---with no path leading to a good result. Even environmental protection becomes a high priority, it says, most regions of the world will still see their biological diversity and coastal ecosystems badly damaged by 2032. The report says an important cause is the accelerating growth of vast, poor and largely unplanned cities in developing countries, most of them near coastlines. Increased sewage (污水), storm runoff, and conversion of land around such cities will inevitably produce more human disease and kill more marine life, it says. Such environmental damage often ends up hampering economic growth, the report says, noting that damage to farmland in India is cutting agricultural productivity there by about $ 2.4 billion a year.

Already, the report says, five billion acres of soil, more than the area of the United States and Canada combined, is degraded by human activity, with a sixth of that "strongly or extremely degraded." Most of the damage has come through water and wind erosion and excessive grazing. And the report says water shortages will be particularly acute in a zone running from the Arabian Peninsula, with more than 90 percent of the population in that region living in what it called "severe water stress" by 2032. In considering what may happen in the next 30 years, the report looks at a variety of social and economic scenarios (预期模式)---from one in which all countries

focus mainly on promoting growth to one in which they seek to balance environmental, social and economic progress.

31. The main point of the United Nations report is that __________.

A. the world has seen significant environmental progress in recent years

B. the world has seen significant environmental damage in recent years

C. the problem of environmental damage will accompany human in quite a long period

D. environmental protection has become a high priority in many countries

32. The increase of salt level in the soil is a result of __________.

A. expansion of cities

B. over development of agriculture

C. severe water shortages

D. erosion of fields

33. The "bleak findings" (Line 1, Para 3) refers to __________.

A. the trend of lasting environmental deterioration despite active actions of humans

B. the trend that environmental protection has become a high priority in many countries

C. the serious environmental problems in developing countries

D. the fact that environmental damage often ends up hampering economic growth

34. The main reason for the "bleak findings" is __________.

A. excessive expansion of cities

B. serious environmental damage

C. increased sewage

D. lack of awareness for environmental protection

35. The critical way implied to solve present environmental damage is to __________.

A. control the unplanned expansion of cities

B. raise peoples awareness for environmental protection

C. take environmental and social progress seriously while boosting the economy

D. tackle the problem of water shortages first

Passage Four Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

Telecommuting—substituting the commuter for the trip to the job—has been hailed as a solution to all kinds of problems related to office work. For workers it promises freedom from the office, less time wasted in traffic, and help with child-care conflicts. For management, telecommuting helps keep high performers on board, minimizes tardiness and absenteeism by eliminating commutes, allows periods of solitude for high concentration tasks, and provides scheduling flexibility. In some areas, such as Southern California and Seattle, local governments are encouraging companies to start telecommuting programs in order to reduce rush-hour congestion and improve air quality.

But these benefits do not come easily. Making a telecommuting program work requires careful planning and an understanding of the differences between telecommuting realities and popular images. Many workers are seduced by rosy illusions of life as a telecommuter. A computer programmer from New York City moves to the tranquil Adirondack Mountains and stays in contact with her office via computer. A manager comes in to his office three days a week and works at home the other two. An accountant stays home to care for her sick child: she hooks up

her telephone moderm connections and does office work between calls to the doctor.

These are powerful images, but they are a limited reflection of reality. Telecommuting workers soon learn that it is almost impossible to concentrate on work and care for a young child at the same time. Before a certain age, young children cannot recognize, much less respect, the necessary boundaries between work and family. Additional child support is necessary if the parent is to get any work done. Management, too, must separate the myth from reality. Although the media has paid a great deal of attention to telecommuting, in most cases it is the employees’ situation, not the availability of technology, that precipitates a telecommuting arrangement. That is partly why, despite the widespread press coverage, the number of companies with work-at-home programs or policy guidelines remains small.

36. Which of the following is not mentioned as a problem related to office work?

A. Wasting time in traffic.

B. The conflict between child-care and work.

C. The inflexible schedule.

D. The high expense on office equipment.

37. According to the passage, how does telecommuting benefit management?

A. It enables workers to work intensively without being disturbed by colleagues.

B. It can reduce the rush-hour congestion.

C. It can free workers from office.

D. It can stabilize the staff since they can better take care of the family.

38. What subject does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Business management strategies.

B. The use of computer.

C. The life style of telecommuters.

D. Extending the workplace by means of computers.

39. According to the passage, the idea of telecommuting is not very realistic because____.

A. it’s difficult to take care of small children and concentrate on work at the same time

B. computer technology is not advanced enough

C. electrical malfunctions can destroy a project

D. the workers do not always have all the needed resources at home

40. Which of the following is an example of telecommuting as described in the passage?

A. A scientist in a laboratory developing plans for a space station.

B. A technical writer sending via computer documents created at home.

C. A computer technician repairing an office computer network.

D. A teacher directing computer assisted learning in a private school.

Part III English-Chinese Translation (10minutes)

Directions: Translate the underlined sentences from the reading passages into Chinese:

1. (Passage 1, para.3)

While this is not harmful in itself if used as an occasional treat, the situation becomes more serious when they form too large a proportion of the diet.

2. (Passage 2, para.5)

Reinforcement is sometimes an efficient approach to building positive behavior. The child behaves in a desired way and the parents provide reinforcement. The behavior then typically increases in frequency. This approach works for teaching "Please" and "Thank you". The new behavior is maintained, because it helps the child get along in the world.

3. (Passage 3, para.3)

Even environmental protection becomes a high priority, it says, most regions of the world will still see their biological diversity and coastal ecosystems badly damaged by 2032.

Part IV Chinese-English Translation (20 minutes)

Directions: Translate the following paragraph into English


Part V Writing (30minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Should College Students Take Part-time Jobs?You must base your composition on the following instructions (given in Chinese). Your composition should be no less than 160 words.

Should College Students Take Part-time Jobs?





Part I Listening Comprehension 20%

Section A5%

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. B

6. C



9. D10.B

Section B5%

Passage One

11. C12. D13. D

Passage Two

14.C15.C16.B 17. D

Passage Three

18.B19.D20. D

Section C 5% 1. 130 2. investigating 3.United States Central Bank

4. sales

5. sharply

Section D 5% 1. Iran, Iraq and North Korea

2. Winning the war on terrorism / improving homeland security.

3. improve the economy

4. Jobs

5. Terrorism and/or economy

Part II Reading Comprehension 25%

Section A Fast Reading


2. Beijing

3. C

4. C

5. B

Section B Careful reading

21-25 CDBAD

26-30 DDDDC

31-35 CBAAC

36-40 DADAB

Part III English-Chinese Translation 15% (略)

Part IV Chinese-English Translation 15% (略)Part V Writing15% (略)


2018年公务员行测题库及答案(一) 第一部分常识判断 (共20题,参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.下列对哲学家及其思想的认定不正确的是() A.老子早于庄子,庄子早于韩非子 B.亚里士多德师从柏拉图,柏拉图师从苏格拉底 C.毛泽东的实践观同于列宁,列宁的实践观同于马克思 D.尼采的非理性主义源于叔本华,叔本华的非理性主义源于培根 2.下列俗语中同时包含和体现“规律的客观性”、“矛盾的特殊性”、“内因是事物运动变化的根据”等哲学道理的是() A.日有所思,夜有所梦 B.士别三日,刮目相看 C.千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 D.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 3.发下列不属于毛泽东提出的重要思想的是() A.社会主义社会存在两类不同性质的矛盾 B.调动一切积极因素,为社会主义事业服务 C.知识分子是工人阶级的一部分 D.国家政治生活的主题是正确处理人民内部矛盾 4.下列诗句不是出自唐朝诗人的是() A.接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红 B.窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船 C.可怜九月初三夜,露似真珠月似弓 D.身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通 5.儒道思想犹如中国古代思想的双璧。下列言论中,最能体现道家因循自然、崇尚无为思想的是() A.不以人助天 B.制天命而用之 C.天地不仁,以万物为刍狗 D.天行有常,不为尧存,不为桀亡 6.既不临海又不与邻国接壤的我国少数民族自治区是() A.广西壮族自治区 B.西藏自治区 C.新疆维吾尔自治区 D.宁夏回族自治区 7.下列关于我国民族区域自治制度的表述,不正确的一项是() A.民族区域自治是单一制国家形式下实行的自治形式 B.民族区域自治地方具有联邦行政区域性质 C.民族区域自治是区域自治和民族自治的统一 D.自治权是民族区域自治制度的核心 8.张某在路上发现有小偷正在对行人李某行窃,便立刻上前阻止,结果被该小偷用刀刺伤。张某共花费医疗费用5万元。


2018年国考行测真题(省级以上) 注意事项 1.这项测验共有五个部分,总时限为120分钟。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将姓名与准考证号在指定位置上填写清楚。 3.当监考人员宣布考试正式开始时,你才可以答题。 4.当监考老师宣布考试结束时,你应立即停止作答。待监考人员允许离开后,方可离开考场。 5.在这项测验中,可能有一些试题较难,因此你不要在某一道题上思考太长时间,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去。否则,你可能没有时间完成后面的题目。 第一部分常识判断 (共20题参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.我国宪法对非公有制经济的规定进行了几次修改,按时间先后排序正确的是() ①允许发展私营经济,采取“引导、监督、管理”的方针 ②在法律规定范围内的个体经济、私营经济等非公有制经济,是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分 ③鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济的发展,并对非公有制经济依法实行监督和管理 ④非公有制经济仅限于个体经济,不包括私营经济,且个体经济处于补充地位 A.①②④③ B.①③②④ C.④①③② D.④①②③ 2.下列关于“三农”问题的说法错误的是() A.民政部门是农民专业合作社登记机关 B.征地补偿费的使用、分配方案,经村民会议讨论决定方可办理 C.深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革是当前和今后一个时期农业农村工作的主线 D.村民委员会作出的决定侵害村民合法权益的,受侵害的村民可以申请人民法院予以撤销 3.关于2015年中央军委改革工作会议召开以来进行的改革,下列说法错误的是() A.全面停止军队有偿服务活动 B.组建中央军委联勤保障部队 C.军委机关由多部门制改为总部制 D.成立陆军领导机构和战略支援部队 4.下列金融机构与其可以从事的金融业务对应正确的是() A.商业银行——股票承销业务 B.人寿保险公司——医疗责任保险业务 C.小额贷款公司——城乡居民储蓄存款业务 D.中国出口信用保险公司——海外投资保险业务


期权从业考试题含答案 分 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

试卷 单选题(共50题,每题2分) 1、期权合约是由买方向卖方支付(),从而获得在未来约定的时间以约定的价格买入或卖出标的资产的权利 A.行权价 B.标的价格 C.权利金 D.结算价 2、期权的买方() A.获得权利金 B.有保证金要求 C.有义务、无权利 D.支付权利金 3、期权买方在期权到期前任一交易日或到期日均可以选择行权的是() A.欧式期权 B.美式期权 C.百慕大式期权 D.亚式期权 4、关于“510050C1509M02350”合约,以下说法正确的是() A.权利金是每股0.2350元 B.合约到月份为5月

C.合约类型为认沽 D.行权价为2.350元 5、以下哪种情况下,期权合约单位无需作相应调整() A.当标的证券发生权益分配 B.当标的证券发生价格剧烈波动 C.当标的证券发生公积金转增股本 D.当标的证券发生配股 6、上交所期权合约的最小交易单位为() A.10张 B.100张 C.1张 D.1000张 7、股票期权合约调整的主要原则为() A.保持合约单位数量不变 B.保持合约行权价格不变 C.保持合约名义价值不变 D.保持除权除息调整后的合约前结算价不变 8、所谓平值是指期权的行权价格等于合约标的的() A.内在价格 B.时间价格 C.履约价格 D.市场价格

9、以下关于期权与权证的说法,正确的是() A.权证的投资者可以作卖方 B.权证的投资者需要保证金 C.都是标准化产品 D.履约担保不同 10、以下关于期权与期货收益或风险的说法,正确的是() A.期权的卖方收益无限 B.期货的买方风险有限 C.期货的卖方收益有限 D.期权的买方风险有限 11、虚值期权() A.只有内在价值 B.同时具有内在价值和时间价值 C.只有时间价值 D.内在价值和时间价值都没有 12、在其他变量相同的情况下,标的股票价格上涨,则认购期权的权利金(),认沽期权的权利金() A.上升,上升 B.下降,下降 C.上升,下降 D.下降,上升 13、备兑开仓也叫()


2014年度河南省公务员考试行测真题及答案解析及答案 第一部分常识判断 (共20题,参考时限15分钟) 1.下列关于党风建设的创新,按时间先后顺序排列正确的是: 以马克思列宁主义的理论思想武装起来的中国共产党,在中国人民中产生了新的工作作风,这主要的就是理论和实践相结合的作风,和人民群众紧密地联系在一起的作风以及自我批评的作用 工作作风上的问题绝不是小事,如果不坚决纠正不良风气,任期发展下去,就会像一座无形的墙把我们党和人民群众隔开,我们党就会失去根基、失去血脉、失去力量 务必使同志们继续地保持谦虚、谨慎、不骄、不躁的作风,务必使同志们继续地保持艰苦奋斗的作风 抓精神文明建设、抓党风、社会风气好转,必须狠狠地抓,一天不放松地抓,从具体事件抓起 A.①③②④ B.③④①② C.③①④② D.①③④② 2. 关于宇航员在太空的生活,下列说法不正确的是: A. 宇航员可使用特定的加热器对食品进行加热 B. 宇航员从太空返回地面后,失重状态消失,质量会有所增加 C. 宇航员应睡在固定的睡袋中,以免被气流失去误碰仪器设备开关 D. 在同一航空器中的宇航员可以直接交谈,无需借助无线电通讯设备 3. 下列关于国家主权及国防地理的表述,不正确的是: A. 主权是联合国赋予国家的最基本的权利 B. 一国的领海和领空都是其领土的组成部分 C. 我国南海四大群岛是东沙、西沙、中沙和南沙群岛 D. 我国与越南、缅甸、吉尔吉斯斯坦等十几个国家接壤

4. 下列情形可能发生的是: A. 南北朝贵族妇女去佛寺礼佛 B. 半坡原始居民种植玉米 C. 周武王穿着铁制铠甲伐纣 D. 秦朝儿童春天放纸风筝 5. 下列按主导产业演进顺序排列正确的是: ①石化产业②旅游服务业③服装业④信息产业⑤农产品加工业 A.⑤④①③② B.⑤①③②④ C.⑤③①②④ D.③①⑤④② 6. 《人民日报》评论指出:“一个人挥舞胳膊的自由止于别人鼻子的地方。”下列可以代替该评论的名言是: A. 哪里没有法律,哪里就没有自由 B. 法典就是人民自由的圣经 C. 法律是自由的保姆 D. 自由只服从法律 7. 下列法律谚语与其蕴含的法学理论对应正确的是: A. 法无明文授权不得为:人的权利根源于法条 B. 在法律面前人人平等:人的自由不能被剥夺 C. 迟到的正义不是正义:效率是法的价值目标 D. 民若不告则官必不究:诉权只能由个人行使 8. 我国古代文人在诗词中常运用典故表达自己的思想感受,下列作品中没有使用典故的是: A. 桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情 B. 蓬山此去无乡路,青鸟殷勤为探看 C. 为报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎 D. 东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖 9. 俗语说“绣花要得手绵巧,打铁还须自身硬”,下列与该俗语哲学道理相同的是:


2020国家公务员考试行测题库:模拟试题及答案 第一部分言语理解与表达 1、1989年被汉代前史书记载为“蛮荒腹地”的江西省新干县大 洋洲乡,出土了大量精美的青铜器,揭开了这里三千多年前青铜文 明的____。 A.面具 B.面目 C.面纱 D.面容 答案:C。“揭开面纱”固定搭配。 2、依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的是()。 对于上海“甜爱路”上出现的种种涂鸦图案和文字,是简单地,一味地去阻止或____,还是____其存在和发展,也在____我们的城管理念。 A、取消鼓励试验 B、无视重视拷问 C、打击包容质问 D、取缔允许考验 答案:D。“或”表并列,所填入的词要与“阻止”是近义词, 排除AB,“城管理念”不能用质问,排除C。 3、依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的是()。 从当前诸多事件的处理当中,我们可以看到政府在_____舆情时表现出越来越_____的姿态。 A、处置无畏 B、应付开放 C、对付包容

D、控制谨慎 答案:B。政府对舆情的态度只能是“开放”或者“包容”,排 除AD。搭配舆情只能用“应付”不能用“对付”。 4、填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的是()。 在过去20年间,世界经济经历了重大变化:新兴市场愈发_____,许多发展中国家增速远高于发达经济体。 A.举重若轻 B.举足轻重 C.举步维艰 D.举棋不定 答案:B。考查成语意思。 5、依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的是()。 《史记》对后世文学影响巨大,其语言被奉为“古文”的最高成 就,后世的散文,小说,戏剧等多种文体对《史记》从语言,内容, 风格,结构等各个侧面来加以____、利用和____。 A、学习继承 B.改良扬弃 C.传承规范 D.研究抛弃 答案:A。这两个词和“利用”层层递进。 6、依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的是()。 上个世纪40年代,美国的大众媒介处于垄断地位。在商业利益 的驱使下,媒体对于国内的各类社会矛盾____,这种状况招致了社 会各界的批评与不满,广大民众强烈要求传媒积极发挥正面的舆论 导向作用,引导公民树立正确的价值观念。由此,“媒体的社会责 任舆论”___。 A、莫衷一是纷至沓来 B、置若罔闻应运而生 C、群策群力风靡一时 D、人云亦云横空出世


C期末考试题及答案 Revised at 2 pm on December 25, 2020.

一、填空题(每空0.5分,共30分) 1、世界坐标系简称__WCS_用户自定义坐标系简称__UCS_。 2、工作空间的切换:“工具”/“工作空间”或“工作空间”工具栏。 3、工具栏包括30种,系统默认的显示工具栏包括:“标准”、“属性”、“绘图”和“修改”等工具栏。 4、多线的对正方式有_上(T)_、_无(Z)_和_下(B)_。 5、文字标注包括标注单行文字和标注多行文字。 6、渲染环境是指在渲染对象时进行的雾化和深度设置。 7、漫游和飞行用户可以通过键盘和鼠标来控制视图显示,并创建导航动画。 8、编辑实体的边的种类:压印边、复制边、着色边。 9、动态块是通过自定义夹点或自定义特性定义的块。在图形中使用动态块,用户可以随时对组成块的对象进行修改。 10、三维实体是具有体积、质量、重心、回转半径、惯性距等特征的三维对象。 11、在AutoCAD 2007中,用户可以创建的光源有电光源、聚光灯光源和平行光光源。 12、相切、相切、半径法是指:通过指定圆的两个切点和半径来绘制圆。 13、绘制圆环的步骤中,先输入圆环的内径和外径,后确定圆环的中心点。 14、计算机辅助设计是:工程技术人员在CAD系统的辅助下,根据产品的设计程序进行设计的一项新技术。 15、菜单栏包括11种,每一种菜单中都含有四种显示情况:命令后跟右三角 、后跟省略号、后跟快捷键或功能键或命令呈灰色。 16、要对图形对象进行编辑就必须选中图形对象,在AutoCAD 2007中,选择对象的方法很多,常用的有_直接拾取_、矩形框选择_、_不规则区域选择_和快速选择。 17、在设置显示精度时,如果设置的精度越高,即分辨率就越高,计算机计算的时间 也越长,显示图形的速度也就越慢。 18、三维基本实体的种类包括:多段体、长方体、楔体、圆柱体、圆锥体、球体、圆环体、棱锥面。 19、布尔运算中只留重复的一部分的运算是交集运算。从一个图形中去掉与另一个图形重复部分的运算是差集运算。


单选题(共50题,每题2分) 1、期权合约到期后,期权买方持有人有权以()买入或者卖出相应数量的标的资产 A.权利金 B.标的价格 C.行权价格 D.结算价 2、期权的卖方() A.获得权利金 B.支付权利金 C.无保证金要求 D.有权利、无义务 3、期权买方可以在期权到期前任一交易日或到期日行权的期权是() A.欧式期权 B.认购期权 C.美式期权 D.认沽期权 4、关于“510050C1509M02350”合约,以下说法正确的是() A.权利金是每股0.2350元 B.合约到月份为5月 C.合约类型为认沽 D.行权价为2.350元 5、上交所股票期权标的资产是() A.股票或ETF B.期货 C.指数 D.实物 6、上交所期权合约的最小交易单位为() A.10张 B.100张 C.1张 D.1000张 7、股票期权合约调整的主要原则为() A.保持合约单位数量不变 B.保持合约行权价格不变 C.保持除权除息调整后的合约前结算价不变 D.保持合约名义价值不变 8、行权价格高于标的市场价格的认沽期权是() A.超值期权 B.虚值期权 C.实值期权 D.平值期权 9、以下关于期权与权证的说法,正确的是() A.持仓类型不同

B.权证的投资者可以作卖方 C.权证的投资者需要保证金 D.都是标准化产品 10、以下关于期权与期货的说法,正确的是() A.关于保证金,期权仅向卖方收取,期货的买卖双方均收取 B.期权与期货的买卖双方均有义务 C.期权与期货的买卖双方到期都必须履约 D.期权与期货的买卖双方权利与义务对等 11、以下哪种期权具有正的内在价值() A.平值期权 B.虚值期权 C.超值期权 D.实值期权 12、在其他变量相同的情况下,标的股票价格上涨,则认购期权的权利金(),认沽期权的权利金() A.上升,上升 B.下降,下降 C.上升,下降 D.下降,上升 13、备兑开仓更适合预期股票价格( )或者小幅上涨时采取 A.基本保持不变 B.大幅上涨 C.大幅下跌 D.大涨大跌 14、通过证券锁定指令可以() A.减少认购期权备兑开仓额度 B.增加认沽期权备兑开仓额度 C.增加认购期权备兑开仓额度 D.减少认沽期权备兑开仓额度 15、当标的ETF发生分拆时,例如1份拆成2份,对备兑持仓的影响是() A.备兑证券数量不足 B.备兑证券数量有富余 C.不确定 D.没有影响 16、小张持有5000股甲股票,希望为其进行保险,应该如何操作(甲股票期权合约单位为1000)() A.买入5张认沽期权 B.买入5张认购期权 C.买入1张认沽期权 D.买入1张认购期权 17、一级投资者进行股票保险策略的开仓要求是() A.不需持有标的股票 B.持有任意数量的标的股票 C.持有相应数量的标的股票


公务员考试题库及答案 20天行测81分申论75分(经验) (适合:国家公务员,各省公务员,村官,事业单位,政法干警,警察,军转干,路转税,选调生,党政公选,法检等考 试) ———知识改变命运,励志照亮人生 我是2010年10月15号报的国家公务员考试,报名之后,买了教材开始学习,在一位大学同学的指导下,大约20天时间,行测考了83.2分,申论81分,进入面试,笔试第二,面试第一,总分第二,成功录取。在这里我没有炫耀的意思,因为比我考的分数高的人还很多,远的不说,就我这单位上一起进来的,85分以上的,90分以上的都有。只是给大家一些信心,分享一下我的经验,我只是普通大学毕业,智商和大家都一样,关键是找对方法,事半功倍。 指导我的大学同学是2009年考上的,他的行测、申论、面试都过了80分,学习时间仅用了20多天而已。我也是因为看到他的成功,才决定要考公务员的。“人脉就是实力”,这句话在我这位同学和我身上又一次得到验证,他父亲的一位朋友参加过国家公务员考试命题组,这

位命题组的老师告诉他一些非常重要的建议和详细的指导,在这些建议的指导下,我同学和我仅仅准备了20天左右的时间,行测申论就都达到了80分以上。这些命题组的老师是最了解公务员考试机密的人,只是因为他们的特殊身份,都不方便出来写书或是做培训班。下面我会把这些建议分享给你,希望能够对你有所帮助。 在新员工见面会上,我又认识了23位和我同时考进来的其他职位的同事,他们的行测申论几乎都在80分以上,或是接近80分,我和他们做了详细的考试经验交流,得出了一些通用的备考方案和方法,因为只有通用的方法,才能适合于每一个人。 2010年国考成功录取后,为了进一步完善这套公务员考试方案,我又通过那位命题组的老师联系上了其他的5位参加过命题的老师和4位申论阅卷老师,进一点了解更加详细的出题机密和阅卷规则。因为申论是人工阅卷,这4位申论阅卷老师最了解申论阅卷的打分规则,他们把申论快速提高到75到80分的建议写在纸上,可能也就50页纸而已,但是,他们的建议比任何培训机构和书籍效果都好(我是说申论)。这一点我是深有体会并非常认同的。 最终我根据自己和23位80分以上同事的经验,还有6位命题老师4位申论阅卷老师给出的建议,总结出了这套国考(中央级)省考(省市县乡村级)通用学习方案。 在2011年4月份的省考和2011年11月的国考中,有1200多位考生使用这套方案,其中400多位参加国考的考生中有190多位录取,录取率48%,800多位参加省考的考生中有530多位录取,录


附件5 北京师范大学学士学位英语考试样题及答案(笔试)-普通类 院(系)专业级姓名学号分数 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.A. The man doesn’t want to see Mr. Williams. B. Mr. Jones is in an inferior position than Mr. Williams. C. Mr. Jones used to be in charge. D. Mr. Williams doesn’t want to work tomorrow. 2.A. They need to make more efforts. B. They’ll have more work to do tomorrow. C. The others have done the greater part of it. D. They’ve finished more than half of it. 3.A. She was feeling very sorry. B. She felt a bit annoyed. C. She was in a hurry. D. She was in her office. 4.A. Jane was telling a lie. B. The woman wasn’t being sincere. C. Jane has already come back from Paris. D. Jane wasn’t in Paris that day. 5.A. The knife belongs to him. B. Bob should mind his own business. C. The man once borrowed Bob’s knife. D. Bob’s knife isn’t as good as that of the man. 6. A. He’ll miss the meeting that afternoon. B. He’ll have an appointment with the host. C. He won’t miss the meeting. D. He is very hardworking. 7.A. Because she won’t fulfill her promise. B. Because her mother would be very angry. C. Because she can’t finish the job ahead of schedule. D. Because she would be the last to finish the job. 8. A. He always talks on the phone for that long if it’s toll free. B. They have so much free time to talk on the phone for that long. C. They talked on the phone for too long.


试卷 欧阳学文 单选题(共50题,每题2分) 1、期权合约是由买方向卖方支付(),从而获得在未来约定的时间以约定的价格买入或卖出标的资产的权利 A.行权价 B.标的价格 C.权利金 D.结算价 2、期权的买方() A.获得权利金 B.有保证金要求 C.有义务、无权利 D.支付权利金

3、期权买方在期权到期前任一交易日或到期日均可以选择行权的是() A.欧式期权 B.美式期权 C.百慕大式期权 D.亚式期权 4、关于“510050C1509M02350”合约,以下说法正确的是() A.权利金是每股0.2350元 B.合约到月份为5月 C.合约类型为认沽 D.行权价为2.350元 5、以下哪种情况下,期权合约单位无需作相应调整() A.当标的证券发生权益分配 B.当标的证券发生价格剧烈波动

C.当标的证券发生公积金转增股本 D.当标的证券发生配股 6、上交所期权合约的最小交易单位为() A.10张 B.100张 C.1张 D.1000张 7、股票期权合约调整的主要原则为() A.保持合约单位数量不变 B.保持合约行权价格不变 C.保持合约名义价值不变 D.保持除权除息调整后的合约前结算价不变 8、所谓平值是指期权的行权价格等于合约标的的() A.内在价格

B.时间价格 C.履约价格 D.市场价格 9、以下关于期权与权证的说法,正确的是() A.权证的投资者可以作卖方 B.权证的投资者需要保证金 C.都是标准化产品 D.履约担保不同 10、以下关于期权与期货收益或风险的说法,正确的是() A.期权的卖方收益无限 B.期货的买方风险有限 C.期货的卖方收益有限 D.期权的买方风险有限 11、虚值期权()


综合基础知识试卷(管理岗) 注意: 1.本试卷共100道试题,所有试题均为单项选择题。 2.从每题给出的四个选项中选择最恰当的一项,并用2B铅笔在答题卡相应题号下涂黑所选答案项信息点,在试卷上作答一律无效。 一、政治理论知识 (本部分共25题,每题1分,共25分) 1.中共十六届六中全会指出,社会和谐的基本条件是(B) A.消灭贫穷落后B.社会公平正义 C.经济社会协调发展D.社会生产力高度发达 2.2006年12月召开的中央经济工作会议指出,全面落实科学发展观的本质要求是(D A.又快又好发展B.全面协调可持续发展 C.提高自主创新能力D.又好又快发展 3.人类社会的物质性,集中体现在(C) A.社会是客观发展的必然结果B.支配社会发展的规律是客观的 C.物质资料生产方式是社会发展的决定力量 D.地理环境是社会存在和发展的经常的、必要的条件 4.下列诗句中,与“风定花尤落,鸟鸣山更幽”包含相同哲理的是() A.野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 B.坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看九天河 C.沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春 D.天若有情天亦老,人间正道是沧桑 5.“善不积不足以成名,恶不积不足以灭身”。这一古训蕴涵的哲理是(A)A.事物的变化总是从量变开始的,量变引起质变 B.事物的变化总是从质变开始的,质变引起量变 C.事物的量变与质变是相互包含的 D.事物的量变与质变是相互区别的 6.党的群众路线所体现的辩证唯物主义认识论的原理是(C) A.从感情认识到理性认识,从理性认识到感性认识 B.从理性认识到感性认识,从感性认识到理性认识 C.从实践到认识,从认识到实践 D.从认识到实践,从实践到认识 7.建设和谐文化,要“弘扬我国传统文化中有利社会和谐的内容,形成符合传统美德和时代精神的道德规范和行为规范”。这是因为() A.社会意识的发展具有历史继承性 B.社会意识各种形式之间是互相作用、互相制约的 C.社会意识的变化发展与社会存在的变化发展不完全平衡 D.社会意识的发展与社会经济发展水平不完全同步 8.中国旧民主主义革命向新民主主义革命转变的标示是() A.辛亥革命B.五四运动 C.一·二九运动D.新文化运动


阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根 分)题,每题2单选题(共50 、期权合约到期后,期权买方持有人有权以()买入或者卖出相应数量的标的资产1 权利金A. 标的价格B. 行权价格C. 结算价D. 2、期权的卖方() A.获得权利金 B.支付权利金 C.无保证金要求 D.有权利、无义务3、期权买方可以在期权到期前任一交易日或到期日行权的期权是() A.欧式期权 B.认购期权 C.美式期权 D.认沽期权”合约,以下说法正确的是()、关于“4510050C1509M02350 元A.权利金是每股0.2350 月B.合约到月份为5 合约类型为认沽C. 元行权价为2.350D. 、上交所股票期权标的资产是()5ETF 股票或A. 期货B. 指数C. D.实物6、上交所期权合约的最小交易单位为()A.10张 B.100张C.1张张D.1000() 、股票期权合约调整的主要原则为7 保持合约单位数量不变A. 保持合约行权价格不变B. 保持除权除息调整后的合约前结算价不变C. D.保持合约名义价值不变8、行权价格高于标的市场价格的认沽期权是() A.超值期权虚值期权B. 实值期权C. 平值期权D. 9、以下关于期权与权证的说法,正确的是()持仓类型不同A. 法拉兹·日·阿卜——学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸收都不可耻。. 阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根 B.权证的投资者可以作卖方 C.权证的投资者需要保证金 D.都是标准化产品 10、以下关于期权与期货的说法,正确的是() A.关于保证金,期权仅向卖方收取,期货的买卖双方均收取 B.期权与期货的买卖双方均有义务 C.期权与期货的买卖双方到期都必须履约 D.期权与期货的买卖双方权利与义务对等 11、以下哪种期权具有正的内在价值() A.平值期权 B.虚值期权 C.超值期权 D.实值期权 12、在其他变量相同的情况下,标的股票价格上涨,则认购期权的权利金(),认沽期权的权利金() A.上升,上升 B.下降,下降 C.上升,下降 D.下降,上升 13、备兑开仓更适合预期股票价格( )或者小幅上涨时采取 A.基本保持不变 B.大幅上涨 C.大幅下跌 D.大涨大跌 14、通过证券锁定指令可以()


公务员法考试题库及答案 一、判断题 1、公务员职务分为领导职务、非领导职务与专业技术职务。 答案:错误 2、公务员得职务与级别就是确定公务员工资及其她待遇得依据。 答案:正确 3、公务员职务实行选聘制与委任制。 答案:错误 4、对非领导成员公务员得定期考核采取平时考核得方式。 答案:错误 5、公务员因工作需要在机关外兼职,应当经有关机关批准,可以领取兼职报酬。 答案:错误 6、公务员得培训实行登记管理。 答案:正确 7、公务员在定期考核中被确定为不称职得,按照规定程序降低一个职务层次任职. 答案:正确 8、公务员申诉得受理机关审查认定人事处理有错误得,原处理机关应当及时予以纠正。答案:正确 9、行政机关公务员对处分不服向行政监察机关申诉得,按照《中华人民共与国行政监察法》得规定办理. 答案:正确 10、机关聘任公务员可以参照公务员考试录用得程序进行公开招聘,不可以从符合条件得人员中直接选聘。 答案:错误 11、国家对公务员实行分级管理,提高管理效能与科学化水平。

答案:错误 12、公务员录用考试采取笔试与面试得方式进行,考试内容根据公务员应当具备得基本能力与不同职位类别分别设置. 答案:正确 13、录用特殊职位得公务员,经市级以上公务员主管部门批准,可以简化程序或者用其她测评办法。 答案:错误 14、选任制公务员在选举结果生效时即任当选职务;任期届满不再连任,或者任期内辞职、被罢免、被撤职得,其所任职务即终止。 答案:正确 15、公务员之间有夫妻关系、直系血亲关系、三代以内旁系血亲关系以及近姻亲关系得,不得在同一机关担任职务。 答案:错误 16、对担任机关内设机构领导职务与工作性质特殊得非领导职务得公务员,应当有计划地在本机关内转任。 答案:正确 17、公务员得考核分为平时考核与定期考核。定期考核以平时考核为基础。 答案:正确 18、国家根据公务员职位类别设置公务员岗位序列。 答案:错误 19、公务员违纪行为情节轻微,经批评教育后改正得,可以免予处分. 答案:正确 20、机关根据工作需要,经中央公务员主管部门批准,可以对专业性较强得职位与辅助性职位实行聘任制. 答案:错误 21、公务员在挂职锻炼期间,可以改变与原机关得人事关系. 答案:错误


天津公务员考试行测真题及答案 第三部分判断推理 (共35题,参考时限38分钟) 一、图形推理。请从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性。 请开始答题∶ 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 二、定义判断。每道题先给出一个定义。然后列出四种情况,要求你严格依据定义,从中选出一个最符合或最不符合该定义的答案。注意∶假设这个定义是正确的,不容置疑的。 请开始答题∶ 56.核心技术能力是企业通过特有的技术要素和技能或各种要素和技能的独特的组合来创造具有自身特性的技术,以产生稀缺的、不可模仿的技术资源(包括

技术和知识等)的企业能力。 根据上述定义。下列不属于企业核心技术能力的是( )。 A.Google公司掌握网络搜索的关键技术 B.微软公司掌握操作系统的开发技术 C.原IBM公司掌握大型超级计算机的制造技术 D.联想公司掌握个人计算机的制造技术 57.外部不经济性是指经济活动主体在生产和消费过程中,给他人带来的损失或额外费用,而他人并未因此得到补偿。 下列属于外部不经济性的是( )。 A.某项新技术发明被他人使用,没有得到使用费 B.桃树花开时,行人都可以享受到花香,但并未向种桃树的人交钱 C.上游居民大量植树,自己收获了木材又改善了下游居民的水源质量,却未收取费用 D.农民使用农药过量造成污染,却并没有赔偿受害者 58.脑科学的研究表明,在人脑的发育中存在“关键期”,即人在发展过程中,某一方面在某一阶段发展得最快,比如,3岁以前是动作发展的“关键期”,1-3岁是语言发展的“关键期”,4岁左右是感知图形的“关键期”。在这一时期,脑在结构和功能上都具有很强的适应和重组的能力,易于受到环境的影响,关键期内适宜的刺激和经验是运动、感觉、语言及其他脑功能正常发展的重要前提。 下列利用了“关键期”理论的是( )。 A.狼孩10岁时回归社会,学会了简单的语言 B.先天失聪的聋儿在2岁时接受语言康复训练,最终学会了说话 C.母亲在怀孕期间给腹中的胎儿听音乐 D.某体操冠军在3岁时就已经被认为具有体操天赋


历年公务员考试题库及答案 第一部分言语理解与表达 每道题包含一段文字或一个句子,后面是一个不完整的陈述,要求你从四个选项中选出一个来完成陈述。注意:答案可能是完成对所给文字主要意思的提要,也可能是满足陈述中其他方面的要求,你的选择应与所提要求最相符合。 1. 在一定范围内发展外商投资经济和港澳台经济,对于加强我国现代化建设具有重大意义。它可以弥补我国资金的相对不足,建设一批国民经济急需项目;可以引进先进技术和科学的管理方法,提高我国的生产技术和经济管理水平;可以增加国家和地方的财政收入,积累建设资金;还可以扩大就业,提高人民生活水平,扩大出口,增加外汇收入等。 这段话的中心思想是( )。 A.在一定范围内发展外商投资经济和港、澳、台投资经济可以提高人民生活水平 B.在一定范围内发展外商投资经济和港、澳、台投资经济可以提高生产技术C.在一定范围内发展外商投资经济和港、澳、台投资经济对于加速我国现代化建设具有重大意义 D.在一定范围内发展外商投资经济和港、澳、台投资经济可以增加建设资金 2. 不仅是知觉,其他任何一个心理活动和心理现象,从认知到情绪情感以至个性都离不开记忆的参与。记忆将人的心理活动的过去、现在和未来连成一个整体,使心理发展、知识积累和个性形成得以实现。 这段话的中心意思是( )。 A.记忆在人的整个心理活动中处于突出的地位 B.记忆将人的心理活动的过去、现在和未来连成一个整体 C.记忆使心理发展得以实现 D.记忆使知识积累和个性的形成能够实现 3. 植物农药又称生物农药,是利用有毒植物中的多种杀虫成分,经过提炼后生产的农药。由于它们的杀虫有效成分为天然物质,因而施用后较易分解为无毒物质,对环境无污染。 下列对“植物农药”概述正确的一项是( )。 A.提炼有毒植物中能有效杀虫的对环境无污染的无毒物质制造的 B.提炼有毒植物中多种杀虫有效的天然物质制造的 C.利用多种有毒物质的杀虫成分,经过提炼后制造的 D.利用有毒植物中使害虫不能产生抗药性的多种杀虫成分,经提炼制造的 4. 一个人的堕落往往经过长期而缓慢的过程,在这过程中,家长和教师完全可以通过种种征兆觉察出来并及时采取措施,为身遭灾祸的孩子提供必要的帮助。如果你觉得孩子开始显得心不在焉,似乎只是本能地、表面地参加家庭生活时,你必须睁大眼睛,刨根问底。 作者主要阐明的观点是( )。 A.一个人的堕落是长期的过程 B.家长和教师应及时觉察孩子的反常行为,及时给以帮助,以免孩子堕落 C.家长应该给孩子帮助 D.家长和教师应该相互合作,发现孩子的问题 5. 东方文化是崇尚谦虚和待人宽厚的。所以,我们一般乐于接受那种态度平和的主持人,而对咄咄逼人的主持人则会敬而远之。同样面对采访提问,我们比较喜欢回答平易友善的问题,而不大欣赏那种尖锐挑战的追问。


字体大小.. 正常小中大特大 一单项选择题 1. 如果你的毕业论文需要查重复率,可以通过什么服务() A: 论文检测 B: 文献传递 C: 查收查引 D: 科技查新 参考答案: A 题目分值: 分您的答案: D 得分: 2. 图书馆数据库里,收录了各种畅销报刊杂志的是下列哪一个数据库() A: 博看网 B: 大成故纸堆 C: 龙源电子阅读平台 D: 读览天下期刊库 参考答案: A 题目分值: 分您的答案: C 得分: 3. 要考英语四六级了,想到网上去做一些模拟试题,请问下列哪个数据库可以实现这一功能() A: 环球英语多媒体资源库 B: 新东方多媒体学习库 C: 读秀学术搜索 D: 起点考试网 参考答案: D 题目分值: 分您的答案: A 得分: 4. 图书馆在二楼开辟了视听区,滚动播放文化视听资源。如果你想社团一起观看某视频,可以通过什么方式提出申请() A: 到总服务台申请 B: 到学科服务部提出团体观影预约 C: 找馆办公室申请 D: 找学研中心老师登记 参考答案: B 题目分值: 分您的答案: A 得分: 5. 读者如何查询自己的借阅记录() A: 通过“书目查询”入口查询 B: 通过“馆藏期刊检索”入口查询 C: 通过“读者查询”入口查询 D: 通过“馆藏图书检索”入口查询 参考答案: C 题目分值: 分您的答案: A 得分: 6. 以下哪个数据库不可以查阅外文文献() A: SpecialSciDBS国道外文特色专题数据库 B: 维普数据库 C: EBSCO 数据库 D: OFB外文文献库

7. 学生读者所借的图书通过续借最长可以借阅多久() A: 30天 B: 40天 C: 50天 D: 60天 参考答案: D 题目分值: 分您的答案: C 得分: 8. 经济学分馆位于学校哪栋办公楼() A: 法商大楼 B: 群贤楼 C: 知行楼 D: 实验楼 参考答案: B 题目分值: 分您的答案: C 得分: 9. 读者通过图书馆网站“书目查询”系统,了解所需书刊的收藏情况后,可根据什么信息进书库快速确定书刊所在书架上的位置() A: 馆藏状态 B: 索取号 C: 馆藏地址 D: 出版社 参考答案: B 题目分值: 分您的答案: A 得分: 10. 读者如果在查询自己借阅记录时,发现登录密码有误,如何处理() A: 到卡务中心重设 B: 到总服务台重设 C: 到数字化部重设 D: 到技术部重设 参考答案: B 题目分值: 分您的答案: A 得分: 11. 图书馆的数字资源在图书馆新网站哪里可以查看到() A: 图书馆主页——电子资源 B: 图书馆主页——数字资源 C: 图书馆主页——电子文献 D: 图书馆主页——数字文献 参考答案: B 题目分值: 分您的答案: A 得分: 12. 湖北经济学院图书馆入馆指南视频里检索光盘信息的场景里,陈震所用的是哪一本书来进行检索的() A: 40天搞定英语听力 B: 40天搞定法语听力 C: 50天搞定英语听力 D: 50天搞定法语听力


【精品文档,百度专属】2018年最新公务员考试行测题库及答案 第一部分常识判断 (共20题,参考时限15分钟) 根据题目要求,在四个选项中选出一个最恰当的答案。 1.下列说法正确的是() A.所有公文的发文机关标识均是发文机关加“文件”二字组成 B.上报公文发文机关标识上边缘至版心上边缘的距离小于下发公文 C.联合行文时,只用写主办机关既可 D.如联合行文过多,应保证首页显示正文 2.提出“工作重心必须由农村转移到城市”的会议是() A.遵义会议 B.瓦窑堡会议 C.中共八大 D.中共七届二中全会 3.国务院于2014年1月发文,同意设立陕西西咸新区和()两个国家级新区。 A.贵州贵安新区 B.浙江舟山群岛新区 C.甘肃兰州新区 D.广州南沙新区 4.在当代中国,引领中国共产党和全国各族人民团结奋斗的共同思想基础是()A.中国特色社会主义理论体系 B.科学发展观 C.爱国主义 D.社会主义核心价值体系 5.下列关于我国民族政策的说法,不正确的一项是() A.民族团结是我国解决民族问题的根本原则 B.自治区、自治州、自治县、自治乡的人民代表大会和人民政府是民族自治地方的自治机关 C.大量培养少数民族干部是实行民族区域自治的关键 D.各民族在长期斗争中形成的相互依存的民族关系,使民族区域自治具有坚实的政治基础 6.下列关于国际组织的表述不正确的是() A.八国集团是为解决世界经济和货币危机,协调经济政策,重振西方经济而设立的B.欧洲议会是欧盟的三大机构之一,是欧盟的立法、监督和咨询机构 C.中国是东盟自由贸易区的成员国之一 D.七十七国集团是发展中国家在反对超级大国的控制、剥削、掠夺的斗争中,逐渐形成和发展起来的一个国际集团,其不设总部、秘书处等常设机构 7.波普尔理论将世界分为三个:第一个是物质世界,第二个是心理世界,第三个就是所谓的心灵产物的世界。从哲学上来说他的划分()


2019年公务员考试常识题库及答案 公务员考试常识会经常考到各种知识,考生复习知识的同时也需要进行试题练习进一步巩固知识,以下就由本人为你提供公务员考试常识题库帮助你练习提分。 2019年公务员考试常识题库(一) 1、某区公安分局就户籍管理有关事项向位于本行政辖区内的某大学发文,应使用的公文文种是( )。 A、通知 B、请示 C、指示 D、函 2、公文的语言应当( )。 A、诙谐幽默 B、古朴典雅 C、庄重规范 D、华丽流畅 3、公文主送机关是指( )。 A、收文机关中级别最高的机关 B、比发文机关级别高的收文机关 C、需要了解公文内容的机关 D、对公文负有办理或答复责任的机关 4、向级别与本机关相同的有关主管部门请求批准某事项应使用( )。 A、请示 B、函 C、批复

D、报告 5、以下公文用语不含歧义的一项是( ) A、本区新建三座一千平方米的教学楼 B、此案涉及四个课题组成员 C、本项目有三个工作人员,分别到广州、上海、南宁调研 D、贵单位接到通知后,请迅即办理。 2019年公务员考试常识题库答案 1、答案: D 解析: 公安分局和大学不存在隶属关系,应该用函。函是不相隶属机关之间相互商洽工作、询问和答复问题,或者向有关主管部门请求批准事项时所使用的公文。故正确答案为D。 “请示”,是下级机关向上级机关请求对某项工作、问题作出指示,对某项政策界限给予明确,对某事予以审核批准时使用的一种请求性公文,是应用写作实践中的一种常用文体。请示可分为解决某种问题的请示,请求批准某种事项的请示。 “通知”,是适用于批转下级机关的公文,转发上级机关和不相隶属机关的公文,批转下级机关的公文,传达要求下级机关办理和需要有关单位周知或者执行的事项,任免人员的一种公文文体。 “指示”,是领导机关对下级机关布置工作,阐明工作活动要点及要求、步骤和方法时所使用的一种具有指导原则的下行公文。指示具有较强的指导性、政策性,可以使某项重要事项、工作能顺利进行起着决定性作用。 2、答案: C
