













例: How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15.

B. £ 9.18.

C. £ 9.15.


1 . What are the speakers talking about? _

A. The woman's favorite fruit.

B. Different kinds of grapes.

C. Ways of growing grapes.

2. What can be learned about the man from the conversation?

A. He usually plays sports now.

B. He often played sports when young.

C. He was poor at American football.

3. When does the conversation most probably take place?

A. Before a dinner.

B. During a dinner.

C. After a dinner.

4. Now does the woman find her son's paper?

A. It's well written.

B. It's hard to understand.

C. It needs rewriting.

5. Why doesn't the man go to the laundry?

A. It's too small.

B. It's far away

C. It's not convenient.





6. Where did Joan have lunch yesterday?

A. At home.

B. At a restaurant.

C. At a shopping center.

7. What did the man do yesterday?

A. He played golf with his father.

B. He went shopping with his father.

C. He bought a gift for his father.


8. Why does the man visit the woman?

A. To rebuild her house.

B. To repaint her house.

C. To rent her house.

9. What did the woman do with her house last month?

A. She had it repainted.

B. She had it well furnished.

C. She had it pulled down.


10. What time will the woman have her English class?

A. At7a.m.

B. At8a.m.

C. At9a.m.

11. Why does the man plan to go to the library?

A. To study for the coming examination.

B. To return some books.

C. To read some magazines and newspapers.

12. Where does the woman suggest going after visiting the library?

A. To the classroom.

B. To the lab.

C. To the gym.


13. Where are the two rugby teams from?

A. From Oxford and Harvard.

B. From Yale and Cambridge.

C. From Yale and Harvard.

14. When is the rugby game usually held every year?

A. In October.

B. In November.

C. In December.

15. What does the woman think of the game?

A. Magnificent.

B. Noisy.

C. Boring.

16. How do the students celebrate the event according to the man?

A. By waving flags and dancing.

B. By throwing bottles and singing.

C. By waving flags and showing the logo.


17. What does the study mainly explain?

A. Watching too much TV could increase the risk of death.

B. The healthy way to watch TV for relaxation.

C. Bad habits related to TV watching.

18. How many sitting-for-long actions does the speaker mention?

A. One.

B. Three.

C. Five.

19. What does Gonzalez say about driving a car?

A. It represents a higher energy loss than watching TV.

B. It represents as much energy loss as watching TV.

C. It represents a lower energy loss than watching TV.

20. What does Gonzalez suggest people do?

A. Eat food while watching TV.

B. Watch TV less than an hour each day.

C. Stop watching TV.






In between running one of the world's largest charitable agencies and acting as Microsoft's technology advisor, Bill Gates manages to find time io read books, both long and short. Now Gates - who has been labeled a "greedy" reader - has released a list of his favorite books of the year. All of the books are standout reads, according to the billionaire. most of which are focused on business and economy.

Here are Bill's top four picks for the year (with parts of his full review of each book).

Business Adventures, by John Brooks

Brooks' collection was published in 1969 and remains one of Gates' favorites. He re-read it again this year, labeling it the "best business book I've ever read."

"Shortly after we met, Warren Buffett lent me this collection of New Yorker business articles front the 1950s and 1960s. I loved them as much as he did. Brooks' insights (洞察力)about business have aged beautifully, and they are as true today as ever."

Capital in lire Twenty-First Century, by Thomas Piketty

Piketty's novel hit the shelves in August 2013 and sparked much discussion concerning income inequality throughout this year. Gates also got to sit down with Piketty himself after reading the non-fiction work to discuss the topic.

"As I told him, although I have concerns about some of his secondary points and policy prescriptions. I agree

with his most important conclusions: inequality is a growing problem and that governments should play a role in reducing it."

How Asia works, by Joe Studwell

Studwell's work which was published in May this year. addresses how countries such as Japan, South Korea and China have continued to achieve high growth. and why other countries have failed to do the same.

"The agriculture section of the book was particularly insightful. It provided ample food for thought for me as well as the whole Agriculture team at our foundation. And it left us thinking about whether parts of the Asian model can apply in Africa."

Making the Modern World: Materials and Demateriallation, by Vaclav Smil

Smil's books are a constant favorite of the Microsoft founder- one of his books makes Gates' list almost every year. "Making the Modem World" came out late last year and explores the global use of materials, from silicon to wood, and plastic.

"If anyone trios to tell you We're using fewer materials, send him this book. With his usual skepticism and his love of data. Smil shows how our ability to make things with less material - say. soda cans that need less aluminum - makes them cheaper. which actually encourages more production."

21. The books mentioned in the text are all about .

A. charity in the world

B. business and economy

C. poverty in the world

D. Bill Gates' life experience

22. Of the books, is best praised by Bill Gates.

A. How Asia Works

B. Capital in the Twenty-First Century

C. Business Adventures

D. Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization

23. Gates once had a personal discussion with the author of .

A. Capital in the Twenty-First Century

B. Business Adventures

C. How Asia Works

D. Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization

24. In How Asia Works, the author analyses .

A. why African agriculture cannot be developed fast

B. how they can apply Asian economic model in African countries

C. why Asia is so slow in agricultural development

D. how some Asian countries have rapidly grown in economy


Gregory Talley used to sleep in a park or under a bridge. The 50-year-old has been homeless for more than 10 years.

"It is hard. It's hard to live homeless. You filled every day trying to find out where you are going to get something to eat. If I hadn't found wonderful Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter, I wouldn't know where I would be by now. I might be dead," Talley said.

The Kennedy Shelter is one of the facilities New Hope Housing provides for homeless people.

Pam Michell has devoted her life to making the lives of this vulnerable (易受伤的)population better as executive director of the non-profit organization.

"I went to Africa in 1985. And I saw a huge amount of poverty, but I saw so much hope. And I decided that I should try to do something that would bring hope to people," Michell said.

When Michell began working with New Hope Housing 25 years ago, its three shelters had about 80 beds. Now, it has 350 beds and serves about 1,500 homeless people every year. She has expanded the program beyond just providing beds for the night.

"We do outreach(拓展), we do prevention, we do permanent housing. we

do transitional housing. We have an education program with all sorts of different things to move people to end their homelessness," she said,"Our Out of Poverty program is not just about money. It's about you could be spiritually poor, you could be relationship poor ... you could be

educationally poor. So it is focusing on how you get out of this poverty that has brought you to being homeless." The program tries to teach the shelter residents self-reliance (自立) and work values, and includes courses on planning and personal responsibility.

"l learned I still have opportunities to change it and I can change it," said shelter resident Lewis Webster. "It is

just about going forth in doing necessary work to do it. I mean if you really want better, you would do better and that's the frame of mind of me now."

25. Gregory Talley's story is told at the beginning of the text to .

A. tell readers the situation for the poor in the US is getting worse

B. introduce a non-profit organization that is trying to help the poor in the US

C. disclose the truth that more and more homeless people are dying from hunger

D. remind readers that the homeless people in the US have no trouble getting food

26. According to Paragraph 6. Pam Michell started to bring hope to the homeless by .

A. providing clothes for them

B. offering food for them '

C. building new houses for them

D. offering them shelters for the night

27. What is the final purpose of the education program?

A. To tell the homeless people the ways to make money.

B. To help the homeless people find the causes of their poverty.

C. To encourage the homeless to work and rely on themselves.

D. To teach the poor how to live a better life in the shelters.

28. What may be the best title for the text?

A. Comfort in the Kennedy Shelter

B. Ways to achieve success

C. An Opportunity to Fight Homelessness

D. An Organisation to End Homelessness


A new study by the British government has discovered the mental health of the country's teenage girls has become Worse.

The survey, which included 30,000 14-year-old students in 2005 and 2014. showed 37 percent of girls with psychological stress, up from 34 percent in 2005. British boys' stress level %%as actually seen to fall over the same time period, from 17 percent to 15 percent.

The report's authors pointed out the "advent of the social media age" could be a major contributing factor for increased stress among teenage British girls.

"The adolescent years are a time of rapid physical, cognitive (认知的) and emotional development," Pam Ramsden, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom, wrote in a recent blog post. "Teenagers interact with people in order to learn how to become competent (有能力的) adults. In the past, they would engage with parents, teachers and other adults in their community as well as extended family members and friends. Now we can also add social media to that list of social and emotional development."

Throughout adolescence, girls and boys develop characteristics like confidence and self-control. Since teenage brains have not completely developed, teens don't have the cognitive awareness and impulse (冲动) control to keep from posting inappropriate content. Furthermore, this content can easily be spread far and wide with disastrous influences.

Social media can also feed into girls' insecurities about their appearance, Ramsden said. These sites are often filled with images of people with body type unattainable to the normal person. However, these images and the messages tied to them gradually become societal standards.

29. The statistics in the second paragraph show that .

A. more and more children in Britain have mental health problems

B. few girls in Britain suffered from psychological stress in 2005

C. more boys in Britain are suffering from mental pressure now

D. more British girls feel psychologically stressed than boys do now

30. Contrary to traditional ways of interaction, social media .

A. helps teenagers develop qualities like confidence and self-control

B has many negative effects on girls' characteristic development

C, makes teens aware of potential danger of the inappropriate content

D. teaches girls to care about their appearance to meet societal standards

31. The underlined word "advent" in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by .

A. arrival

B. end

C. disappearance

D. Invention


Singapore is planning to cut off web access for public servants as a defence against potential cyber attack - a move closely watched by critics who say it marks a retreat (倒退) for a technologically advanced city-state that has

trademarked the term "smart nation".

Some security experts say the policy, due to be in place by May, risks damaging productivity among civil servants and those working at more than four dozen statutory (法定的) boards, and cutting them off from the people they serve. It may only raise slightly the defensive walls against cyber attack. they say.

Ben Desjardins. director of security solutions at network security firm Radware, called it "one of the more extreme measures I can recall by a large public organisation to fight cyber security risks". Stephen Dane, a Hong Kong-based managing director at networking company Cisco Systems, said it was "a most unusual situation" and Ramki Thurimella. chair of the

computer science department at the University of Denver, called it both "unprecedented (前所未有的) "and "'a little excessive (过分的) ". One 23-year-old manager, who gave only her family name. Netagale, said blocking web access would only harm productivity and may not stop attacks. "Information may leak through other means, so blocking the Internet may not stop the unavoidable from happening." she said.

But other cyber security companies said that with the kind of threats governments face today. Singapore had little choice but to restrict Internet access.

FireEye, a cyber security company, found that organisations in south-east Asia were 80% more likely than the global average to be hit by an advanced cyber attack.

Singapore officials said no particular attack led to the decision but noted a leakage of one ministry in 2015. David Koh, CEO of the newly formed Cyber Security Agency, said officials realized there was too much data to secure and the threat "is too real".

32. Singapore decides to cut off web access for public servants to .

A. match her trademark of "smart nation

B. prevent potential cyber attack

C. increase civil productivity

D. raise wide awareness of cyber attack

33. The main idea of the third paragraph is people's

A. agreement with the government plan

B. support for the government plan

C. arguments over the government plan

D. suggestions on the government plan

34. What is the reason for Singapore government's decision?

A. Cyber attack has severely damaged the technologically advanced city-state.

B. More than 8O% of the state's websites are likely to be attacked.

C. Many organizations have been attacked online globally.

D. The Singapore government is facing threats of cyber attack.

35. According to what David Koh says, we can infer that .

A. all the Singapore government data is in danger of being attacked

B. the Singapore government is always threatened by cyber attackers

C. the Singapore government has been warned of the data security

D. cyber attacks can happen any time and too much data needs protection



Everyone makes mistakes. 36 . Making a mistake at work, however, can be more serious. It may cause problems for your employer and even affect the company's bottom line Evil consequences will finally come down to you. Simply correcting your mistake and moving on may not be an option. When you make a mistake at work your career may depend on what you do next.

Admit your mistake.

Tell your boss about your mistake immediately. The only exception is if you make an insignificant error that will not affect anyone. Otherwise, don't try to hide your mistake. 37 .

Present your boss with a plan to fix your mistake.

When you go to your boss to admit your mistake, you must have a plan for correcting it. Present your plan clearly. Tell your boss how long it will take to carry out your plan and if there are any costs involved.

Don't blame anyone else for your mistake.

38 .Encourage those who may share responsibility to follow your lead in admitting to your boss.

39 .

There's a big difference between admitting your mistake and beating yourself up about it. Take responsibility but don't blame yourself for making it, especially in public.

Correct your mistake on your own time.

If you have to spend extra hours at work to correct your mistake, don't expect to be paid for that time.

40 .

A. Apologize for your mistake but don't beat yourself up

B. Usually you can correct your error or just forget about it and move on

C. You can use your lunch hour or come into work early

D. Pointing fingers won't help you if you make a mistake

E. Strengthen your friendship with your boss

F. You'll feel ashamed if your colleague takes the responsibility for you

G. You will look terrible if someone else discovers it





I worked on boats for twenty five years. Now I am a docking pilot(码头领航员).My job is to 41 in the large luxury liners (轮船) and stay with them until they are 42 stopped in the harbour. Sometimes this requires two tugs (拖船),sometimes many more, 43 the tide and the weather.

Most of you no 44 have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners. What they are doing doesn't seem to make much 45 ,as the minute the big boat is alongside the port, her heavy rope made fast, the job is 46 .

I felt very 47 after I had docked several of the large liners. I realized I was in 48 of a great ship worth millions of dollars and the 49 were depending on me to bring her safely to the port. These tugs, whether one or ten, 50 about in accord with (与……一致) whistle signals I 51 them from the bridge of the big liner. These signals make up a language that is just as 52 as the spoken word, or even more so, 53 our docking signals are hardly misunderstood. The captain of each tug does his work according to the signals he 54 . He never asks questions. He takes 55 faithfully,and it 56 works out.

Working around tugboats, where so much depends on 57 , has had its effect on what I believe. I believe that if I am to attain a 58 place in the world I must have the help of my fellow men just as the great transatlantic (远洋的) liners depend on the 59 of the little tugs to bring them safely to the 60 .

41. A. put B. push C. bring D.join

42. A. safely B. dangerously C. immediately D. illegally

43. A. adding to B. letting alone C. thinking of D. depending on

44. A. wonder B. doubt C. need D. exception

45. A. sense B. profit C. progress D. advance

46. A. prepared B. lost C. planned D. done

47. A. bored B. meaningless C. important D. tired

48. A. control B. praise C. defence D. place

49. A. clerks B. sportsmen C. readers D. owners

50. A. look B. move C. hear D. worry

51. A. write B. send C. mail D. bring

52. A. dependable B. incredible C. doubtful D. visible

53. A. though B. if C. while D. because

54. A. gives B. spreads C. receives D. Passes

55. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

56. A. never B. ever C. always D. seldom

57. A. imagination B. creation C. teamwork D. performance

58. A. successful B. frustrating C. regretful D. embarrassing

59. A. prevention B. help C. objection D. delay

60. A. airport B. station C. port D. Stop





Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, about 300 kilometers away from Changsha, capital of Hunan. Zhangjiajie, 61 covers a total area of 9,563 square kilometers, is a tourist city for its unique natural scenery and abundant tourism resources. Zhangjiajie 62 (award) the title of "World Geological Park" in 2004. 63

(actual), Zhangjiajie, honored as

"the most fantastic mountain under heaven" and "a walking Chinese landscape painting", is also widely praised as "64 enlarged potted landscaping "a mini fairyland" and "a maze(迷宫) of nature", attracting a growing number of tourists 65 home and abroad.

Since it was discovered in the 1980s. tourism industry 66 (become) the leading industry in Zhangjiajie, which has stimulated the development of other industries 67 (relate) to tourism. At the same time, cco-tourism has been developed rapidly in Zhangjiajie. When you come to Zhangjiajie, you can fully appreciate 68 (it) magnificent natural

scenery and experience appealing folk custom as well as other thrilling tourist 69 (activity), and you will be deeply impressed by 70 is performed by the minorities there.

It must be an exciting, joyful and unforgettable tour to Zhangjiajie.







删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



The American TV show The Voice is one of my most favorite amusement shows. In one hand, I can listen to different styles of music. On the other hand, I can see the singers' stories, who are so inspiring. I was so impressed by a musical boy who was from the country. If he was very young, he loved to sing while doing the farm work. After work. he learned to play guitar. He liked living on the farm, for the life was simple. The boy brought his guitar to the stage, worn a fashionable hat which made him seem so mysteriously. When the boy sing a song with his guitar, all the judge were astonished by his talent. As a result, he won the game but finally became famous throughout the country.


假定你是李华.在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫Mike的中学生发帖( post )寻求帮助。请根据帖子内容、写作要点和要求回帖。

Hi, everyone,

I'm l8 years old and I'm going to a university in Beijing this autumn. My parents insist on going with me to help me with my daily life. But I think I can manage it all by myself. How can I make them change their ideas?


1. 告诉Mike要理解父母亲:

2. 给Mike提出解决问胜的具体建议。




Hi. Mike,

As a student of your age, I understand your situation.


2017年管理类联考真题及答案解析 一、问题求解:(第1~15小题,每小题3分,共45分,下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。) 1.甲从1、2、3中抽取一个数,记为a ;乙从1、2、3、4中抽取一数,记为b ,规定当b a >或者b a <+1时甲获胜,则甲取胜的概率为( ) (A )61(B )41(C )31(D )125(E )2 1 2.已知ABC Δ和C B A &&&Δ满足π,3:2::='∠+∠='=''A A C A AC B A AB ,则ABC Δ和C B A &&&Δ的面积比为( ) (A )3:2(B )5:3( C )3:2( D )5:2( E )9:4 3.将6人分成3组,每组2人,则不同的分组方式共有( ) (A )12(B )15(C )30(D )45(E )90 4.甲、乙、丙三人每轮各投篮10次,投了三轮,投中数如下表: 设321,,σσσ分别为甲,乙,丙投中数的方差,则 (A ) 321σσσ>>(B )231σσσ>>(C )312σσσ>>(D )132σσσ>>(E )123σσσ>> 5.将长、宽、高分别是12,9和6的长方体切割成正方体,且切割后无剩余,则能切割成相同正方体的最少个数为 A3 B6 C24 D96 E648 6. 某品牌电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( )

(A )80%(B )81%(C )82%(D )83%(E )85% 7. 甲、乙、丙三种货车载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车的载重量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车载重量为150吨,则甲、乙、丙分别各一辆车一次最多运送货物为( ) (A )125(B )120(C )115(D )110(E )105 8. 张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接到了45名同学的咨询,其中9位同学下午又咨询了张老师,占张老师下午咨询学生的10%,一天中向张老师咨询的学生人数为( ) (A )81(B )90(C )115(D )126(E )135 9. 某种机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米,则其搜索出的区域的面积(单位:平方米)为( ) (A )210π +(B )π+10(C )220π +(D )π+20(E )π10 10. 不等式21≤+-x x 的解集为( ) (A )(]1,∞-(B )??? ??∞-23,(C )??????23,1(D )[)+∞,1(E )?? ????+∞,23 11. 在1到100之间,能被9整除的整数的平均值是( ) (A )27(B )36(C )45(D )54(E )63 12. 某试卷由15道选择题组成,每道题有4个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有6道题是能确定正确选项,有5道能排除2个错误选项,有4道能排除1个错误选项,若从每题排除后剩余的选项中选一个作为答案,则甲得满分的概率为() (A )543121?(B )453121?(C )453121+(D )544321??? ???(E )544321?? ? ??+ 13. 某公司用1万元购买了价格分别为1750和950的甲、乙两种办公设备,则购买的甲、乙办公设备的件数分别为() (A )3,5(B )5,3(C )4,4(D )2,6(E )6,2


2017年管理类专业联考综合能力数学试题及解析 一、问题求解:第1~15小题,每小题3分,共45分。下列每题给出的A .B .C .D .E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。 1、某品牌的电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的() A.80% B.81% C.82% D.83% E.85% 2、甲、乙、丙三种货车的载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车满载量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车满载量为150吨。则用甲、乙、丙各1辆车一次最多运送货物()吨 A.125 B.120 C.115 D.110 E.105 3、张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接受了45名同学的咨询,其中的9名同学下午又咨询了张老师,占张老师下午咨询学生的10%。一天中向张老师咨询的学生人数为() A.81 B.90 C.115 D.126 E.135 4、某种机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米。其搜索过的区域的面积(单位:平方米)为() A.102 π+ B.10π+ C.202 π+ D.20π+ E.10π 5、不等式12x x -+≤的解集为() A.(],1-∞ B.3,2 ??-∞ ?? ? C.31,2 ?????? D.[)1,+∞ E.3,2??+∞???? 6、在1与100之间,能被9整除的整数的平均值为() A.27 B.36 C.45 D.54 E.63 7、某试卷由15道选择题组成,每道题有4个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有6道题能确定正确选项,有5道题能排除2个错误选项,有4道题能排除1个错误选项。若从每题排除后剩余的选项中选1个作为答案,则甲能得满分的概率为() A.451123 ? B.541123 ? C.541123 + D.5 41324??? ??? E.5 41324??+ ??? 8、某公司用1万元购买了价格分别是1750元和950元的甲、乙两种办公设备,则购买的甲、乙办公设备的件数分别为() A.3,5 B.5,3 C.4,4 D.2,6 E.6,2 9、如图1,在扇形AOB 中,,1,4 AOB OA AC OB π ∠= =⊥,则阴影部分的面积为() A. 184 π- B. 188 π- C. 142 π-



2017年管理类联考真题及答案解析 一、问题求解:(第1~15小题,每小题3分,共45分,下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。) 1.甲从1、2、3中抽取一个数,记为a ;乙从1、2、3、4中抽取一数,记为b ,规定当b a >或者b a <+1时甲获胜,则甲取胜的概率为( ) (A )61(B )41(C )31(D )125(E )2 1 2.已知ABC Δ和C B A &&&Δ满足π,3:2::='∠+∠='=''A A C A AC B A AB ,则ABC Δ和C B A &&&Δ的面积比为( ) (A )3:2(B )5:3(C )3:2(D )5:2(E )9:4 3.将6人分成3组,每组2人,则不同的分组方式共有( ) (A )12(B )15(C )30(D )45(E )90

4.甲、乙、丙三人每轮各投篮10次,投了三轮,投中数如下表: 设321,,σσσ分别为甲,乙,丙投中数的方差,则 (A )3 21σσσ>>(B )231σσσ>>(C )312σσσ>>(D )132σσσ>>(E )123σσσ>> 5.将长、宽、高分别是12,9和6的长方体切割成正方体,且切割后无剩余,则能切割成相同正方体的最少个数为 A3 B6 C24 D96 E648 6. 某品牌电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( ) (A )80%(B )81%(C )82%(D )83%(E )85% 7. 甲、乙、丙三种货车载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车的载重量为95吨,1辆甲


2017年管理类专业联考综合能力数学试题及解析 一、问题求解:第1~15小题,每小题3分,共45分。下列每题给出的A .B .C .D .E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。 1、某品牌的电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的() A.80% B.81% C.82% D.83% E.85% 2、甲、乙、丙三种货车的载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车满载量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车满载量为150吨。则用甲、乙、丙各1辆车一次最多运送货物()吨 A.125 B.120 C.115 D.110 E.105 3、张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接受了45名同学的咨询,其中的9名同学下午又咨询了张老师,占张老师下午咨询学生的10%。一天中向张老师咨询的学生人数为() A.81 B.90 C.115 D.126 E.135 4、某种机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米。其搜索过的区域的面积(单位:平方米)为() A.102 π + B.10π+ C.202 π+ D.20π+ E.10π 5、不等式12x x -+≤的解集为() A.(],1-∞ B.3,2 ??-∞ ?? ? C.31,2 ?????? D.[)1,+∞ E.3,2??+∞???? 6、在1与100之间,能被9整除的整数的平均值为() A.27 B.36 C.45 D.54 E.63 7、某试卷由15道选择题组成,每道题有4个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有6道题能确定正确选项,有5道题能排除2个错误选项,有4道题能排除1个错误选项。若从每


2017届管理类专业硕士研究生全国联考真题 一、问题求解:第1—15小题,每小题3分,共45分. 下列每题给出的A、B、C、 D、E五个选项中, 只有一项是符合试题要求的. 请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑. 1. 某品牌的电冰箱连续两次降价后的售价是降价前的 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 2. 张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接受了名同学的咨询,其中的人下午又咨询了张老师,占他下午咨询学生的,一天张老师咨询的学生人数为 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 3. 甲、乙、丙三种货车的载重量成等差数列,辆甲种车和辆乙种车满载量为 吨,辆甲种车和辆丙种车满载量为吨,则甲、乙、丙各辆载满货物为多少? (A)吨(B)吨(C)吨(D)吨(E)吨 4. 成立,则的取值范围。 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 5. 某机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米,则其搜索区域的面积(平方米)为() (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 6.某试卷由15道选择题组成,每道题有4个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有6道能确定正确选项,有5道题能排除2个错误选项,有4道题能排除1个错误选项,若从每道题排除后剩余的选项中选1个作为答案,则甲得满分的概率为 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 7.某公司用1万元购买了价格分别是1750元和950元的甲乙两种办公设备,则购买的甲、乙办公设备的件数分别为 (A)3,5 (B)5,3 (C)4,4 (D)2,6 (E)6,2

8.老师问班上50名同学周末复习的情况,结果有20人复习过数学,30人复习过语文,6人复习过英语,且同时复习了数学和语文的有10人,语文和英语的有2人,英语和数学的有3人,若同时复习过这三门课的人数为0,则没复习过这三门课程的学生人数为 (A)7 (B)8 (C)9 (D)10 (E)11 9.如图1,在扇形中,则阴影部分的面积为 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 10.在1和100之间,能被9整除的整数的平均值是 (A)27 (B)36 (C)45 (D)54 (E)63 【参考答案】D 11.已知和满足 则与的面积之比为 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 12.甲从中抽取一数,记为,乙从1,2,3,4中抽取一数,记为b,规定当或时甲获胜,则甲获胜的概率为 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 13.将长、宽、高分别是12,9和6的长方体切割成正方体,且切割后无剩余,则能切割成相同的正方体的最少个数为 (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 14.甲、乙、丙三人每轮各投篮10次,投了三轮,投中数下表: 第一轮第二轮第三轮 甲 2 5 8 乙 5 2 5


2017年管理类联考真题与答案精要 作者:凯程陆老师,有问题找我 三、逻辑推理:第26~55小题,每小题2分,共60分。下列每题给出的A、B、C、 D、E五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的。请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。 26.倪教授认为,我国工程技术领域可以考虑与国外先进技术合作,但任何涉及核心技术的项目决不能受制于人;我国许多网络安全建设项目涉及信息核心技术,如果全盘引进国外先进技术而不努力自主创新,我国的网络安全将会受到严重威胁。 根据倪教授的陈述,可以得出以下哪项? (A)我国许多网络安全建设项目不能与国外先进技术合作。 (B)我国工程技术领域的所有项目都不能受制于人。 (C)如果能做到自主创新,我国的网络安全就不会受到严重威胁。 (D)我国有些网络安全建设项目不能受制于人。 (E)只要不是全盘引进国外先进技术,我国的网络安全就不会受到严重威胁。 26.【参考答案】D 27.任何结果都不可能凭空出现,它们的背后都是有原因的,任何背后有原因的事物均可以被人认识,而可以被人认识的事物都必然不是毫无规律的。 根据以上陈述,以下哪项一定为假? (A)那些可以被人认识的事物必然有规律。 (B)任何结果出现的背后都是有原因的。 (C)任何结果都可以被人认识。 (D)人有可能认识所有事物。 (E)有些结果的出现可能毫无规律。 27.【参考答案】E 28.近年来,我国海外代购业务量快速增长,代购者们通常从海外购买产品,通过各种渠道避开关税,再卖给内地顾客从中牟利,却让政府损失了税收收入。某专家由此指出,

政府应该严厉打击海外代购行为。 以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上述专家的观点? (A)近期,有位前空乘服务员因在网上开设海外代购店而被我国地方法院判定犯有走私罪。 (B)去年,我国奢侈品海外代购规模几乎是全球奢侈品国内门店销售额的一半,这些交易大多避开了关税。 (C)国内民众的消费需求提高是伴随我国经济发展而产生的正常现象,应以此为契机促进国内同类消费品产业的升级。 (D)海外代购提升了人们生活水准,满足了国内部分民众对于高品质生活的向往。 (E)国内一些企业生产的同类产品与海外代购产品相比,无论质量还是价格都缺乏竞争优势。 28.【参考答案】B 29.某剧组招募群众演员,为配合剧情,需要招4类角色:外国游客1-2名,购物者2-3名,商贩2名,路人若干。仅有甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己等6人可供选择,且每个人在同一场景中只能出演一个角色。已知: (1)只有甲、乙才能出演外国游客; (2)上述4类角色在每个场景中至少有3类同时出现; (3)每一场景中,若乙或丁出演商贩,则甲和丙出演购物者; (4)购物者和路人的数量之和在每个场景中不超过2。 根据上述信息,可以得出以下哪项? (A)至少有2人需要在不同的场景中出演不同的角色。 (B)在同一场景中,若戊和己出演路人,则甲只可能出演外国游客。 (C)甲、乙、丙、丁不会在同一场景中同时出现。 (D)在同一场景中,若乙出演外国游客,则甲只可能出演商贩。 (E)在同一场景中,若丁和戊出演购物者,则乙只可能出演外国游客。



2017年全国硕士研究生管理类联考综合试题 一、问题求解:第1—15小题,每小题3分,共45分. 下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中, 只有一项是符合试题要求的. 请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑. 1.某品牌的电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( )。 (A )80%(B )81%(C )82%(D )83%(E )85% 2.张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接受了45名同学的咨询,其中的9人下午又咨询了张老师,占他下午咨询学生的10%,一天张老师咨询的学生人数为( )。 (A )81(B )90(C )115(D )126(E )135 3.甲、乙、丙三种货车的载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车满载量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车满载量为150吨,则甲、乙、丙各1辆载满货物为多少? (A )125吨 (B )120吨(C )115吨(D )110吨(E )105吨 4. 12x x -+≤成立,则x 的取值范围( )。 (A )(]-1∞,(B )3-2??∞ ???,(C )312??????,(D )(]1+∞,(E )3+2??∞????,

5.某机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米,则其搜索区域的面积(平方米)为( )。 (A )102π+ (B )10+π (C )202π+(D )20+π(E )10π 6.某试卷由15道选择题组成,每道题有4个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有6道能确定正确选项,有5道题能排除2个错误选项,有4道题能排除1个错误选项,若从每道题排除后剩余的选项中选1个作为答案,则甲得满分的概率为( )。 (A )112?453(B )112?543(C )11254+3(D )12??? ???5434(E )12?? ???543+4 7.某公司用1万元购买了价格分别是1750元和950元的甲乙两种办公设备,则购买的甲、乙办公设备的件数分别为( )。 (A )3,5(B )5,3(C )4,4(D )2,6(E )6,2 8.老师问班上50名同学周末复习的情况,结果有20人复习过数学,30人复习过语文,6人复习过英语,且同时复习了数学和语文的有10人,


2017年管理类联考真题及答案解析 刚考完2017考研初试,凯程教育的电话瞬间变成了热线,同学们兴奋地汇报自己的答题情况,几乎所有内容都在凯程考研集训营系统训练过,所考专业课难度与往年相当,答题的时候非常顺手,相信凯程的学员们对此非常熟悉,预祝亲爱的同学们复试顺利。考研分笔试、面试,如果没有准备,或者准备不充分,很容易被挂掉。如果需要复试的帮助,同学们可以联系凯程老师辅导。? 下面凯程老师把专业的真题全面展示给大家,供大家估分使用,以及2018年考研的同学使用,本试题凯程首发! 一、问题求解:(第1~15小题,每小题3分,共45分,下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的,请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。) 1.甲从1、2、3中抽取一个数,记为a ;乙从1、2、3、4中抽取一数,记为b ,规定当b a >或者b a <+1时甲获胜,则甲取胜的概率为( ) (A )61(B )41(C )31(D )125(E )2 1 选E ,枚举法。 2.已知ABC Δ和C B A &&&Δ满足π,3:2::='∠+∠='=''A A C A AC B A AB ,则ABC Δ和C B A &&&Δ的面积比为( ) (A )3:2(B )5:3( C )3:2( D )5:2( E )9:4 选E ,秒杀方法:猜平方数。 3.将6人分成3组,每组2人,则不同的分组方式共有( ) (A )12(B )15(C )30(D )45(E )90 选B ,分组问题。 4.甲、乙、丙三人每轮各投篮10次,投了三轮,投中数如下表:

设321,,σσσ分别为甲,乙,丙投中数的方差,则 (A ) 321σσσ>>(B )231σσσ>>(C )312σσσ>>(D )132σσσ>>(E )123σσσ>> 选B ,简单分析即可。 5.将长、宽、高分别是12,9和6的长方体切割成正方体,且切割后无剩余,则能切割成相同正方体的最少个数为 A3 B6 C24 D96 E648 选C ,公约数问题。 6. 某品牌电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( ) (A )80%(B )81%(C )82%(D )83%(E )85% 选B ,简单题。 7. 甲、乙、丙三种货车载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车的载重量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车载重量为150吨,则甲、乙、丙分别各一辆车一次最多运送货物为( ) (A )125(B )120(C )115(D )110(E )105 选E ,列方程解应用题。 8. 张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接到了45名同学的咨询,其中9位同学下午又咨询了张老师,占张老师下午咨询学生的10%,一天中向张老师咨询的学生人数为( ) (A )81(B )90(C )115(D )126(E )135 选D ,简单题。 9. 某种机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米,则其搜索出的区域的面积(单位:平方米)为( ) (A )210π+ (B )π+10(C )220π+(D )π+20(E )π10 选D 。


2017MBA管理类联考综合写作真题及答案解析 写作 ?论证有效性分析 本小题30分 论证有效性分析:分析下述论证中存在的缺陷和漏洞,选择若干要点,写一篇600字左右的文章,对该论证的有效性进行分析和评论。(论证有效性分析的一般要点是:概念特别是核心概念的界定和使用是否准确并前后一致,有无各种明显的逻辑错误,论证的论据是否成立并支持结论,结论成立的条件是否充分等等。) 如果我们把古代荀子、商鞅、韩飞等人的一些主张归纳起来,可以得出如下一套理论: 人的本性是"好荣恶辱,好利恶害"的,所以人们都会追求奖赏,逃避刑罚。因此拥有足够权力的国君只要利用赏罚就可以把臣民治理好了。 既然人的本性是好利恶害的,那么在选拔官员,既没有可能,也没有必要去寻求那些不求私利的廉洁之士,因为世界上根本不存在这样的人。廉政建设的关键其实只在于任用官员之后有效地防止他们以权谋私。 怎样防止官员以权谋私呢!国君通常依靠设置监察官的方法,这种方法其实是不合理的。因为监察官也是人,也是好利恶害的,所以依靠监察官去制止其他官吏以权谋私,就是让一部分以权谋私者去制止另一部分人以权谋私。结果只能使他们共谋私利。 既然依靠设动监察官的方法不合理,那么依靠什么呢?可以利用赏罚的方法来促使臣民去监督,谁揭发官员的以权谋私,就奖赏准。谁不揭发官员的以权谋私就惩罚谁,臣民出于好利恶喜的本性就会掲发官员的以权谋私。 ?陈君华老师解析: 结论:国君只要利用奖罚就可以把臣民治理好。 最好应该攻击的五个逻辑问题,分别是: 1.古人的观点未必正确,更不能不加批判和反思地直接作为现在治国的基础。而且法家的观点,在先秦时期也只是一家之言而已。除了法家,还有儒家、道家、农家……以及后来西方的各种各样的政治法律理论,为什么非要以法家作为现在治国的理论基础? 何况历史上以严刑酷法治国的商纣王、秦始皇等都没有好的结局。 2.利用奖罚来治理臣民,也许是必要的,但以此推出只要利用奖罚就能把臣民治理好,就犯了混淆充分条件的逻辑错误。试想,如果出现了严重的天灾人祸导致过度贫困、民不聊生,或社会上的严重不公正,导致群情激愤,这个时候,单纯的奖罚就未必有效了。而且国君奖罚的对象、时机、程度、公平性如果不恰当,甚至倒过来会直接导致更严重的民愤。还有,某些把自己的生死置之度外、一心追求真理和正义的义士,如果他们就要致力于推翻你的暴政,你国君怎么奖励怎么惩罚他,很可能都是没用的。


2017 年全国硕士研究生管理类联考综合试题 一、问题求解: 第 1— 15小题,每小题 3分,共 45分. 下列每题给出的 A 、B 、 C 、 D 、 E 五个 选项中 , 只有一项是符合试题要求的 . 请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑 . 1. 某品牌的电冰箱连续两次降价 10% 后的售价是降价前的( )。 (A ) 80% ( B ) 81% ( C ) 82% ( D ) 83%(E ) 85% 2. 张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接受了 45名同学的咨询,其中的 9人下午又咨询 了张老师,占他下午咨询学生的 10% ,一天张老师咨询的学生人数为 ( )。 (A )81(B ) 90(C )115(D )126(E )135 3. 甲、乙、丙三种货车的载重量成等差数列, 2 辆甲种车和 1 辆乙种车满载量为 95 吨,1 辆甲种车和 3 辆丙种车满载量为 150 吨,则甲、乙、丙各 1 辆载满货物为多少? (A )125吨 (B )120吨(C )115吨(D )110 吨( E ) 105吨 4. x 1 x 2 成立,则 x 的取值范围( )。 33 , ( C ) 1, ( D ) 1,+ 22 1 米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走 10 米, 则其搜索区 域的面积(平方米)为( )。 能确定正确选项, 有5道题能排除 2个错误选项, 有4道题能排除 1个错误选 项, 若从每道 题排除后剩余的选项中选 1 个作为答案,则甲得满分的概率为 ( )。 A ) - ,1 ( B ) E) 3 ,+ 2 5. 某机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为 A) 10 (B)10 2 C )20 2 ( D )20 ( E )10 6.某试卷由 15 道选择题组成,每道题有 4 个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有 6道


2017年全国硕士研究生管理类联考综合试题 一、问题求解:第1—15小题,每小题3分,共45分. 下列每题给出的A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五个选项中, 只有一项是符合试题要求的. 请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑. 1.某品牌的电冰箱连续两次降价10%后的售价是降价前的( )。 (A )80%(B )81%(C )82%(D )83%(E )85% 2.张老师到一所中学进行招生咨询,上午接受了45名同学的咨询,其中的9人下午又咨询了张老师,占他下午咨询学生的10%,一天张老师咨询的学生人数为( )。 (A )81(B )90(C )115(D )126(E )135 3.甲、乙、丙三种货车的载重量成等差数列,2辆甲种车和1辆乙种车满载量为95吨,1辆甲种车和3辆丙种车满载量为150吨,则甲、乙、丙各1辆载满货物为多少? (A )125吨 (B )120吨(C )115吨(D )110吨(E )105吨 4. 12x x -+≤成立,则x 的取值范围( )。 (A )(]-1∞,(B )3-2??∞ ???,(C )312??????,(D )(]1+∞,(E )3+2??∞???? , 5.某机器人可搜索到的区域是半径为1米的圆,若该机器人沿直线行走10米,则其搜索区域的面积(平方米)为( )。 (A )102π+ (B )10+π (C )202 π+(D )20+π(E )10π 6.某试卷由15道选择题组成,每道题有4个选项,只有一项是符合试题要求的,甲有6道能确定正确选项,有5道题能排除2个错误选项,有4道题能排除1个错误选项,若从每道题排除后剩余的选项中选1个作为答案,则甲得满分的概率为( )。 (A )112?453(B )112?543(C )11254+3(D )12??? ???5434(E )12?? ??? 5 43+4 7.某公司用1万元购买了价格分别是1750元和950元的甲乙两种办公设备,则购买的甲、乙办公设备的件数分别为( )。 (A )3,5(B )5,3(C )4,4(D )2,6(E )6,2



三、逻辑推理:第26~55小题,每小题2分,共60分。下列每题给出的A、 B、C、D、E五个选项中,只有一项是符合试题要求的。请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑。 26.倪教授认为,我国工程技术领域可以考虑与国外先进技术合作,但任何涉及核心技术的项目决不能受制于人;我国许多网络安全建设项目涉及信息核心技术,如果全盘引进国外先进技术而不努力自主创新,我国的网络安全将会受到严重威胁。 根据倪教授的陈述,可以得出以下哪项? (A)我国许多网络安全建设项目不能与国外先进技术合作。 (B)我国工程技术领域的所有项目都不能受制于人。 (C)如果能做到自主创新,我国的网络安全就不会受到严重威胁。 (D)我国有些网络安全建设项目不能受制于人。

(E)只要不是全盘引进国外先进技术,我国的网络安全就不会受到严重威胁。 26.【参考答案】D 27.任何结果都不可能凭空出现,它们的背后都是有原因的,任何背后有原因的事物均可以被人认识,而可以被人认识的事物都必然不是毫无规律的。 根据以上陈述,以下哪项一定为假? (A)那些可以被人认识的事物必然有规律。 (B)任何结果出现的背后都是有原因的。 (C)任何结果都可以被人认识。 (D)人有可能认识所有事物。 (E)有些结果的出现可能毫无规律。 27.【参考答案】E 28.近年来,我国海外代购业务量快速增长,代购者们通常从海外购买产品,通过各种渠道避开关税,再卖给内地顾客从中牟利,却让政府损失了税收收入。某专家由此指出,政府应该严厉打击海外代购行为。 以下哪项如果为真,最能支持上述专家的观点? (A)近期,有位前空乘服务员因在网上开设海外代购店而被我国地方法院判定犯有走私罪。 (B)去年,我国奢侈品海外代购规模几乎是全球奢侈品国内门店销售额的一半,这些交易大多避开了关税。


2017年管理类联考真题及详解 一、分析下述论证中存在的缺陷和漏洞,选择若干要点,写一篇600字左右的文章,对该论证的有效性进行分析和评论。(论证有效性分析的一般要点是:概念特别是核心概念的界定和使用是否准确并前后一致,有无各种明显的逻辑错误,论证的证据是否成立并支持结论,结论成立的条件是否充分等等。) 如果我们把古代荀子、商鞅、韩非等人的一些主张归纳起来,可以得出如下一套理论:人的本性是“好荣恶辱,好利恶害”的,所以人们都会追求奖赏,逃避刑罚。因此拥有足够权力的国君只要利用赏罚就可以把臣民治理好了。 既然人的本性是好利恶害的,那么在选拔官员时,既没有可能也没有必要去寻求那些不求私利的廉洁之士,因为世界上根本不存在这样的人。廉政建设的关键其实只在于任用官员之后有效地防止他们以权谋私。 怎样防止官员以权谋私呢?国君通常依靠设置检察官的方法。这种方法其实是不合理的。因为检察官也是人,也是好利恶害的,所以依靠检察官去制止其他官吏以权谋私就是让一部分以权谋私者去制止另一部分以权谋私者。结果只能使他们共谋私利。 既然依靠设置检察官的方法不合理,那么依靠什么呢?可以利用赏罚的方法来促使臣民去监督。谁揭发官员的以权谋私,就奖赏谁,谁不揭发官员的以权谋私就惩罚谁,臣民出于好利恶害的本性就会揭发官员的以权谋私。 【逻辑错误分析】 (1)“人的本性是‘好荣恶辱,好利恶害’”只是荀子、商鞅、韩非等人的主张,不一定是事实。如果不是事实,则基于这一前提的所有论证都是无效的。

(2)由“人的本性如此”未必能够得出“所有人都会追求奖赏,逃避刑罚”。即使“人的本性是‘好利恶害’的”,也不能得出“世界上不存在廉洁之士”结论,同理,“好利恶害的本性”未必就会“以权谋私”,由此得到检察官一定会和其他官员共谋私利也是不恰当的。 (3)“赏罚”是治理的手段之一,但若由此推出“利用奖罚就可以治理好臣民”,则太过绝对;廉政建设除了防止以权谋私之外,还受其他因素的影响,如道社会风气和道德建设等诸多要素。 (4)由设置检察官不合理,不能直接推出臣民监督就是合理的。二者并非非此即彼的关系。 (5)用赏罚的方式来促使臣民去监督是一种监督方式,但如何保证在这种监督方式的有效执行呢? 【参考范文】 赏罚之法,并非治世的万能药方 有一份材料说,如果把荀子、商鞅、韩非等人的一些主张归纳起来,可以得出:人的本性是“好荣恶辱,好利恶害”的,国君既不可能寻求廉洁之士担任官员,也不可能依靠设置检察官建设廉政,而是只要采用赏罚的方法,就可以利用臣民监督官员以权谋私的行为,把臣民治理好。该论证存在着诸多逻辑错误,结论缺乏说服力。 首先,论证犯了以偏概全的逻辑错误。“荀子、商鞅、韩非等人的一些主张”只是一家之言,并非真理,不能不加批判和反思直接作为治国的理论基础。 其次,论证犯了推断不当和强加因果的逻辑错误。“人的本性是好利恶害的”,并不能证明“世界上不存在廉洁之士”,也不一定会导致“官员都是以权谋私”的。即便“好利恶害”是人的本性,“不求私利”也可以是人生追求,不一定会致使“以权谋私”的具体行为。 再次,论证犯了自相矛盾的逻辑错误。监察官是人,普通臣民也是人。如果监察官因为


2017考研管理类联考综合能力真题及答案解析 一、问题求解(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共45分)下列每题给出5 个选项中,只有一个是符合要求的,请在答题卡上将所选择的字母涂黑。 【答案】 ABC 和 A 'B 'C '的面积比为( 【答案】E 【解析】特值法: 【答案】B 1、甲从 记为b , 1、 2、3中抽取一个数,记为a ;乙从1、2、 3、4中抽取一个数, b 时甲 获胜, 规定当a b 或者a 则甲取胜的概率为() (B ) (C ) (D )兰 12 【解析】 穷举法: 满足a b 的有(2,1) (3,1) (3,2); 满足 a b 的有(1,3) (1,4) (2,4); 共六组,因此概率为 丁6 4 2、已知 ABC 和 A 'B 'C '满足 AB : A ' B ' AC : AC ' ' 2 : 3, (A ) 罷 (B W S 拆 (0 2 : 3 (D ) (日 假设AB AC 2, A' B ' A'C ' 3, A A' 2, 则 S : S' ^2 2 2: 1 2 3 3 4:9 3、将6人分成 3组,每组2人,则不同的分组方式共有( (A ) 12 (B ) 15 (C ) 30 (D ) 45 (E ) 90

【解析】分组分配:均匀分组,注意消序 C 1 2 C 2 C 2 6 4 2 —A 3 ------ 3 1 (E ) 3 【答案】 因此, 宽、高分别为12、9、6的长方体切割成正方体,且切割后无剩余, ) 2 52 5 52 8 52 3 5 42 2 42 5 42 3 8 7 2 4 7 2 9 7 2 6 1 2 3 2 14 x =5, 甲 x =4, 乙 x =7, 15 4、甲、 记1, 2 , 3分别为甲、 (A ) (B 1 3 2 (C 2 (D ) 【解析】 计算方差、比较大小 5、将长、 则能切割成相同正方体的最少个数为( (A ) 3 (B ) 6 (C ) 24 (D ) 96 (E ) 648 乙、丙三人每轮各投篮10次,投了三轮,投中数如下表: 乙、丙投中数的方差,贝U( )


2017年管理类专业学位全国联考 英语(二)试卷 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET .(10 points) People have speculated for centuries about a future without work .Today is no different, with academics, writers, and activists once again 1 that technology be replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland. A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness: Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 , today’s unemployed don’t seem to be havinga great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for 7 Americans. Also, some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addicting 9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future. But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstanced for the future of labor and leisure. Today, the 15 of work may be a bit overblown.“Many jobs are boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway. These days, because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers, people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work, I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says, adding, “In a world in which I don’t have to work, I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters. 1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring 2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty 3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction 4. [A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured 5. [A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom 6. [A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless 7. [A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated 8. [A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute 9. [A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among 10.[A] leave behind [B] make up [C] worry about [D] set aside 11.[A] statistically [B] occasionally [C] necessarily [D] economically 12.[A] chances [B] downsides [C] benefits [D] principles 13.[A] absence [B] height [C] face [D] course 14.[A] disturb [B] restore [C] exclude [D] yield 15.[A] model [B] practice [C] virtue [D] hardship 16.[A] tricky [B] lengthy [C] mysterious [D] scarce 17.[A] demands [B] standards [C] qualities [D] threats 18.[A] ignored [B] tired [C] confused [D] starved 19.[A] off [B] against [C] behind [D] into 20.[A] technological [B] professional [C] educational [D] interpersonal 浙 大 易 考 M B A 辅 导


新祥旭官网https://www.360docs.net/doc/2117788577.html,/ 56.论证有效性分析(30分) 分析下述论证中存在的缺陷和漏洞,选择若干要点,写一篇600字左右的文章,对该论证的有效性进行分析和评论。(论证有效性分析的一般要点是:概念特别是核心概念的界定和使用是否准确并前后一致,有无各种明显的逻辑错误,论证的论据是否成立并支持结论,结论成立的条件是否充分等等。) 如果我们把古代荀子、商鞅、韩飞等人的一些主张归纳起来,可以得出如下一套理论: 人的本性是"好荣恶辱,好利恶害"的,所以人们都会追求奖赏,逃避刑罚。因此拥有足够权力的国君只要利用赏罚就可以把臣民治理好了。 既然人的本性是好利恶害的,那么在选拔官员,既没有可能,也没有必要去寻求那些不求私利的廉洁之士,因为世界上根本不存在这样的人。廉政建设的关键其实只在于任用官员之后有效地防止他们以权谋私。 怎样防止官员以权谋私呢!国君通常依靠设置监察官的方法,这种方法其实是不合理的。因为监察官也是人,也是好利恶害的,所以依靠监察官去制止其他官吏以权谋私,就是让一部分以权谋私者去制止另一部分人以权谋私。结果只能使他们共谋私利。 既然依靠设动监察官的方法不合理,那么依靠什么呢?可以利用赏罚的方法来促使臣民去监督,谁揭发官员的以权谋私,就奖赏准。谁不揭发官员的以权谋私就惩罚谁,臣民出于好利恶喜的本性就会掲发官员的以权谋私。 57.论说文:根据下述材料,写一篇700字左右的论说文,题目自拟。本题35分 一家企业遇到了这样一个问题:究竟是把有限的资金用于扩大生产呢,还是用于研发新产品?有人主张投资扩大生产,因为根据市场调查,原产品还可以畅销三到五年,由此可以获得可靠而丰厚的利润。有人主张投资研发新产品,因为这样做虽然有很大的风险,但风险背后可能有数倍于甚至数十倍于前者的利润。
