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_l_e_a__v_i_n_g_ (leave) his house, … 3. The best way to see the paintings is _t_o__s_t_a_r_t(start)
from the top floor and walk down to the bottom.
4. You can also explore Frick’s beautiful home and garden _w__h_i_c_h_/t_h_a_t____ are well worth a visit.
The Frick Collection; 5th & Madison Avenues
Guggenheim Museum; 5th Avenue & 88th street 5th Avenue & 82nd
Metropolitan Museum of Art; Street
Museum of Modern Art; 53rd Street
5th Avenue & 82nd Street
From ancient
to modern all over the
Guggenheim Museum
5th Avenue & 88th Street
Modern (from late 19th century onwards)
Western countries
4. You can expect to see videos in ___D__.
A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. Museum of Modern Art C. The Frick Collection D. Whitney Museum of American Art
4. Metropolitan Museum of Art covers more than 5000 years of civilization from many parts of the world including China. T
Whitney Museum of American Art
9. avenue (n) _林__荫___道__;__大__街_______ 10. circular (adj)圆__形__的__;__环___形__的__;__循__环__的_ 11. civilization (n) __文__明__;__文__化__;___ 12. fragrant (adj) _香__的__;__令__人__愉__快__的_____ 13. contemporary (adj) _当__代__的__;__同__时__代__的___ 14. committee (n) _委__员__会______
A. a newspaper
B. a magazine
C. a tourist guide book D. a text book
2. You must walk all the way instead of
taking a lift if you visit __D___.
A. Metropolitan Museum of Art
see… pre-twentieth century western paintings explore… Frick’s beautiful house visit… the garden
Guggenheim Museum
Fill in the blanks.
Guggenheim Museum owns _5,_0_0_0_ modern paintings, sculptures and drawings. The exhibition in it is always _ch_a_n_g_i_n_g. The largest part of the collection is the _i_m_p_r_e_ss_i_on_i_s_t and _p_o_st_-i_m_p_r_e_s_si_o_n_is_t section. The best way to see the paintings is to start from the _t_o_p_ floor and walk down to the _b_o_t_to_m_. The museum also has an excellent _r_es_t_a_u_ra_n_t_.
5. It is _a_m__a_z_i_n_g___ (amaze) that so many great works of art from the late-19th century to the
21st century are housed in the same museum.
1.更乐意做------ ___w_o_u__ld__r_a_th__e_r_d_o__s_t_h_.___
2. 偏爱------ ___h_a_v_e__a__p_r_e_f_e_re__n_c_e__fo_r_
3. 值得参观 ____b_e__w_o__rt_h__a_v__is_i_t_____
2. Where can we find the works of Van Gogh, Picasso or Matisse?
Museum of Modern Art.
True or False?
1.MM_e__tu_r_so_ep_u_o_ml_i_t_ao_n_f_M_M__u_o_s_de_ue__mr_n__o_Af_A_r_tr__thas the greatest collection of art in the United States. F
Whitney Museum of American Art
945 Madison Avenue
Match the numbers on the map with the museums.
1 Guggenheim Museum
2 Metropolitan Museum of Art
3 Whitney Museum of American Art
B. Whitney Museum of American Art
C. Museum of Modern Art
D. Guggenheim Museum
3. If you want to see Van Gogh’s paintings
you may go to __C___.
A. The Frick Collection B. Guggenheim Museum C. Museum of Modern Art D. Metropolitan Museum of Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆
Read and answer.
1. In which museum can we find Chinese art?
Metropolitan Museum of Art. A Ming garden
Read the passage and complete the chart.
Which centuries?
What countries?
Whitney Museum of American Art
945 Madison Contemporar
y(mainly art
(near 75th by living
Museum of Modern Art
53th St.
late 19th
(between 5th century to
and 6th
the 21st
Avenues) century
Western countries
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Frick Collection
5th Avenue and E.70th Street
pretwentieth century
Western countries
Choose the correct answer.
1. The passage may probably come from
written for?
Tourists and art gallery visitors.
The Best of Manhattan’s Art Galleries
How many art galleries are introduced in the passage? What and where are they?
5. If you want to know how people lived 5, 000
years ago, you should visit _A___.
A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. Whitney Museum of American Art C. Museum of Modern Art D. Guggenheim Museum 6. Which museum does number 4 in the map
2. Metropolitan Museum of Art introduces you to ancient ways of living. T
3. The admission price of Museum of Modern Art is nv_oe_t_r_cy_h_c_e_ha_p_e_/a_e_px_paenndsiviet is often crowded. F
4. 同时
____a_t _t_h_e_s__a_m_e__t_im__e_____
5. (对某人)有吸引力 _a_p_p_e_a__l _to________
6. 在于
7. 不仅仅
8. 一直
Do you know any western art galleries?
1. What’s Байду номын сангаасhe main idea of this passage?
The passage introduces some best art galleries of Manhattan. 2. Who do you think the text was
Unit 1 Art
1. _p_r_e_fe__re_n__c_e_ (n) 喜爱;偏爱___p_r_e_f_e_r__(v) 2. _re__p_u_t_a_ti_o_n_____ (n) 名声;名誉 3. _a_p_p_e_a_l___(v)有感染力;呼吁;将------上诉 4. _v_i_s_u_a_l___ (adj)视觉的;看得见的 5. p__e_rm__a_n__e_n_t_ (adj)永久的;持久的 6. _d_i_s_t_ri_c_t_____ (n)区域;行政区 7. _s_ig__n_a_t_u_r_e______ (n)署名;签字 8. _d_is__p_la_y____ (v) 展示;陈列;显露
1. Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery __t_h_a_n___ any other in New York.
2. Henry Clay Frick, a rich New Yorker, died in 1919,
4 The Frick Collection
5 Museum of Modern Art
street avenue
Careful reading
Henry Clay Frick
The Frick Collection 弗里克收藏馆
What can you do in this art gallery?