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1. 名词后缀: 表人:-er, -or,-ist worker actor artist adj.→n.: -ness sadness darkness v.→n.: -t/-te → -tion act→action invent→invention v.→n.: -ment development movement
It is important to think about how tourism affects the people of a destination (目的地) country. The _______(develop) of -ment tourism is quite beneficial, since it can help a country keep the customs and beauty that are _______ -ive (attract) to tourists. It will also advance the wealth and ________(happy) happiness of local people. Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism grows too ________(quick), people -ly must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the country’s economy can suffer.
3. 副词后缀: -ly: quickly equally PS:并非全部-ly结尾的词都是副词: lovely 可爱的 friendly 友善的 likely 可能的 lonely 孤独的
4. 动词后缀 -en:使... deep→deepen wide→widen 有时en-:enable enlarge enrich
4. Shops are very overcrowded now. A. busy with much work unover表否定 过度 B. having too many people believe crowd v.相信 拥挤 ∨ -ed adj. -able adj.能...的 C. full of energy D. too complicated to understand 5. He was performing and his technique was unbelievable. A. can be trusted B. very exciting C. very attractive D. difficult to believe; very good ∨
前缀(prefix) & 后缀(suffix)
• 复习构词法之一——派生,了解 前缀和后缀的作用 • 学习常见的前缀和后缀 • 应用:①语法填空 ② 阅读理解中猜词义
反 vt.

_______ adj. _______
Teenagers’ secrets should be kept to themselves, and no one else, including their parents, has the right to stick their noses into the children’s private life. As we know, teenagers are going through a special period of -ment _________(develop) both physically and _________(psychological). They are curious -ly about and puzzled by the _________ (expect) unexcepted changes in their body and mind. What’s more, exposed to a world of adults, it is only too _________ natural (nature)for them to begin imitating adults’ behavior in secret. Boys begin to smoke and girls begin to spend time doing their hair.
2. Don’t listen to his nonsense. A. meaningless words non-: 非,无 ∨ sense n.意义 B. beautiful words C. meaningful words D. unpleasant words 3. He lived a hard life in pre-liberation days. pre-: 在 ... 之前 A. before liberation ∨ liberation n.解放 B. after liberation C. since liberation D. during liberation
Task 4
• 运用所学知识,完成语法填空练习。 • 解题方法: 1、阅读全句,正确理解句义及所缺 词词义。 2、分析缺词担任的句子成分,正确 判断词性。(如动词、名词等) 3、判断缺词应采用的正确词形。(如 动词的形式、名词的单复数等)
Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example, too many -ists ________(tour) can crowd public places, which are not so _________(enjoy) for -able people living there. If tourism creates too much traffic, people there will become -ed _______(annoy) and unhappy. They begin to _______(like) tourists and to treat them dis_______(politely). They forget how impolitely _______(help) tourism can be to the -ful country’s economy.
表否定:dis-, in-, im-, ir-, il-, un-, nondislike incorrect impolite irregular illegal unlike non-stop
over-:超过,超出 overweight overwork oversleep
mis-:错误 misunderstand misdo re-:再,又 rewrite reuse pre-:先于... preview prepay fore-:前, 预先 forehead forecast
4. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to XXX?
Task 3
mis- 错误 represent vt.陈/描述
1. Remember that People on line may not be who they seem. Because you can't see or even hear the person. It would be easy for someone to misrepresent himself or herself. Thus someone who says that "she is a 12year-old girl." could really be an old man. A. make a wrong judgement(判断) about B. understand somebody wrongly C. give a wrong description(描写) of ∨ D. form a wrong opinion about
思考:前缀和后缀分别改变的原词 的什么? possible → impossible invent → invention 前缀 词性 后缀 意思
Task 1
• • • • • • • • valuable 有价值的 adj. value v. →________ -ment n. 娱乐 entertain v.→________ un- adj.不可能的 likely adj.→反义:_______ read v.→________ 误读 v. misappear v. →________ 消失 v. disjoy n.→________ adj. 快乐的,高兴的 -ful broad adj.→________ vt.拓宽,拓展 en-less adj.无助的 help n. →________
2. 形容词后缀: -ful:充满...的 careful harmful -less: 缺少...的 careless harmless -ive:有...倾向的 effective attractive -able:可以/能够...的 buyable enjoyable
-ed:①(人)感到...的 annoyed ②表被动 written words ③表完成 boiled water -ing:①令人...的 annoying ②表主动 the dancing girl ③表进行中 boiling water
ably unable


派生法:由词缀(分前、后缀)和词根 相结合构成新单词的方法。
加前缀: happy→ unhappy 加后缀: develop → development 既加前缀又加后缀: forget → unforgetable
Task 2
分析画线词的词性和词义。 方法: 拆分单词 This possibility was unforeseeable, because it almos tnever happened.
un fore see
adj. 不可预见的
不 预先
看见 可以…的
常见的猜词义题目: 1. The underlined word XXX means/ refers to/stands for _________. 2. The word XXX can be replaced by “ _________”. 3. What’s the meaning of XXX?
Exercise on the paper. Exercise on P28, Workbook.
Youth is a kind of wealth. It will disgradually ______(appear) with time elapsing(流逝). What can we do is not to waste the youth. In my opinion, for one thing, it is to realize our value, our idea. When we are young, we have the best conditions in our lives, good memories, -ings (understand) and so on. We good ________ should make full use of these conditions to study more. For aother , we should ______ en(rich) our lives, make them ______ -ful (color) and and gather as many different experiences as possible.