2018-2019学年上宝中学八上英语单元练习卷 上海市 英语试卷

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Part 1 Listening

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

II. Phonetics

A. Write the words according to the English sounds

26. Playing _________ [ˈbædmɪntən] is a good habit.

27. The couple has one son and three _________ [ˈgrændɔ:təz]

28. Sam is __________ to become a soldier when he grows up. [dɪˈtɜ:mɪnd]

29. Students in our school are taught in a good and safe _________ [ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]

30. Tom has _________ never to lie to you from now on. [ˈprɒmɪst]

B. Choose the best answers

31. You have to complete the research before Sunday.

A. [ˈkɔmpli:t]

B. [kɔmˈpli:t]

C. [ˈkəmpli:t]

D. [kəmˈpli:t]

32. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?

A. Don’t w o rry if you can’t finish it.

B. Bitter words from you will only wound her.

C. I love my motherland for good.

D. He lives in southern part of China.

III. Vocabulary and Grammar

A. Choose the best answer

33. Yesterday is ________ unusual day, but today is ________ usual day.

A. a, a

B. an, an

C. an, a

D. a, an

34. ________ Frank’s birthday, we sang and danced _________ his birthday party.

A. At, on

B. On, at

C. On, on

D. At, at

35. ________ present, the international situation is quite complicated, but ________ the past, it’s much simpler.

A. In, at

B. At, in

C. At, at

D. In, in

36. The whole class _________ the instructions when the teacher came into the classroom.

A. is reading

B. are reading

C. is watching

D. are watching

37. How about ________ shopping this weekend?

A. go

B. goes

C. to go

D. going

38. About ________ people have been driven away by the noise.

A. hundreds of

B. hundred of

C. two hundred

D. two hundreds

39. One of the cleverest ________ in our class.

A. student is

B. students is

C. student are

D. students are

40. Alice always shares food ________.

A. among others

B. among the others

C. with others

D. with the others

41. Kitty is a _________ girl and she often does some _________.

A. hard-working, hard works

B. hard-working, hard work

C. work hard, hard works

D. work hard, hard work

42. Friends of the Earth are discussing ________ the problem _________ each other.

A. about, with

B. /, with

C. about, /

D. /, about

43. Winnie ________ Garden City last year.

A. visited to

B. paid a visit

C. had visited

D. paid a visit to

44. The Lis ________ to the USA once while the Wangs _________ there for three years.

A. have been, have been to

B. have gone, have been to

C. have been, have been

D. have gone, have been

45. Which of following sentence is correct?

A. Don’t believe him. He is laying to you.

B. The hens are lying eggs in the chicken coop.

C. Sam laid his books on his desk.

D. Little Jonny has laid in bed for three days.

B. Complete the sentences with the given words in their appropriate forms

46. Everyone will have to make several important ________ in her life. (decide)

47. Quyuan was one of th e most patriotic ________ in China’s history. (poem)

48. The Chinese government is trying to make sure its citizens can drink _________ water. (pollute)

49. Could you give me some _________ explanations that I can believe. (reason)

50. It’s ________ that m akes him lose control of himself. (angry)

51. Are you simple enough to believe what that _________ tells you? (lie)

52. Tom is far more intelligent and _________ than his classmates. (friend)

53. Your grades are closely ________ to your attitude. (relate)

C. Complete the sentences as required

54. My father has worked in this factory since 2010. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ has your father worked in this factory?

55. Let us have a rest? (改为反义疑问句)

Let us have a rest, ________ ________?

56. Tom often makes a list of things he is going to do. (改为被动语态句)

A list of things Tom is going to do ________ often ________ by him.

57. “Do you want to play with us?” Tom asked me. (改为间接引语句)

Tom asked me ________ I ________ to play with them.


59. My friends made up their mind to fight for their rights. (保持句子意思不变)

My friends ________ ________ to fight for their rights.

D. Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms

60. Several letters ________ by Jerry when I went into his room. (write)

61. Mr. Smith ________ English in this school since he quit his last job. (teach)

62. I will tell him the good news when he ________ back. (come)

63. Mr. Sun told us that the earth ________ around the sun. (move)

64. Tony ________ in the northern part of China when he was little. (live)

E. Translation

65. 两人一组,决定Alice的生日卡片来自于谁。

In pairs, decide _______________________________

66. 想一想你在你的家庭是什么角色。
