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1. be irritated at :对……恼火

2. rival :对手

3. make a fuss about nothing: 大惊小怪

4. think highly of :对……评价很高

5. the tutoring service :辅导班

6. participate in :参加

7. A lot of effort is made in vain :徒劳无功 8. distribute ads :散发广告 9. false notion :错误的观点

10. commitment :承诺,保证;委托;义务

11. Be affectionate and cooperative :充满深情的、合作的 12. Provide extra health compensation :提供额外的医疗赔偿 13. seek help from union representatives :寻求工会代表的帮助 14. contrary to :与……相反 15. accelerated motion: 加速运动 16. introduce :引入,引进,传入

17. he introduced the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity: 他在相


18. experimental purpose :实验的目的


1. the popular notion :普遍的观念

2. have an negative effect on :对……产生负面影响

3. sleep efficiently :睡眠效率高

4. be associated with :与……有关

5. alert : 警惕的,思维活跃的

6. function: 1.n.功能,作用;2.v. 运行,活动

7. definitely: 明确的,绝对的

8. cling to :坚持


1. have a reputation for: 有……名声

2. It’s no longer the case that :情况不再是这样了

3. be traced back to the Second World War :追溯到二战时

4. have a decent quantity of food :有足够量的食物

5. organic produce :有机农产品

6. this prioritization of quantity over quality prevailed for decades: 重量胜过质量(的做法)盛


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7. are extremely responsive to :非常欢迎……

8. embrace the modern British trend: 接受现代英国式的潮流 9. ingredient :原料,配料 10. adapt to :适应于

11. carve them up :分享,分割


Passage One

1. assign:分配,指派

2. tolerance :忍受,容忍

3. conflict :斗争,冲突

4. prejudice :偏见,成见

5. compel students to engage in more ethnically diverse friendships :迫使学生们更多地培养与


6. result from :起因于,由……而产生(导致)

7. interact :相互作用,互相影响

8. indicate :指出,显示

9. apply for :申请

10. with some exceptions :除个别特殊情况外 11. the definition of integration :融合的定义

12. both break down stereotypes and reinforce stereotypes: 既打破了成见又加深了成见 13. jarring cultural confrontations :严重的文化冲突

14. she cautions against forming any generalizations based on any one of the studies :她警告不要

仅仅根据任何一个研究就得出结论(概括)。 15. background characteristics :背景特征

Passage Two

1. economic losses: 经济损失

2. release: v. /n. 发布,释放,发射

3. human-influenced climate change: 受人类影响的气候变化

4. the report drew criticism from some experts on climate and risk, who questioned its methods and conclusion: 这份报告已经遭到了一些气候和风险专家的批评,他们质疑报告中采用的研究方法和得出的结论。

5. along with: 除了

6. primarily: 主要地,根本上,首先

7. project: 设计,计划,投射

8. embarrassment :困窘,阻碍

9. require our utmost attention: 需要我们高度重视 10. distinguish :区别,辨别

11. supervise the writing of the report: 对报告撰写进行监督 12. defend: 防护,辩护,防守

13. the numbers were rough estimates: 这些数字是粗略的估计

14. to negotiate a new international climate treaty: 商谈新的国际气候条约 15. vulnerability: n. 易损性;弱点

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