中国地质大学 考博真题 英语 2003及答案

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All right, now let’s begin! [15 points]
1an accountant31a librarian
2an actor32a mathematician
For instance, suppose you hear this: (Speaker P)“Well, I don’t enjoy lecturing very much, especially to younger students, but I do love my research.I’d be so happy if I could spend every day in the lab with my graduate students and postdocs. However, that’s just nottheway university departments operate.”You decide that the speaker must bea professor, so you find“a professor”on your list. You see that the number beside it is 61; you then write the number 61 in the blank beside P on your answer sheet.
If the four underlined parts are all good English and there is no error in the sentence, then write E in the space on your answer sheet.REMEMBER!You always haveFIVEpossible choices: A, B, C, D orE (= no error).
1YesterdayI received wordthat Iwill be goingtoUnitedStatefor six months,starting in early October.
2I visitedBeijingforthree timeswhile I wasin secondary school. The first timewas so I could participate ina competition. The other two times Icame to the city on holiday with my parents.
19a flight attendant49a psychologist
20a florist50a publisher
21ageologist51a radio announcer
22a geophysicist52aschoolteacher (primary)
23a graphic designer53a schoolteacher(secondary)
On your paper you see a list of the names of people in 60 different occupations or professions. As you listen, decide what the speaker is. Then find the correct word on the list and write the number beside it in the proper blank on your answer sheet.
We shall now begin. Turn the page to part 1. Good luck!
PART 1.Imagine that you are on a train toShanghai. In the seats in front of you there are two foreigners, and you can hear their conversation. One of them is telling the other about his job. He says what he does, not what he is or what field (profession or occupation) he is in.
24a hairdresser54a software engineer
25a hardware engineer55a store clerk/shop assistant
26a hotel manager56a surgeon
27a journalist57a taxofficial
28a judge58a travel agent
14a diplomat44p pop singer
15an electrician45a postman
16a fashion designer46a private businessman
17a filmcritic47a private detective
18ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ film director48a psychiatrist
9a concert pianist39a press photographer
10a construction worker40a plumber
11acorporate executive41a poet
12adentist42a police detective
13a dietician43a police patrolman
4Please let meexpress my gratitude forall yourhelpsduring theperiod when we were setting upour laboratory.
5Despite ofthe popularityof coffeein the West,not all Europeans and North Americansdrink it. Some prefer teato coffee, especially inBritainandRussia.
3anairline pilot33a mechanic
4an architect34a mechanical engineer
5an astronomer35a military officer
6a biologist36a novelist
7a chef37a nurse
8a civilengineer38a paleontologist
3I my opinion, the geologistsshould have madebetter preparations fortheir expedition. After all, the physical conditions in northwesternTibetare known to beamong the most difficult inChina.
6The inspectors identifieda number of problems inour laboratory.Among the most important area lack of space for proper storage of chemicals andthe need forbettermaintenance of ourequipments.
Make sure youREAD AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONSfor each part of the test!
The results of this exam will enable us to compare your preparation in English with that of the other candidates. The“passing”grade is relative; in other words, it will depend on the scores for the whole body of test-takers. You should just relax and do as well as you can.
By the way, in reality there is no P and no 61, and“a professor”is not one of the choices on your list. This is just a theoretical example. You will now have three minutes to read the list. [SILENCE]
29a lab technician59a university student
30a lawyer60a vet
1.PART 2.Each question in this part consists of one or more sentences in which four words or phrases are underlined. The four underlined parts are marked A, B, C or D. Decide which one of the four parts is not good English. Then write the letter found under that part in the proper space on your answer sheet.
The test has five sections, wortha total of 130 points in all; the answers in part 5, the reading test, are worth three points each.
The answers for parts 1,2,3 and 5 (in other words, every part except 4) should be marked on your answer sheet. The answers for part 4 should be written directly on this test paper.
PhD Entrance Examination in English
21April 2003
Good morning! You are about to take the English test for people who wish to enter the doctoral program in the earth sciences at this school. The test may be rather different from any exam you’ve taken in the past. The first part is a timed listening exercise. The other four sections test your knowledge of grammar, elementary writing skills and basic vocabulary, plus your reading ability. You can have as much time as you like for the last four parts of the test—within reason, of course.