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In What Way Does the Chinese Philosophy

Influence the Chinese People

Philosophy is the an attempt to understand the universe as a whole, or an examination of men’s moral responsibilities. Chinese philosophy mainly contains two parts, Confucianism and Taosim. And these two thoughts influence the Chinese people a lot in all ages.

Confucianism has two representatives, Confucius and Menci. They are the sages recognized. They advocates ren, li, xiao, and zhong, and the Chinese people always let themselves to abide these items.

Because of the positive side of the Confucianism, in the ancient time, the ruling class encouraged the thoughts of Confucianism a lot. If a person, especially a student wanted to be an official, he must master all the minds of the Confucianism. The thoughts of Confucianism supported the ruling class in some extent. Because, the officers must been loyal to their emperor, had sympathy to their friends, and loved their family.

Taosim is another thoughts of the Chinese. Taoists thinks people must follow the way of nature, and if we follow the principle, we can act through non-action. Taosim also has two representatives, Laozi and Zhuangzi, who had written many books.

Some people, include many famous people in the ancient times, choose to live a free life that far away the officials, because they

influenced by the Taosim a lot. Taoism thinks that returning to the state of a newborn baby is the best choice to a person. But in the later stage of Taosim, the Taoists created a immortal system, and paid more attention in alchemy.

In the modern time, people select the positive thoughts to follow. For example, there are many CIUA around the world, and benevolence, charity and humanity are advocated a lot. Ever thoughts have the positive and negative side, and we should take the essence to its dregs.
