

President Bush:

Vice Presid ent Hu, thank you for your words of wel come. I am grateful for your hospitality, and honored by this reception at one of China's great universities.

Tsinghua University was founded, with the support of America, to further the ties between our two nations. I know

how important this place is to the Vice Presid ent, who earned his degree here and even more important, met his gracious wife Liu Yongqing here.

I also thank the students here for this opportunity to meet with you, to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions. The standards and reputation of this university are known around the worl d, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. My wife Laura and I have two daughters in college, one at Yal e and the other at the University of Texas. We are proud of our daughters just like I am sure your parents are proud of you.

My visit to China comes on an important anniversary. Thirty years ago this week, an American President arrived in China on a trip designed to end decades of estrangement and confront centuries of suspicion. President Richard Nixon showed the worl d that two vastly different governments could meet on the grounds of common interest, and in a spirit of mutual respect. As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou Enlai said to President Nixon, ``Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the worl d twenty-five years of no communication.''During the 30 years since, America and China have exchanged many handshakes of friendship and comm

erce. And as we have had more contact with each other, the citizens of our two countries have gradually learned more about each other.

Once, America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship, and honor. And we see a China that is becoming one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the worl d as demonstrated by all the knowledge and potential right here in this room.

China is on a rising path, and America wel comes the emergence of a strong, peaceful, and prosperous China.

As America learns more about China, I am concerned that the Chinese people d o not always see a cl ear picture of my country. This happens for many reasons, some of them of our own making. Our movies and tel evision shows often d o not portray the values of the real America I know. Our successful businesses show the strength of American commerce, but the community spirit and contributions of those businesses are not always as visible as their monetary success. Some of the erroneous pictures of America are painted by others. My friend, the Ambassad or to China, tells me that some Chinese textbooks talk of Americans ``bullying the weak and repressing the poor.'' Another Chinese textbook, published just last

year, teaches that special agents of the FBI are used to ``repress the working peopl e.''

Neither of these is true and whil e the books may be l eftovers from a previous era, they are misleading and harmful. In fact, Americans feel a special responsibility for the poor and the weak. Our government spends billions of dollars to provide health care and food and housing for those who cannot help themselves and even more important, many of our citizens contribute their own money and time to help those in need. American compassion stretches way beyond our borders. We are the number one provider of humanitarian aid to people in need throughout the worl d. As for the men and women of our FBI and law enforcement, they are themselves working peopl e who devote their lives to fighting crime and corruption.

My country certainly has its share of problems and faults; like most nations we're on a long journey toward achieving our own id eals of equality and justice. Yet there is a reason our nation shines as a beacon of hope and opportunity, a reason many throughout the world dream of coming to America.

We are a free nation, where men and women have the opportunity to achieve their dreams. No matter your background or circumstance of birth, in America you can get a good education, start a business, raise a family, worship freely and help el ect the leaders of your community and country. You can support the policies of our government, or you are free to openly disagree with them. Those who fear freedom sometimes argue it could lead to chaos, but it d oes not, because freed om means more than every man for himself.

Liberty gives our citizens many rights, yet expects them to exercise important responsibilities. Our liberty is given direction and purpose by moral character, shaped in strong families, strong communities, and strong religious institutions and overseen by a strong and fair legal system.

My country's greatest symbol to the world, the Statue of Liberty, was designed with great care. As you look cl osely, you will see that she is holding not one object, but two. In one hand is the familiar torch, the light of liberty. In the other is a book of law.

We are a Nation of laws. Our courts are honest and independent. The Presid ent can't tell the courts how to rule and neither can any other member of the executive or l egislative branch. Under our law, everyone stands equal. No one is above the law, and no one is beneath it.

All political power in America is limited and temporary, and only given by a free vote of the people. We have a Constitution, now two centuries ol d, which limits and balances the powers of the three branches of our government: judicial, legislative and executive.

Many of the values that guide our life in America are first shaped in our families, just as they are in your country. American Moms and Dads love their children and work hard and sacrifice

for them, because we believe life can always be better for the next generation. In our families, we find l ove and learn responsibility and character.

And many Americans voluntarily devote part of their lives to serving others. An amazing number nearly half of all adults in America volunteer time every week to make their communities better by mentoring children visiting the sick caring for the eld erly and helping with a thousand other needs and causes. This is one of the great strengths of my country. People take responsibility for helping others without being tol d, motivated by their good hearts and often by their faith.

America is a nation guided by faith. Someone once call ed us ``a nation with the soul of a church.'' Ninety-five percent of Americans say they believe in God, and I'm one of them.

When I met with President Jiang Zemin in Shanghai a few months ago, I told him how faith has shaped my own life, and how faith contributes to the life of my country. Faith points to a moral law beyond man's law and calls us to duties higher than material gain. Freedom of religion is not something to be feared but to be welcomed, because faith gives us a moral core and teaches us to hold ourselves to high standards, to l ove and serve others, and to live responsible lives.

If you travel across America, you will find people of many different ethic backgrounds and many different faiths. We are a varied country. We are home to 2.3 million Americans of Chinese ancestry, who can be found working in the offices of our biggest companies, serving in my own Cabinet, and skating for America at the Olympics. Every immigrant, by taking an oath of allegiance to our country, becomes just as much an American as the President of the United States. America shows that a society can be vast and varied, and yet still one country, commanding the all egiance and l ove of its peopl e.

All of these qualities of America were vividly displayed on a single day, September 11th, when terrorists attacked America. American policemen and firefighters, by the hundreds, ran into burning towers in the d esperate hope of saving other lives. Volunteers came from everywhere to help with the rescue efforts. Americans donated bl ood, and gave money to help the families of victims. Peopl e went to prayer services all over America, and raised flags to show their prid e and unity. None of this was ordered by the government; it happened spontaneously, by the initiative of a free peopl e.

Life in America shows that liberty, paired with law, is not to be feared. In a free society, diversity is not disorder. Debate is not strife. And dissent is not revolution. A free society trusts its citizens to seek greatness in themselves and their country.

It was my honor to visit China in 1975, and a lot has changed in your country since then. China has mad e amazing progress in openness, and enterprise, and economic freed om. And

this progress previews China's great potential.

China has joined the World Trade Organization, and as you live up to its obligations, they will bring changes in China's legal system. A modern China will have a consistent rule of law to govern commerce and secure the rights of its peopl e.

The new China your generation is building will need the profound wisdom of your traditions. The lure of materialism challenges society in our country and in many successful countries. Your ancient ethic of personal and family responsibility will serve you well.

Behind China's economic success today are tal ented, energetic people. In the near future, these same men and women will play a full and active role in your government. This university is not simply turning out specialists, it is preparing citizens. And citizens are not spectators in the affairs of their country. They are participants in its future.

Change is coming. China is already having secret ballot and competitive elections at the l ocal level. Nearly twenty years ago, Deng Xiaoping said that China woul d eventually expand democratic elections all the way to the national level and I l ook forward to that day.

Tens of millions of Chinese today are relearning Bud dhist, Taoist, and local religious traditions, or practicing Christianity, Islam, and other faiths. Regardl ess of where or how these believers worship, they are no threat to public order; in fact, they make good citizens. For centuries, this country had a tradition of religious tolerance. My prayer is that all persecution will end, so that all in China are free to gather and worship as they wish.

All of these changes will lead to a stronger, more confident China a China that can astonish and enrich the world, a China that your generation will help create. This is one of the most exciting times in the history of your country a time when even the grand est hopes seem within your reach.

My nation offers you our respect and our friendship. Six years from now, athletes from America and around the worl d will come to your country for the Olympic games. And I am confident they will find a China that is becoming a da guo, a leading nation, at peace with its people and at peace with the world.

Thank you and now I l ook forward to answering some questions.














全国英语演讲比赛一等奖_清华大学曹丰_英语演讲稿Our Future: A Battle between Dreams And Reality Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: When I was in the primary school, I have a dream. I want to invent a device which could bring you from one place to another in no time at all. When I was in the secondary school, my dream was to study in my ideal university. And when eventually I got into the university, my dream was to graduate. How pathetic! When we grow up, we dream less And become more realistic. Why? Why do we have to change our dreams, so, so in order to let it be "fulfilled"? Why do we have to surrender to the so-called "reality"? What IS the reality actually? Ladies And gentlemen, the reality is not real. It is a barrier keeping us from all the possible fantasies. Flying, for example, had been a dream to mankind for thousands of years. A hundred years ago, "man could not fly" was still regarded as the "reality". Now if that was really the reality, what did the Wright brothers do? How did some of you get to Macau? Only when we believe that the reality is not real can we soar with our dreams. People say that our future is a battle between the reality And our dreams. And if, unfortunately, Mr. Reality wins this war, then I see no future of mankind at all. AIDS will never be curable as this IS the reality; People living in the undeveloped countries will suffer from


关于小学生英语励志演讲稿范文 英语演讲不同于平时说话,英语演讲更强调能用语言打动听众,感染听众的情绪。下面是小编为大家整理了关于小学生英语励志演讲稿范文3篇,希望能够帮到你。 关于小学生英语励志演讲稿范文篇1 Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I am Tracy from Guangzhou Huamei International School. I am a shiny girl. My family love me and I love then too. Do you know how help at home? Let me tell you about that. My mom works very hard every day. She comes home very late in the evening. Usually my dad cooks for us. Sometimes I help my dad to wash the vegetables. Sometimes I set the table. I always wash the dishes when we finish eating. After I finish my homework I often water the flowers. I also look after my pet fish. I feed the fish before I go to bed. I really enjoy helping my partents at home. Do you think I an a helpful girl? I think so! Thank you! 关于小学生英语励志演讲稿范文篇2 Youth is not a time of life,it is a state of mind;it is not rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees,it is a matter of the emotions:it is the freshness;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.


美国小学生演讲稿 篇一:小学生2分钟演讲稿 篇一:小学2分钟英语故事演讲 小学2分钟英语故事演讲 小学生比赛演讲稿:做文明新人 尊敬的评委老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家下午好!我是来自xxx校区广传1005班的王敏。 有人说:“如果你失去了今天,你不算失败,因为明天会再来;如果你失去了金钱,你不算失败,因为人生的价值不在于金钱;但是如果你失去了文明礼貌,你是彻彻底底的失败,因为你已经失去了做人的真谛。”今天,我想和大家一起交流的话题就是:“做人首先要做一个文明的人”这应当是一个永不过时永无止境的话题。 在咱们讨论这个话题之前,我想先问在座的同学们一个小小的问题:“你们放学后最怕看到谁?”我不知道大家的答案是怎样的,反正我以前放学后最怕看到的就是我们班主任马老师。比方说“远远地看到马老师朝我对面走过来了,我第一个反应就是赶紧贴着墙根走,然后就开始自我纠结了,我到底要不要打招呼呢?打吧,自己又实在不好意思开口,旁边同学看到会不会以为我是故意讨好老师呢?不打吧,又不知道老师到底看见自个没有?会不会老师觉得我没礼貌然后以后对我印象就不好了?正当我纠结来纠结去还没纠

结完的时候,其实马老师已飘飘然从我身边走过去了??我想我们源远流长的中华民族素来享有”礼仪之邦“的美誉,岳飞问路,晓之礼节,才得以骑马跨天下;孔融让梨,尊敬长辈,长期以来令人赞不绝口;杨时程门立雪,尊师重道,终成大器。这一切充分体现出了中国人的礼仪道德所在。作为生活在”礼仪之邦“的炎黄子孙,新华学子,我们更应该处处崇尚文明,让一言一行,音容笑貌展现出青春活泼、自然大方、文明礼貌的风采。所以,如果现在我再看到我们马老师,不管在哪,是教学楼也好操场也好,我都会走上前去很礼貌很亲切自然的打一声招呼:”马老师好!“看吧,其实做一个懂礼貌的学生一点都不难,习惯成自然。 可能有人会问:”那到底什么才是文明呢?“简单点说就是懂礼貌明事理。文明其实就在我们身边,从一些小事中就可以体现出,比如:到食堂打饭到水房打开水时,你是否自觉排队?吃过的食品袋塑料袋是否扔进路旁的垃圾桶?与同学聊天交流时,是否从不说粗话脏话?出入教室时有没有轻声关门?每天陪伴你学习的课桌椅是否从不乱刻乱画?等等这一切都是文明的行为习惯。一声谢谢,等于一次情感的交流;一句对不起能化解剑拔弩张的冲突;一个不要紧,等于给人吹去一阵温暖的春风。这些看似极朴实的话语,流露出的却是发自内心的真挚情感,让人感受到的是100度的热情和温暖。以礼待人,把笑脸常挂,你会发现天很蓝花很


英语演讲稿5分钟左右 英语演讲是提高其英语综合运用能力的一个重要的手段,而英语演讲稿的撰写对于英语演讲的成败起着至关重要的作用。下面WTT小雅整理了5分钟左右英语演讲稿,供你参考。 honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country? the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.

最新-李开复哥大演讲稿英文 李开复清华大学励志演讲稿 精品

李开复哥大演讲稿英文李开复清华大学励志演讲稿 今天非常高兴有这个机会在清华百年校庆的前夕,来这边分享一下我的看法.首先我想祝贺清华的百年校庆,清华在过去一百年为中国还有为世界贡献了非常多的人才,在我过去曾经工作过的每一个公司,从苹果、微软、Google到今天的创新工场最主要的来自于清华,清华过去办校的成功,相信未来会走向自主创新,帮助中国的自主创新达到一个更高的高度. 今天来到这里,让我感触很深的是创新工场也是在这栋楼启动的,在18个月前我创办了创新工场,也面对很多质疑,创业是不是要用教练式、孵化式的模式做出来,非常让我欣慰的在过去短短18个月里面我们一共做了28个投资,投资了28个公司,而这28个公司一共有六百位员工,他们这六百位员工做了非常多的创新创业工作.其中至少一半已经有百万用户级的水平了,而且其中有好几家已经拿到了外部相当好的投资,最重要的是这28个公司在过去几个月中,申请了20个专利.当然讲了这么多,我们知道这只是一个阶段性的标志,绝对不代表任何的成功.但是至少我们把第一步能够走出来了,回顾过去18个月,也非常感谢清华大学、清华科技园,还有在座的徐主任、梅总对我们大力的支持,还有北京市政府对我们的支持.今天我想分享的是在过去这18个月中创业,还有再过去的18年,在三个了不起的公司工作所得到的一些领悟,和这些领悟对今天的主题的一些启发. 其实我想今天在座的每一位都有同样一个梦想,希望中国能够达到自主创新,希望能有中国制造,中国创造的产品走向全世界,希望中国能够从一个制造强国走进一个创业的强国.经过过去18个月的反思和思考,还有再过去18年在最一流的外企和最领先的美国创业者在一起工作,我想做的一些反思.我觉得其实谈这些创新创造创意创业,它们其中有最核心的一个思想,我今天想跟大家分享就是有关人才.因为我觉得任何一个演讲,尤其15到20分钟不可能谈太多内容,有一个主题,大家今天想李开复讲了什么,马云(专栏)讲了什么,我希望这件事情是中国走向未来,创新创造创造之路,在人才方面还需要加强.虽然清华有很多进步,但在人才方面我们可以一起做得更好. 为什么人才在创新创造创业有这么重要呢其实今天我们进入了信息时代,很多成功是在制造业得到的成功,所以我们会用制造的思维来看事情.但在这个时


初中生英语励志演讲稿 目录 第一篇:初中生英语励志演讲稿(附翻译) 第二篇:初中生青春励志演讲稿 第三篇:初中生英语演讲稿 第四篇:初中生的英语演讲稿 第五篇:优秀初中生英语演讲稿 正文 第一篇:初中生英语励志演讲稿(附翻译) 初中生英语励志演讲稿 schoolmates: when you look the lovable animated cartoon, plays is in a stew human's puter games, rides the fast train, is answering transoceanic telephone time, ......not only your might once realize the science the strength, the science changed this world, also changed our life, the science side us. opens for the 20th century the grand chapters, not only we discovered the humanity to experience the blood and the fire baptism in these hundred years, has created the innumerable scientific miracles. 19th century france famous science fiction writer of fiction verne fictionalizing, at that time let the human be inconceivable, he fantasized moon landing travel, the airplane, the long-range gun and so on,


布什在华盛顿连任美国总统英语演讲稿 President Bush: Thank you all. Thank you all for coming. We had a long night (laughter) and a great night. (Cheers, applause.) The voters turned out in record numbers and delivered an historic victory. (Cheers, applause.) Earlier today, Senator Kerry called with his congratulations. We had a really good phone call. He was very gracious. Senator Kerry waged a spirited campaign, and he and his supporters can be proud of their efforts. (Applause.) Laura and I wish Senator Kerry and Teresa and their whole family all our best wishes. America has spoken, and Im humbled by the trust and the confidence of my fellow citizens. With that trust comes a duty to serve all Americans, and I will do my best to fulfill that duty every day as your president. (Cheers, applause.) There are many people to thank, and my family comes first. (Cheers, applause.) Laura is the love of my life.


5分钟英语演讲稿 演讲稿一:5分钟英语演讲稿 good morning, everybody! in this world, there is one thing that is very fair to everybody, whether you are a male or female, young or old, rich or poor. does anybody know what it is called? right. it is time. the topic i am going to present to you today is called “ treasure every minute”. the clock is running. make the most of today. to realize the value of one year, ask a student who failed a grade. to realize the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. to realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. to realize the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. to realize the value of one minute, ask a person who missed the train. to realize the value of one second, ask a person who just avoided an accident. to realize the value of one millisecond, ask the person who won a silver medal in the olympics. treasure every moment that you have! and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. and remember that time waits for no one. yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. today is a gift. that's why it's called the present!! the clock is running. make the most of today. good luck, everybody! 演讲稿二:5分钟英语演讲稿 dear teacher and classmates: i am very glad to make a speech here in this class again! this time, i'd like to talk something about english. i love english. english language is now used everywhere in the world. it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. learning english makes me confident and


莫迪清华大学英文演讲稿 I particularly like the old Chinese saying--If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if you think in terms of ten years, plant trees; if you think in terms of 100 years, teach the people. In India, too, the ancient saying is vyaye krate vardhate eva nityam, vidhya dhanam sarva dhan pradhanam. The wealth that increases by giving. That wealth is knowledge and is supreme of all possessions. This is one example of how our two nations are united in their timeless wisdom. 中国有句古话说得非常好:“一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。”在印度也有同样的说法,“财富的增长源于给予,财富就是知识,高于一切身外之物。”知识这种财富是随着你的给予而越来越多的,当所有人都拥有时就达到了极致。这是我们两国之间永恒智慧统一的实例。 I began my journey in China in Xi'an. In doing so, I retraced the footsteps of the Chinese monk Xuanzang.He travelled to India from Xi'an in the seventh century in search of knowledge and returned to Xi'an as a


中小学三分钟励志英语演讲稿5篇 演讲者把演讲的主要内容和层次结构,按照提纲形式写出来,借助它进行演讲,而不必一字一句写成演讲。其特点是能避免照读式演讲和背诵式演讲与听众思想感情缺乏交流的不足。下面给大家分享一些关于中小学三分钟励志英语演讲稿5篇,供大家参考。 中小学三分钟励志英语演讲稿(1) as everyone knows,english is very important today.it has been used everywhere in the world.it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed. but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i


小学英语演讲稿 小学英语演讲稿 演讲稿要求内容充实,条理清楚,重点突出。现如今,我们都可能会用到演讲稿,如何写一份恰当的演讲稿呢?下面是整理的小学英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 小学英语演讲稿1 Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . 中文译文: 青春不是生命的一个阶段,它是一种心态,它不是玫瑰色的脸颊,红色的嘴唇和柔软的膝盖,这是一个重要的情感:它是新鲜的,它是生命的深泉在涌流。


本文共有5554字,如对您有帮助,可购买打赏第一篇:英语演讲稿5分钟 when the breeze gently hold when liuxu savoury, when the sun put it golden glorious quietly around the cherry blossom trees on appered handsome; when the beautiful petals in the air to reach several commonly roll long, then gently landed, we are enjoying a brilliant happineof campus life. early morning, happy bird singing, accompany us go strollw floral path and watched the we walked into the campus, eye is full of happiness. sunshine shop in writing has "e, nanjing normal university affiliated yangzi dickers" e, the bronze medal and put downy light reflection to our body, we cheerfully accepted this light, vigorous entered in campus. on the way to the classroom, and every day that we can all see beautiful fountain and pool, and forceful huaihe books and rather ? the most successful person may not be the smartest ones.according to a survey conducted among a group of people who were in the same university ten years ago , those whose grade-point average was in the middle fifty percent , all become rich or managers of different fields , while not a single young man of the upper ten percent becomes an executive or boss. why the smartest kids in the classwill not end up the richest? why those who are not excellent in studies tend to be managers or own their own enterprise in their later life? and what factors lead to


President Bush: Vice Presid ent Hu, thank you for your words of wel come. I am grateful for your hospitality, and honored by this reception at one of China's great universities. Tsinghua University was founded, with the support of America, to further the ties between our two nations. I know how important this place is to the Vice Presid ent, who earned his degree here and even more important, met his gracious wife Liu Yongqing here. I also thank the students here for this opportunity to meet with you, to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions. The standards and reputation of this university are known around the worl d, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. My wife Laura and I have two daughters in college, one at Yal e and the other at the University of Texas. We are proud of our daughters just like I am sure your parents are proud of you. My visit to China comes on an important anniversary. Thirty years ago this week, an American President arrived in China on a trip designed to end decades of estrangement and confront centuries of suspicion. President Richard Nixon showed the worl d that two vastly different governments could meet on the grounds of common interest, and in a spirit of mutual respect. As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou Enlai said to President Nixon, ``Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the worl d twenty-five years of no communication.''During the 30 years since, America and China have exchanged many handshakes of friendship and comm erce. And as we have had more contact with each other, the citizens of our two countries have gradually learned more about each other. Once, America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship, and honor. And we see a China that is becoming one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the worl d as demonstrated by all the knowledge and potential right here in this room. China is on a rising path, and America wel comes the emergence of a strong, peaceful, and prosperous China. As America learns more about China, I am concerned that the Chinese people d o not always see a cl ear picture of my country. This happens for many reasons, some of them of our own making. Our movies and tel evision shows often d o not portray the values of the real America I know. Our successful businesses show the strength of American commerce, but the community spirit and contributions of those businesses are not always as visible as their monetary success. Some of the erroneous pictures of America are painted by others. My friend, the Ambassad or to China, tells me that some Chinese textbooks talk of Americans ``bullying the weak and repressing the poor.'' Another Chinese textbook, published just last


英语励志演讲稿带翻译 英语励志演讲稿带翻译(一):We Are The World ,We Are The Future 世界是我们的,未来是我们的 Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all. We are young. “How to spend the

youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life. A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with all of you. Let’s show our right palms. We can see three lines that show how our and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let’s make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love, career, and life? Tell , it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves.


相信 - 一个美国小学生的开学演讲 【2008年8月25日,美国得克萨斯北部的家长、学生、教师和行政人员迎来了新的学 年,举行返校典礼。教育局长迈克尔-伊诺霍萨(michael hinojosa)讲话】 here what really make a difference for this time was to do our further keynotes for this back-to-school convocation. dalton sherman from the charles rice learning center. 好了,这次和以往不同的是返校典礼的主旨演讲。有请道尔顿-谢尔曼,来自于查尔斯- 赖斯学习中心。 【十岁5年纪学生道尔顿-谢尔曼(dalton sherman)演讲】 i believe in me. do you believe in me? 我相信自己。你相信我吗? do you believe i can stand up here, fearless, and talk to all 20,000 of you? 你是否相信,我会站在这里,不害怕,向在座2万人说话? hey, charles rice learning center – do you believe in me? 嗨,查尔斯-赖斯学习中心,你们相信我吗? thats right – they do. 是的,他们相信。 相信我是因为:我能够做到一切、担当一切、创造一切、梦想一切、实现一切。因为你 们相信我,所以造就了我。 let me ask you a question, dallas isd. 让我问你们一个问题,达拉斯独立校区(的师长们)。 do you believe in my classmates? 你们相信我的同学吗? do you believe that every single one of us can graduate ready for college or the workplace? 你们相信我们中的每一个都能毕业,为大学或工作做好准备吗? you better. because next week, were all showing up in your schools – all 157,000 of us – and what we need from you is to believe that we can reach our highest potential. 各位,下一周,我们大家就会现身自己的学校 -- 我们全体15万7千人 -- 我们要各位 答应:相信我们能够发挥自己的最大潜力。 better not give up on us. no, you better not. 不论我们来自于哪里,是晴朗的南达拉斯,是舒适的树林(地名),是橡树崖(地名), 是北达拉斯、西达拉斯或者任何地方,各位都不会放弃我们。不会,各位不会。 because, as you know, in some cases, youre all weve got. youre the ones who feed us, who wipe our tears, who hold our hands or hug us when we need it. youre the ones who love us when sometimes it feels like no else does – and when we need it the most. 因为,各位知道,说起来,你们就是我们所拥有的一切。你们是养育我们的人,是擦干 我们眼泪的人,是牵我们手的人,是我们想要时拥抱我们的人。在偶尔无所适从的时刻,你 们是心疼我们的人,那是我们最需要爱的时刻。 dont give up on my classmates. 不要放弃我的同学们。 do you believe in your colleagues?
