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I. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的句子,选出相应的图片):(共6分)

1. Tim and Mary are talking about their favorite books. (C)

2. My sister keeps all her coins in the piggy-bank. (A)

3. Everyone is doing something for the homeless people. (F)

4. We have decided to be volunteers for the World Expo in Shanghai. (G)

5. Look! How beautifully the old artist is drawing! (B)

6. Our school invited a professor to give us a talk on science last Friday. (E)

II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案): (共7分)

7.. M: Wow, the fish is so delicious and the soup tastes nice, too.

W: I like the chicken wings best.

Q: What is the girl’s favourite dish? (D)

8. M: Your father used to work as a teacher, didn’t he?

W: No, he worked in a bank. But now he manages a shop.

Q: What was the girl’s father? (A)

9. W: Take care, will you? Some roads are covered with ice.

M: Thank you. I’ll drive very slowly.

Q: Which season can it most probably be? (D)

10. W: Would you tell me whether the Chinese women’s volleyball team has won the game?

M: I have not read the sports page yet.

Q: What’s the man doing? (D)

11. W: Mike, I heard that you had moved into a new flat. Didn’t you like your old one?

M: Yes, I did. But my neighbours hold parties very often and their dog makes much noise at night.

W: Oh, I see.

Q: Why did Mike move into a new flat? (B)

12. M: Hey, Lucy. Let me help you.

W: Thank you, Bill. Please tie the young trees to the sticks.

M: OK. Then I’ll water them later.

Q: What are they probably doing? (B)

13.M: How much does Tom weigh?

W: Forty-two kilograms. What about you, Jack?

M: I’m four kilograms heavier than Tom.

Q: How much does Jack weigh? (C)

Ⅲ. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共7分) My friend Jack once said that he needed to live in a quiet place to relax more. That was why he decided to move to the country last month. He said that life in the city was too noisy and the streets were too crowded. He wanted some peace. So Jack bought a new house in the country far away from a city. His new house has a big garden. He said he wanted to plant all kinds of flowers in it. He thought he would like to grow some vegetables, too. Then he wouldn’t have to buy them at the supermarkets any more and could cook the vegetables he grew himself.

Last week, Jack called me. He seemed very upset.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.“I thought you enjoyed the life in the country.”

“I did,” Jack said. “But there are too many mice in my garden.”

Then Jack told me that when he was working in his garden one day, he saw a very big mouse running in his garden! He said it was really a big surprise to him. He also said that he was thinking of moving back to the city because he’d rather live with lots of people than with lots of mice.

14. T 15. T 16. F 17. F 18. T 19. T 20. T

Ⅳ. Answer the questions.(回答问题): (共5分)

21.What day is it today? ----Today is Monday….

22.Is a boy or a girl? ----A boy. / A girl.

23.Are you a teather? ----No, I’m not.

24.How many months are there in a year? ----12 months.

25.How was your weekend? ---- It was great./bad….
