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说明:1. It was getting__________, he had to stop to have a rest.(1分)

(A) very darker

(B) dark and dark

(C) darker and darker

(D) darkest and darkest


2. There's lots of fruit _______ the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree.(1分)

(A) in

(B) at

(C) under

(D) on


3. In _______, the northerners have a particular liking for dumplings while the south¬erners are fond of rice.(1分)

(A) common

(B) total

(C) general

(D) particular


4. Would you like something _____?(1分)

(A) drink

(B) to drink

(C) drinking

(D) for drinking


5. How can he _______ if he is not _______ ?(1分)

(A) listen; hearing

(B) hear; listening

(C) be listening; heard

(D) be hearing; listened to


6. The computer system suddenly _______while he was searching for information on the Internet.(1分)

(A) broke down

(B) broke out

(C) broke up

(D) broke in


7. How much has the company __________this year?(1分)

(A) brought in

(B) brought down

(C) brought out

(D) brought about


8. The old houses are being pulled down to ________a new office block.(1分) (A) make room for

(B) make use of

(C) take the place of

(D) supply with


9. ___________no need

___________the radio as I'm used to

studying with it on.(1分)

(A) It's; to turn down

(B) It's; turning up

(C) There's; to turn off

(D) There's; turning off


10. The wild flowers looked like a soft

orange blanket________ the desert.(1


(A) covering

(B) covered

(C) cover

(D) to cover


11. . ___________is the population of


(A) How many

(B) How much

(C) How

(D) What


12. The red flower goes from one

to_______ in the class.(1分)

(A) the other

(B) others

(C) another

(D) other


13. Two days is not enough for him to

finish the work. He needs _______


(A) other

(B) the other

(C) the third

(D) a third


14. The Chinese women volleyball

players _____both in and out of


(A) are thought good of

(B) are highly thought of

(C) are well thought

(D) are ill thought of


15. As the busiest woman there, she

made____________ her duty to look

after all the other people's affairs in

that town.(1分)

(A) this

(B) that

(C) one

(D) it


说明:16. Much of the world’s coffee

is grown in Brazil. Not long ago an

unseasonable frost swept through

coffee plantations there. The result

affected people in many countries for

a long time to come.

At first, reports of serious damage

were received. These led to a sharp

rise in the price of coffee, which had

not been a highly profitable crop.

Growers in other countries made extra

efforts to increase their exports to

profit from the expected shortage.

However, they were hampered by

smugglers who wished to avoid

government controls. The price of

coffee fell slightly.

Then large restaurants and hotels

began to buy coffee to build up stocks

for future use. The price rose sharply

and public resistance developed.

Housewives organized a boycott of

coffee. This led to a rise in the price of

tea and a fall in the price of coffee.

Much to the dismay of growers, the

price fell sharply. Their response was

rather surprising. Instead of selling

their stocks of coffee, they began to

buy on the open market. Their motive

was clear. They wanted to force the

price of coffee up, and one way of

doing this was to reduce the amount

of coffee available for sale to the


Luckily for coffee-drinkers, this move

failed. Restaurants and hotels stopped

buying coffee. Large numbers of small

growers had to sell their crops to keep

alive. The large growers found that

they were buying more coffee than

they were growing. They abandoned

their efforts and let the normal law of

supply and demand decided the price.

Meanwhile, millions of people had

changed to cheaper drinks and would

not switch back to coffee.(10分)

16.1). Who suffered most from the

recent unseasonable frost?(2分)

(A) The restaurants and hotels.

(B) The coffee growers in Brazil.

(C) Smugglers.

(D) The coffee growers in other



16.2). Financially, who gained most

from the crop failure in Brazil?(2分)

(A) the public as a whole.

(B) The coffee growers in Brazil.

(C) The housewives.

(D) The coffee growers in other
