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1.It's cold today. You must ___the coat.

A. take off

A. one

B. put on

B. other

B. have

B. say

C. take down

D. put in

C. the other

C. is there

C. Listen to

C. Which

C. any

D. others

D. are there

D. talk

D. When

D. many

D. Every


D. he

D. doing

D. spell()

2.I have two pencils. One is green, and ___is red.()

3.How many eggs ___in the bag?

A. has

A. Listen

A. Whose

A. some()

4.__me, please.()

5.---___day is tomorrow? ---It's Tuesday.

B. What

B. a()

6.Would you like ___tea?()

7.___morning she gets up at six.

A. Every day

B. On every

C. In every()

8.Don't ___late next time!

A. is

A. you

B. are

B. your


C. be()

9.Oh, it's __. How are you?

C. yours

C. do()

10.Mary doesn't ___her homework after lunch.

A. does

A. say()

11.---How do you ___Tuesday? ---Er, T-U-E-S-D-A-Y.

B. speak

B. it down in

B. talks

B. am

C. talk()

12.Write ___ your exercise-books.

A. down it in

A. writes

A. is

C. down it on

D. it down on

C. says

C. are

D. speaks

D. be()

13.The shop___ "Closed".()

14.My favourite school days ___Friday and Saturday.()

15.Do you have any coloure pens?Sorry, I don't have___. I think he has___.

A. any, any

B. some, some

C. some, any

D. any, some

C. English

D. England()

16.Where is London? It’s in___.

A. America

B. Japan()

17.Are they from __?

A. Australian

B. English

A. friends are

C. American

D. Canada

C. friends is

D. friend are1()

18.One of my ___from Hangzhou.

B. friend is()

19.You can ___she likes banas a lot.

A. look

A. she

B. watch

C. see

D. to see()

20.You are a teacher. What about __?

B. Li Pin brother

C. her

B. is, breads

D. your()

21.There__much___ on the table.

A. is, bread

A. do, likes

A. to his

C. are, bread

D. are, breads

D. does, likes

D. from his()

22.What ___his friends ___doing?

B. does, like

C. do, like

B. from him

C. from he

B. the other boy

D. other boys

C. watch

C. Her

C. of...in

D. say

D. She's

D. of...at()

23.His son goes to a different school___.()

24.One of the boys is English. All ___are Chinese.

A. the others boy
