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Code Description AND Do not use &

AT Do not use @

ABDN Abandon (ed)

AMT Amount

ANG Angle (s)

APPROX Approximate

ASSY Assembly

AV Annular Velocity

AVG Average

AZIM Azimuth

BBLS Barrels

BHA Bottom Hole Assembly

BHP Bottom Hole Pressure

BHT Bottom Hole Temperature

BML Below Mud Line

BO Back Off or Barrels Oil

BOP Blow out preventers

BP Bridge Plug or Back Pressure

BPD Barrels per Day

BPH Barrels per Hour

BPM Barrels per Minute

BPV Back Pressure Valve

BRKN Broken

BS Bit Sub

BTC Buttress Connections

BTM Bottom

BU Bottoms Up

BW Barrels Water

C/K Choke and Kill

C/O Clean Out or Change Out

CA Calcium

CCM Circulating & Conditioning mud

CD Contract Depth

CIRC Circulate

CL Clorides

CMT Cement(ing)

COMP Complete or Completions

CSG Casing

CT Coil Tubing

DBL Double

DC Drill Collars

DD Directional Drilling

DEG Degree

DEMOB Demobilize

DEV Deviation

DF/RT Drill Floor Rotary Table

DFS Days From Spud

DHM Down Hole Motor

DIA Diameter

DIR Directional

DL Drill Line

DLS Dog Leg Serverity

DOL Days On Location or Dolomite

DP Drill Pipe

DRLG Drilling

DS Drill String

DSA Double Studded Adapter

DST Drill Stem Test

DW Drill Water

ECD Equivalent Circulating Density

ELEC Electric

ELEV Elevation

EMW Equivalent Mud Weight

EQ Equation / Equal to

ESD Emergency Shut Down

ESP Electric Submersible Pump

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival

ETD Estimated Time of Departure

FIT Formation Integrity Test

FM Formation

FP Free Point

FPH Feet per Hour

FPM Feet per Minute

FRAC Fracing or Fractured

FV Funnel Viscosity

FW Free Water or Fresh Water

GAL Gallons

GL Ground Level

GPM Gallons Per Minute

GRD Ground

HCR Hydraulically Controlled Remote Valve HD Hard

HGS High Gravity Solids

HO Hole Opener

HORZ Horizontal

HP Horsepower

HR Hour (s)

HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe


ID Inside Diameter

INC Inclination

JTS Joints

KO Kick Off

KOP Kick Off Point

LBS Pound (s)

LC Landing Collar

LCM Lost Circulation Material

LD Lay Down

LG Large

LGS Low Gravity Solids

LMRP Lower Marine Raiser Package

LNR Liner

LOC Location

LOG Electric logs

LOT Leak Off Test

LS Limestone

LTA Lost Time Accident

LTC Long Tread & Coupling

LTR Liter

LWD Logging while Drilling tools

LWR Lower

m Meter(s)

MD Measured depth

MOB Mobilize

MSL Mean Sea Level

MT Metric Ton

MU Make up

MW Mud weight

MWD Measurement While Drilling tools

NB Near Bit

NBR Near Bit Reamer

ND Nippling Down

NG No Good

NU Nippling Up

OD Outer Diameter

OE Open Ended

OH Open Hole

OK Okay

OS Over Shot

PA Plug and Abandoned (Permanent) PAX Passengers

PBD Plug Back Depth

PBTMD Plug Back Total Measured Depth PBTVD Plug Back True Vertical Depth

PD Per Day

PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Bit PDM Positive Displacement Motor

PERM Permeable or Permanent

PGB Permanent Guide Base

PKR Packer

PO Present Operation or Purchase Order POB Personnel On Board
