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1. 请用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上;

2. 每题限选一个答案,多选不给分;

Ⅰ.单项填空 (本题30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中找出划线部分读音与其余三个不同


1. A with B. thank C. three D. both

2. A. house B. hour C. happy D. hobby

3. A. food B. cool C. book D. zoo

4. A. works

B. bags

C. oranges

D. names 5.A. cake B. nice C. come D. clean 6. A. bread B. sea C. leave D. meat 7.A. why B. where C. what D. who 8. A. mother

B. come

C. on

D. color 9. A. milk B. time C. fish D. in 10. A. watch B. school C. much D. China 11. A.whose B.where



班级____________________ 姓名_______________________ 考号_________________ 考场号____________ ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _ 密 封 线 内 不 要 答 题

12. A.bank B.traffic C.basic D.fan

13. A.bow B.brown C.throw D how

14. A.mother B.cheaper C.her D.hunger

15. A.world B.worth C.worker D.worn

16. A.room B. foot C. noon D.school

17. A. three B. north C. bath D. these

18. A. hate B. exam C.take D. classmate

19. A.but B.nut C. fun D. computer

20. A. child B. like C. hit D. online

21. A. fan B. age C. fat D. manager

22. A. teach B. bread C. head D. weather

23. A. cloudy B. color C. cook D. nice

24. A. snowy B. down C. window D. yellow

25. A. telephone B. get C. secretary D. egg

26. A. food B. wood C. foot D. good

27.A. stair B. repair C. here D. fair

28. A. school B. church C. change D. touch

29.A. item B. dish C. invite D. price

30. A. day B. may C. way D. says



1. waitress A1. a peason who buys goods or a service

2. popular B1. a girl or woman who serves meals to people in a restaurant

3. expensive C1. a list of the dishes served in a restaurant

4. menu D1. liked or enjoyed by many people

5. customer E1. costing a lot of money

6. poster F1. a person who offers to do something without being paid

7. housework G1. a large printed notice, pictures ect.

8. booklet H1. work that you do to take care of a house

9. provide I1. g ive something to somebody

10. volunteer J1. a very short book containing information

11.understand A2. way in which a word is said

12.notebook B2.grasp/know the meaning of(words,alanguage )

13.pronunciation C2.become better

14.improve D2.say or write something more than once

15. repeat E2.a small book used for writing notes in

16.qualification F2. all the workers employed in an organization

17.schedule G2. an amount of money that you pay to do something

18.fee H2. something that makes you suitable for, activity,ect.

19.staff I2.an official document proving that you have passed an exam

20.certicate J2. time arrangement of events

21. expensive A3. a girl or woman who serves meals in a restaurant

22. waitress B3. dear

23. menu C3. liked or enjoyed by many people

24. popular D3. a list of the dishes served in a restaurant

25. customer E3. a person who buys goods or a service

26. poster F3. person who offers to do something without being paid

27. housework G3. a large printed notice, picture

28. booklet H3. work that you do to take care of a house

29. provide I3. give something to somebody

30. volunteer J3. a very short book containing information
