

南京市2019 届高三年级学情调研考试

第一节单项填空(共15 小题,每题1 分,满分15 分)

请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

21. a striking look with a sea of lavender flowers, Guli has become a famous attraction in Nanjing.


B. To wear

C. To be wearing

D. Having won

22.---What’s up, Kim? You look very excited!

---Sorry, just a moment ago I ran into Tayor Swift so I was a bit .

A.Given up

B. have their hands up

C. carried away

D. driven away

23.The Spanish National Football Team is such a superb one that they can .

A.get their hands dirty

B. have their hands full

C. lay their hands on us

D. beat us hands down

24.What a lucky dog! He’s just a starring role in Spielberg’s next movie.


B. lost

C. arranged

D. accepted

25.Some animal protectors are seen as being two-faced about animal welfare the way they treat domestic animals.

A.i n need of

B. in view of

C. in search of

D. in favour of

26.The company needs to develop a culture people see that’s OK to take time off.


B. when

C. which

D. where

27.If we just focus on how we want the future to be, we may be to opportunities along the way.


B. close

C. blind

D. open

28.You say you are innocent, but we have good reasons to think .


B. over

C. aloud

D. otherwise

29.The site in Beijing is an outstanding of the creative art of Chinese garden design.

A. distinction

B. expression

C. inspiration

D. evaluation

30.HMV’s rise started with the pop music revolution of the 1960s, when the company began its album sales in London.


B. exploring

C. exporting

D. expecting

31.It is very encouraging to see Beijing 2022 is using its potential to maximize the use of existing stadiums.


B. why

C. when

D. whether

32.Mr. Wills, who was being helped up onto the platform to take the prize, looked as if he by lightning.

A.was just struck

B. were just struck

C. would just be struck

D. had just been struck

33.After 40 years of reform and opening-up, China still has a long way to go it becomes a “developed economy”.


B. before

C. after

D. unless

34.The founding of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which widely recognized and praised, aims to build friendly international relations.


B. were

C. has been

D. had been

35.---What a waste of time to watch such a boring match!

--- . Why not switch the channel?

A.It’s no big deal

B. With your permission

C. My feelings exactly

D. You’ve got to be kidding

第二节完型填空(共20 小题,每小题1 分,满分20 分)

请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选


Wildflowers in a mountain meadow are a gift of nature. But what about those wildflowers blooming along busy 36 ? Well, nature had a 37 .

Claudia Alta “Lady Bird” Johnson, the wife of our thirty-sixth President, Lyndon B. Johnson wanted

38 to be a national priority.

As a little girl growing up in “deep east Texas,” wildflowers helped her get through 39 times. Her mother had died when she was five, and her father 40 most of his time at the general store he owned. Her older brothers were away at school, 41Lady Bird turned to nature for

42 . “Nature was my friend and my teacher,” she says. “It was a joy to me, and it’s never 43 me.”

After high school, Lady Bird left home for the University of Texas in Austin. 41 she found joy in nature—in the vast quantities of Texas bluebonnets(德克萨斯州羽扇豆). It was there that Lady Bird met and fell in love with Lyndon B. Johnson. He proposed to her on their first 45 .

“The whole country 46 the President,” Lady Bird said, “but only one man selects the First Lady—and it is highly_ 47 that he was thinking of her as First Lady when he proposed!”

When she got to know the 48 disappearance of “America the Beautiful” due to land development and pollution, Lady Bird 49 the President to propose a Highway Beautification Act that allocated money to 50 roadsides. The act was passed in 1965.

Lady Bird 51 that many wildflowers, like people, were immigrants. “They 52 the nation on the wheels of covered wagons, perhaps 53 in the pockets of children.”

Lady Bird is certainly our First Lady of 54 . She has made us see that highways can be beautiful. She is the reason why wildflowers now 55 our travels through almost every state.

36. A. streets B. highways C. roads D. lanes


2015江苏高考英语试卷 二、单选 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to _____ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 23. –Jim, can you work…..? --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally trapped by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but…. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 27. The university started some new language programmes to _______ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. … 28. It might have saved me much trouble______ the schedule. A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known 29. The whole team ______ Donald, and he seldom let them down. A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on


电视民生新闻的现状分析 学生:人文学院网络传播07级 学号: 指导老师: 摘要 近年来,电视民生新闻的蓬勃发展成为新闻界少有的热闹景象,关注人民生计 , 关心市民生活的电视民生新闻风行全国 " 从江苏电视台的《南京零距离》、安徽电视台的《第一时间》到湖南经视的《都市一时间》、北京电视台的《第七日》 , 从河南电视台的《民生大参考》、杭州电视台的《阿六头说新闻》到吉林电视台的《守望都市》、海南电视台的《直播海南》等 , 全国各地电视台纷纷推出自己的电视民生新闻栏目。民生新闻放弃了传统说教新闻的生硬、呆板,以鲜明的地方性和生动的趣味性吸引着当今受众的眼球。民生新闻坚持平民观点,关注民生民情,为百姓排忧解难,将话语权更多的交给平民百姓,符合了传媒的平民化趋势。但是,民生新闻在激烈的市场竞争压力之下,为了迎合受众,过多报道生活中既无积极意义又无新闻价值的一些琐事,甚至还有一些低俗的、不健康的内容充斥到此类新闻中。因此,必须引起我们足够的重视。 关键词 民生新闻传播误区发展趋势 目录 绪论 (1) 一、民生新闻的定义 (1)

二、电视民生新闻的形成背景 (2) 三、民生新闻的优势 (4) 四、民生新闻在发展过程中存在的误区 (5) 五、消费文化视野中的电视民生新闻 (6) 小结 (7) 参考文献 (8) 致谢 (9) 一、民生新闻的定义: 民生新闻从广义上来说属于社会新闻,但在内容上却是以民生的视野、民生的态度、民生的情感来关注普通老百姓的生存环境和生活状态,从江苏电视台城市频道的《南京零距离》、河南电视台经济生活频道的《民生大参考》到山东电视台公共频道的《民生直通车》、成都电视台的《成都全接触》,民生类新闻节目可谓是“遍地开花”,在电视新闻界掀起了一股热潮,被学者称为“电视新闻的第三次革命”。何谓“民生新闻”,目前并没有明确的定义,综合业界和学界对民生新闻的几种观点,可以将“民生新闻”理解为:以民本思想为基点,以“民生、民情、民意”为主要关注点,以城市百姓“身边事、麻烦事、稀奇事、关心事”为主要报道题材,通过记者现场调查、跟踪报道、嵌入式体验等灵活多样的方法采编制作,注重新闻的实用价值、娱乐价值、情感价值的电视新闻。


2018年江苏省高考英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分5分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.答案是C。 1.(1.00分)What will James do tomorrow? A.Watch a TV program. B.Give a talk. C.Write a report. 2.(1.00分)What can we say about the woman? A.She's generous. B.She's curious. C.She's helpful. 3.(1.00分)When does the train leave? A.At 6:30. B.At 8:30. C.At 10:30. 4.(1.00分)How does the woman go to work? A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bike. 5.(1.00分)What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates. B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient.


2018年江苏高考英语试题答案解析 21.By boat is the only way to get here,which is_______we arrived. A.where B.when C.why D.how 【答案】D 【解析】考查名词性从句。句意:乘船是到达这里唯一的途径,这就是我们如何到达的。分析which引导的非限定性定语从句可知,后面为表语从句。分析句意可知,这里用连接副词how引导表语从句,充当方式状语,表示“如何”。故选D。 拓展:本题考查表语。首先需要弄清句意及分析句子结构,然后根据前句By boat is the only way to get here提示可知作方式状语,就不难选出正确答案。 22.Kids shouldn’t have access to violent films because they might_______the things they see. A.indicate B.investigate C.imitate D.innovate 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:孩子不应该接触暴力电影,因为他们也许会模仿他们所见的事情。A.indicate指示;B.investigate调查;C.imitate模仿;D.innovate改革。故选C。 拓展:本题考查动词辨析。动词和动词短语的考查是高考重点考查的知识点,解题时要区分清选择项的含义与区别,再联系句意进行判断,从而选出正确答案。考生在平时学习过程中要注重动词和动词短语的识记与掌握。 23.Self-driving is an area_______China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. A.that B.where C.which D.when 【答案】B 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:自动驾驶是一个中国和世界其它国家都在同一起跑线的领域。句中先行词为area,在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where,相当于in which。故选B。拓展:本题考查定语从句。定语从句是高考重点考查知识之一,分析定语从句需抓住两点:1.找准先行词。2.看先行词在从句中所作的成分。抓住这两点,再根据句意,从而能够判断出正确的关系词。


2011江苏英语试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) 1.What does the man like about the play? A.The story B. The ending C. The actor 2.Which place are the speakers trying to find? A. A hotel . B. A bank . C.A restaurant. 3.At what time will the two speakers meet? A.5:20 . B.5:10 . C.4:40. 4.What will the man do? A.Change the plan. B.Wait for a phone. C.Sort things out. 5.What does the woman want to do? A. See a film with the man . B. Offer the man some help. C.Listen to some great music. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Where is Ben? A. In the kitchen B. At school C. In the park 7.What will the children do in the afternoon? A. Help set the table B. Have a party C. Do their homework 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What are the two speakers talking about? A. A family holiday B. A business trip C. A travel plan 9.Where did Rachel go? A. Spain B. Italy C. China 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke? A. From young smokers. B. From a newspaper article. C. From some smoking parents. 11.Why does the man say that he should keep away from babies? A. He has just become a father. B. He wears dirty clothes. C. He is a smoker. 12.What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do? A. Stop smoking altogether. B. Smoke only outside their houses. C. Reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.Where does Michelle Ray come from?


《零距离》栏目节目策划案 一、栏目简介: 1. 栏目名称:《零距离》 2. 节目类型:新闻资讯类 3. 制作单位:江苏省广播电视总台 4. 播出频道:江苏城市频道 5. 栏目形式和内容:《零距离》——绝对深度、第一报道、关注民生、聚焦热点。江苏卫视城市频道主办的《零距离》,是全国第一个内容完全自采、长度为60分钟的大型新闻资讯类直播栏目。主要内容由社会新闻、生活资讯、甲方乙方、孟非读报、小璐说天气、新闻调查、现场热线等版块构成。栏目新闻以“贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众”的“三贴近”精神为指导,开创了全国电视民生新闻之先河。 二、本期节目名称:《零距离》2014年8月1日 三、本期节目概述(主要说说这一期节目的大概构思,如选题背景、选题原则以及希望达到的传播效果、社会效应或者经济效益等等): 进入八月份,高温天气仍然居久不下,考验着每一个人的忍受力,也考验着一座城市的应急能力。用水用电、劳保医保、衣食住行,件件容不得半点马虎。高温炙烤之下,各行各业的劳动者坚守岗位,政府及公共服务部门积极备战,城市才不会乱了套。 地铁,方便快捷。建设地跌不仅需要人力物力,还需要长时间的准备。南京三条地铁线试跑,各为十号线、机场轻轨、江北的宁天城际一期。想必将为市民带来更加便利舒适的出行。 盛夏的活力下,各种动植物也陆续活跃起来。南京城里的鸟语花香也越发美好。闲暇时间,市民也可外出观赏花花草草,愉悦身心。 四、选题情况分析(从目前社会大环境,或者电视大环境,或者时事热点,或者国家大政方针,或者历史大背景,或者多方面融合进行分析,你为什么选这个主题): 天热得不像话了。热得让人有点恐惧了。记得往年的夏天,走在街上,还有树荫还有楼影,还有偶尔的凉爽风,可这一两年,炎热吞没了这一切。入夏一来,南京的高温天已经持续多天。市民如果不做好防晒防暑的工作,极有可能发生晒伤中暑症状。高温不仅考验市民的耐热能力,同时也是对政府及公共服务部门的应急能力的拷问。如今,抗击炎热是人们最热衷的话题——幻想、抱怨、转移视线、以“热”抗热……南京今夏热。而高温会让人呆在空调间不想出门,这也是需要注意的。空调病的预防也是一大考题。 想必,乘过地铁的人都会被其的方便快捷所吸引。同时地铁也是一座城市现代化的体现,。南京作为我国发展靠前的城市,积极与国际接轨的城市,地铁的建设显得尤为必要。为加快南京市轨道交通建设,促进轨道交通良性发展,2003年12月31日南京地铁运营分公司挂牌成立,为地铁运营提供了必备的平台和条件。7年多来,在市委市政府的高度重视下,在南京地铁总公司的正确指导下,以及广大市民的大力支持下,运营分公司不仅于2005年9月3日成功开通了地铁一号线,实现了南京人20年的梦


2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21.We have entered into an age _______ dreams have the best chance ofcoming true. A. which B.what C. when D. that 【答案】C 【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们已经进入到了一个时代,在这个时代梦想实现的机会最大。句中先行词为an age(一个时代),且先行词在从句中作时间状语,所以关系词用when。故选C。 22.The musician along with his band members ________ ten performancesin the last three months. A. gives B.has given C.havegiven D.give 【答案】B 【详解】考查现在完成时与主谓一致。句意:在过去的三个月里,这名音乐家与他的乐队成员已经完成了十场演出。由“in the last three months”可知,这句话的时态为现在完成时,故排除AD选项。本句主语为the musician,为第三人称单数形式,句中的“along with his band members”是附加成分,故谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。故选B。

23.The doctor shares his phone number with the patients ________ theyneed medical assistance. A. if only B.as if C. eventhough D.in case 【答案】D 【详解】考查状语从句的连词。句意:医生给了病人他的手机号码,以防病人需要医疗援助。A. if only要是……多好;B. as if好像,仿佛; C. even though即使,尽管; D. in case以备,以防,免得。故选D符合语境。 24.More wind power stations will ________ to meet the demand forclean energy. A. Takeup B.clearup C.holdup D. spring up 【答案】D 【详解】考查动词短语。句意:为了满足对清洁能源的需求,更多的风力发电站将会被建立起来。A. take up开始从事,占领,开始干(工作); B. clear up整理,收拾,解决(问题); C. hold up(论点、理论等)站得住脚,阻挡,举起; D. spring up出现,涌现。故选D。 25.Scientists have obtained more evidence ________ plastic is findingits way into the human body. A. what B.that C. which D. where 【答案】B


《南京零距离》栏目策划分析评论 姓名:吴忠林学号:2009050106017 栏目简介: 《南京零距离》成立于2002年,每晚6:50到7:50 播出,节目时间 更是长达60分钟。《南京零距离》是第一个用光头主持人的新闻节目,第 一个让观众觉得独具匠心的新闻节目,第一个零距离倾听观众需求的新闻节 目。它是第一个刷新南京新闻界收视率、独领风骚的栏目,第一个挑起南京 地区新闻大战的栏目,第一个带动城市频道飞扬起来的栏目。 一、栏目背景分析 《南京零距离》创办之前,大部分的新闻对象都是国家政策,时政要闻 和领导人以及一些明星。很少有关注民生的新闻节目,《南京零距离》却把目 光向“下”关注南京百姓的日常生活。该栏目定位于“民生的内容、民生的习 尚、平民的视角”,关注百姓生活,与百姓零距离,与生活零距离。 二、栏目宗旨分析 《南京零距离》以报道南京、服务南京、宣传南京为宗旨。从宗旨上可 以看出该栏目是的新闻目标是南京市民身边的事情。南京市民是节目的主人 公,他们充满质感的生存状态和心灵状态在每天的黄金时段得以展现。 三、栏目定位分析 《南京零距离》的定位为民生类新闻“民生的内容、民生的习尚、平民 的视角”。节目必须要有精确的定位,这样才能从一开始就出新。一句口号 “南京零距离,就在你身边”就很好的诠释了定位,落实到节目中,就是用专 注的目光和近乎虔诚的心态去纪录、报道平常百姓的日常生活和老百姓的喜 怒哀乐与酸甜苦辣,锁定他们的生存状况,反映他们的生存空间,是市民表 达意愿、要求和呼声的窗口。该节目还具有实用性,因其贴近百姓生活,能 够倾听他们的需求,能够真正的为百姓解决一些事情。 四、栏目报道方式分析 节目在报道角度和姿态上,也力争贴近百姓生活和平民心理,激发了观 众的收视心理。报道不再以板着脸孔的姿态出现,表现出了浓浓的人情味。


江苏高考英语试卷 二、单选 21. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as 22. Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to _____ to their greatest potential. A. accelerate B. improve C. perform D. develop 23. –Jim, can you work…..? --_____? I’ve been working two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what 24. Much time______ sitting at a desk, office workers are generally trapped by health problems. A. being spent B. having spent C. spent D. to spend 25. _____ Li Hua, a great Chinese poet, was born is known to the public, but…. A. That B. Why C. Where D. How 26. It is so cold that you can’t go outside______ fully covered in thick clothes. A. if B. unless C. once D. when 27. The university started some new language programmes to _______ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt. A. apply to B. cater for C. appeal to D. … 28. It might have saved me much trouble______ the schedule. A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known 29. The whole team ______ Donald, and he seldom let them down. A. wait on B. focus on C. count on D. call on 30. The reason why prices ______ and still are too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactory can explain this problem. A. were B. will be C. have been D. had been 31. The police officers decided to conduct a thorough, and ______ review of the case. A. comprehensive B. complicated C. suspicious D. … 32. Some schools will have to make _______ in agreement with the national social reform. A. judgments B. adjustments C. comments D. achievements 33. –Why didn’t you invite John to your birthday party? -- Well, you know he’s______. A.an early bird B. a wet blanket C. a lucky dog D. a tough nut 34. Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around_______ Thomas Edison. A. thanks to B. regardless of C. aside from D. but for 35. –Go and say sorry to your mom, Dave? -- I’d like to, but I’m afraid Mom would not accept my______. A. requests B. excuses C. apologies D. regrets


江苏省英语高考概况 题目构成:听力,单选,完型,阅读,改错和作文 历年试题分析 05年(第一年自主命题)听力语速适中,难度适中大部分为细节题,部分考查对主旨意图的理解(沿用全国卷) 单选难度相当,设置更灵活出现三道设置两个空白的题目,出现考查冠词为主的题目覆盖面广:冠词,形容词及比较级,代词,情态动词,非谓语动词,近义词比较,连词,主从复合句,倒装句等 完型内容更易理解 阅读理解比较容易说明文为主a篇介绍一个与简奥斯丁相关的一个旅游中心,b篇是对一个书店的口头介绍c篇介绍的是撒哈拉的节目,d篇设计的是植物的自我保护,e篇介绍科技知识带给人类的利弊 题目类型主题推断,细节理解,词义推断,作者写作意图 短文改错难度不大延续往年特点 书面表达语文与政治结合内容点已给出 06 总体难度不大 听力难度差不多,有所减小,题目一成不变,内容重复涉及旅游英语过多 单选很难看到纯语法题目四到五道陷阱题 完型夹叙夹议,难度较小 阅读理解记叙文,议论文和说明文,说明文居多 新题型难度不大 书面表达热点容情入境,不能激发想象 07 稳中求发展突出语篇,强调语言交际化,注重英语应用的实际语言环境和英语的实际运用体现新课改和新课标的精神和要求考意新颖各项目平和,信息量大,时代气息浓厚,贴近生活 听力简单贴近生活,简单推理数字,事件,地点人物,活动等常见题型 单选语境越来越多考查情景交际,动词词组,固定搭配 完型夹叙夹议难度降低教育意义铺路公司短期内客服困难建成停车场半数愉悦句子层面理解和推断均为实词,半数以上考查名词和动词 阅读难度持平旅游广告人脑,自行车防盗,母亲的鼓励 对话填空难度不大 09. 听力采用了全国I卷的听力,与前几年相比语速较快,难度高于往年。选材丰富,情景突出,语料真实,着重考查考生生活实际中所需要的听的能力。体现了在情景中交际的特点,考试中选用真实的口语材料,题材反映真实生活,有利于考查考生生活实际中所需要的听的能力。


2021届江苏省名校高三英语整合试题(A)I.单项选择: 1.There is an obvious _________ between the cultures of the west and East. A. content B. contract C. contrast D. contact 2.Jade is the highest award in Chinese culture and medals are the most important prize in Olympics, so medals with jade is the perfect _________ to present the Olympics in Beijing. A. connection B. cooperation C. combination D. composition 3.In order to increase their vote, they _________ another candidate a traitor to the country. A. announced B. declared C. thought D. conquered 4.The moment I saw him, his name simply ________ me, and I stood there not knowing how to address him. A. chokes B. escaped C. failed D. confused 5.After _________ the luggage at the railway station, we left for the exhibition in a taxi. A. claiming B. demanding C. deserving D. obtaining 6.When the book was first _________, it was immediately well received by readers. A. brought up B. brought down C. brought about D. brought out 7.When you are physically _________ to weather changes, maybe it’s a sign that you’re getting aged. A. active B. sensitive C. flexible D. familiar 8.Words _________ me right at the sight of this beautiful scenery. A. chokes B. escaped C. failed D. confused 9.I can’t say I’m the best. I have only _________ made more efforts than others. A. definitely B. relatively C. obviously D. certainly 10.Participants in the program were 32 students identified ________ individual intelligence tests, group achievement test scores in math and science, and student interviews. A. on the basis of B. in the course of C. in the shape of D. in the name of 11. Music should be taught routinely in schools because of the benefits ________ can have on the development of the brains of young children. A. which B. that C. it D. one 12. Car lovers often organize field sports in our country. It is an activity that they_______ without the benefits of a car. A. would never attempt B. will never attempt C. would never have attempted D. can never have attempted 13. ________ shoulder to shoulder with a girl, I felt very embarrassed. A. Spotting shopping B. Spotted shopping C. Having spotted to shop D. Spotted to shop 14. According to the new regulations of our company, the first applicant______ the interview is entitled _____ his job. A. passing; to choose B. passing; choosing C. to pass; to choose D. to pass; choosing 15. ________ housing prices are going up madly, it is almost certain that the local government focuses not on improving people’s life but on trying to earn money by selling state land. A. As B. If C. Where D. Unless 16. The NBA semifinal was really wonderful. The best moment was, as the media reported, ________ LeBron James scored the winning three points. A. that B. when C. what D. which 17. The Shanghai Expo presented the unique Chinese culture to the world at ________ surveys show to be the favorite---Chinese pavilion (展馆). A. where B. that C. the one D. what 18. ________ is the kindness of the nurse that the patient can never be ________ to her. A. So; too thankful B. Such; too thankful C. So; that thankful D. Such; enough


2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18. 答案是B。 1. What do the speakers need to buy? A. A fridge. B. A dinner table. C. A few chairs. 2. Where are the speakers? A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel. C. In a school. 3. What does the woman mean? A. Cathy will be at the party. B. Cathy is too busy to come. C. Cathy is going to be invited. 4. Why does the woman plan to go to town? A. To pay her bills in the bank. B. To buy books in a bookstore. C. To get some money from the bank. 5. What is the woman trying to do? A. Finish some writing. B. Print an article. C. Find a newspaper. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;


2011年生物学考研专业方向和院校推荐 21世纪被称为生物世纪,可见生物学技术对人类的影响是巨大的。生物学技术渗透于社会生活的众多领域,食品生产中的转基因大豆、啤酒、瘦肉型肉猪,用于制衣的优质棉料和动物皮革,医学上疫苗、药品的生产和开发以及试管婴儿技术的应用,逐渐流行推广起来的生物能源如沼气、乙醇等,都包含生物学技术的应用。 作为一门意义重大、极富发展潜力的学科,生物学下属的二级学科包括微生物学、生物化学与分子生物学、植物学、细胞生物学、生物制药学等主要传统学科。同时,随着生物科技的发展,又新兴起了一些新的分支学科,如生物信息学、基因工程学、海洋生物学等。 微生物学:微生物制药最热门 微生物学是生物学中最早出现的分支学科之一,其研究大方向可以分为基础微生物学和应用微生物两类。在基础微生物学的培养中,要求学生掌握扎实的理论功底,具备创新性思维、良好的英语阅读能力和文献查阅能力,同时还要有良好的写作能力。该方向的毕业生可到科研院所、学校等单位从事研究与教学工作。而在应用微生物学的培养中,除了上述培养要求外,有些专业还要求学生掌握生物工程设备的使用原理。 微生物学是生物学里的一个大学科,就读于不同方向的学生在就业上所处的境遇会不同。就读于偏向于基础理论研究的学科,在工作选择上,一般只能选择到大学或研究所工作,而这些单位对招聘对象的要求也很高,一般要求应聘者拿到博士学位。如果所学专业偏向于应用的领域,就业的选择面要广得多,可到企业、政府部门、学校从事生产、检测和教学等工作。目前在微生物专业中,比较热门的研究方向是生物能源和微生物制药,尤其在制药方面,就业率一直都比较高。 在微生物方面有良好声誉和不俗实力的院校较多,从往年的情况来看,各院校在微生物专业上的招生人数也比较多。 以山东大学为例,山东大学1952年就设立了微生物专业,是国内大学中最早开设微生物专业的院校。山大的微生物专业是国家重点学科,拥有微生物国家重点实验室,以生物资源转化、环境保护为主要研究方向,科研水平在国内处于领先水平。山大生命科学院院长曲音波教授,主要研究纤维素酶和可再生资源微生物转化技术。 推荐院校: 中国科学院微生物研究所、 中国科学院武汉病毒研究所、 山东大学、 武汉大学、


2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷) 英语试题 注意事项: 1. 答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。用2B铅笔将答题卡上试卷类型A后的方框涂黑。 2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 3. 非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。 4. 考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20 分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分5 分) 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt.z.x.xk? A.?19.15. B.?9.18. C. ?9.15. 答案是C。 1.What does the woman think of the movie? A.It’s amusing. B. It’s exciting. C. It’s disappointing. 2.How will Susan spend most of her time in France? A.Traveling around. B.Studying at a school. C.Looking after her aunt. 3.What are the speakers talking about? A.Going out. B.Ordering drinks.


真心真情真奉献 ——记江苏省南京市“志友”协会 近日,由中央宣传部、中央文明办等部门联合召开全国学雷锋志愿服务工作暨岗位学雷锋活动推进会,南京市红十字会捐献遗体器官志愿者之友协会获评“最佳志愿服务组织”。 在南京,登记逝世后捐献遗体器官的志愿者们被尊称为“志友”。南京市红十字会捐献遗体器官志愿者之友协会(简称“志友”协会)成立于1996年,二十多年来,南京市已有“志友”9000余人,1900余人实现捐献,捐献器官440余个、眼角膜千余枚,让2500多名重病患者重获新生。 “志友”初心 1995年,南京市十几位退休老人开始积极倡导逝后无偿捐献遗体供医学教学和科研之用。1996年,经南京市民政局批准,“南京市红十字会捐献遗体器官志愿者之友协会”成立。 成立之初,“志友”就发出了一个倡议“三不两献一育”,即逝后不开追悼会、不接受花圈挽联、不用建墓土葬;捐遗体供研究、献器官供移植;骨灰用于植树育林。 “宁愿医学院的学生在我们身上划上千刀,也不希望他们成为医生后,在病人身上动错一刀。”直白朴素的语言生动地体现了“志友”们对促进医学事业发展的奉献精神和对生命的尊重。 “志友”真情

南京“志友”协会的运行模式是由干事会、大组、小组等组成的网络化管理模式。平时的工作采取就近原则,如果有人想加入“志友”,电话咨询值班干事,值班干事会通知该咨询人家庭居住地所属大组,由大组长通知离咨询人最近的小组,由小组长帮助完成所有登记手续。 只要登记成为“志友”就是融入了这个大家庭。除参加“志友”活动外,组长们会经常联系所在小组的“志友”,或电话问候、或登门看望,了解情况、解答疑问、帮助处理遇到的困难和问题。“志友”协会 “志友”协会的志愿服务内容丰富多彩,包括定期随访、投送交流材料、帮助困难志友家庭等。另外他们还组建了歌舞乐团,参加各种公益宣传活动,累计免费公益宣传演出100多场,宣传红十字精神;每年清明节前后,他们还组织志愿者前往“南京市遗体器官捐献者纪念林”开展志愿服务。 据不完全统计,“志友”协会参加各种志愿服务的时间已累计超过50万小时,志愿者自己花费的电话费和交通费超过10万元。 “志友”精神 经过20多年的不懈努力,该协会已发展捐献遗体器官志愿者9000余人,其中既有众多普通市民,也有中科院院士、将军、宗教界人士、外籍人士等。 2005年,南京市红十字会“志友”协会荣获首届南京市“十大杰出志愿者服务集体”的光荣称号。2006年又喜获江苏省第二届“十大杰出志愿者服务集体”、“南京零距离公众服务大奖”等殊荣。2008年被中国红十字会总会评为“全国最佳红十字志愿者组织”,2011年获南京市文明委“南京市优秀志愿服务组织”大奖,2016年又荣获“江苏省2010—2015年度优秀志愿服务组织”称号。
