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1.hello, sally. how’s everything ? just so-so

2.excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? Certainly. here you are

3.what kind of tv program do you like best? It’s hard to say, actually

4.could you tell me where ke is? At the office

5.what would you like, tea or coffee? Coffee, please


1.the next train to Beijing is due here at 3’o clock.

2.he goes to school by bike, and the journey takes half an hour.

3.that is the dog whose name is herry.

4.he has been working in the laboratory the whole morning.

5.the play had already started when we got to the theatre.

6.those cakes look nice. Can I have one?

7.we need to repair the machine.

8.when was the building completed?

9.she was very concerned about her mother’s illness.

10.who is responsible for breaking the window?


In the uk, in business situations, when you meet someone for the first time you shake hands and say, ―how do you do?‖. this is not really a question, and the reply to it is another greeting such as ―how do you do?‖ or ―hello‖ or ―I’m very pleased to meet you‖ or, if you have met the person sometime before, ―it’s good to see you again‖.

You don’t shake hands every time you meet someone, you just greet them. If you are invited to someone’s house for dinner, it is usual to take a present—some chocolates or flowers or, if you know them quite well, a bottle of wine. If you do not know the host well, don’t be the last person to leave. Telephone the next day to thank the host for the meal. English people don’t like to talk about personal things, and tend to avoid religion, politics and money.

Good topics for small talk are the weather ,holidays, weekend activities, gardens and architecture, especially houses and homes. When you go to a pub or bar, it’s usual to take turns to buy a drink for everyone in your group and pay for the drinks when you get them from the bar and before you drink them.

四、阅读理解(1)―Anna is our only daughter……..‖

1.according to the passage, when anna was a child , she got an illness.

2.it can be inferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is mainly a woman’s responsibility .

3.what does ―take after‖ mean in the first sentence of para.2 ? look like

4.my daughter and I have little in common in terms of character.

5.from the passage, we can see the author’s description of his daughter is affectionate.

阅读理解(2)对或错“John preston lives in a flat in north London………‖

1.john lives in the centre of London. F

2.the agent has n’t done anything to john’s flat. F

3.june and pete live near to john. T

4.there are broken windowpanes in the conservatory. T
