条件+让步状语从句 学案+习题

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条件状语从句Adverbial Clauses of Conditions

(1) if, unless(除非if not...)

eg. ________ we have enough evidence, we can’t win the case.

________ I was in charge, I would do things differently.

(2) only if 只有,只要

eg. We will go only if it clears up./ Only if it clears up, __________________ Only if we work together_____________________只有一起努力,我们才能成功。

区分:only if Vs. if only _______________________________________

eg. If only I were a superman. /If only I could fly./If only I had taken his advice yesterday.

(3) on condition that 条件是,前提是

eg. You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.

He spoke to the reporters on condition that he was not identified.

(4) as long as/so long as 只有,只要

eg. You may use the room as long as you clean it up afterwards.

We can get there early so long as the children will cooperate.

(5) in case 假使,万一

eg. In case we fail, we won't lose heart.

We won’t lose heart in case of failure.

(6) providing/provided (that) ; suppose/supposing(that) 倘若,假使

eg. We'll visit Europe next year, provided that we have the money.

Suppose/Supposing (that) I don’t have a day off, what shall we do?

让步状语从句Adverbial Clauses of Concession

2)Two heart attacks in a year. It hasn't stopped him smoking,__________.

3)Good ___________ he is, he will never be the top of his class. (adj.)

4)Hard ___________ he works, he makes little progress.(adv.)

5)Child___________ he is, he knows a lot. (n.是[C]单数时, a/an删去)

6)Try ___________ he might, he couldn't find a job. (v.原形)

7)_________________ I'm willing to help, I don't have much time available.

(5) even if/though 即使

eg. She won’t attend such parties even though/if she is invited.

We won’t be discouraged even if /though we fail ten times.

(6) whether…or 无论……还是

eg. __________ the weather is good or bad, they will set off as they planned.

__________ he drives or takes the train, he will be here on time.

(7) Whatever, whenever…=no matter what/when… 状从

eg. Whatever/No matter what you say, I won’t believe you. ________从句

Whatever she did was right. ________从句

Whoever/No matter who rings, tell him I’m out. ________从句

Give it to whomever you like. ________从句

Wherever/No matter where he goes, I’ll go. ________从句

Sit wherever you like. ________从句

注意however, whatever 的形式倒装

eg.We shall never succeed, however much we try.

However frightened you may be , you must remain calm.

Whatever reasons you give, I will not forgive you.

_________ serious a problem you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

_________ a serious problem you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.



1.In case of I forget, please remind me of my promise.

2.If the police thought he was the most likely one, they couldn’t arrest him since they had no

convincing proof.

3.Though not very big, but the restaurant is popular in our area.

4.Tired although he was, he insisted on working on the farm.

5.No matter whatever happens, we will never lose hope.


1.(2018北京)______we don’t stop climate change, many animals and plants in the world will be gone.

2.(2018江苏)you can sleep well, you will lose the ability to focus, plan and stay motivated after

one or two nights.

3.(2016浙江) online shopping has changed our life, not all of its effects have been positive.

4.(2012湖南)_____ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.

5.Try ______ he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother’s Christmas gift.

6.All people, _______ they are old or young, rich or poor, are trying their best to fight against the virus.单项选择

1.(2010湖南) Tim is in good shape physically_____ he doesn’t get much exercise.

A. if

B. even though

C. unless

D. as long as

2.(2011辽宁) No matter how _____, it is not necessarily lifeless.

A. a desert may be dry

B. dry may a desert be

C. may a desert be dry

D. dry a desert may be

3.(2011陕西)_____all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post.

A. Since

B. While

C. If

D. As

4.(2012江苏)One’s life has value _____ one brings value to the life of others.

A.as long as

B. no matter how

C. so that

D. except that

5.(2013江苏) In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, _____ it is discovered, will create many

economic possibilities around the world.

A. whatever

B. whoever

C. wherever

D. whichever

6.(2013天津) _____small, the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries.

A. As

B. Although

C. If

D. Once

7.______ your taste is, you can be satisfied with this newly-opened restaurant.


B. Wherever

C. Whenever

D. Whatever

8.We will carry on with it ______ we can get enough money or not.


B. whether

C. though

D. until

9. (2014湖南) You will never gain success ______ you are fully devoted to your work.

A. when

B. because

C. after

D. unless
