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Chapter 1 the Ship’s

Structure and Bridge


Ship’s Structure

The foremost part i s called the bow and the rearmost part i s called stern. When standing in a ship and facing the bow,the left-hand side is called port side and the right-hand side i s called the starboard side.

All permanent housing above the main deck is known as superstructure. At the fore end is the forecastle. At the after end is the poop.

The main part of a ship is the hull. This is the area between the main decks,the sides and the bottom. It is made up of frames covered with plating. The hull is divided up into a number of watertight compartments by decks and bulkheads. Bulkheads are vertical steel walls going across the ship and along. Decks divide the hull horizontally. Those dividing up cargo spaces are known as tween-decks. The hull contains the engine room,cargo space and a number of tanks. In dry cargo ships the cargo space is divided into holds,in liquid cargo ships it i s divided into tanks. At the fore end of the hull are the fore-peak tanks and at the after end the after peak tanks. They are used for fresh water and water ballast. The space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains double bottom tanks. These are used for ballast water and fuel.







(be made up of…由……构成)

(watertight compartment 水密分舱)

(the fore-peak tank 艏尖舱)

(the after peak tank 艉尖舱)

(double bottom tank 双层底舱)

The main deck covers the cargo spaces or holds. There are openings cut in the deck,and these openings are the hatches,one to each


hold. Ships use either cranes or derricks to lift the cargo into the hold and di scharge it. A derrick is simply a strong boom,made of steel or wood,that can swing from side to si de. A wire from a powerful winch runs over a block at the head of the derrick. It’s quite a simple arrangement. A crane i s usually a much more complicated and expensive piece of lifting machinery. But a lot of ships are fitted with cranes.

The forecastle on a ship is a small extra deck above the main deck,forward of number one hold,right up in the bows. It carries the anchors and their cables. The windlass is for raising and lowering the anchors. There are the port and starboard cable stoppers on the forecastle. The cable comes up from the cable locker through the spurling pipe,over the gypsy on the windlass,through the stopper and down through the hawse-pipe. Right forward of the forecastle is the jackstaff.

The forecastle head is where the chief officer is stationed when the vessel is coming to a berth or a mooring. The second officer is on the poop,ready to look after the stern mooring lines or hawsers. In this way,the two ends of the ship can be secured as preci sel y and quickly as possible. There is an ensign staff right aft of the poop.

There are two open wings of the bridge. They project out to the full width of the ship on each side,port and starboard. In between is the wheelhouse;that’s enclosed for protection from the weather. And above the wheelhouse is the standard compass platform,one good magnetic compass is put there as far as possible from the ship’s magnetic field. And that’s the 吊杆是由钢铁或木材制作的简单坚固的起重杆,并能从一舷旋转到另一舷。连接强力绞车的钢丝缆经过一个滑轮连接在吊杆头上。吊杆是一种简单的装置。起重机通常是更复杂和昂贵的起重机械。但是,许多船舶装备起重机。

(hatch 舱口)

(hold 货舱)

(boom 吊杆,悬臂)


(cable stopper 制链器)

(cable locker 锚链舱)

(spurling pipe 锚链管)

(gypsy 锚机滚筒)

(hawse-pipe 锚链筒)


(ensign staff 船尾旗杆)

