新概念英语第二册第2课学案 教师版

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Part 1 Words

1. until

1) prep 直到……时候

*till 直到,多用于口语

Eg. I sometimes stay in bed until luntime. *from morning to /till night 从早到晚2) conj. 直到……时候(后面加句子)Eg. I stayed in bed until he woke me up.

2. outside 外面

inside 里面

beside 旁边

besides 此外,而且,除….之外

3. ring

1) n.环状物,戒指

Eg. a gold ring 金戒指

*dark rings around her eys 黑眼圈

*ring-road 环状公路

2) v. (零,电话等)响==rang==rung

Eg. The door bell rang just now.

3) v. 打电话=call

*ring sb = call sb

*ring off = hang off 挂断电话

4. repeat v. 重复

*repetition n. 重复

Part 2 Grammar

* 一般现在时

1. 意义:经常发生的动作或存在的状态

2.句型:主语+am/is/are +其他。




Eg. give—gives 2) 以s, x, sh, ch, o 结尾的动词加+es

Eg. fix—fixes go—goes dress—dresses watch—watches wash—washes

4. 经常搭配的时间短语

频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, occasionally = sometimes frequently = often 放于行前系助后

Eg. He doesn’t always come by train.


1. 意义:正在发生的动作

2. 句型:主语+am/is/are doing sth.

3. 动词变现在分词规则


Eg. do—doing

2) 以ie结尾的动词,变ie为y 再加ing

Eg. lie—lying die—dying

3) 双写最后一个字母再加Ing

Eg. stop—stopping run—runniing swim—swimminig 4) 以e结尾的,去e,加Ing

Eg. come—coming

4. 有些单词用现在进行时表示将来

*come go arrive leave move

Eg. I am coming to see you. 我要来看望你。

The bus is coming. 公交车要来了.

5. 常搭配的时间

Now at present Look! Listen!


1.句型:How+adj/adv +主+谓+其他!

What+ adj+不可名/可名复+主+谓+其他!What +a/an +adj+可名单+主+谓+其他!

Eg. How fast he runs!

What a beautiful day it is!

What nice food you cook!

What pretty flowers they give me!

Part 3 Text

1. It was Sunday.


* on Sundays 每逢周日

*on Sunday 在周日(一个周日)

2. I never get up early on Sundays

*early adj/adv

Eg. an early morning 一大早(adj)

The early bird catches the wom. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。(adj)

I got up early this morning.( adv)

3. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.

*stay in bed 躺在床上

*stay at home 呆在家里

*sometimes 有时候

some times 几次,几倍

some time 一段时间

sometime (将来或过去的某个时候)有时候

4. Last Sunday I got up very late.

*get up 起床

*go to bed 去睡觉

*fall asleep 睡着了

*go to sleep 去睡觉

*late adj/adv

Eg. I am sorry for being late.(adj迟到的)

I got up very late.(adv 晚)

*stay up late 熬夜

*lately -=recently 最近

5. I looked out of the window.

*look out of 从……向……外看

Eg. look out of window 从窗户向外看

*look out at 向外看Eg. look out at the flowers 向外看花*Look out! 小心,当心

*look into 向里看,调查

*look around 四周环顾

*look down on/upon 看不起某人6. But I am still having breakfast.

*have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper *have a meal 吃一顿饭
