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英语自主学习习题及答案视听说2 --Unit 5

Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions.

1. C

A. She is all for it.

B. She is completely against it.

C. She is willing to accept a dog, but on certain conditions.

D. She needs only a dog that can do a lot of hard work.

2. B

A. The man is in favor of it while the woman is against it.

B. The woman is in favor of it while the man is against it.

C. Both the man and woman are in favor of it.

D. Both the man and woman are against it.

3. B

A. The man and woman know there is a law against keeping

exotic birds.

B. The man and woman are against keeping exotic birds.

C. The man thinks we had better treat an exotic bird as a toy.

D. The woman thinks intelligent birds have more health


4. D

A. The woman likes ants while the man is horrified by their

eating dead insects.

B. The woman dislikes the complex society of ants while the

man appreciates it.

C. Both the man and woman are horrified by the cooperative

society of ants.

D. Both the man and woman appreciate the cooperative

society of ants.

5. B

A. A ladybird lives only in Germany.

B. A ladybird is believed to bring good luck.

C. A ladybird especially likes to stay on a lady's shoulder.

D. A ladybird is a female bird.

6. C

A. She started riding a pony when she was very young.

B. She once worked at stables.

C. Both A) and B).

D. Her uncle worked at the local stables.

7. A

A. His parents wanted him to learn to be responsible.

B. His parents believed it was good for his health.

C. His parents hoped he would not be lonely.

D. All of the above.

8. D

A. She is being bothered by the dog.

B. She likes the dog very much.

C. He is bored with the dog.

D. He wants to concentrate on his work.

9. C

A. To take her dog.

B. To give his dog to her.

C. To take her cat.

D. To take the landlord's cat.

10. A

A. The woman jokes that as rare animals of the world, pandas

enjoy comfortable lives and the care of the world.

B. The woman finds the pandas boring while the man found

their life valuable.

C. The man wants the pandas to eat less while the woman

wanted them to sleep less.

D. Both the man and woman believes the pandas were good

only for eating and sleeping.

Part 2 Short passages and multiple choice questions 1.How could the repairman get into the apartment? D

A. Making an appointment with the woman.

B. Making an appointment with the woman's husband.

C. Climbing through the window.

D. Using the key put under the mat.

2.How is the woman going to pay the repairman? A

A. By mailing him the check.

B. By mailing him cash.

C. By leaving the money on the table.
