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( ) 1. A. which B. wish C. watch

( ) 2. A. long B. along C. longer

( ) 3. A. beautiful B. wonderful C. careful

( ) 4. A. animal B. cinema C. small

( ) 5. A. fast B. farther C. faster

( ) 6. A. project B. problem C. player

( ) 7. A. train station B. history museum C. shopping center ( ) 8. A. warm B. warmer C. water


( ) 1. A. I'm tall. B. My father is taller than me.

C. No, my father is taller than me.

D. I'm taller.

( ) 2. A. Yes, we do. B. Yes, I am.

C. We look the same.

D. No, we aren't.

( ) 3. A. It’s Saturday. . B. It’s sunny.

C. It's hers.

D. Yes, it's cloudy.

( ) 4. A. He swims faster than Gao Shan. B. Yes, they do.

C. No, he doesn't. He swims faster than Gao Shan.

D. Yes, he is.

( ) 5. A. It’s on the desk. B. It’s in front of the Museum.

C. You can't miss it.

D. No, it isn't

( ) 6. A. It's about two centimeters away.

B. It's about a kilometre away.

C. It’s three.

D. It’s on your left.

三、听录音,判断句子正误,对的用“T”表示,错的用“F”表示。(听两遍)(6分) ( ) 1. Andy is older than Ben.

( ) 2. Ben is taller than Andy.

( ) 3. They study in a middle school.

( ) 4. Andy does well in Art.

( ) 5. Andy sings better than Ben.

( ) 6. Ben jumps higher than Andy.


A: Excuse me, is there a near here?

B: No. But one near the Bank of China.

A: I get there?

B: It's far from here. You'd better bus No.3 to go there. A: But where's the bus stop?

B: Go this_______, and then _______ _________ at the first crossing. You can see it.



()1. autumn A. summer B.

season C. winter

()2. Monday A. day B.

Tuesday C. Friday

()3. cloud A. rainy B.

snow C. wind

()4.heavier A.older B.

young C. stronger

()5. headache A. feel B.

cough C. cold

()6. piano A. guitar B.

blouse C. violin

二、选择填空(每小题1分, 共15分)

( ) 1. The boy ________ big eyes is Tom’s brother.

A. in

B. with

C. for

( ) 2. Mr Green ________ a play last Sunday.

A. see

B. sees

C. saw

( ) 3. Mike is very fat. He is _________ than Liu Tao.

A. older

B. heavier

C. younger

( ) 4. Jim _________ to do more exercise at the weekends.

A. wants

B. want

C. is wanting

( ) 5. A: What are the students doing?

B: They ________ an English lesson.

A. had

B. has

C. are having

( ) 6. A: Who would like to read the new works?

B: Let Helen read them. She reads ________ than all of us.

A. better B good C well

( ) 7. _______ is the shopping center from our school?

A. How long

B. How many

C. How far

( ) 8. We’re going to play table tennis. Will you _______ us?

A. join

B. go C come

( ) 9. _______ do you want to ________?

A. Whose; write

B. Who; write to

C. Who; write ( )10. Yesterday Yang Ling ________ an American boy in the street.

She_________ him the way to the train station.

A. meet; show

B. meets; shows

C. met; showed ( ) 11. Listen! Xiaoling ________ in her classroom.

A. sings


singing C. is singing

( ) 12.I usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning.

A .at B. on C. of

( ) 13. The brown cat is as ______ as the black cat.

A .fat B. fatter C. thinner

( ) 14.-- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Garden Cinema?

-- Let me see. You can ______ bus No. 5.

A .by B. take C. go

( ) 15.--Hello, is that Liu Tao? --Yes, ______.

A .I am B. it is C. speaking
