



1. 内在时滞包括()。

A. 认识时滞

B. 行政时滞

C. 决策时滞

D. 效果时滞


2. 以筹集和发行的地域为标准,国债可以分为()。

A. 中央债

B. 地方债

C. 内债

D. 外债


3. 国债负担率的变化取决于()等因素。

A. 实际利率

B. 经济增长率

C. 赤字增长率

D. 基本赤字率


4. 国债的发行方法较多,一般有____。

A. 直接共公募法

B. 委托发行法

C. 协议包销法

D. 招标发行法

E. 市场出售法


5. 根据财政政策调节经济周期的作用来划分,财政政策可以分为()。

A. 自动稳定的财政政策

B. 扩张的财政政策

C. 紧缩的财政政策

D. 相机抉择的财政政策



1. 各国政府偿还国债的基本手段是()。

A. 设立偿债基金


北语《大学英语(一)》作业2答案 1 Don’t believe him. What he said ______ be true. A mustn’t B needn’t C shouldn’t D may not 答案:D 2 She just can’t ___ to see children being treated so badly. A forbive B expect C endure D permit 答案:C 3 You _____ before the football match began. A ought to get everything ready B ought to get ready everything C have ought to get everything ready D ought to have got everything ready 答案:D 4 We all hope he can be_____to this new job. A enough B adequate C ample D sufficient 答案:B 5 I was always taught that it was ___ to interrupt. A rude B coarse C rough D crude 答案:A 6 Last year_________ of new books were published on environmental protection. A the hundred B hundreds C a hundred D one hundred 答案:B 7 He was ___ to stay in the small town that he never thought of going to somewhere else.


(单选题)1: 第一次作业问题8 A: At a cigarette store. B: At a bus station. C: At a gas station. D: At Aunt Mary’s. 正确答案: C (单选题)2: 第一次作业问题10 A: The choice of courses. B: A day course. C: An evening course. D: Their work. 正确答案: A (单选题)3: 第一次作业问题11 A: Her husband had got a higher position. B: Her husband had lost his job. C: She wanted to have a cleaner house. D: She wanted to move to New York. 正确答案: A (单选题)4: 第一次作业问题3 A: George’s brother. B: George’s wife C: George’s father D: George’s wife’s father 正确答案: C (单选题)5: 第一次作业问题5(作业音频请到课程公告里下载)A: At 02:35. B: At 02:45. C: At 03:00. D: At 03:20. 正确答案: B (单选题)6: 第一次作业问题13 A: They considered her lazy. B: They saw something they had never seen. C: They considered her foolish. D: They saw something familiar to them. 正确答案: D (单选题)7: 第一次作业问题12 A: His telephone went out of order.


19春《听说》作业3 单选题 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共100 分。) 1. 第三次作业问题9 A. Yesterday. B. Three days ago. C. Two days ago. D. Early last week. -----------------选择:C 2. 第三次作业问题1 A. Go out to work. B. Listen carefully to John. C. Be calm and patient. D. Do the easiest thing. -----------------选择:C 3. 第三次作业问题2 A. He doesn’t like to talk. B. He is very kind man. C. He is friendly. D. He is not a pleasant person. -----------------选择:D 4. 第三次作业问题19 A. By raising cattle. B. By working on farms. C. By working in factories. D. By raising sheep. -----------------选择:C 5. 第三次作业问题4 A. Young people are too quick in making decisions. B. Young people seldom stay long on the same job. C. Young people lose their jobs easily. D. Young people are too eager to succeed. -----------------选择:B 6. 第三次作业问题11 A. It could help people of all ages to avoid cancer. B. It was mainly meant for cancer patients. C. It might appeal more to viewers over 40. D. It was frequently interrupted by commercials. -----------------选择:C 7. 第三次作业问题14 A. He quit teaching in June.


北语16春《计算机基础》作业2答案 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. 键盘打字过程中,手指停放的基本键位是()。 A. QWERTYUOP B. ASDFJKL C. ZXCVBNM D. 键盘上的任意键 满分:4 分 2. 修改桌面上的文件名,有下列步骤:①输入新的文件夹名;②按回车键;③右键单击此文件 夹;④键入“M”。正确的操作步骤是()。 A. ①③②④ B. ①②③④ C. ③④①② D. ④③①② 满分:4 分 3. 在资源管理器右窗口中,已选定全部文件,若要取消其中几个文件的选定,正确的操作是( )。 A. 用鼠标右键依次单击各个要取消选定的文件 B. 用鼠标左键依次单击各个要取消选定的文件 C. 按住Ctrl键,再用鼠标左键依次单击各个要取消选定的文件 D. 按住Shift键,再用鼠标左键依次单击各个要取消选定的文件 满分:4 分 4. 编辑工作表时,选择一些不连续的区域,需借助( )键。 A. SHIFT B. ALT C. CTRL D. 鼠标右键

满分:4 分 5. 在Windows中,利用“搜索”功能查找磁盘中的某个文件时,不可以使用的方法是按文件() 查找。 A. 名称和位置 B. 日期 C. 属性 D. 包含的文字 满分:4 分 6. 在资源管理器中,选定多个相邻文件的操作是:①选定第一个文件;②按住( )键;③选定最 后一个文件。 A. Shift B. Ctrl C. Space D. Alt 满分:4 分 7. 打开窗口菜单的下拉菜单,可以用( )键和各菜单名旁带下划线的字母组合。 A. Shift B. Ctrl C. Alt D. Ctrl+ Shift 满分:4 分 8. 在微机中,能指出CPU下一次要执行的指令地址的部件是() A. 程序计数器 B. 指令寄存器 C. 数据寄存器 D. 缓冲存储器 满分:4 分 9. 输入英文文章时,如果已将键盘锁定在小写字母状态,输入个别大写字母时,可借助()键


(单选题)1: 下列哪一个不是类成员的成员的是( )。 A: 属性 B: 数组 C: 索引器 D: while循环结构 标准答题: (单选题)2: 当运行程序时,系统自动执行启动窗体的()事件。 A: Click B: DoubleClick C: Load D: Activated 标准答题: (单选题)3: 下面关于虚方法说法错误的是:() A: 使用virtual关键字修饰虚方法 B: 虚方法必须被其子类重写 C: 虚方法可以有自己的方法体 D: 虚方法和抽象方法都可以实现多态性 标准答题: (单选题)4: 改变窗体的标题,需修改的窗体属性是( )。 A: Text B: Name C: Title D: Index 标准答题: (单选题)5: 继承具有(),即当基类本身也是某一类的派生类时,派生类会自动继承间接基类的成员。 A: 规律性 B: 传递性 C: 重复性 D: 多样性 标准答题: (单选题)6: 下面关于抽象类的说法正确的是:() A: 抽象类可以被实例化 B: 含有抽象方法的类一定是抽象类 C: 抽象类可以是静态类和密封类 D: 抽象类中的抽象方法可以在其它类中重写 标准答题: (单选题)7: 小数类型(decimal)和浮点类型都可以表示小数,正确说法:( )

A: 两者没有任何区别 B: 小数类型比浮点类型取值范围大 C: 小数类型比浮点类型精度高 D: 小数类型比浮点类型精度低 标准答题: (单选题)8: 下面对异常说法不正确的是() A: try/catch块为基本引发异常的组合 B: 在捕获异常时,可以有多个 catch块 C: 无论异常是否发生,finally块总会执行 D: try块和 finally 不能连用 标准答题: (单选题)9: 以下说法正确的是()。 A: 虚方法必须在派生类中重写,抽象方法不需要重写 B: 虚方法可以在派生类中重写,抽象方法必须重写 C: 虚方法必须在派生类中重写,抽象方法必须重写 D: 虚方法可以在派生类中重写,抽象方法也不需要重写 标准答题: (单选题)10: 关于base关键字,下列使用方法错误的是:() A: 在子类中,base可以调用父类的构造函数 B: 在子类中,base关键字可以访问父类的公共属性 C: 在子类中,base关键字不可以调用父类的protected成员 D: 在子类中,base关键字不可以调用父类的private成员 标准答题: (判断题)11: “*=”运算符是计算右操作数的平方值,然后将结果存储在左操作数中。 A: 错误 B: 正确 标准答题: (判断题)12: 静态类和实例类的区别在于:静态类不需要初始化即可直接使用,实例类需要进行实例化,生成对象才可使用。 A: 错误 B: 正确 标准答题: (判断题)13: 抽象类中所有的方法必须被声明为abstract。 A: 错误 B: 正确 标准答题: (判断题)14: foreach语句既可以用来遍历数组中的元素,又可以改变数据元素的值。


北语《大学英语(一)》作业1答案 1 The old gentleman never fails to help_____ is in need of his help. A whom B who C whoever D whomever 答案:C 2 Your horse is going too fast, you must _____ it _____. A give…in B hold…in C hand…in D hold…onto 答案:B 3 In order to prevent stress from being set up in the metal, expansion joints are fitted which _____the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely. A reclaim B reconcile C rectify D relieve 答案:D 4 It is the third time that I ___ Shanghai. A visited B visit C am visiting D have visited 答案:D 5 It is more difficult for the Smiths to _____ money now because of the high rate of inflation(通货膨 胀). A set down B set about C set up D set aside 答案:D 6 A pair of cotton trousers ___ I now need badly. A is what B are what


20春《阅读(I)》作业1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共100 分) 1.Robin ____ in the final exam, and got a high score. A.cheated B.fainted C.played D.dreamed 答案:A 2.I was (ushered) into a book-lined study. A.led B.sent C.called D.pushed 答案:A 3."Sportswomanship,in this case,coach,"I quipped,hoping to (distract) him. A.retort B.please C.attract D.divert 答案:D 4.We had (rehearsals) in the morning, and by lunch-time people were already coming across the river to get their places for the play. A.practice performances B.good discussions C.arrangements D.good food 答案:A 5.John can play basketball very well. He's also a good singer. Besides, he's among the top 10 pianists in the country. What a _______ person he is! A.delighted B.versatile C.concentrated D.sad 答案:B 6.It was a ________ journey. Everyone got exhausted after that. A.happy B.tough C.easy


20春《听说(I)》作业2 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共100 分) 1.第二次作业问题12 A.Susie. B.Tom. C.The speaker. D.The speaker’s husband. 答案:A 2.第二次作业问题7 A.A guest and a receptionist. B.A passenger and an air hostess. C.A customer and a shop assistant. D.A guest and a waitress. 答案:B 3.第二次作业问题1 A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week. D.Four times a week. 答案:C 4.第二次作业问题6(作业音频请到课程公告里下载) A.A clerk at the airport information desk. B.A clerk at the railway station information desk. C.A policeman. D.A taxi-driver. 答案:A 5.第二次作业问题2 A.He left his notes at home. B.He doesn’t know where his notes are. C.He doesn’t want to lend his notes to the woman. D.He agrees to lend her his notes. 答案:D 6.第二次作业问题14 A.He ate the honey. B.He drank the beer. C.He chased the people away. D.He turned things upside down. 答案:D


20春《听说(I)》作业1 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共100 分) 1.第一次作业问题8 A.At a cigarette store. B.At a bus station. C.At a gas station. D.At Aunt Mary’s. 答案:C 2.第一次作业问题10 A.The choice of courses. B.A day course. C.An evening course. D.Their work. 答案:A 3.第一次作业问题11 A.Her husband had got a higher position. B.Her husband had lost his job. C.She wanted to have a cleaner house. D.She wanted to move to New York. 答案:A 4.第一次作业问题3 A.George’s brother. B.George’s wife C.George’s father D.George’s wife’s father 答案:C 5.第一次作业问题5(作业音频请到课程公告里下载) A.At 02:35. B.At 02:45. C.At 03:00. D.At 03:20. 答案:B 6.第一次作业问题13 A.They considered her lazy. B.They saw something they had never seen. C.They considered her foolish. D.They saw something familiar to them. 答案:D


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (单选题) 1: In order to run a company well, you cannot be too emotional. Instead, you have to be ____. A: wrong B: senseless C: satisfied D: sensible 正确答案: (单选题) 2: In the early 1980s, more and more information was becoming (available) to the growing number of scientists who had access to the Internet. A: possible B: readable C: valuable D: accessible 正确答案: (单选题) 3: After seeing the stranger, the dog ________. A: growled B: smiled C: cried D: liked 正确答案: (单选题) 4: It was a ________ journey. Everyone got exhausted after that. A: happy B: tough C: easy D: exciting 正确答案: (单选题) 5: But for the party, he ____ of hunger fifteen years ago. A: would have died B: would die C: must have died D: must die 正确答案: (单选题) 6: Harry leads a modest life. So his bank account continues to __________ A: accumulate B: decrease C: disappear D: determine 正确答案: (单选题) 7: The word "moon" in Chinese is often ____ with the gathering of family members. A: combined B: meant C: associated


(μ¥??ìa)1: Tang Gonghong is indeed too large, I think. --- But _____ that she is an excellent weight-lifting athlete. A: in addition to B: in spite of C: thanks to D: owing to ±ê×?′eìa: (μ¥??ìa)2: In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and cold at other times. People in these states will have heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March. The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 study by scientists, the IQ scores of some college students were very high during a storm, but after the storm, their scores were low. Storms can increase intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can lower it. Students in many schools of the United States often do badly on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August). Weather also has a strong effect on people£§s feeling. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel depressed during cold weather. In hot summer weather, on the other hand, fat people may feel unhappy. At about 65¨H, people become stronger. Low air pressure makes people feel free, but it also increases forgetfulness. People leave more bags and umbrellas on buses and in stores on low pressure days. There is a ?°perfect weather?± for work and health. People feel best at a temperature of about 64¨H with 65 percent humidity. Are you feeling sick, sad, tired, forgetful, or very intelligent today? The weather may be the reason. ?êìa£oIn ?°perfect weather?± of 64¨H,£¨ £?. A: people are forgetful B: people do their work badly C: thin people feel cold D: people are in better health ±ê×?′eìa: (μ¥??ìa)3: Again the club hit him and he (crashed) to the ground. A: fell violently and noisily B: rushed suddenly and speedily C: cried loudly and wildly D: climbed lazily and clumsily ±ê×?′eìa:


17春《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》作业_1 交卷时间:2017-05-22 13:12:46 一、单选题 1. (4分)马克思主义中国化理论成果的精髓是 ? A. 理论联系实际 ? B. 解放思想 ? C. 实事求是 ? D. 与时俱进 答案C 2. (4分)自由王国是指人们 ? A. 处于绝对自由的原始社会状态 ? B. 不再受自然规律和社会规律支配的状态 ? C. 允许自由竞争的资本主义状态 ? D. 摆脱了自然和社会关系的奴役,成为自己社会关系主人的状态 答案D 3. (4分)中国共产党确定实行土地革命和武装反抗国民党反动派总方针的会议是? A. 中共一大 ? B. “八七”会议 ? C. 中共二大 ? D. 遵义会议 答案B 4. (4分)转变政府职能的根本途径是___ ? A. 加强宏观调控 ? B. 完善市场体系 ? C. 实行政企分开 ? D. 转换企业经营机制 答案C 5. (4分)划分生产关系类型的基本标志是 ? A. 产品的分配形式 ? B. 生产资料的所有制形式 ? C. 人们在生产中的地位 ? D. 生产关系与生产力的矛盾性质 答案B

6. (4分)毛泽东首次公开使用“人民民主专政”概念的文章是 ? A. 《新民主主义论》 ? B. 《论联合政府》 ? C. 《将革命进行到底》 ? D. 《论人民民主专政》 答案C 7. (4分)用法律形式把过渡时期总路线确定全国人民在过渡时期总任务的会议是 ? A. 第一届全国人民代表大会 ? B. 第二届全国人民代表大会 ? C. 中共七届三中全会 ? D. 中共八大 答案A 8. (4分)中国共产党的根本组织原则是___ ? A. 民主原则 ? B. 集中原则 ? C. 专政原则 ? D. 民主集中制原则 答案D 9. (4分)集中体现毛泽东新民主主义革命理论的著作是 ? A. 《中国社会各阶级的分析》 ? B. 《新民主主义论》 ? C. 《〈共产党人〉发刊词》 ? D. 《中国革命和中国共产党》 答案B 10. (4分)中国共产党在民主革命中战胜敌人的三大法宝是 ? A. 土地革命、武装斗争、党的建设 ? B. 统一战线、武装斗争、党的建设 ? C. 武装斗争、土地革命、统一战线 ? D. 工农运动、党的建设、统一战线 答案B 11. (4分)为建立抗日民族统一战线的需要,中国共产党在1935年12月的瓦窑堡会议上将“工农共和国”的口号改为


17春《听说》(IV)作业1 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. 第一次作业问题7 A. The man can stay in her brother’s apartment. B. Her brother can help the man find a cheaper hotel. C. Her brother can find an apartment for the man. D. The man should have booked a less expensive hotel. 正确答案:A 2. 第一次作业问题3 A. She has been longing to attend Harvard University. B. She’ll consider the man’s suggestion carefully. C. She has finished her project with Dr. Garcia’s help. D. She’ll consult Dr. Garcia about entering graduate school. 正确答案:D 3. 第一次作业问题9 A. It can help solve complex problems. B. It will most likely prove ineffective C. It is a new weapon against terrorists. D. It will help detect all kinds of liars. 正确答案:B 4. 第一次作业问题2 A. The 2:00 train will arrive earlier. B. The 2:30 train has a dining car.


1 不属于湖北菜系代表名菜的是()。 A 火腿炖甲鱼 A 清蒸武昌鱼 A 鸡泥桃花鱼 A 清炖甲鱼裙 2 酒的文化功能不包括() A 祭祀 A 诗必饮酒 A 接待来宾 A 借酒消愁 3 黔南“青裤瑶”中存在的建筑形式是()。 A A. 纺线房 A B. 寮房
A C. 姑娘房 A D. 闹门洞 4 不是北京菜系代表名菜的是()。 A 白片肉 A 太爷鸡 A 酱汁活鱼 A 翡翠羹 5 不在“四大菜系”的是() A 鲁 A 川 A 闽 A 粤 6 东北内蒙古地区民居中,有四合院的是()。 A 朝鲜族 A 满族 A 鄂温克族 A 鄂伦春族 7 由服饰可以看出各民族文化的相互影响,湘西苗族与()服饰有相似处。 A 保安族 A 侗族 A 四川阿坝羌族 A 土家族 8 有拔除胡须习俗的少数民族是()。 A 德昂族 A 傣族 A 黎族 A 彝族 9 清真菜的特点不包括() A 不食猪肉 A 不食死物 A 不食动物血

A 不食辣椒 10 刘邦定都长安,萧何建造新宫()。 A 长乐宫 A 未央宫 A 乾清宫 A 坤宁宫 11 对建筑发展阶段的理解有误的是()。 A 人类营建巢穴风篱式挡风棚,约出现于新石器时代晚期A 帐篷有坡面顶的,也有“人”字形的 A 第三阶段是土石砖木结构的房屋 A 固定于某地的永久性建筑,是农业经济发展的产物 12 衮服、冠冕是从哪个角度对服饰的分类()。 A 按服饰的制作材料来划分 A 按不同历史时期划分 A 按不同的礼仪场所来划分 A 按不同的社会职业来划分 13 从以下建筑中选出不同类的一个。 A A. 哈亭 A B. 土楼 A C. 摆手堂 A D. 铜鼓场
14 品评泉水的活动,始于()。 A 苏东坡 A 陆羽 A 陆游 A 苏汉臣 二多选题 1 以下对于侗寨鼓楼的描述中,正确的是()。 A A. 一般建于寨子中心 A B. 庄严神圣,不能进行娱乐活动 A 一般有老人义务看守 A 是侗寨商讨重要军事、经济事务的地方 三判断题 1 地不分南北,各民族几乎都有刺绣工艺。 对 错 2 宫保鸡丁是川菜代表名菜。 对 错 3 木垒房是以圆木垒墙建筑的。 对 错 4 解放前黎族男女都还保持着文面的习俗。 对


20春《听说(I)》作业3 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题(共20 道试题,共100 分) 1.第三次作业问题2 A.He doesn’t like to talk. B.He is a very kind man. C.He is friendly. D.He is not a pleasant person. 答案:D 2.第三次作业问题19 A.By raising cattle. B.By working on farms. C.By working in factories. D.By raising sheep. 答案:C 3.第三次作业问题20 A.At school. B.From their parents. C.From books. D.In factories. 答案:B 4.第三次作业问题16 A.She was absent all week owing to sickness. B.She was seriously injured in a car accident. C.She called to say that her husband had been hospitalized. D.She had to be away from school to attend to her husband.答案:D 5.第三次作业问题14 A.He quits teaching in June. B.He has left the army recently. C.He opened a restaurant near the school. D.He has taken over his brother’s business. 答案:A 6.第三次作业问题8 A.John Smith isn’t in right now. B.John Smith can’t come to the phone right now. C.John Smith doesn’t want to speak to the caller. D.The caller dialed the wrong number. 答案:D

北京语言大学大学英语一作业1 76分

一、单选题 1. (4分)In_____of all the difficulties, he managed to accomplish his aim at last. ? A. face ? B. hope ? C. spite ? D. search 纠错 得分:0 知识点:大学英语(一) 2. (4分)He scarcely knew a word of English,_____? ? A. didn't he ? B. did he ? C. doesn't he ? D. haven't he 纠错 得分: 4 知识点:大学英语(一) 3. (4分)The ___ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes. ? A. common ? B. usual ? C. average

? D. general 纠错 得分: 4 知识点:大学英语(一) 4. (4分)Often _____ them not to smoke here. ? A. we advised ? B. advised we ? C. did we advise ? D. had we advised 纠错 得分:0 知识点:大学英语(一) 5. (4分)_____ you like to have a walk with us this evening? ? A. Did ? B. Would ? C. Should ? D. Can 纠错 得分: 4 知识点:大学英语(一) 6. (4分)He used to _____, but he did exercises to make his shoulders straight. ? A. stumble


18春《远程学习方法导论》作业_3 交卷时间:2018-08-22 13:14:57 一、单选题 1. (5分)学院每年举行()次期末考试,考试时间分别在()。 ? A. 3,3月,9月,12月 ? B. 4,3月,6月,9月,12月 ? C. 3,3月,6月,9月 ? D. 2,3月,6月 纠错 得分:5 知识点:远程学习方法导论 2. (5分)口语类课程,作业和在线学习时长占总评成绩的比例分别是()。 ? A. 50%,50% ? B. 50%,40% ? C. 30%,50% ? D. 60%,40% 纠错 得分:5

知识点:远程学习方法导论 3. (5分)可以申请免修的课程,免修成绩记录为()分。 ? A. 80 ? B. 70 ? C. 100 ? D. 60 纠错 得分:5 知识点:远程学习方法导论 4. (5分)除听力课程外,其他考试类课程作业占总评成绩的()% ? A. 30 ? B. 50 ? C. 40 ? D. 20 纠错 得分:5 知识点:远程学习方法导论 二、多选题 1.

(5分)申请学位必须达到下列哪些的条件? ? A. 未毕业但已经符合毕业条件 ? B. 学位审核时已毕业时间不超过1年且总学习时长不超过5年 ? C. 通过学位外语考试 ? D. 必修课平均成绩达到70分及以上 ? E. 学位论文及答辩成绩达到70分及以上 纠错 得分:5 知识点:远程学习方法导论 2. (5分)学生活动中的评优项目有()。 ? A. 优秀毕业生 ? B. 优秀学生 ? C. 优秀班干部 纠错 得分:5 知识点:远程学习方法导论 3. (5分)目前网院课程考核方式有哪几种? ? A. 作业考核 ? B. 结课作业


17春《PHP》作业1 一、单选题(共 8 道试题,共 40 分。) 1. 哪种方法用来计算数组所有元素的总和简便?() A. 用for循环遍历数组 B. 用foreach循环遍历数组 C. 用array_intersect函数 D. 用array_sum函数 正确答案:D 2. 下面的PHP程序运行的结果是什么?()int(1) [1]=>int(2) [2]=>int(2)} C. bool(true) D. array(3){[2]=>int(1) [1]=>int(2) [0]=>int(3)} 正确答案:A 3. 考虑如下数据表和查询,如何添加索引功能提高查询速度?() Create table mytable( Id int, Name char(100), Address1 varchar(100), Address2 varchar(100), Zipcode varshar(10), Sity varchar(50), Province varchar(2) ) Select id, varchar From mytable Whe A. 给Zipcode添加全文的索引 B. 给Name添加索引 C. 给Id添加索引,然后给Name和Zipcode分别添加索引 D. 给id添加索引 正确答案:B 4. 运行时(run-time)包含一个PHP脚本程序使用()


(单选题)1: 第三次作业问题11 A: It could help people of all ages to avoid cancer. B: It was mainly meant for cancer patients. C: It might appeal more to viewers over 40. D: It was frequently interrupted by commercials. 标准答题: (单选题)2: 第三次作业问题7 A: He had to work overtime. B: He was held up in traffic. C: His car ran out of gas. D: He had a traffic accident. 标准答题: (单选题)3: 第三次作业问题18 A: The soil has been overworked. B: The climate is cold. C: The weather is too dry. D: The soil is sandy. 标准答题: (单选题)4: 第三次作业问题9 A: Yesterday. B: Three days ago. C: Two days ago. D: Early last week. 标准答题: (单选题)5: 第三次作业问题3 A: The doctor won’t see her tomorrow. B: The doctor is busy tomorrow. C: The doctor is busy all day today. D: The doctor will see her today. 标准答题: (单选题)6: 第三次作业问题17 A: It is completely flat. B: It has few rivers. C: It has many large lakes. D: It is hilly. 标准答题: (单选题)7: 第三次作业问题16 A: She was absent all week owing to sickness.
