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• Over time, the Adelaide Festival has expanded to include the Adelaide Cabaret Festival, Adelaide Film Festival, Adelaide Festival of Ideas, Adelaide Writers' Week, and WOMADelaide, all held predominately in the autumnal month of March (that month is sometimes jocularly called 'mad March' by locals due to the hectic clustering of these events). Other festivals include FEAST (a queer culture
• The main sports played professionally in Adelaide are Australian rules football, soccer, cricket, netball and basketball
• Adelaide ( /ˈædəle [3]) is the capital ɪd/ and most populous city of the Australian state of South Australia, and is the fifthlargest city in Australia. Adelaide has an estimated population of more than 1.28 million。 • Adelaide is a coastal city • Named in honour of Queen Adelaide, the German-born consort of King William IV, the city was founded in 1836 as the
阿德莱德 Adelaide
• 阿德莱德(Adelaide),是澳大利亚联邦 南澳大利亚州的首府、商业和文化中心, 是南澳第一大城,澳大利亚第五大城,人 口逾120万。阿德莱德是一座印度洋沿岸的 港口城市,阿德莱德是以威廉四世的王后 阿德莱德命名的,它建城于1836年,计划 作为当时在澳大利亚唯一可以自由殖民的 英国领土的州府。威廉· 莱特上校是阿德莱 德的建城者之一,他设计了这座城市,将 它建立在托伦斯河(River Torrens)附近。 莱特受威廉· 佩恩和田园城市运动的影响,
• As of 2006 Census, Adelaide had a metropolitan population of more than 1,105,839, making it Australia's fifth largest city. In the 2002–03 period the population grew by 0.6%, while the national average was 1.2%. Some 70.3% of the population of South Australia are residents of the Adelaide metropolitan area, making South Australia one of the most centralised states. Major areas of
• Manufacturing, defence technology and research, commodity export and corresponding service industries play a role in the SA economy. Almost half of all cars produced in Australia are made in Adelaide at the General Motors Holden plant in Elizabeth.[36] Adelaide has over 40% of Australia's high-tech electronics industry which designs and produces electronic systems that are sold worldwide
• 1900年阿德莱德开始使用电灯照明,1909 年府城市内开始使用有轨电车。
• 阿德莱德属地中海气候,冬季温暖多雨, 夏季干燥。阿德莱德的年降水量为530毫米 (2004年)。尤其夏季降雨非常不可靠, 有时数月无雨。相对而言冬季比较稳定,7 月是降雨量最高的月份,平均降雨量为80 毫米。阿德雷得2月份平均气温为30 °C, 7月份平均气温为11 °C,每年至少有三天 时间白日的温度达到或超过40 °C。近十 年受澳大利亚全国性干旱的影响,阿德莱 德夏季愈发酷热干燥,09年2月中旬,连续
• Climate • Main article: Climate of Adelaide • Adelaide has a Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification Csa)[27], where most of the rain falls in the winter months. Of the Australian capital cities, Adelaide is the driest, and it has a semiarid climate influence because of its dryness. Rainfall is unreliable, light and infrequent throughout summer. In contrast,
• 南澳所有的三座大学的校园皆于阿德莱德。 阿德莱德共设有三家公立大学和三家外国 大学的澳大利亚校区。 • 阿德莱德大学 (University of Adelaide) 建校 于1874年,是澳大利亚教育史上第三悠久 的大学,也是澳大利亚菁英大学集团 Group of Eight 的成员之一。它在阿德莱德 都市地区有三个校园。 • 南澳大学(University of South Australia) UniSA于1991年由南澳大利亚理工学院和
• Concert venues • Adelaide pop-concert venues (past and present) include: Adelaide Entertainment Centre; Adelaide Festival Theatre; Adelaide Oval; Apollo Stadium; Memorial Drive Park; Thebarton Theatre. Other concert and live theatre venues include: Adelaide Town Hall; Dunstan Playhouse; Her Majesty's Theatre.
• There are several South Australian TAFE (Technical and Further Education) campuses located in the metropolitan area which provide a range of vocational education and training. There are three public universities local to Adelaide, as well as three constituent colleges of three foreign universities. The Flinders University of South Australia, the University of Adelaide and the University
• Adelaide is noted for its many festivals and sporting events, its food, wine and culture, its long beachfronts, and its large defence and manufacturing sectors.
• 2008年6月,阿德莱德都会区共有 1,172,105居民,是澳大利亚第五大城市。 从2002年至2003年城市居民数提高0.6%, 而澳大利亚全国的居民数增长1.2%。南澳 州约70.3%的居民住在都会区,因此南澳州 是澳大利亚居民最集中的州。大多数人住 在环绕着府城阿德莱德的各卫星城市中。 • 24.6%的阿德莱德居民是在外国出生的,他 们主要集中在西北和市中心附近的市区里。 富有的和教育比较高的居民主要集中在市
• 市区重要景点 • 中央市场(Central Market)建于1870年, 是南半球最大的市场,富有历史意义,各 式各样的小商店出售的食品包括新鲜蔬菜、 水果、鱼、肉、家禽,还有独特ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้干果和 咖啡豆。这里也有林林总总的中国式商店、 多种小摊档及娱乐场所。 • 维多利亚广场(Victoria Square)位于市中 心,建有现代化喷泉,有出生于阿德莱德 的雕刻家设计。从广场四周可同时眺望阿
• 1836年12月28日南澳大利亚正式成为英国 的直辖州,今天这个日子是南澳大利亚的 节日之一。城市的地点是威廉· 莱特选择的。 • 阿德莱德不像悉尼等那样,她不是个劳役 处罚城市 (penal settlement),自一开始她 就是一座自由的殖民城市,保障公民自由 和宗教自由。1867年,南澳政府引入了天 然气路灯,1874年,府城肇建了阿德莱德 大学,1881年,南澳州立美术馆开放。
• 阿德莱德的经济以制造、军工和研究为主 要工业。市内有大的制造、军工和研究区。 霍顿汽车、三菱集团在阿德莱德有生产厂, 市内还有卫生器械和电子元件工厂。约半 数澳阿德莱德是澳大利亚重要的军工生产 地,澳大利亚70%的军工公司位于阿德莱 德,其生产总值达10亿澳元。澳大利亚科 学与技术局和其他国防技术组织如特尼克 斯防务系统股份公司位于索尔斯巴利附近。 • 大利亚出产的汽车来自阿德莱德。阿德莱