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Advances in Social Sciences 社会科学前沿, 2019, 8(7), 1342-1351

Published Online July 2019 in Hans. /journal/ass


The Future Development of Property

Management Model in China

Qi Xu

Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, Kunming Yunnan

Received: Jul. 10th, 2019; accepted: Jul. 23rd, 2019; published: Jul. 30th, 2019


At present, the property industry has major problems such as limited intervention in the early stage, relatively low level of development, various interest groups having not formed a community of interests, channels for property service complaints and rights protection being not smooth, and property capitalization operations being facing severe challenges. In order to change this situation, property management companies have chosen to transform and upgrade, and different back-grounds of the times have provided an opportunity for the transformation of property companies.

The new laws and regulations have standardized the industry standards. The implementation of the Internet has brought new opportunities to the property management industry. The supply-side reform has further clarified the development direction of the property management industry. In the process of transformation, the property management enterprises gradually get rid of the dependence on the developers, the real estate industry implements separate operations, and the property companies themselves choose the mode of innovation in management and oper-ation separation. In addition, the increase in consumer demand has led to the diversification of property management consumption. Regardless of how the future property companies develop, the basic services and diversified operations are still the foundation of the company. At the same time, it is necessary to combine the online and the offline to expand the market players. Along with the development of the industry, enterprises have put forward higher requirements for tal-ents, which has gradually changed the industry's human resources pattern, and the future cooper-ation and win-win has become the main theme of industry development.


Property Management, Property Consumption, Separate Operations, Separation of Management, Supply-Side Reform










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