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本论文研究了有用的基于WWW的超市治理系统。其开发要紧包括后台数据库的建立、后台治理以及前台页面的Web设计。系统使用SUN公司以JAVA为核心语言开发,利用SUN提供的Tomcat建立运行环境,再结合SQL SERVER 2000建立数据连接关系。利用其提供的各种组件,在短时刻内建立数据库,对数据库进行分析与建立JSP页面,不断改进,直到功能差不多实现的可行系统,通过电子商务网站的建设以实现对商业零售企业提供信息化治理,并建立了基于网络订货系统和网络销售系统。文中着重论述了系统功能与实现、数据流程及存储,包括商品目录、会员注册、网上订货与购物、商品查询、后台数据库治理等。

关键字: java; Tomcat; SQL Server 2000


The Supermarket Management System is in order to adapt the social development, provides the service for the general web cams the website. Under society's economical development more and more quick environment, the people are more and more high to the information renewal speed and the complete request.

Therefore more and more is also high to the website request.

In this paper, a practical study of supermarket-based management system for WWW Its developments mainly include database setting-up, back-stage management and web design of the foreground pages. The system uses JSP ,Servlet developing instrument, which taking JAVA as key language of SUN Company, exploit Tomcat offered by SUN as running environment, and then combine with SQL SERVER 2000 to establish the database. At first, utilize its various kinds of packages offered to set up the database within short time. Then, I analyzed database and made pages with JSP, improved constantly, until basic functions of the system were realized. Through e-commerce site in order to achieve the construction of commercial retail enterprises to provide information management, and established a web-based ordering system and network marketing system. This paper focuses on the function and implementation of systems, processes and data storage, including a catalog, membership registration, online ordering and shopping for goods, background database management.

key words: java; Tomcat; SQL Server 2000


第1章绪论 (1)

第2章需求分析 (3)

2.1 ....................................... 现行业务3

2.1.1概要描述 (3)

2.1.2存在的要紧问题 (3)

2.2开发工具和硬件环境 (4)

2.2.1 开发工具 (4)

2.2.2 硬件环境 (5)

2.3系统可行性分析 (5)

2.3.1 技术可行性 (5)

2.3.2 经济可行性 (6)

2.3.3 操作可行性 (6)

2.3.4 系统设计目标 (7)

2.4系统实体E-R图 (8)

2.4.1商品实体对象 (8)

2.4.2订单实体对象 (9)

2.4.3会员实体对象 (10)

第3章系统总体设计 (16)

3.1系统功能模块设计 (16)

3.1.1系统前台功能模块设计 (16)

3.1.2系统后台功能模块设计 (18)

3.1.3 系统流程设计 (21)

3.2数据库设计 (23)

3.2.1数据库结构设计 (23)

3.2.2数据库建模 (28)

第4章系统详细设计 (31)

4.1系统功能模块的设计 (31)

4.1.1会员治理模块概述 (31)

4.1.2会员注册模块设计 (31)

4.1.3会员登录模块设计 (33)

4.1.4商品选购模块设计 (35)

4.1.5商品搜索模块设计 (37)

4.1.6购物车治理模块设计 (38)

4.1.7后台治理模块设计 (40)

第5章系统实现 (42)

5.1系统功能模块的实现 (42)

5.1.1配置数据库连接和事务治理器 (42)
