


baby[5beibi] n.[C]婴儿 2.(作定语)小型,微型,婴儿用的:a baby car 小型汽车 / baby food 婴儿食物bachelor[5bAtFElE]n. 1.[C]单身汉:He remained a bachelor all his life.他做了一辈子单身汉。2.学士:bachelor’s degree学士学位

back[bAk]adv.回(原处),向后:She walked away without looking back.她头都没回就走了。adj.后面的:He came in by the back door.他从后门进来。n.[C]背,后部:

Let’s go round to the back.让我们绕到后面去。

backache[5bAkeik]n.[C,U]背痛:suffer from(a) backache患背痛

background[5bAkgraund]n.背景,幕后:I’ll need a bit more background information.我需要再了解一点背景情况。

backward[5bAkwEd]adj.向后的,落后的:He is backward in his studies.他功课落后。adv.向后地,相反地(=backwards):Your hat is onbackwards.你把帽子戴倒了。


bacterium[bAk5tiEriEm] n.[C]细菌:Many bacteria cause diseases.许多细菌能致病。


bad[bAd]adj. 1.坏的,不好的:Bad news has wings.(谚语)坏消息传得快。2.有害的:Smoking is bad for your health.抽烟有害健康。3.腐烂的,变质的:Don’t eat bad fish.不要吃腐烂的鱼。4.严重的:He has got a bad cold.他患了重感冒。


I am bad at English,but she is worse.我的英语不好,她的就更糟了。

badly[5bAdli]adv. 1.不好地,恶劣地:She did badly in the exams.她考试成绩很糟。2.

大大地,严重地:The bridge was badly damaged by the flood.桥被洪水损坏得很严重。3.非常,极度:He wants to go abroad badly.他非常想出国。

/She was badly hurt when she fell from the ladder.她从梯子上跌下来,伤得很厉害。

【说明】为不规则副词,其比较级和最高级分别为worse和worst:He did worse than you.他比你做得更糟。

badminton[5bAdmintEn] n.[U]羽毛球:The kids are playing badminton.孩子们在打羽毛球。

bag[bAg]n.[C]书包,提包,袋子:She carried the bag upstairs.她把袋子扛到了楼上。

baggage[5bAgidV]n.[U]行李:How much baggage do you have?你有多少行李?

【说明】不可数名词,要表示几件行李,要借助piece:I have five pieces of baggage.我有5件行李。

bake[beik]v.烤,烘(面包):She bakes fresh bread every morning.她每天早上都烤新鲜面包。



I found it hard to keep my balance on the icy path.我觉得在结冰的路上保持平衡很困难。2.[C]天平:Will you weigh it in the balance?你用天平称一称好吗?

balcony[5bAlkEni] n.[C]阳台:You can see the sea from our balcony.你从我们的阳台上就能看到大海。

ball[bC:l]n. 1.[C]球,球形物:The earth is like a ball.地球是个球状物。2.[C]舞会:Men and women put on their best clothes to go to a ball.男人和女人参加正式舞会时都穿上最好的衣服。

ballet[5bAlei]n.[C,U]芭蕾舞:I like opera but I’m not keen on ballet.我喜欢歌剧,但不特别喜欢芭蕾舞。

balloon[bE5lu:n]n.[C]气球:Blow the balloon up.把气球吹起来。


bamboo[bAm5bu:]n.[C,U]竹:a bamboo leaf竹叶

ban[bB:n]n. [C]禁令:There is a ban on smoking in petrol stations.加油站禁止吸烟。v.禁止,取缔:Smoking is banned in school.在学校禁止吸烟。

【说明】1.用作名词时,其后通常接介词on,表示对某事的禁止。2.用作动词时,表示禁止某人做某事,通常用ban sb from doing sth:He was banned from driving.他被禁止开车。


Are bananas sold by weight or at how much a piece?香蕉是按重量出售,还是按多少


band[bAnd] n. 1.[C]带,绳,条形物:an iron band铁箍 2.[C]群,帮,伙:

a band of robbers一伙强盗 3.[C](吹奏)乐队:a military band军乐队v.(与together连用)团结起来,联合在一起

bandage[5bAndidV]n.[C]绷带:a first-aid bandage急救绷带v.(用绷带)包扎:

His hand was bandaged.他手上缠着绷带。

bang[bAN]interj.砰:Bang! Another firework flew into the air.砰!又一枚烟花飞向天空。n.[C]砰的一声:The door shut with a bang.门砰然一声关上了。v.猛敲,猛撞:

They were banging on the door with their fists.他们用拳头砰砰地猛敲门。
