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LEAVE APPLICATION FORM 姓名: Name: 请假日期: Dates on leave: 请假事由: Reasons for taking leave 年假 Annual leave 产假 Maternity leave 年 月
部门: Department: 日 共计: 至 天 年 月 日
HR Department Version: 2011 Aug
病假 Sick leave
婚假 Wedding leave
丧假 Funeral leave
陪产假 其他假种: Accompany maternity leaveOther leaves:
申请人签名: Applicant: 批准人签名: Approved by:
日期: Date: 日期: Date:
备注 REMARK: 1、员工一次请假超过5天,必须提前30天以书面形式提出申请。 If the annual leave requested by the employee once exceeds 5 days, the employee shall make an application in writing 30 days in advance. 2、请在请假种类中打“√”,假期的相关单据请附于本请假单背面。 Please sign the “√” to choose the leave, attach the relative document on the back of the form. 3、事假、病假、年假、调休均以半天为计算单位;婚假、丧假、产假、陪产假均以天为计算单位。 The minimum unit of leave time is half day for private affair leave、sick leave、annual leave、compensatory time off The minimum unit of leave time is one day for wedding leave、funeral leave、maternity leave、accompany maternity leave.
Leabharlann Baidu
LEAVE APPLICATION FORM 姓名: Name: 请假日期: Dates on leave: 请假事由: Reasons for taking leave 年假 Annual leave 产假 Maternity leave 年 月
部门: Department: 日 共计: 至 天 年 月 日
病假 Sick leave
婚假 Wedding leave
丧假 Funeral leave
陪产假 其他假种: Accompany maternity leaveOther leaves:
申请人签名: Applicant: 批准人签名: Approved by:
日期: Date: 日期: Date:
备注 REMARK: 1、员工一次请假超过5天,必须提前30天以书面形式提出申请。 If the annual leave requested by the employee once exceeds 5 days, the employee shall make an application in writing 30 days in advance. 2、请在请假种类中打“√”,假期的相关单据请附于本请假单背面。 Please sign the “√” to choose the leave, attach the relative document on the back of the form. 3、事假、病假、年假、调休均以半天为计算单位;婚假、丧假、产假、陪产假均以天为计算单位。 The minimum unit of leave time is half day for private affair leave、sick leave、annual leave、compensatory time off The minimum unit of leave time is one day for wedding leave、funeral leave、maternity leave、accompany maternity leave.