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baby [ ?be?b? n.婴儿back [b?k] n.后面,背部,足球等的后卫adv.向后地;以前v.后退,支持

at/on the back of 在..…后面

background [?b?k g ra?nd]n.背景

He 'always going on about his work ing class backgro und. 他老是谈论自己出身于工薪阶层家庭。

Without knowing the background of the case, I couldn ' possibly comment.因为不了解案件的背景情况,我不能加以评论。

bad [b?d]a.坏的;有害的;不利的;严重的

be bad for 对..…有害/不利

bag [b?g]n.书包;提包;袋子

ball [b?? n.球

balloon [b??u?i] n.气球

bamboo [b?m ?bu?n.竹

banana [b??n a?i?; (US) b??n?n ?] n.香蕉

bank [b?? k]n.(河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行

baseball [?be?sb??] n.棒球

play baseball 打棒球

basic [?be ?s?k] a.基本的

basket [?b alSkTt; (US) ?b?sk ?t]n.监子

basketball [?b a?>k?tb?/?J n.篮球

play basketball 打篮球

bathroom [?b a? Bu?m] n.浴室

be [bi?(am,is,are,was,were)v.是(原形),成为

beach [bi?? n.海滨,海滩

bean n.豆,毫无价值的东西

bear [be?(r)] (bore,born) n.熊;粗鲁的人v.忍受,具有,结果实

beat(beat, beaten) [bi ?] v.n.敲打;跳动;打赢;(音乐)节拍

He beat his son for telling lies. 他因他儿子说谎而打了他。

beautiful [?bju??f(?)l] a.美丽的,美观的

because [b ??k?z; (US) b ?7k?"Z] conj.因为

because of (接名词或者名词词组)因为.....

He begs because of poverty, not hunger. 他不是因为饿了,而是因为贫穷才要饭的。

because 后接句子。

become(became, became) [b ??k?m] v. 变得;成为

The custom has now become a rule. (那个习俗现已变为成规。)

bed [bed] n.床bedroom [?bedru ?m] n.寝室,卧室

beef [bi ? n.牛肉

before [b??f?2r)] prep.ad.conj.在..... 以前;在•…前面;以前在…..之前before long 不久以后

Before long ,n ews came that Chi na lost the game. 不久以后传来消息说中国队比赛输了。

the day before yesterday 前天

He went to see his gran dmother the day before yesterday. 他前天去看望他奶奶了。

long before 很久以前

She said she had seen the film long before.她说很久以前就看过这部电影。begin(began,begun) [b??g?n] v.开始,着手




The meeti ng will beg in at seve n o 'lock.(会议将在七点开始。) beginning n.开端;起点;起源

at the beg inning of 在..…的开始

begi n with 以..…开始

behind [b ??ha?nd] prep.ad.(表示位置)在.. 后面在后面;向后

believe [b??i?/] v.相信;认为

I believe what you say. (我相信你说的话。)

bell [bel] n.钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形物

below [b??l??] prep.在..... 下面

beside [b??sa?d] prep.在…..旁边;靠近

besides prep.&adv.除.... 之外;此外



We all knew about the news except Jim. 除了Jim 以外,我们都知道这个消息。(不包括Jim)

besides除... 之外(还有)

We all knew about the news besides Jim. (包括jim )

best n.a.最好的人,最好的事物;最好的

better n./a较好者。较好的

between [b??twi?1] prep.在(两者)之间,在中间big [b?g] a.大的

bike=bicycle [ba ?<] n.自行车

bill [b?l] n.帐单;法案,议案;(美)钞票,纸币bird[b??l] n.鸟

birth [b??0 n.出生;诞生

birthday [?b??de?| n.生日

biscuit [?b?sk?t] n.饼干

bit [b?t] n. 一点,一些,少量

a bit 一点儿

black [bl?k] n.a. 黑色;黑色的

blackboard [?bl?kb ??j] n.黑板

blind [bla?nd] n.瞎的

block n.街区

blood n.血,血液

blouse n.(女士)短上衣,衬衫

blow(blew, blown) [bl??] v.吹;刮风;吹气

It was blowing hard. 天刮着大风。
