


Girl:Hello! Are you new here?

Boy:Yes, I am.

Girl:My name is Chen Li.What’s your name?

Boy:Tom Brown.

Girl:I’m in Class 1.My teacher is Ms Zhao.What class are you in? Boy:I’m in Class 2.My teacher is Mr Wang.

Girl:Nice to meet you.

Boy:Nice to meet you, too.

NEW WORDS:new, name, class, Ms, Mr, myself

C项:A, E, I, O, U, cake, bee, bike, nose, music


Woman:What's your name?

Girl:I'm Zhang Hua.

Woman:How old are you?

Girl:I'm 9 years old.

Woman:Where do you go to school?

Girl:I go to Dongfang Primary School.

Woman:What's your phone number?

Girl:My phone number is 4232645.

NEW WORDS:old, school, phone, number, primary school


What class are you in? I'm 9.

I’m in Class 4. Where do you go to school?

What’s your phone number? I go to Dongfang Primary School.

My phone number is 7984223. You are Jack.

How old are you?

C项:Learn the letters.H, J, K Hand, jump, kite


Bill:My name is Bill.I'm 9 years old.I go to Guangming Primary School.I'm in Class 1.My phone number is 7658341.My favourite toy is the mini car.

第四课关于英语国家姓名常识(仅供教师参考):1)英语国家人习惯“名姓”排列。英语中姓是surname (也可称作family name或last name),与中国人相同,英语国家人的姓是依父姓而定的;名是 given name。given name又分作 first name,second (middle)name。如某人的名字叫Linda Jane Chapman,其中Chapman是surname(姓),Linda Jane是given name(名)。而在given name中,Linda是first name,Jane是middle或second name。不过,在按字母顺序排列的人名表中,上述的名前姓后又要颠倒过来,成为Chapman, Linda Jane。2)英美人取名重音不重义。他们给孩子取名时,主要考虑这个名字与姓放在一起是否上口悦耳。3)英美人的名字具有性别之分,但这种差别并不是以字形来表现的,而是习惯使然。


Andy:Hello! My name is Andy White.My family name is White.I’m from America.

Joy:Hello! My name is Joy Black.My family name is Black.I’m from Canada.

Yaoyao:Hello! My name is Sun Yaoyao.My family name is Sun.I’m from China.

Binbin:Hello! My name is Zhao Binbin.My family name is Zhao.I’m from China.


Boy:My family name is Chen.What’s your family name?

Girl:My family name is Liu.What’s your family name?

Girl:My family name is Li.What’s your family name?

Boy:My family name is Wang.


A, E, I, O, U, can I be a friend with you? U, I, A, O, E, can you be a friend with me?

A, E, I, O, U, I can be a friend with you. U, I, A, O, E, you can be a friend with me.

D项:B, C, D, G, P, T, V book, cat, door, girl, pencil, tea, van Fun Time

第五课1.乒和乓的故事。故事大意:1)乒比乓的个子高,乓比乒的头发长 2)乒在4班,乓在2班。3)乒喜欢蓝色,乓喜欢黄色。4)乒喜欢巧克力,乓喜欢冰激凌。5)乒和乓都是8岁,他们都属“虎”,他们的生日都在8月12日。6)乒的母亲是乓的母亲,乒的父亲是乓的父亲,乒和乓是双胞胎。

Ping is taller than Pong.Pong has longer hair than Ping.Ping is in Class 4.Pong is in Class 2.

Ping’s favourite colour is blue.Pong’s favourite colour is yellow.Ping’s favourite food is chocolate.Pong’s favourite food is ice-cream.Ping and Pong are 8 years old.Ping and Pong are ?Tigers? Ping and Pong’s birthday is August 12th.Ping’s mother is Pong’s mother.Pong’s father is Ping’s father.Ping and Pong are twins.


Boy:My name is Sam Green.I’m 9 years old.I’m in Class 2.I go to Guangming Primary School every day.My phone number is 1938261.

Girl:My name is Mary Black.I’m 10 years old.I’m in Class 3.I go to Dongfang Primary School every day.My phone number is 4876534.

Girl:My name is Wang Hong.I’m 8 years old.I’m in Class 1.I go to Yuming Primary School every day.My phone number is 3648709.

B项:Boy:My name is Li Ming.I’m 10 years old.My favourite colour is red.

第七课 A项:CHANT

Hello! My name is Monster. I have a round face.I have a small head. I have short legs.I have short, red hair. I have long arms.I have long ears. I have big feet.

I have a big nose. My finger hurts.I have a small mouth. How about you?

NEW WORDS:body, head, hair, finger, neck, feet, monster, hurt

B项:Bill:Ha! Ha! I am Bill.I’m not a monster.Look! I have 2 eyes, 1 nose, 2 ears, and 1 head.

C 项: Y, Q, W, R yellow, queen, water, rabbit

第八课 A项:CHANT

What's the matter? What's the matter? My toe hurts.My toe hurts.I feel bad.

What's the matter? What's the matter? My finger hurts.My finger hurts.I feel bad.

What's the matter? What's the matter? My neck hurts.My neck hurts.I feel bad.

What's the matter? What's the matter? My arm hurts.My arm hurts.I feel bad.

NEW WORDS:toe, matter, bad, feel


Girl:What’s the matter? Boy:What’s the matter?

Boy:My finger hurts. Boy:My arm hurts.

Girl:Let’s go to the doctor. Boy:Let’s go to the doctor.

C 项: L, M, N, F, X, Z, S lion, mouth, nose, fish, box, zoo, school

第九课 A项:SONG

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Oh, head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.


Boy:Hello! My name is Jack.I have short hair.I have a small mouth.I have a round face.I have long legs.I have big eyes.I have big feet.


Boy:I'm tall.Boy:What's the matter?

Boy:I'm short.Boy:My leg hurts.What about you?

Boy:I have big feet.Boy:My finger hurts.

Boy:I have small feet.Lucky:What about you?

第十课 A项:CHANT

Wash your hands! Scrub, scrub.Take a bath! Splash, splash.

Brush your teeth! Swish, swish.Eat lots of fruits! Munch, munch.

Get lots of sleep! Snore, snore.Exercise every day! Puff, puff.

Angel:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

C项:CHANT Happy Helen has a hat.Jolly John has jelly.Kind Kate has a kite.


Five blind mice went for a walk.They stopped when they came upon something big.

Mice:What is it? Mice:A tree?

Red mouse:It is a wall. A snake?

Yellow mouse:You are wrong.It is a rope. A wall?

Blue mouse:Oh, it is a fan. A fan?

Grey mouse:You are wrong.It is a snake. A rope?

Green mouse:I see.It's a tree.Angel:It’s an elephant.

Mice:Oh, It's an elephant.

At last the mice knew that they met an elephant.It is good to work together.

第十二课 A项:

My name is Tom, T-O-M, Tom.I am tall.I have brown hair.I have long legs.

My name is Mike, M-I-K-E, Mike.I am short.I have brown hair.I have two small eyes and a big nose.My finger hurts.

My name is Monster, M-O-N-S-T-E-R, Monster.I have red hair, a long neck, short legs, big feet, and six toes.

B项: Boy:What's the matter? Boy:My foot hurts.I feel bad.

第十三课在所学过的食品单词中,不可数名词有:beef, bread, mantou, rice, jiaozi, tofu, meat, milk, fish, chicken, juice, water.在可数名词中词尾加s后发生变化的词有:sandwiches / iz / , tomatoes / z / , potatoes / z / .特别要注意单数名词变成复数名词后词尾的发音, 如sausages / iz / , carrots / ts / 等。


What do you have in your fridge? I have carrots and tomatoes. Meatballs and sausages.

I have pancakes and sandwiches. Bread, beef and mantou, too.

NEW WORDS:food, fridge, beef, mantou, bread, sausage, meatball, pancake, sandwich, tomato, potato, carrot


Boy:What do you have in your fridge?

Girl:I have beef, mantou and bread in my fridge.What do you have in your fridge?

Boy:I have sausages, meatballs, pancakes and sandwiches in my fridge.

C项:MONOLOGUE A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


Boy:Do you have tomatoes in your fridge?

Girl:Yes, I have.Do you have potatoes in your fridge?

Boy:No, I haven't.I have some carrots.


Joy:What do you want for the picnic?

Lily:I want chocolate pie, tomatoes and Coke for the picnic.

Bill:I want bread, sausages and water for the picnic.

Mom:What do you want for supper?

Yaoyao:I want meatballs and pancakes.

NEW WORDS:chocolate pie,Coke,hot dog,picnic


Andy:I want an apple and a hamburger.Please, pass them.

Boy:Here you are.

Girl:I have a sandwich and some orange juice.

Boy:I have some sausages and bananas.

Girl:I have some chicken and Coke.

Lucky:How delicious!



Boy:I want a sandwich for the picnic.

Girl:I want a sandwich and an egg for the picnic.

Girl:I want a sandwich and an egg and some bananas for the picnic.


Boy:What do you want for lunch on Thursday?

Girl:I want mantou and chicken for lunch on Thursday.



1.Boy:It’s 7:30.I must go to school now.

2.Teacher:What’s the matter? Boy:I feel bad.

3.Teacher:You must have breakfast every day.

4.Boy:I want an egg, not a zero.

5.Lucky:An egg a day keeps the zero away.Do you eat breakfast?


Joy:What do you have for breakfast?

Yaoyao:I have an egg, some milk and bread.


B and

C and

D and G.

Come before P, T and V.

G and P and T and V.

Come after B and C and D.



Man:I am hungry.May I have some soup?

Woman:I don’t have any food for you.

Man:That’s OK.I have a nail.I can make some nail soup.

Woman:Come in please.

Man:I will put it in the hot water.Do you have any carrots, tomatoes and salt? It will taste better.

Woman:No problem.

Man:Onions and potatoes make the soup cook faster.

Woman:I have a few onions and potatoes.

Man:Do you like my soup?

Woman:It smells delicious.

Man:I made it with just a nail.


Boy:No.1:I want some meatballs, beef, a potato and rice for lunch.

Girl:No.2:I like to eat an egg, some chicken and mantou for lunch.

Boy:No.3:I have a sandwich, some eggs and orange juice for the picnic.

Girl:No.4:I want a hot dog, an apple, some eggs and Coke for the picnic.


Boy:What do you want?

Girl:I want some fish and pancakes.

Lucky:Here you are.

第19课 A项:SONG

Put your left foot in.Pull your left foot out.Put your left foot in and shake it all about.You do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around.And that's what it's all about.

Put your right hand in.Pull your right hand out.Put your right hand in and shake it all about.You do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around.And that's what it's all about.

Put your whole self in.Pull your whole self out.Put your whole self in and shake it all about.You do the Hokey Pokey and turn yourself around.And that's what it's all about.

B 项:

Boy:I can see with my eyes.Boy:I can listen with my ears.

Boy:I can smell with my nose.Girl:I can touch with my hands.

Boy:I can talk with my mouth.Boy:I can walk with my feet.

C 项: Boy:I can walk with my feet.

Lesson 20 A项:

Woman:An apple is a fruit.

Yaoyao:A melon is a fruit.

Andy:A peach is a fruit, too.

B项: Andy:We want fish and rice on Monday.

Lesson 21 A项:DIALOGUE

Bill:What's the matter with Bill?

Joy:His foot hurts.


Woman:What's the matter?

Girl:I feel bad.

Woman:Do you eat apples, carrots, potatoes and tomatoes?

Girl:No, I don't.I eat meat.I like sausages, meatballs and beef.

Woman:Please eat lots of fruits and vegetables.Have them every day for lunch.C项:SONG

A is for apple.

B is for beef.

C is for carrot.

D is for dessert.

E is for eggs.

F is for fish.

G is for grapes.

H is for hamburger.

I is for ice cream.

J is for jelly.

K is for cake.L is for lemon.M is for meatballs.N is for noodles.O is for onion.P is for popcorn.R is for rice.S is for salad.T is for tomato.V is for vegetables.W is for water.Y is for candy.Z is for pizza.

Lesson 22 A项:

Girl:It comes out in fall.It rests in winter.It grows in spring.It is cut in summer.It becomes bread.It becomes....

Joy:I want some bread for breakfast.


Farmer Brown, Farmer Brown, Farmer Brown, Farmer Brown,

How does your garden grow? How does your garden grow?

With tomatoes and potatoes, With carrots and melons,

All in a row.All in a row.


Farmer, farmer, Water the ground.

Dig, dig, dig. Farmer, farmer,

Farmer, farmer, Feel the warm sun.

Drop the seeds in. Farmer, farmer,

Farmer, farmer, The plants are out!

Pat the dirt down. Farmer, farmer,

Farmer, farmer, Jump and shout!

Lesson 23 故事梗概是:乌鸦嘴里叼着一块肉站在树上,狐狸站在树下。狐狸向乌鸦要那块肉,乌鸦不给,狡猾的狐狸想如何得到那块肉呢?狐狸对乌鸦说:“你真是一个好的歌唱家,能为我唱支歌吗?”乌鸦高兴极了,大声地唱:“哇,哇。”狐狸说:“谢谢了,真好吃。”狐狸叼着肉跑了。

Mr Crow is in a tree.He has a rice cracker in his beak.Mr Fox is under the tree.

Fox:Mr Crow, can I have your rice cracker?

Fox:How can I get that rice cracker?

Fox:Mr Crow, you are a good singer.Please sing for me.

Crow:Croak! Croak!

Fox:Thank you, Mr Crow.Mm, delicious.

Lesson 24 B项:

Cut the bread. Put the tomato on the beef.

Put the chicken on the bread.Put the cheese on the tomato.

Put the beef on the chicken. Eat the sandwich.


Girl:My name is Emily.I am in Class 5.I am 9 years old.

Girl:I have two big eyes, one small nose.I have long hair.

Boy:I like to eat apples, carrots, chicken and fish.

Lesson 25 A项:CHANT

What pet do you have?

A dog, a goldfish, a turtle, a cat,

A monkey, a parrot, a chicken, or a rabbit?

I have a cute monkey.I have a smart cat.

What pet do you have?

NEW WORDS:pet, turtle, parrot, dog, cat, goldfish, monkey, rabbit, chicken, tail, smart, cute B项:DIALOGUE

Girl:What pet do you have?

Boy:I have a dog.It's brown.

Girl:What's its name?

Boy:Its name is Coco.It has a short tail.It's smart.

Lesson 26 A项:MONOLOGUE

Boy:I like my goldfish.It can swim.

Girl:I like my turtle.It is green.It can walk.

Boy:I like my cat.It is smart.It can catch a mouse.

Girl:I like my parrot.It is smart.It can talk.

Girl:I like my dog.It is cute.It can wag its tail.

NEW PHRASES:catch a mouse, wag its tail


Boy:I have a pet.It can talk and fly.It is green.What is it?

Boys:It's a parrot.

Girl:I have a pet.It can run.It has long ears and red eyes.What is it?

Girls:It's a rabbit.

Lesson 27 A项:CHANT

My fish can swim.My monkey can climb. My chicken can sing.

My turtle can walk.My rabbit can run. My parrot can talk.

My dog can wag its tail. My cat can catch a mouse.It says,“Hello”.

It says,“Woof, woof”.It says,“Meow”.


Bill:The parrot likes to eat rice.

C项:MONOLOGUE Girl:I like my rabbit.It's white.It has long ears.It can run.It's cute.

Lesson 28 A项:MONOLOGUE

The dog can help the policeman. The dog can help the shepherd.

The dog can help the old woman. The dog can play with the child.

The dog can help the blind man. The dog can bring joy to people.

B项:DIALOGUE Boy:The monkey can help us.


I feed the foxes in the boxes.Each summer the eel goes out for his meal.

The men feed the chickens there too.But the zebra eats in the zoo.

Lesson 29 宠物展示会故事。这是一个幽默故事,故事大意:很多孩子都带了自己的宠物来参加宠物展示会。有能转圈的狗,漂亮的兔,年老的鹦鹉,棕色的猴子和绿色的乌龟。有一个端着盒子的男孩说他的宠物最“酷”,当盒子打开的时候,一条蛇钻了出来,所有的孩子和宠物都吓跑了。


There is a pet show on Saturday.All the children bring their favourite pets.

Boy:Do you like my dog? He can turn around fast.

Girl:You will win 1st prize.

Boy:Look at my rabbit.His name is Flufy.

Girl:It’s cute.You will win 1st prize.

Boy:My parrot is 15 years old.I think I will win 1st prize.

Boy:The colcour is beautiful.

Girl:I like your brown monkey.

Boy:I like your green turtle.

Boy:My pet is cool.He likes to sleep in his box.

Boy:May I see him?

The boy opens the box and a snake comes out.All the pets run away.

Boy:I win 1st prize.

Lesson 30 A项:MONOLOGUE

I'm Lily.I have a pet.It can swim.It’s cute.

I'm Bill.I have a pet.It has long ears.It likes to eat carrots.

I'm Binbin.I have a pet.It’s smart.It can say,”Hello?

I'm Yaoyao.I have a pet.It’s smart.It can catch a mouse.

I'm Joy.I have a pet.It’s green.It can walk.

I'm Andy.I have a pet.It’s cute.It can wag its tail.


Angel:Bill has a rabbit.Its name is Huihui.It’s white.It has two long ears.It likes to eat carrots.It can walk and run.

Lesson 31 A项:

Girl:This is Bill's bedroom.It's messy.His green sweater and white vest are on the bed.His blue jeans are on the chair.His yellow sneakers are under the bed.His yellow gloves are on the desk.His red cap and blue scarf are on the wall.

NEW WORDS:clothes, cap, scarf, vest, gloves, jeans, sneakers


Binbin:Do you have a skirt?


Binbin:What colour is it?

Yaoyao:It's red.

Lesson 32 A项:

Bill:I want to play outdoors.I wear my cap, scarf, gloves, coat, jeans and sneakers.Lucky:What about you?


Bill:What do you wear in winter?

Andy:I wear my cap, scarf, gloves, coat, jeans and sneakers.

Lesson 33 A项:

It's a snowy day in Harbin.I wear my sunglasses, shorts and T-shirt.

What do you wear? It's a raining day in Wuxi.

I wear my coat, gloves and cap.What do you wear?

It's a sunny day in Hong Kong. I wear my shirt, jeans and raincoat.

What do you wear? It's a windy day in Beijing.

What do you wear?

I wear my sneakers, scarf and jacket.


Joy:What do you wear on sunny days?

Boy:I wear my T-shirt, shorts, cap, and sunglasses.

Lesson 34 A项:CHANT

Sheep, sheep give me wool.

Thank you, thank you.

Worms, worms give me silk.

Thank you, thank you.

Plants, plants give me cotton.

Thank you, thank you.


Boy:The T-shirt is made of cotton.

Girl:The sweater is made of wool.

Boy:The scarf is made of silk.


A for age,

B for bee,

C for circle.

D for dog,

E for e-mail,

F for fish,

G for girl,

H for hand, I for ice, J for jeep, K for kite.

Lesson 35 故事梗概:小乌鸦照镜子,它不喜欢自己的一身黑衣服。小乌鸦想在染缸里染出漂亮的衣服。小乌鸦看到小松鼠的小红帽很喜欢,它把自己的帽子放入染缸再放入红颜色。小乌鸦看到猴子的黄围巾后把自己的围巾放入染缸放入黄颜色。小乌鸦看到小狐狸棕色大衣很喜欢,于是把自己的大衣放进染缸倒入棕色。小乌鸦看到小熊蓝色裤子很喜欢,它把裤子放入染缸并倒入蓝颜色。小乌鸦把自己所有的衣服所有的颜料都放在一起。最后小乌鸦拿出所有的衣服,希望它们变成最漂亮的颜色,结果还是黑色。小乌鸦非常难过。

I am a black bird.My cap is black.My scarf is black.My warm coat and my sneakers are black.I don’t like black clothes! I will dye my clothes.I like his red cap.I want a red cap.I will dye my black one.Her yellow scarf is beautiful.I want a yellow scarf too.I will dye my scarf.

What a beautiful coat! I will dye my coat brown.These blue jeans are great! I will dye my jeans.

All the clothes and all the colours mixed together.Wow! My cap, my scarf, my warm coat, and my jeans are all black.What a poor crow I am!

Lesson 36 A项:

Girl:His scarf is blue and his gloves are blue too, but his cap is black.

Boy:Her coat is orange and her jeans are red.Her sneakers are white.

Girl:His T-shirt is brown.It is too long.His jeans are long, too.

Boy:Her vest is red and her scarf is white.Her cap is yellow.


Boy:Today is my birthday.I wear my new blue jeans.

Girl:It's Spring Festival.I wear my new scarf.

Boy:I have a PE Class.I wear my sneakers.

Lesson 37 根据中国的国情,我们习惯上把March, April, May划分为春季;把 June, July, August划分为夏季;把September, October, November划分为秋季;把December, January, February划分为冬季。方框中月份的底色暗示出它所在的季节。春季(spring)为嫩绿色;夏季(summer)为粉红色;秋季(fall)为棕黄色;冬季(winter)为灰白色。后面的学习都以此颜色为例作为教学提示。


When is your birthday? When is your birthday?

March, April or May? June, July or August?

My birthday is in April.My birthday is in July.

When is your birthday? When is your birthday?

September, October or November? December, January or February?

My birthday is in October.My birthday is in January.

Bill:My birthday is in September.

NEW WORDS:birthday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


Andy:When is your birthday, Lily?

Lily:My birthday is in November.

Lily:When is your birthday, Andy?

Andy:My birthday is in December.

Lesson 38 教师可以套用此歌谣编入复习的其他内容。

Is your birthday in spring? Is your birthday in fall?

Clap your hands.Move your arm.

Is your birthday in summer? Is your birthday in winter?

Stamp your feet.Wash your face.


Binbin:When is your birthday, Joy?

Joy:My birthday is in February.

Bill:Joy’s birthday is in February.


A:When is your birthday?A:Is it in April?

B:My birthday is in spring.B:No.

A:Is it in March? A:Oh, it’s in May.

B:No.B:Yes, you’re right.


Is your birthday in spring?Is your birthday in fall?Wave your hand.Touch your nose.Is your birthday in summer?Is your birthday in winter?Touch your toes.Please stand up.

Lesson 39 情节是:Andy, Joy, Bill和其他几人到Lily家,祝贺她的生日。他们送给了Lily自己做的小礼物,Lily非常感谢他们。Bill数了数蛋糕上的蜡烛,告诉Lily他也八岁了。Lily问他的生日是什么时候,Bill告诉她在二月。Binbin问Lily今天想做什么事?Lily想要看电影。孩子们高兴地唱起生日歌,祝贺Lily生日快乐。


Andy, Joy, Bill:Happy birthday, Lily! Bill:You are 8.I’m 8, too.

Lily:Thank you.Lily:When is your birthday?

Joy:Here is a present for you. Bill:My birthday is in September.

Lily:How nice! Thanks.

Binbin:What do you want to do today?

Lily:I want to see a film.

Joy:Let’s sing the song.


Girl:Wash the stone.Paint the stone.Draw a rabbit.Colour the rabbit.Give it to a friend.

Lesson 40 左下角是一幅新生的婴儿图及其出生日期牌。按照生日蜡烛的数量我们依次看到:一岁时,孩子在父母的怀抱里叫爸爸妈妈;两岁时,孩子在母亲的教育下学习数数;三岁时,父亲带着孩子学会拍皮球;四岁时,孩子学会画太阳、鸟和花了;五岁时,孩子学会帮助打扫卫生了;六岁时,孩子背上小书包上学了;七岁时,孩子已经学会说英语了;八岁时孩子过生日,他在思考长大了要干什么?图的右边画了一个空白的云图,教师指导学生画出自己将来想干的事情,如:职业;物件等都可以。


I am one year old.I can say mom and dad.

I am two years old.I can say one, two, three....

I am three years old.I can play ball.

I am four years old.I can draw the sun, birds, flowers....

I am five years old.I can clean my room.

I am six years old.I can go to school every day.

I am seven years old.I can say A, B, C....

I am eight years old.I can....


Bill:My name is Bill.I want to be a doctor.

Andy:My name is Andy.I want to be a policeman.

Joy:My name is Joy.I want to be a teacher.

Binbin:My name is Binbin.I want to be an engineer.


听力材料 一、根据读音内容,选择正确的一项,把字母编号填在括号内.(10分) 1. My foot hurts. 2. My father is shorter than my uncle. 3. Why is Amy angry ? Because she failed the math test. 4. Today is rainy. I can’t play football. 5. I feel sick. I have a headache. 6. I often visit grandparents on the weekend. 7. I went skiing last winter holiday. 8. I usually take pictures on my trip. 9. My birthday is February 1st . 10. How heavy is your brother? He’s 35 kg. 二.听音, 判断图片或句子是否相符, 打“√”或打“×”。(10分) 1.I’m very happy. ( ×) 2. I went to a park and rowed a boat on my holiday. (√) 3. Did you play basketball yesterday? Yes, I did. (×) 4.The rabbit’s ear s are longer than the mouse’s. (√) 5.I feel sick, I have a fever. ( × ) 6. How do you feel, John? I feel sick, I have a fever. I must stay in bed. (×) 7.Why were you happy yesterday, T om? Because yesterday was my birthday. (√) 8. Where did you go on your holiday? I visited the Great Wall. (√) 9. I am 158cm. Sue is 150cm. I am taller than Sue, but Sue is stronger than me. (×) 10. What’s the matter with you? I feel sick, my head hurts. (√) 三.听读音,选出最相适应的答句,将其编号写在前面的括号里。(10分) 1. How tall are you?


【小学语文】小学三年级语文上册阅读题及答案(共7篇) 一、() 我的家乡有一个美丽的湖;名叫天鹅湖。 据说许多年以前;曾经有一群天鹅在这里生活;因此而得名。湖呈圆形;湖水清可见底;碧得发亮。湖的四周有茂密的树木。其中最引人注目的是垂(cuí chuí )柳;在微风的吹动下;柳条迎(yíng yín )风起舞。 湖水映衬出柳姑娘的身影十分秀美。树下是一片嫩绿(lǜ lù)的草地;草地上开着红的、黄的、蓝的小花。湖上有一座美丽的小桥;把天鹅湖打扮得更加美丽。 1、给短文加个题目:(3分) 2、保留()里正确的读音;划去不正确的。(3分) 3、第2自然段先写了湖水()、();再写湖的四周有();接着写树下有()和() ;最后写湖上有()。(12分) 4、短文的主要意思是()(2分) A、讲了天鹅湖的美丽的景色。

B、讲了家乡的天鹅湖里什么都没有。 C、讲了天鹅湖四周的景色。 5、上面的短文中;你最喜欢哪些词、句,请你摘抄下来。(7分) 词:(至少写三个) 句:(至少写二句) 二、齐白石 齐白石爷爷是世界著名的大画家。他画的花鸟鱼虫就像活的一样:蚱(zhà)蜢(měng )好像会跳;小鸟好像会眨眼睛;最有趣的是那些虾;身体像是透明的;仿佛轻轻一碰;就会游走似的。 白石爷爷小时候;家里很穷。他八岁就给人家放牛、砍柴。牛在吃草;他就用柴棍(gùn )在地上画画。后来;他当了木匠;白天干活;晚上在昏暗的油灯下学画。夏天蚊虫叮咬;冬天两脚冻得发麻;他都不在乎;一直画到灯油燃尽为止。就这样;他画的画越来越好了。 白石爷爷家里种着许多花草;招来许多小昆虫;水缸里还养着鱼和虾;他每天仔细地观察它们。他要画蚱蜢;就跟在一只蚱蜢后面满院子跑;一直到看清蚱蜢跳跃(yuè )时双腿的动作为止。别人劝他把蚱蜢拴(shuān )住;他说拴上绳子蚱蜢不舒服;动作不自然;那就画不准了。 勤于观察和刻苦练习使齐白石爷爷获得很大成功;他的画深受各国人民的喜爱。 1、写出下列词的近义词。(6分)


阅读一、 有一只小白鸭,常常借了别人的东西忘了还。鸡妈妈的小花盆,兔弟弟的小花伞,小胖猪家的小水壶........全放在它家里了。鸡妈妈、兔弟弟和小胖猪决定想个办法帮助小白鸭 改掉这个不好的习惯。 这天,它们三个来到小白鸭家,对它说:“小白鸭,你的新自行车能借我们用一下吗?”小白鸭虽然心里有些舍不得,可还是把车交给了它们:“这是新车,你们要小心骑。”“放心吧,我们一定会小心的。”三个朋友齐声说。 一天过去了,它们没有来还车。两天过去了,它们还是没有来还车。小白鸭要去办事了,它想:我还是骑旧自行车吧。小白鸭去库房取它的旧自行车,哇——它发现借的鸡妈妈、小白兔和小胖猪的东西全放在那儿,怎么都忘了还呢? 小白鸭脸红了,它赶紧把这些东西挂在车上,给鸡妈妈他们送去。 1、小白鸭有个不好的习惯,就是,后来、帮助它改掉了这个不好的习惯。 2、短文第2自然段的主要内容是什么?在正确的后面画“√”。 (1)小白鸭和兔弟弟是好朋友。() (2)鸡妈妈、兔弟弟和小胖猪向小白鸭借自行车,小白鸭虽然有些舍不得,但还是借给了它们。() (3)鸡妈妈向小白鸭借来了自行车。() 3、你喜欢小白鸭吗?为什么? 4、鸡妈妈它们帮助小白鸭的办法好不好?谈谈你的看法。 阅读二: ---------------------- 我们来到了“金沙滩”。展现在眼前的是茫茫的大海,海水汹涌,海浪拍打这礁石,发出“啪啪”的声音,金色的阳光洒在海面上,顿时海面上波光粼粼()。成群的海鸥在天空中“嘎嘎”()地叫着,一会儿仰飞蓝天,一会儿俯()冲大海,活像银色的小飞机。渔船开起了彩色风帆,如同碧空里在星星点点。蓝天、碧海、白色的海鸥、一叶叶扁()舟,构成了一幅色彩绚丽的画卷。 海边是沙滩。沙子是金黄的,踩上去友松又软,就像踩在地毯上,真舒服﹗阳光照在 沙滩上,像是铺上了一层耀眼的碎金。我想:这“金沙滩”的名字,大概就是这样得来的吧﹗ 沙滩上随处可见五彩缤纷、奇形怪状的贝壳。我不停的捡呀,捡呀,不一会儿就捡了一袋。我欣喜若狂,对着大海喊:“谢谢你,你送给了我这么好的礼物﹗” 1.给短文加上一个合适的题目。 2.在短文中找出合适的词语填在括号里。 ()的大海()的大海()的贝壳 3.在括号里填上合适的量词。 一()画卷一()扁舟一()海鸥


20072008学年度第二学期 小学三年级英语期末综合测试题听力材料一.听音,完成单词。10% 1. duck , duck 2. egg, egg 3. hamburger, hamburger 4. jump, jump 5. night, night 6. queen , queen 7. under, under 8. box , box 9. sister , sister 10. lamp, lamp 二、根据你听到的内容,按顺序用数字1-10标出。(20分) 1. Look at the lion, it’s so cute. 2. Where is the bike? It’s on the desk. 3. Happy Children’s Day. 4. I am kangaroo. I’m from Australia. 5. This is a zoo. 6. Can I have a apple, please? Certainly. 7. A.M. a.m. 8. I can see a rainbow. 9. Do you like grapes? Yes, I do. 10. seventeen , seventeen ( 4 2 1 7 3 5 9 8 10 6 ) 三. 选出你所听到的图画,在其下边的括号里打“√”。10% 1. Do you like pears? Yes, I do.

2. I have a ruler, it’s long. 3. Where is my bike? It’s on the desk. 4. CAN, CAN, I from Canada. 5. Draw a boy. 四、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列各图是否与录音一致,是的在括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分) 1. Circle STUVW. 2. Port the tea. 3. Lister to me. 4. Tall, tall, tall, make yourself tall. 5. J, J, J, jump, jump, jump. ( √×√×√) 五.听音,把录音内容提到的单词或字母的编号填在括号里。10% 1. Where is my car? It’s on the desk. 2. This is a woman. 3. Jump thirteen times. 4. Point to “agl” 5. Draw a picture. 六. 听录音,选择正确的答句。10%


1、种辣椒 常识课上,老师对植物的讲解,把我带到植物世界里。听完课,我动了心,决心种点什么,仔细观察它的生长过程。 回到家,我找到了两个花盆,满心欢喜地种下了辣椒籽。下种后,我每天都要给它浇些水,盼望种子早些发芽。一天中午,弟弟告诉我花盆里出小苗了,我飞一样地跑到窗台前,只见一棵小嫩芽拱出土,又过了两天,好几棵小芽出来了。小芽越来越多,我给小辣椒间苗,把太密的小苗小心翼翼地拔掉了一些。 到了盛夏,每株辣椒已有半尺多高了,它们的茎上都缀满了欲放的花苞,几天后,一朵朵雪白的小花,先后开放了。大约又过了四五天,辣椒就开始结果了,出现了青绿的椭圆形的小辣椒,一个个缀在茎上,真惹人喜爱。 秋风吹进窗来,带进一股香气,辣椒开始由青变红,看上去更让人喜爱。一个个两寸多长的小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。收获的时节到了,我满怀欣喜地把成熟的辣椒一个一个摘下,竟收了小半筐。 我看着筐里的辣椒,心想:这多有意思呀!知识来源于实践,而实 践又必须付出辛勤的劳动,这难道不是真理吗? 1.找出文章中点明中心的句子,在下面画横线。 2.把文章分成三段,在段尾用“‖”表示,并写出段意。 3.读下面句子,在括号里写出各运用了什么修辞手法。 ① 小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。( )

② 我飞一样地跑到窗台前。( ) 2、蒙蒙的小雨 蒙蒙的小雨正落着,陈红骑着自行车悠然于柏油路上。她没有穿雨衣,因为她觉得在这样细雨中骑车很浪漫。她望着路两边来去匆匆的行人,心想:这些人真是的,干嘛要东躲西藏的。 忽然 迎面一辆 的士 飞驰而来 她猛地拐向路边 但车把挂 在树干上 她摔倒了 小妹妹 没事吧 一个小伙子站在她身边问道 陈红白了他一眼,没有理他。心想:谁是你的小妹妹?她一翻身想站起来,可左腿的剧痛却使她不得不重新坐在地上,她接连两次试图站起来,都没 成功。最后,只好放弃了努力。小伙子一笑,“别逞强了,还是送你上医 院吧。”接着,拉起陈红的车子,又扶陈红坐到车架上,推起车子向医院 走去。温柔如丝的春雨淅淅沥沥地落着。陈红已不再潇洒,只感到沉重。 她坐在车上,望着前面推车的小伙子,不知该说些什么。 她发现小伙子走路不太自然,仔细观察,只见小伙子左腿的袜端与裤 腿之间不时地露出一段刺目的棕色。那是什么?啊,他装着一只假腿。陈 红想问问他的腿,却不愿张嘴。这时,只听到小伙子自言自语地说:“三 年前,我也喜欢在细雨中骑车,那的确很潇洒,可是我却重重地跌倒了, 像你一样。不,还不如你。”“噢,你的左腿——?”停了一会 儿,小伙子说:“就在那次跌倒时被后面的汽车轧断了。”听了这话,陈 红陷入了沉思?? 医院到了,小伙子搀着陈红进了急诊室。“我去通知你父母,你知道 他们的电话吗?”陈红把号码告诉了他。不一会儿,陈红的父母风风火火 地赶来了。见到女儿腿上雪白的绷带,忙问这问那。陈红把经过告诉了他


一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. fresh 2. salad 3. foot 4. sweet 5. tomorrow 二、听录音,用序号1~6给图片标序号。 1. I don’t like peppers. Because they are hot. 2. What would you like to eat? A sandwich, please. 3. I’m hungry. I’d like a hamburger. 4. The ice cream is so sweet. 5. My favourite food is salad. 三、根据录音内容,选择相应的图片。 1. What would you like to drink? I’d like some tea. 2. Would you like a hamburger? No, thanks. I’d like a sandwich, please. 3. What’s your favourite food? Ice cream. 4. Look, these vegetable are very fresh. 5. Oh, I like to eat chicken. It’s so delicious. 四、听句子,选择合适的答语。 1. What would you like to drink? 2. What’s your favourite food? 3. I’d like some water. 4. Please clean the vegetables. 5. Are you hungry? 五、听句子,填入所缺单词。 1. She would like some__water___. 2. I love ice cream. It’s _sweet___________! 3. The vegetables are __heathy________. I like them. 4. My__favourite_____________food is ___ice cream____________. 1


1、花瓣飘香 我家门前有一丛月季,上面开满了红艳艳的花朵。 一天清晨,我看到有个小女孩俯在花前,从花丛中小心地摘下了一片带露水的花瓣,双手捧着,然后飞快地穿过田野,跑远了。 几天后的一个清晨,我又见到了那个小女孩在摘花瓣,就叫住了她。她拿着花瓣,有些不知所措,惶恐地望着我。 “为什么只摘花瓣呢?”我轻轻地问。 她低着头不好意思地说:“我舍不得把整朵花都摘了……” “摘花瓣做什么呀?” 小女孩说:“妈妈生病了,我摘片花瓣送给她。花瓣摸上去像绒布一样,闻起来有淡淡的清香,妈妈会高兴的。” “你爸爸呢?” “爸爸在南沙当解放军。他常常来信叫我听妈妈的话,不要惹妈妈生气。”小女孩眼眶里闪动着泪花。 真是个懂事的好孩子。 第二天早晨,我从集市上买了两盆带着露水的月季花,一盆送给了小女孩,另一盆放在我母亲的阳台上。 阅读训练: 1、看拼音,写词语。 zhāi huāhuánɡkǒnɡpěnɡqǐfǔshēn ()()()()

2、选字填空。 瓣辩辨辫 ①她的小()子真好看! ②这朵花的花()多美啊! ③你一定要分()清楚哪一个才是正确的。 ④因为评选班长的事,大家争()个不停。 3、文章一共有个自然段,请你用一句话来概括全文。 4、你们想一想,妈妈摸着这绒布一样柔软的花瓣,闻着这淡淡的清香,会说些什么呀? 5、读课文最后一段话,完成练习。 ①我送给小女孩的月季花中,包含着什么?我放在母亲阳台上地月季花中,又包含着什么? ②当我把花送给小女孩时,我会对这个小女孩说些什么呢? 6、你能说说文章的标题“花瓣飘香”有哪两层含义?

2、李广射虎 唐代诗人卢纶写过一组以《塞下曲》为题的诗,其中有一首是这样的:林暗草惊风,将军夜引弓。平明寻白羽,没在石棱中。 这位“夜引弓”的“将军”,便是被人们称为“飞将军”的李广。李广是西汉时期一位神勇无比的将领。诗中描述的,就是他在镇守北方边境时发生的一件事。 一天夜晚,月色朦胧,李广带兵外出巡逻,路过一片松林。一阵疾风吹来,树木野草发出“沙沙”的声音。李广想到这一带常有猛虎出没,便用警惕的目光四处搜寻着。猛然间,李广发现前方的草丛中,影影绰绰蹲着一只老虎,便连忙拈弓搭箭,运足气力,拉开硬弓。“嗖”的一声,一枝白羽箭射了出去。 第二天,天刚蒙蒙亮,李广的随从便去射虎的现场寻找猎物。呀!大家全都惊呆了,原来李将军射中的不是老虎,而是一块巨石!那白羽箭深深地扎进了石头里,任将士们怎么拔也拔不出来。 阅读训练: 1、ménglóng xúnluójǐngtìyǐngyǐngchuòchuò ()()()() zhènshǒu sōuxún zhājìn nīangōngdājiàn ()()()() 2、我会查字典。 ①“疾”字用音序查字法,先查字母,用部首查字法,先查,再查画。


部编人教版三年级语文上册阅读与理解及答案(免费) 一、阅读下面的短文,做一做后面的练习。 朝阳和夕阳为什么都是红色 早晨,我们常常看到红彤彤的太阳从东方升起;傍晚,我们在西边的天空看到的太阳满脸是红红的,像喝醉了酒一样;而中午的太阳,却发出炽白炽白的光芒。早晚的太阳为什么总是红红的呢? 有人告诉我们,太阳的红色是“染”上去的,是大气给太阳“染”上了红色。你感到奇怪吗?也许你会问,大气本身没有颜色,怎么会把太阳染红呢? “赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,谁持彩练当空舞?”你记得这样一句诗吗?这里其实说明一个道理,太阳光并不是白色的,而是由七种颜色组合而成的。只有当这七种颜色的光一齐射过来时,我们的眼睛看上去才觉得太阳光是白色的。可太阳的七种光线有时并不是一齐射到同一块地面上来的,因为地球周围包围着一层很厚很厚的大气层,我们的眼睛是透过这大气层才看见太阳光的。大气本身是无色透明的,但大气层内包含着数不清的气体微粒、灰尘和小水滴。你可别小看了这些小家伙,它们会把一部分阳光散射开来,把另一部分阳光挡回去。 清晨和傍晚,太阳光是斜射的,它通过的大气层比直射时要厚得多,除了红色和橙色,其他颜色的光都被散射了,所以我们看到了红彤彤的朝阳和夕阳。而中午阳光直射,通过的大气层相对薄一些,阳光的力量又强,七种颜色的光线一齐射到地面,我们见到的就是炽白的阳光了。 1.文中画“_____”的句子运用了()的修辞手法。 A.比喻 B.拟人 C.夸张 2.下列有关太阳光的说法正确的是() A.太阳光是红色的。 B.太阳光是白色的。 C.太阳光是无色透明的。 D.太阳光是由七种颜色组合而成的。 3.第3自然段中“你可别小看了这些小家伙”中的“这些小家伙”不包括() A.气体微粒 B.灰尘 C.小水滴 D.七种颜色的光线 4.下列说法正确的是()


听力材料 Ⅰ. 听录音,按听到的先后顺序给图片标上序号,每题读两遍。(10★) Who’s your music teacher --- Miss Gao. Sh e’s young. 2. Miss Jones is very strict. 3. The boy is polite. 4. The girl is very shy. 5. --- What’s your English teacher like --- She’s kind. Ⅱ. 听录音,圈出你所听到的单词或词组,每题读两遍。(10★) English teacher is very funny . Zhang is our art teacher. She’s strict. is hard-working. 4. Sarah is helpful. ’s John like ---He’s clever and strong. Ⅲ. 听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片,每题读两遍。(10★) he young ---Yes, he is. What’s Chen Jie like ---She is helpful. 3. Mr Zhang is old and kind. 4. Wu Yifan is hard-working. 5. Robin is strict. He makes me finish my homework. Ⅳ. 听录音,判断对“√”错“×”,短文读两遍。(10★) Hello, I’m John. I have two new teachers, Mr Wang is our English teacher. He’s young and tall. He’s very funny. Miss Li is our maths teacher. She’s thin and pretty. She’s very kind . We all like them.


2013学年度第二学期 小学六年级英语期末综合题 听力材料及答案 一. Listen and choose 第一部分共10小题。你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,答案填在括号内。每个单词读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共5分) 1. cap 2. red 3. jam 4. bus 5. bam 6. pack 7. vast 8. than 9. rope 10. mouth 答案:A B B A B B A B B A 第二部分共10小题。你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项。每小题读两遍。 (每小题0.5分,共5分) 1. There is a nature park near here. 2. My sister is washing her shoes in the bathroom. 3. It’s cold. Put on your coat please. 4. Yes, I want a pair of sneakers please. 5. What’s the matter with y ou? 6. The monkey has a long tail. 7. How do you feel today, Mom? 8. It’s a nice day, right? 9. Mike’s uncle has a big farm. 10. Look at that skirt. It’s nice. 答案: C A A B C A B C C A 二、Listen and circle 听句子或对话,把与听力内容相符合的图片圈出来。每小题读两遍。读前浏览选项,有助于做出准确而快速的判断!(每小题1分,共10分) 1. What’s the matter with you, mom? I have a fever. (第三幅图)


三年级语文上册阅读 题及答案(共7篇) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

三年级上册阅读题 一、() 我的家乡有一个美丽的湖,名叫天鹅湖。 据说许多年以前,曾经有一群天鹅在这里生活,因此而得名。湖呈圆形,湖水清可见底,碧得发亮。湖的四周有茂密的树木。其中最引人注目的是垂(cuí chuí )柳,在微风的吹动下,柳条迎(yíng yín )风起舞。 湖水映衬出柳姑娘的身影十分秀美。树下是一片嫩绿(lǜ lù)的草地,草地上开着红的、黄的、蓝的小花。湖上有一座美丽的小桥,把天鹅湖打扮得更加美丽。 1、给短文加个题目:(3分) 2、保留()里正确的读音,划去不正确的。(3分) 3、第2自然段先写了湖水()、(),再写湖的四周有(),接着写树下有()和(),最后写湖上有()。(12分) 4、短文的主要意思是()(2分) A、讲了天鹅湖的美丽的景色。 B、讲了家乡的天鹅湖里什么都没有。 C、讲了天鹅湖四周的景色。 5、上面的短文中,你最喜欢哪些词、句,请你摘抄下来。(7分) 词:(至少写三个) 句:(至少写二句) 二、齐白石 齐白石爷爷是世界著名的大画家。他画的花鸟鱼虫就像活的一样:蚱(zhà)蜢(měng )好像会跳;小鸟好像会眨眼睛;最有趣的是那些虾,身体像是透明的,仿佛轻轻一碰,就会游走似的。 白石爷爷小时候,家里很穷。他八岁就给人家放牛、砍柴。牛在吃草,他就用柴棍(gùn )在地上画画。后来,他当了木匠,白天干活,晚上在昏暗的油灯下学画。夏天蚊虫叮咬,冬天两脚冻得发麻,他都不在乎,一直画到灯油燃尽为止。就这样,他画的画越来越好了。 白石爷爷家里种着许多花草,招来许多小昆虫,水缸里还养着鱼和虾,他每天仔细地观察它们。他要画蚱蜢,就跟在一只蚱蜢后面满院子跑,一直到看清蚱蜢跳跃(yuè )时双腿的动作为止。别人劝他把蚱蜢拴(shu ān )住,他说拴上绳子蚱蜢不舒服,动作不自然,那就画不准了。 勤于观察和刻苦练习使齐白石爷爷获得很大成功,他的画深受各国人民的喜爱。 1、写出下列词的近义词。(6分) 著名——()喜欢——()仿佛——() 2、写出下列词的反义词。(6分)


英语听力综合复习题 寮步镇上屯小学英语科组 一、你将听到一个句子,根据听到的内容选择符合的一项。( ) 1. A. B. . C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. ( ) 6. A. B. C. ( ) 7. A. B. C. ( ) 8. A. B. C. ( ) 9. A. Who B. When C. Where ( ) 10. A. girl B. boy C. toy ( ) 11. A. she B. he C. they ( ) 12. A. the shirt B. the skirt C. the girl

( ) 13. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss ( ) 14. A. thin and short B. thin and tall C. short ant strong ( ) 15. A. China B. Canada C. USA ( ) 16. A. math class B. Chinese class C. science class ( ) 17. A. on Sunday B. on Tuesday C. on Thursday ( ) 18. A. go hiking B. go shopping C. go swimming ( ) 19. A. new students B. new teachers C. new classmates ( ) 20. A. play the piano B. play the violin C. play football ( ) 21. A. date B. today C. may ( ) 22. A. game B. make C. name ( ) 23. A. play basketball B. play games C. play computer ( ) 24. A. make a kite B. make the bed C. make a snowman ( ) 25. A. fruit B. foot C. food ( ) 26. A. what B. which C. week ( ) 27. A. rain B. windy C. spring ( ) 28. A. the weather B. the sweater C. the father ( ) 29. A. When is your father’s birthday? B. When is your m other’s birthday? C. When is your brother’s birthday? ( ) 30 . A. Tree-planting Day is in spring. B. National Day is in October. C. Today is Christmas Day. 二、你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据所听到的内容,判断图片或


二、阅读短文,回答问题,相信你一定会成功! 小水珠和大浪 从山崖上滴下来的小珠,正好滴在一块坚硬的石头上。它决心 把石头滴穿。这件事让河中的大浪知道了,大浪便哈哈大笑,对小 水珠说:“嘿,凭你那点力气,能把石头滴穿?真是笑话!”小水 珠说:“不信,我俩比比看,你把河边的石头打个洞,我滴穿这块 石头。九百九十九天以后,看看是怎样的结果?”“容易,容易!”大浪哈哈大笑,觉得小水珠小得可怜,九百九十九天肯定不会滴穿 石头,而自己的力气大着哩,别说能把石头打个洞,就是把石头摧 毁也容易!大浪立即答应和小水珠赛一赛。 从此以后,小水珠对准石头的一个点,滴呀滴呀,不管刮风下雨,也不管白天黑夜,坚持不懈,辛勤地工作着。而大浪却不同, 高兴时“哗——”地冲一下,不高兴时就懒洋洋…… 九百九十九天过去,小水珠便来找大浪:“你快来看吧,我已 经把这块石头滴穿了,银色的小圆洞还透着光呢!” 大浪听了,着急了,赶快使出全身的力气,“哗——哗——哗——”连续几声,可是河边的石头仍然一动不动。 1、照样子,写词语。 懒洋洋: 一动不动: 2、在括号里填上合适的词语。 ()的石头()的力气()的浪花 ()地工作()地学习()地冲击 3、小水珠是怎样对待比赛的?用“——”在短文中画出来。 大浪是怎样对待比赛的?用“……”在短文中画出来。 4、读了《小水珠和大浪》这篇短文后,你明白了什么道理?

一、瞧瞧你的阅读能力有多棒! 宝石花 宝石花是一种热带植物。每年春季,宝石花开出五角星似 的白花来,花芯带点黄色。花瓣尖尖上缀有几点红斑,色泽虽 不鲜艳,样子倒也十分逗人喜爱。每个花瓣都长得厚实、饱满,米黄带有灰色的瓣子上有一层白色的粉末。早晨,晶莹的露珠 躲在花瓣上,真像一棵耀眼的珍珠。宝石花的叶子交错、重叠 地长在一起,就像一只只大花盘。栽种宝石花,不用花籽,只 要在宝石花上掐下一片叶子,轻轻地把它放在花盆里就行了。 过了十来天,叶子末梢就会长出嫩芽,往后让它多晒太阳,适 当施些肥料,渐渐地便会长成一棵茁壮的宝石花。宝石花生命 力很旺盛,也非常耐早,连着几个星期不给它浇水,照样能够 生长,因为它的每一瓣叶子就像一座"小水库",水分都储藏在 叶子里,预备干旱时用。这"小水库"多奇妙呀! 1、从文中摘抄两个比喻句。 (1) 这一句是把比作。 (2) 这一句是把比作。 2、填空。 课文第一自然主要写了宝石花的和。 3、写出二、三自然段的意思。 第二自然段: 第三自然段: 4、回答问题。 为什么连着几星期不浇水,宝石花照样能生长?


小学英语听力材料题 2017年小学英语听力材料题 I.听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是真实的,哪些是错误的。 ()1.Raywaswalkingonthebeachonesummerday. ()2.Aboywasdrowning,butRaywentaway. ()3.Rayjumpedintothewaterandsavedtheboy. ()4.Crowdsofpeoplewerewatchingeagerly. ()5.Atlast,theboywassaved. 答案I.1.T2.F3.T4.T5.T II.Listentothequestionsaboutthepassageandchoosethebesta nswerA.B.CorD. II.听短文,选择问题的最好答案A.B.C或D。 ()l.A.Anoldman.B.Ray. C.Alittleboy. D.Noone. ()2.A.Whenhewaswalkingonthebeach. B.Whenhewasgoingtoschool. C.Whenhewaswalkingonthestreet. D.Whenhewasswimmingintheriver. ()3.A.Ray.B.Anotherman. C.Aboy. D.Mary. ()4.A.Ray.B.Theboy'sparents.

C.Crowdsofpeople. D.Ray'sclassmates. ()5.A.Raysavedtheboy. B.Raycouldn'tswim. C.Raydrowned,too. D.Manypeopledoveintothewater. 答案II.1.C2.A3.A4.C5.A III.Listentothepassageagainandfillintheblanks. III.听短文填空。 Raywaswalkingonthe___________one___________daywhen heheardaIittleboy_________,"Help!Helpl"Theboywas ________.Withoutthinking,Ray_________intothewater. __________hewasswimmingbacktothe_________withtheboy. Crowdsofpeoplewere________eagerly.Afterawhilethe boywasbreathingagain.ThenhesatupandsaidtoRay, "Youaremy " 答案III.beach,summer,shout,drowning,dove, Soon,shore,watching,hero


三年级语文(上)阅读理解一 甜藤儿 六月里挺热的一天,我和小伙伴龙狗子上山采桃金娘。太阳火辣辣的,我们很快就觉得口渴了,吃了一些桃金娘,还是很渴。龙狗子便提议去喝水。我们便向一眼山泉走去。 正走着,龙狗子一弯腰,随手从草丛中揪下一棵带叶子的小藤儿来,对我说:“喏,甜藤儿,嚼一点儿!” 我有点怀疑地说这能吃吗 “我还能害你?”龙狗子提高了嗓门说,接着就从藤叶上摘下几片叶子,放进嘴里。 我也只好也学着他的样子,摘了几片叶子放进嘴里,嚼了起来。刚嚼了几口,我就感觉那些叶子特别苦。 “呸!呸!真苦!”我赶快把叶子吐了出来。 龙狗子见了,什么也没说,只是抿嘴笑。 吐掉了叶,我吸了一口气。顿时觉得嘴里甜丝丝的。 到喝泉水的时候,嘴里的甜味就更明显了,每喝一口水都觉得是清甜清甜的。 真甜我抹抹嘴高兴地说 龙狗子看了我一眼,眉毛笑得弯弯的。 长大以后,我才知道,常有这种情况:一开始你觉得苦的东西、苦的事情,到头来,它往往是甜的! 1.在文中“”里填上合适的标点符号。 2.作者一开始觉得甜藤儿滋味是,后来吸气的时候嘴里是。 3.作者长大后知道了什么?用“”在文中画出相关的语句。 4.说说你是怎么理解“一开始你觉得苦的东西、苦的事情,到头来,它往往是甜的!”这句话的。 ___________________________ ___________________________ 校园秋色 秋天来了,秋风吹蓝了天空,吹黄了大地,也把我们的校园吹得五彩缤纷。 校园门口的花坛里, 菊花开得正艳。有的黄灿灿的,随风起伏,像金色的麦浪;有的红彤彤的,花瓣盘曲翻卷,像一簇簇跳动的火焰;有的红中透粉,花瓣高低错落,像一顶顶颤动的鸡冠。 操场上几株枫树脱去了夏衣,换上了秋装。远远望去,树冠像着了火,红彤彤的一片。 办公楼前,白杨树的叶子不知什么时候开始发黄了,金色的树叶跳着舞,打着旋儿,慢悠悠地从树上飘来。 校园的秋天,正播种着五彩缤纷的希望! 1.照样子写词语。 (1)红彤彤(ABB式)

磁带录音材料—听力原文和翻译 人教版PEP小学英语五年级下册 三年级起点 单元 unit

Unit Three 第三单元 My school calendar 学校日程 When is the summer vacation? 暑假是什么时候? It's in July and August. 暑假在七月和八月。 When is Tree Planting Day? 植树节在什么时候? It's in March. 在三月。 When is Dragon Boat Festival? 端午节在什么时候? It's usually in June. 通常在六月。 My mum will make zongzi then. 那时候,我妈妈会包粽子。 I hope you can come and share some with us. 我希望你能来,和我们一起分享。 That's very kind of you. 你太好了。 When is the school trip this year? 今年的学校出游在什么时候? It's in May. 在五月。 Is the singing contest in May, too? 唱歌比赛也在五月吗? Yes. 是的。 Hooray for May! 好哇五月(为五月喝彩)! --------------------- A Let's try 试一试 Who will go to the sports meet next week? 下周谁要去运动会? Listen and tick. 听,并打勾。 What's that, Zhang Peng? 张鹏,那是什么? ........ (完整文字内容,请下载课件后,鼠标划选择复制: https://www.360docs.net/doc/1f6024491.html,/s/blog_96caa2d30102vcuw.html) --------------------- Let's talk 谈话 Mike: We have a few fun things in spring. 春天我们有几件好玩的事情。After the sports meet, we have an Easter party. 运动会后,我们有一个复活节聚会。 Zhang Peng: When is the party? 什么时候聚会? Mike: It's in April. 在四月。 We have a school trip, too. 我们还有一个学校旅游。


【关键字】试题 三年级阅读与作文测试题 学校:心苑教育姓名:闫宇阳成绩: 一、词语搭配。(12分) 高大的花坛温暖的战士 美丽的清洁工激动的春天 辛苦的梧桐树英勇的心情 二、成语积累。(18分) 五()六()情()自() 塞翁()()做()心() 人()人()惊()之() 三、填上合适的词。(18分) 一()树一()黄叶一()旗子 一()书一()小兔一()雹子 一()花一()尘土一()老人 四、把错乱的词排列成句子,写下来,再加上标点。(6分) 1.胜利我们拔河这次了比赛 2.上学赶快不早了时间我们去 3.又香又甜的淘气的大口大口地大苹果咬着小弟弟 五、写作常识。 1、写物体类文章,可以从物体的()、()、()、()、()等方面的特点来写,把物体写生动。 2、我们在写事情时,首先要交代清楚事情发生的()、()、(),还要写清楚事情的(起因)、(经过)、(结果)。 六、阅读。 (一)盛夏 “热呀!热呀!”最难熬的时候到了。知了在树上“知——了”“知——了”地叫着。声音低沉缓慢,有气无力。老人们坐在树荫下,舒展眉头,不停地摇着扇子,汗还是不断向下流。狗伏在树荫下,伸着舌头“呼哧”“呼哧”地喘气。柳树、杨树一动也不动,没精打采。禾苗在田地里无力地呻吟:“渴呀,渴呀!”爱唱爱跳的小河失去了潺(chán)潺声,河床上有些地方露出了洁白光滑的鹅卵石。

1、这是一段关于()的描写。(2分) 2、作者抓住()、()、()、()、()、()等事物突出表现天气的热。(6分) 3、根据本文内容填空。(4分) 低沉缓慢的( ) 愁眉舒展的( ) 没精打采的( ) 爱唱爱跳的( ) 4、作者是怎样抓住事物的动态和神态来突出天气的热的?请根据下列提供的词语填空。(6分) 知了( ) 老人( ) 狗( ) 禾苗( ) 小河( ) 树( ) (二)齐白石爷爷 齐白石爷爷是世界著名的大画家。他画的花鸟鱼虫就像活的一样:蚱(zhà)蜢(m?ng )好像会跳;小鸟好像会眨眼睛;最有趣的是那些虾,身体像是透明的,仿佛轻轻一碰,就会游走似的。 白石爷爷小时候,家里很穷。他八岁就给人家放牛、砍柴。牛在吃草,他就用柴棍(gùn )在地上画画。后来,他当了木匠,白天干活,晚上在昏暗的油灯下学画。夏天蚊虫叮咬,冬天两脚冻得发麻,他都不在乎,一直画到灯油燃尽为止。就这样,他画的画越来越好了。 白石爷爷家里种着许多花草,招来许多小昆虫,水缸里还养着鱼和虾,他每天仔细地观察它们。他要画蚱蜢,就跟在一只蚱蜢后面满院子跑,一直到看清蚱蜢跳跃(yuè )时双腿的动作为止。别人劝他把蚱蜢拴(shuān )住,他说拴上绳子蚱蜢不舒服,动作不自然,那就画不准了。 勤于观察和刻苦练习使齐白石爷爷获得很大成功,他的画深受各国人民的 喜爱。 1、写出下列词的近义词。(6分) 著名——喜欢——仿佛—— 2、写出下列词的反义词。(6分) 昏暗——仔细——成功—— 3、在“舒服”一词中“舒”是哪种意思,请选好在()里打“√”。(2分)


小学四年级英语(下)单元达标题听力材料 (一)听录音两遍,把人物和他要去的地方连起来 (1)Mike is going to gym. (2)Chenjie is going to garden (3)John is going to playground (4)Miss White is going to classroom (5)Zhang Peng is going to music room. (二) 听录音两遍,选出正确的答句 1.Is it a computer room? 2.Where are they? 3.Are you in the library? 4.Where is the canteen? 5.How many students are there in your class? (三)、录音中有五段对话,每段对话听两遍,根据你听到的顺序在每幅图的括号内写上数字(1、2、3……)(5分) 1.A: Let’s go to play football. 2.A: Is this the library? B: Good idea. B: Yes , it is. 3.A:Do you have an art room? 4.A:Is that a computer room? B: Yes ,here it is. B: No,it’s a teacher’s office. 5.A:Look! This is our playground. B: Oh,it’s wonderful. 6. A:Go to the teacher’s office. Hand in the homework. B: OK. 7.A:Your school is wonderful. 8.A:This is our new library B: Thank you. B:Oh , it’s so big. 9.A:Is that your classroom ? 10.A:Is that your playground? B: Yes ,it is . B: Yes, it is . (四) 、每段对话听两遍,从下面每小题中选出符合录音内容的图片,并把其字母代号 写在括号内。(10分) 1.Go to the teacher’s office. Hand in the homework. 2.This is the library. 3.Don’t waste food in the canteen. 4.Be quiet in the library. 5.The mouse is fat. 6.The canteen is on the first floor. 7.There are many books in the library. 8.This is an art room. 9. Don’t walk on the grass in the garden.
