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The Object Clause 宾语从句
励志民族中学 陆焕英
预习目标: 1.掌握引导宾语从句的各种连接词 2.掌握宾语从句的语序──陈述句 语序 3. 掌握宾语从句与主句在时态上的 呼应。
重点、难点: 1.宾语从句的时态及语序。 2.运用宾语从句组句子。
1.You are right. I think (that) you are right. 2.Are they drawing? The teacher asked if \whether they were drawing. 3.What are they doing? She asked what they were doing?
宾语从句是一种名词性从句,就是用一 个句子来作宾语,动词和介词后都可以 跟宾语从句。 I know your name I know him . I know that Mr Li teaches English. 包含宾语从句的句子结构: 主句+连接词(引导词)+宾语从句
Biblioteka Baidu
1.Do you know _______C___________?
与to do 不定式连用时只能用whether
由连接代词what, whom, whose, which, what及连接 副词 when, where, how, why引导的宾语从句
1. He asked w__h_o_c_o_u_l_d__a_n_sw__e_r_t_h_e_q_u__es_t_io_n_. (谁能回答这个问题) 2. Do you know__w_h_o_m___th_e_y__a_r_e_w_a_i_t_in_g__fo_r__. (他们在等谁) 3. Please tell me w__h_e_n_w__e_’l_l_h_a_v_e_a__m__e_et_i_n_g_. (我们什么时候开会) 4. Can you tell me __w__h_e_r_e_h_e_i_s____. (他在哪儿) 5. Could you tell me h_o_w__I__c_a_n_g_e_t_t_o_t_h_e__st_a_t_io_n. (我该怎么去车站) 6. Would you tell me _w__h_y_t_h_e__tr_a_i_n_i_s_l_a_te(为什么火车迟到了)
由whether ,if 引导的宾语从句
e.g. 1. Ask him _w__h_e_th__er__(i_f_)_h_e_c_a_n__c_o_m_e . (他是否能来)
2. I don’t know _w__h_e_th__er_(___if_)__i_t _is__g_o_in_g__to__r_a_in or not .
1.连接词 2.语 序 3.时 态
(一)连接词 1.that
3.连接代词(who whom whose what which) 或连接副词(when why where how)
e.g. 1. I hear (that) ___h_e_w__il_l _b_e_b_a_c_k__in__a_n__h_o_u.r(. 一小时后他会回来) 2. He said (that) __h_e__m_i_s_s_ed__u_s_v_e_r_y__m_u__ch_.(他非常想念我们) 3. The teacher told us (that) _t_h_e_e_a_r_th__m__o_v_e_s_a_r_o_u_n_d__th_e__s_u_n .
将下列句子换成陈述句. 1. Are they doing homework? 2. Will he come tomorrow? 3. Can he ride a bike? 4.Do they often help the old? 5.Does he like music? 6.Did they go shopping yesterday?
if 与whether 的区别
1. I don’t know _____ or not he will come.
直接与or not 连用时只能用whether 2.I don’t care of ______ he is handsome.
介词后只能用whether 3.He wondered ______ to stay here the next week.
1. 如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从 句的时 态根据具体情况来确定,可以用任意适当的时态 I don’t think (that) you are right. Please tell us where we’ll go fishing tomorrow.
Do you know when Mr. Smith moved here?
1948. He asked what they were doing at eight last night 3.如果宾语从句陈述的是客观真理,名言警句等时 ,
从句仍用一般现在时,例如: The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun. I said the sun rises in the east .
2. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过 去时态(一般过去时, 过去进行时, 过去将来时,过去完成 时)。例如:
He told me that he was born in Beijing in 1992. He said that he would go back to the U.S. soon. He said that they had been members of the Party since