




亲爱的同学们,尊敬的家长们、老师们,关心爱护梦沃的朋友们,总校长代表总校高中部主任Troy先生:Dear students, esteemed parents, members of the faculty, devoted friends, distinguished Mr. Troy, representative of Principal-General and director of the Senior High Department of MVA Florida,


Good morning! We are here today to hold the grand commencement of the MVA Shanghai graduating class of XX! To begin our speech, on behalf of the academy, we would like to extend our congratulations to the hardworking and successful graduating class of XX and your proud parents, to extend our gratitude to all

faculty members for your dedication to the growth and success of the students, to extend our appreciation to Mr. Troy for your flying across the ocean to grant our graduates the diplomas, and to extend our thanks to all the friends here today for taking the time off your busy schedule to witness this exciting moment! Thank you. Thank you all!


Today, Mr. Howard Cheng and I will deliver our speech in such a way: after he speaks Chinese, I will interpret what he says into English, and then I will speak Chinese, and he will interpret what I say into English; or more precisely, after he reads the Chinese , I will read the corresponding English , and then I will read the Chinese and he will read the corresponding

English . (Laughter) For many years, we have been working hard in our respective fields. (Howard is in college application field and I’m in international education field.) In the course of all those years, we have gained some experience and made some achievements respectively. It is not only because he likes me and I adore him, but also because we share the common dream of “to make the best international academy in Shanghai”& “to bring out the best of all students and make them more brilliant and extraordinary” that we decided to join hands to run this academy. Since then, nothing can set us apart, including today’s speech.


Since March this year, our graduating class of XX

have been surprising us one after another with their good college admission results. The other day, Paul received the acceptance letter of UCLA ranking 21st in the US, which surprised us in a fantastic way and also filled us with strong emotions. Paul is one of our first students. We started our first enrollment in June, XX. At that time, we rented one floor of an ordinary high school’s wing building. Three normal classrooms, one music room and one pretty computer room were all we had for others to know about us, because we were brand-new and had zero history behind us. We tried many ways to enroll students, but they didn’t work well. It was me that enrolled Paul into this academy, or you can say, it was me that swayed Paul into this academy. I think, in retrospect, I promised him something when I got him in, but I am sure I never promised him that he would be accepted by UCLA and become a UCLA alumnus just like me.



Paul’s mom said: “During the past three years in MVA, my boy has made remarkable progress and I am deeply touched. I think the following factors have greatly contributed to his progress. First, MVA boasts many highly-qualified and dedicated teachers who love the students from the bottom of their heart. Second, MVA has a scientific management system which is strict yet humane. Third, MVA offers reasonable curriculum and diversified school life with various selective courses, students clubs and associations to enhance the students’creativity, organizing skills and team spirit. In the past three years, I could always feel the honesty, love

and dedication of all MVA faculty members. And I really feel lucky that our boy chose MVA three years ago. ”We are greatly encouraged by the words of Paul’s mom. In fact, it is us that are so lucky to have you, insightful students and parents who trust and support us devotedly. It is because of your trust and support that we can freely do our utmost to apply the educational ideas, patterns and experience accumulated through decades of work, into running MVA and cultivating MVA students. It is because of you, our dear students and esteemed parents that we have the chance to prove ourselves and the chance to grow, for which we are very grateful. You are the motivation for us to do better in future!


At present, international academies are mushrooming, and we are often asked about the core

competence of our academy. Here we would like to say: No matter it is one rented floor three years ago, a garden-like campus today, or an all-the-way better new site tomorrow, our core competence lies in our dedicated teachers who love their students, love teaching and have dreams! Thank you, each and every one of our teachers in MVA Shanghai. You’ve won MVA dignity and honor, which is also showering upon you. 这几天,看到一首诗《你曾是少年》,想把它送给将要远行、将要奔跑、将要飞翔的我们首届的毕业生。The other day, I came across a piece of lyric You were a teenager, I’d like to give it to our first graduating class. You will start a new journey of your life, and I hope you can run fast and fly high into your bright future.

许多年前 /你有一双清澈的双眼

Many years ago/ your eyes were clear and shining 奔跑起来 /像是一道春天的闪电

When you ran/ it was like spring lightening

想看遍这世界 /去最遥远的远方

You wanted to see the world/ travel to the farthest place

感觉有双翅膀 /能飞越高山和海洋

You felt you had wings/ able to fly across mountains and seas

许多年前 /我曾是个朴素的少年

Many years ago/ I was a simple teenager

爱上一个人 /就不怕付出自己一生

When I fell in love/ I was ready to give all my life 相信爱会永恒 /相信每个陌生人

I believed love could last forever/ trusted each and every stranger

当我和世界初相见 /当我曾经是少年

That’s when I met the world/ When I was a teenager 努力地奔跑、努力地展现笑容、努力地发出自己的声音。世界是你们的,永远是你们的!Run fast, smile bright and have your voice heard by the world. The world is yours and it is yours to make!

最后,再次感谢在座各位的到来和精心准备毕业典礼的老师们!并祝大家梦想成真!In the end, we’d like to thank you for being here and thank our faculty members for preparing for this commencement. And may all your dreams come true.


Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. And does

it get any better than this, a graduation ceremony for one of the great universities in the world in the home of New York Yankees? Nothing could be better. (Applause.) And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor. I didn’t realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium.

谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢。还有比这更好的事吗--世界上最好的大学之一在纽约扬基队主场所在地举行毕业典礼?真是再好不过了。(掌声) 谢谢大家如此热烈地为一位来访的客人加油。我原以为在扬基体育场不可以这样做。

I am honored to receive this degree. And on behalf of the other honorees, I say thank you. Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony. As I look out at this huge crowd of graduates, family, and friends, I can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees, a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy, your passion and commitment is more needed than ever. There is no doubt that you are well prepared for a world that seems somewhat uncertain but which will welcome the education that you have received on behalf of not only

of yourselves and your families, but your communities and your country.


As Secretary of State, I am well aware of the challenges that we face. You, as new graduates, and your generation will be up against those challenges: climate change and hunger, extreme poverty and extreme ideologies, new diseases and nuclear proliferation. But I am absolutely convinced that you and we are up to the task. There is no problem we face here in America or around the world that will not yield to human effort, to cooperation, to positive interdependence that makes clear humanity is going on, our challenges are ones that summon the best of us, and we will make the world better

tomorrow than it is today. (Applause.)


Now, I know that it is fashionable in commencement speeches to be idealistic, and that may sound so, but at the root of my conviction is a strong sense of reality. Because you see, I don’t think we have a choice. We can sit on the sidelines, we can wring our hands, we can retreat into cynicism, and we know what the results will be: We will cede the field to those whose ideologies are absolutely anathema to people of conscience and faith all over the world. So our positive interdependence, which is a fact, will prepare us to meet these challenges. But they can no longer be seen just as government-to-government. There is a time and an opportunity, and with the new technologies available,

for us to be citizen diplomats, citizen activists, to solve problems one by one that will give in to hard work, patience, and persistence, and will then aggregate to the solutions we seek.

我知道,在毕业典礼上作理想化的演说是当前的时尚,听起来也许很理想化,但我的信念深处有一种强烈的现实感。因为你们知道,我认为我们别无选择。我们可以袖手旁观,我们可以束手无策,我们可以采取悲观怀疑的态度,但我们知道这样做会产生什么样的结果:我们会把阵地拱手让给那些其意识形态为世界上所有有良知和信仰者所不齿的人。因此,我们之间积极的相互依赖 --这是一个事实--将使我们为应对这些挑战做好准备。但这不能再被仅仅视作政府与政府之间的事情。随着新技术的不断涌现,我们有时间和机会成为公民外交家、公民活动家,通过辛勤工作、耐心和毅力一个一个地解决问题,逐步积累成我们所寻求的解决方案。

Now, I know we cannot send a special envoy to negotiate with a pandemic, or call a summit with carbon dioxide, or sever relations with the global financial crisis. To confront these threats and to seize the opportunities that they also present, we need to build new partnerships from the bottom up, and to use every tool at our disposal. That is the heart of smart power.

But smart power requires smart people, people who have gone the distance for their education, who have opened themselves up to this increasingly complex and interconnected world, and this changing global landscape requires us to expand our concept of diplomacy.


Now, when I was graduating so many years ago, diplomacy was the domain of privileged men working behind closed doors. Today, our diplomats are not limited, and our diplomacy is no longer confined to the State Department or our embassies. We are laying the foundation for 21st century statecraft. Where? In the classrooms of NYU, in the board rooms of the businesses of this great city, in the halls of academia, in the operating rooms of our great hospitals. We are looking

for those personal commitments and connections, and that is where all of you come in.


The biggest challenges we face today will be solved by the 60 percent of the world’s population under the age of 30. And already, young people, like all of you, are using their talents and ingenuity to help fashion their own brand of service and diplomacy.


A few examples: In the nation of Colombia, two young college graduates, fed up with the violence in their country, used Facebook to organize 14 million people

into the largest antiterrorism demonstrations in the history of the world. (Applause.) In a few short weeks, their peaceful efforts did as much damage to the terrorist networks as years of military action.


I know that one of your graduates spent months on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro searching for sustainable development models to bring to women and families and help them lift themselves out of poverty. Another of your classmates was studying in China last year when the devastating earthquake struck, and that has led to work ever since to deliver supplies and assistance to villagers in remote areas. International students have gone on to fight for human rights in Rwanda, build civil society in the nation of Georgia, run businesses, and lead governments. And many of you, I know, used social networking platforms to make Barack

Obama the President of the United States of America. (Applause.)

我知道,你们这届毕业生中的一员曾在乞力马扎罗峰(Mount Kilimanjaro)的山坡上生活了好几个月,努力寻找可持续发展模式,以便利用这种模式帮助妇女和家庭自力更生地摆脱贫困。你们的另一位同学去年在中国留学期间遇上大地震爆发,灾情惨重,这位同学自此一直在从事为偏远地区的村民输送物资和援助的工作。留学生们有的前往卢旺达参加争取人权的斗争,有的到格鲁吉亚建设公民社会,有的经营公司企业,有的领导政府工作。我知道,你们之中有很多人利用社交网络平台帮助巴拉克·奥巴马当上了美利坚合众国总统。(掌声)

President Obama and I deeply understand how important it is for the young people of our country, but the young people of every country, to be given the opportunity to translate your beliefs and ideals into service and action, just as John Kennedy did when he created the Peace Corps and as President Bill Clinton did when he created AmeriCorps. This is in the tradition of citizen service. (Applause.)


为奉献与行动,正如约翰·肯尼迪创建和平队(Peace Corps)和比尔·克林顿总统创建美国志愿队(AmeriCorps)一样,这符合公民服务的传统。(掌声)

So we need to figure out ways to prepare all of our institutions of government, including and especially the State Department, to harness the efforts of those who do not enter the Foreign Service but still engage in your own type of foreign service. Our State Department personnel are skilled, dedicated, passionate, and effective. And for those of you still looking for jobs, we are hiring a new generation of diplomats. (Applause.)


I hope many of you will join our ranks in the Foreign Service and the Civil Service, but I know that not all will choose to become professional diplomats, and I also know that the State Department alone cannot tackle

these great problems. So my message to you today is this: Be the special envoys of your ideals; use the communication tools at your disposal to advance the interests of our nation and humanity everywhere; be citizen ambassadors using your personal and professional lives to forge global partnerships, build on a common commitment to solving our planet’s common problems. By creating your own networks, you can extend the power of governments to meet the needs of this and future generations. You can help lay the groundwork for the kind of global cooperation that is essential if we wish, in our time, to end hunger and defeat disease, to combat climate change, and to give every child the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential. (Applause.)



This starts with opportunities for educational exchanges, the kind of dorm room and classroom diplomacy that NYU is leading on. I want to commend my friend, your president, the trustees of this great university, for understanding and believing in the importance of educational exchanges.


You know, study abroad is like spring training for this century. It helps you develop the fundamentals, the teamwork, and the determination to succeed. And we want more American students to have that opportunity. That’s why we are increasing funding for Gilman scholarships by more than 40 percent. More than 400 New Yorkers have used Gilman scholarships to spend a

semester abroad, including nine students from NYU last year.

你们知道,出国留学就象是为一场世纪棒球赛作准备的春训。它有助于你们增强基础技能、团队精神和取得成功的决心。我们要让更多的美国学生获得这种机会。这正是我们把吉尔曼奖学金(Gilman Scholarships)的数额增加40%以上的原因。已经有400多名纽约人利用吉尔曼奖学金花一个学期的时间去国外留学,其中包括去年在国外留学的纽约大学的9位同学。

Now, of course, study abroad is a two-way street, and we should bring more qualified students from other countries to study here. NYU provides a prime example of what international students can bring to a campus and how they can benefit themselves and their countries. Over 700,000 international students came to the United States last year, and NYU had the second largest number of any school in the country. (Applause.)



毕业典礼是值得我们怀念的,它是我们的人生的某一个阶段的结束,新阶段的开始。下面是整理的英文毕业典礼致辞范文,欢迎阅读。 英文毕业典礼致辞范文 Honorable teachers, principles, dear parents and students: Good morning to you all. On this sunny and unforgettable day, we gladly welcome you to our grade 12’s graduation ceremony. Two years ago, when we first came to this program and began our three years of high school education. It was your enthusiasm that influenced us, giving us the heart to keep moving forward; it was your encouragement that motivated us, encouraging us to persevere. It was your high spirits that encouraged us, and pointed us in the right way. It was your harmony that united us, urging us to stand our ground and charge fearlessly forward. Three years, 36 months(thirty-six), 195 days(one thousand and ninety-five), 2628 hours(twenty-six thousand two hundred and eighty), 15768 minutes(1 million five hundred and seventy-six thousand eight hundred), 9468 seconds(ninety-four million six hundred and eight thousand). Your confidence, patience and determination have grown. Under the guidance of Mrs. Lv, you have achieved success which we celebrate today. We look up to you as role models and you are our heroes. We built a relationship not unlike that of a great, big, family. Working together has made us familiar to each other and know each other from the bottom of our hearts. Seeing you mature every day from morning to night, motivating us, makes us more mature. Yesterday, you were proud of this program, today, this program is proud because of you. With 51 university acceptance letters coming from all directions, people were impressed by your accomplishments. We, the Grade 11’s will shortly turn into grade 12’s already feel the pressure that is soon to be placed upon us, and we thank you for your example, which will give us the perseverance to succeed. In the up-coming year, we will follow your footsteps, and will never give up creating what will be our very own miracle. At the same time, we would like to inform our dear future successors, we hope that you will not be afraid of the future hardships; we also hope that you put your best efforts into your work; to become the pride and future of Sino – Canadian Program here in Jilin City No.1 High School and ChangchunExperimental High School. Today, you will turn over a new chapter of your lives, although there


哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲稿——人生唯一目标是做自己奥普拉·温弗瑞:美国著名脱口秀主持人、媒体企业家。 奥普拉在哈佛大学2013届毕业典礼的演讲——人生唯一目标是做自己 我要分享的想法是:无论你有多么成功,也许你们会不断追求更高的目标,这就难免会遇到失意之时。我希望届时各位可以记住:世上并不存在失败,那不过是生活试图将我们推向另一个方向罢了。 当你身处困境时,看起来是一种失败。在过去的一年中,我时刻提醒自己牢记这一点。当深陷困境时,感到难过是正常的,给自己一点时间去思考即将失去的一切。关键在于:要从错误中汲取教训,因为所有经验,尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己,确定下一步何去何从。生活的关键在于建立起一个内在的道德情感导航仪,为你指明方向。因为从今以后,当你用谷歌搜索自己的时候,搜索结果中会提到:“哈佛大学2013毕业生”。在这个充满竞争的世界,这的确是一张抢眼的名片。 我曾招聘过很多人,而每当我看到哈佛大学这个字眼时,我总是会坐直一些说:“他 们在哪?把他们统统带过来。”正是这张抢眼的名片可以成就你们的未来之路。你们可能成 为律师、议员、首席执行官、科学家、物理学家、诺贝尔奖及普利策奖得主,甚至深夜脱口秀节目主持人。但生活的挑战在于创建一份不仅陈述所期望的职位的履历,而且上面要明确成就怎样的自我。这份履历不仅需要表达你想成就一番怎样的事业,也要明确动机,除了头衔与职位,也要有达成目标的缘由。你的使命是什么?你的信仰是什么?你的目标是 什么?只有这样,当你不慎跌倒发现自深陷困境之时,才能帮助你重振旗鼓。 我是在1994年才认识到这一点的。那年我采访了一位凭一己之力积攒了1000美元 零花钱的小女孩,她将这钱捐出来帮助有需要的人。这个九岁大的小女孩促使我思考,仅凭一个存钱罐与雄心壮志就能做到这样,那我可以做些什么呢?于是我号召我的观众们捐 出他们的零钱,在一个月内,仅仅是一枚枚零钱硬币就募到了300万美金。我们用这笔 钱资助每个州的一位学子进入大学的殿堂。我所做的仅仅是号召我的观众,“尽己所能, 无论地域与地位,如果可能,请贡献出你们的时间、智慧与财力。无论你在哪里,请为他人送去自己的仁爱之心。”观众也用行动表明了一切。我们在12个不同的城镇建起了55 所学校,修缮了300栋被“丽塔”飓风和“卡特里娜”飓风摧毁的民宅。 创办“天使网络”的想法在我心中萦绕已久,也正是“天使网络”让我确定了心中的那个 导航仪。我决定不再单一地制作电视节目,还要关注节目的终极理念、采访对象、行业发展和慈善事业等等。无论我们追求什么,将我们团结在一起的信念胜过其他一切。作为一个19岁就出现在电视节目中的孩子,起初我并不明白这个道理,直到1994年才有所醒

风物长宜放眼量 ——清华颜宁在2017年本科生毕业典礼上的讲话

风物长宜放眼量——清华颜宁在2017年本科生毕 业典礼上的讲话 颜宁,1996年考入我校生物系,XX年获生物系学士学位,并获“优良毕业生”;XX年于美国普林斯顿大学分子生物学系获博士学位。XX年受聘清华大学医学院教授、博士生导师。XX年至今以通讯作者在《自然》、《科学》、《细胞》发表学术论文9篇。并获多项国际和国家科学奖,包括:XX年获得science/aaas和ge healthcare “青年科学家奖”(北美地区);XX年获得“优秀青年科技工作者”;XX年获得国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金、美国hhmi首届国际青年科学家奖、“谈家桢生命科学创新奖”。 风物长宜放眼量——清华颜宁在XX年本科生毕业典礼上的讲话 亲爱的同学们,尊敬的老师们、家长们、来宾们: 大家上午好! 今天我无比荣幸作为校友代表来见证同学们生命中这一个重要的时刻,首先请允许我向大家表示最衷心的祝贺! 我非常感谢校友会的邀请,但是当我接受这份邀请时,只想到这是作为清华校友最崇高的荣誉,却委实没有意识到它是一项多么艰巨的任务。因为在座的同学们来自于几十个不同的专业,即将面对迥然不同的事业选择和人生道路。作为一个过去近二十年从未走出过象牙塔的我,思维方式相对

简单、人生见识相对单薄,我能和你们说什么呢?苦思冥想,过去两周委实比写学术论文还要痛苦得多,于是我最后决定把我走出又回归清华园这十几年的心路历程与大家分享。抛砖引玉,希望当你们站在这个重要的人生十字路口的时刻,不妨花几分钟再想一想,十年、二十年、五十年以后的自己。 不知道同学们是否看了《舌尖上的》第二季,最后一集的结语让我印象深刻:“如果到先辈的智慧中寻找答案,他们也许会这样告诫我们短暂的一生:广厦千间,夜眠仅需六尺;家财万贯,日食不过三餐”。不知大家是否和我一样,从孩提时代,就困惑于人存在的意义。人来自自然、回归自然,代代相传,我们存在的意义何在?我选择生物系的原因之一也是想探求生命的奥秘。可是当我在大学系统地从分子水平学习认识生命之后,反而更加困惑了。突然有一天,我豁然开朗:其实只有拥有意识的人类才能问出这个问题;那么也只有有意识的人类才能定义这个问题。所以,“人生意义”本就是一个主观命题。随着时代的发展,个人的背景与际遇不同,每个人对于这个命题的定义也会大相径庭,于是我们的人生目标、人生道路也会截然不同。 XX年前的今天,恰好是我离开清华园的日子。犹记得,走在绿树掩映的东西主干道,我默默地想:如果有朝一日我可以再回到这个园子里工作,那将会是多么幸福的一件事情。和你们一样,我在这个园子里度过了五彩缤纷的青春岁

大学毕业典礼致辞 英语

大学毕业典礼致辞英语 大学毕业典礼致辞英语(美国大学) Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. And does it get any better than this, a graduation ceremony for one of the great universities in the world in the home of New York Yankees? Nothing could be better. (Applause.) And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor. I didn’t realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium. 谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢。还有比这更好的事吗--世界上最好的大学之一在纽约扬基队主场所在地举行毕业典礼?真是再好不过了。(掌声) 谢谢大家如此热烈地为一位来访的客人加油。我原以为在扬基体育场不可以这样做。 I am honored to receive this degree. And on behalf of the other honorees, I say thank you. Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony. As I look out at this huge crowd of graduates, family, and friends, I can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees, a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy, your passion and commitment is more needed than ever. There


4篇大学毕业典礼校长致辞 尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!首先,我代表你们大学四年所有的老师向你们致以衷心的祝贺!你们大学毕业啦!今天也许是我最后一次站在你们的讲台上,我的心中非常激动和感慨!在过去的日子里我们陪伴大家学习理论知识,进行专业实践和文体活动,留下共同进步的足迹。我相信:在明天的记忆中,你会想起我,我会想起你。 你是否记得操场上教官们有力的号子,你否记得课堂上回答不了问题被授课老师训斥,你是否记得课程考试中监考老师的严厉的目光,你是否记得大学生科技创新比赛前指导老师与你一起挑灯夜战,你是否记得毕业答辩中评委老师一针见血的点评,你是否记得辅导员老师苦口婆心的叮嘱,你是否记得拿起证书与奖杯和老师合影的那份喜悦!机电学院的同学们,随着x院长的一声号令,你们进入人生又一个新的阶段,你们很快就要离开学校,走上工作岗位或进一步深造。在这里请带上我美好的祝福:把握好青春时光,用知识武装起来,做一名优秀的机电工程师和合格的技术人才。作为从大学生成为工程师,又从工厂回到大学的教师,我认为要成为有用之才,有几点必须做到:勤奋、好学,专业、综合。所以我希望大家离开大学之后,仍然要不断地学习,再学习,并调整好自己,适应新的工作和生活。

时光飞逝,再过几天,你的身份将是我的校友,我希望各条战线上能看到你的英姿,你们成功的足迹。当然在新的历程中也将遇到各种各样的困难,我希望你们发挥团结互助,努力拼搏的精神,不畏艰险,奋勇前进。建工学院、机电学院,还有我们这些老师会永远站在你的背后,支持你,鼓励你。希望你们仍然能与我们保持联系,多多交流。 同学们,你们是我们的作品,更是我们的财富,今天你以学校为荣,明天学校以你为荣。放飞梦想、去开创明天吧。 最后,我再次代表广大老师,祝大家:前程似锦,事业有成,爱情甜蜜,生活幸福!谢谢!大学毕业典礼校长致辞尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!今天,我们齐聚一堂,隆重举行学院20xx届毕业生毕业典礼。值此庄严而难忘的时刻,我代表学院,向圆满完成学业20xx届毕业生,表示热烈的祝贺!向所有为同学们成长成才而默默耕耘、无私奉献的老师们,致以崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!同学们,三年来,你们孜孜以求、刻苦学习,不负亲人、老师和社会的期望,圆满地完成了各项学业。你们在校的三年,是你们自我成长、自我成熟的三年。同时,也是学院快速发展、各项事业蒸蒸日上的三年。学院明确了办学定位、理清了发展思路,凝练了文化精神,大力开展校企合作、工学结合,教学综合改革取得突破性进展,招生工作逆势上扬,成为黑龙江省骨干高等职业院校,办学水平跻身省内高职院校前列。三年来,同学们与学院风雨同舟,为学院的改革


马云在清华大学毕业典礼的致辞 各位在座的同学们: 首先恭喜大家,祝福大家,这是中国最了不起的一所大学之一,尽管在我心里面中国最好的大学是杭州师范大学。大家觉不觉得学校的知识总是不够用,但是社会上的知识是取之不尽的。杭师大给了我是学习的能力,获取知识的能力,清华很好,但是清华的知识永远是不够用的,而你们今天所得到这个能力是取得自身的能力。我看到今天那么多阳光灿烂的笑脸,30年后不忘初心,依旧是这样的笑脸,这才是成功。 我今天在这谈一下我的感受和体验,高考我并不算很成功,考了几年,我数学1分那是真的,第二年考19分,第三年考了89分,但我从来没放弃过。 我给大家一个提醒,一个建议,提醒是今天你们获得中国最荣誉的毕业书,但是那只是一张纸,只证明这四年或者六年,或者八年,你父母为你付了很多的学费,这是一张学费的通知单而已,告诉你付了那么多学费,花了那么多时间做了很多的模拟考,这仅仅是模拟考而已。也给大家一个建议,如果你们毕业于清华大学,请大家用欣赏眼光看看杭师大的同学,如果你毕业于杭师大,请用欣赏的眼光看看自己,因为这社会上永远充满变化,永远充满着各种奇迹。 人生最后不管今天多么的成功,刚才学会计的学生说的,

你最后死的时候才能够看看你到底赢了还是亏了。所以我觉得我们刚刚开始起步。我也相信今天毕业以后在座很多人都很担心,各种各样的担心,担心毕业以后我是学经管的,能当老板吗?我能找到一个好老板吗?能够找到好公司吗?其实这些担心都有,每天都有。我刚创业的时候天天担心能不能活下来,到后来我担心这个公司会不会长大,到今天长大了我担心它会倒下,现在的担心比以前多多了,我们每时每刻处于这份担心中,担心很正常,不担心才不正常。所以我想给大家的建议,也是真实的感受,这30年来,我天天在担心,但是我只是担心自己不够努力,我担心自己没看清楚灾难,我担心自己没把握好机遇。但有一点不用担心,你们一定会遇到眼泪、冤枉、误区、倒霉各种事件,一定会碰上,这个不用担心,你碰到这个早知道会来的。 另外这是一个纠结的时代,在座所有的人今天毕业于纠结的时代,这个时代看起来充满着怀疑,充满着各种的不信任,学校的老师对学生是不信任的,学生对老师不信任,媒体对大众不信任,大众对媒体不信任,甚至有各种的担忧,老百姓对政府也有各种的不信任。这世界看起来缺乏各种各样的机会,但这世界看起来又有各种各样的机会,这世界看起来年轻人似乎是可以无所不能,什么事情都可以做,但看起来年轻人什么事情又都做不了。 所以我觉得这是一个纠结的时代,很恭喜大家来到了一

中国学生哈佛大学毕业典礼演讲The Spider's Bite(中英对照)

The Spider’s Bite When I was in middle school, a poisonous spider bit my right hand. I ran to my mom for help—but instead of taking me to a doctor, my mom set my hand on fire.After wrapping my hand with several layers of cotton, then soaking it in wine, she put a chopstick into my mouth,and ignited the cotton. 在我上中学的时候,一只有毒蜘蛛咬伤了我的右手,我去找母亲帮忙,但是她没有找医生,却把我的手放在火上面。她用酒浸过的棉纱绕着我的手缠了好几层之后,在我的嘴里放了一根筷子,然后点燃了棉纱。 【语言点解析】 Poisonous表示有毒的;恶毒的;讨厌的。例句:A lot of poisonous waste water comes from that chemical factory. 那个化工厂排出大量有毒的废水。 Heat quickly penetrated the cotton and began to roast my hand. The searing pain made me want to scream, but the chopstick prevented it. All I could do was watch my hand burn - one minute, then two minutes –until mom put out the fire. 棉纱上的温度很快上来了,我的手也开始发烫。这股灼痛让我想要大叫,不过我嘴里含着的筷子让我叫不出来。我唯一能做的就是看着我的手骨,一分钟过去了,两分钟过去了,直到母亲熄灭火。 You see, the part of China I grew up in was a rural village, and at that time pre-industrial. When I was born, my village had no cars, no telephones, no electricity, not even running water. And we certainly didn’t have access to modern medical resources. 所以你看到,我是在中国的一个小山村里成长的,在那个时候,并不发达。在我出生的那个年代,我们村没车、没电话、也没电,甚至都没有自来水!且理所当然地,我没有接触现代医疗资源的办法。 There was no doctor my mother could bring me to see about my spider bite.For those who study biology, you may have grasped the science behind my mom’s cure: heat deactivates proteins, and a spider’s venom is simply a form of protein. It’s cool how that folk remedy actually incorporates basic biochemistry, isn’t it? 当我被蜘蛛咬伤时,并没有医生可以来治疗我。对于学生物学的人来说,你也许能找到我母亲治愈背后所包含的科学原理:热量能够让蛋白质失活,而蜘蛛的毒液都是蛋白质组成的。将这个土方子和生物化学基础联系起来很神奇,不是吗? 【语言点解析】 Folk remedy表示偏方。例句:The active component, willow bark, was used as a folk remedy as long ago as the 5th century BC. 它来自早在公元前五世纪就被用于民间配方的柳树皮,是这种树皮的一种有效成分。 But I am a PhD student in biochemistry at Harvard, I now know that better, less painful and less risky treatments existed. So I can’t help but ask myself, why I didn’t receive one at the time? 不过我现在是一个在哈佛学习生物化学的博士生,我现在知道了一个更好的、不那么痛、危险系数更小的治疗方法。所以,我忍不住问我自己,为什么那个时候我不能接受更好的治疗吗?


毕业典礼英文致辞 毕业典礼英文致辞 i am honored to be with you today at your mencement from one of the finest universities in the world. i never graduated from college. truth be told, this is the closest i ve ever gotten to a college graduation.today i want to tell you tow stories from my life. that s it. no big deal. just tow stories.the first story is about connecting the dots.i dropped out of reed college after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before i really quit. so why did i drop out?it started before i was born. my biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. she felt very strongly that i should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. except that when i popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. so my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: we have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him? they said: of course. my biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. she refused to sign the final adoption papers. she


Faust毕业典礼致辞哈佛大学校长Drew 哈佛大学Drew Faust:最好的教育即培养精神习惯Faust于Memorial Church向身着方帽长袍的毕业生发表了一年一度的毕业班告别讲话。一年一度的毕业仪式在毕业典礼之前举行,包括祈祷、唱诗及校长为毕业班进行的告别演讲。 “牢记正是通艺教育为各位应对变革做好了准备,”Faust说。“更新我们的承诺并重新规划人生的机会是一项仅供少数几代人拥有的特权。而现时它不是一种可能,而是一种必要。” 这一几乎与哈佛大学同样古老的仪式可以追溯到1642年。当年的举行的第一次仪式使哈佛的工作人员及神职人员有机会在更安格按照流程进行的毕业典礼之前向毕业生发表讲话。 这一仪式由基督教道德Plummer 讲席教授及Memorial Church蒲塞牧师Rev. Peter J. Gomes主持,主要以儒学、伊斯兰教、印度教、犹太教及基督教读物为特色。 Faust的讲话是仪式的中心亮点。 她称哈佛大学强调通艺教育正是为了这样的危机时刻设计的。 第一,不管今后学习、生活在何方,都要志存高远,做个对社会负责、对家庭负责、对自己负责的人。我们所有的

学生都要懂得,只要你们不懈地努力,美好的明天属于你们每一位同学。 “我们一直坚持最好的教育即培养精神习惯,一种分析的精神、一种评判及探究的能力,这能使你们胜任于任何环境或者选择任何职业方向,”Faust说。“这一理念怎能比现在这一时刻更为适合?” Faust号召毕业生勇往直前应对挑战,指出尽管我们不喜欢不确定性,但是不确定的时代为个人成长及职业生涯成长都提供了机会。她引用了作家Joan Didion的话将应对生活形容为“严苛与安逸、束缚与自由、理智及直觉充满魔力的交汇处。”她也引用爵士音乐大师Charlie Parker的话,“掌控你的乐器、掌控音乐,之后忘情演奏。” Faust指出,不确定性和应对对于要求准确性的领域如物理学和药学也是十分重要的。而在人文领域,应对是基于结构和研究的自然产生的表达。 Faust以回忆她的在1968年的毕业典礼作为演讲的结束。20世纪60年代末和70年代初的学生毕业于社会巨大变革成为可能性的时代。她指出,曾经失去许诺现今已经回归,并号召毕业生抓住属于他们的机遇。 “继续掌控你的乐器。继续掌控你的音乐。”Faust说。“不时回到学校让我们知道你进展如何。我相信在完成这项任务上没有任何一群人能比你们更值得我信任。”


独立思考 善于作为 ──在2011年本科生毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式上的讲话 2011年7月5日 清华大学校长、学位评定委员会主席 顾秉林 同学们、老师们: 百年校庆的喜庆气氛还在清华园萦绕,我们又迎来了百年华诞后的首届本科生毕业典礼。经过四年的学习,同学们顺利完成了学业。在此,请允许我向大家致以衷心的祝贺──你们毕业啦!同时,也向关爱同学们成长的各位老师和家长道一声──你们辛苦啦! 大学的时光似乎转瞬即逝。此时此刻,大家有学业已成的欢乐与欣喜,也难免有同窗离别的惆怅与伤感;有走向未来的憧憬与忐忑,大概也有回顾过去的留恋与不舍。或许你们还在感叹文科图书馆的舒适便利,或是怀念“名厨进清华”带来的四方美味;或许你们还能记起入学时与家人在校园里的合影,而今天却穿上学士服,犹豫着究竟要摆一个什么样的雷人造型。 而在我的眼中,你们爱真理,也爱生活;爱自己,也爱公益;爱机械制图,也爱引体向上……没有什么畏惧与不可能,你们是阳光的7字班! 我记得你们在汶川地震后的献血长龙,记得你们在奥运志愿服务中的忙碌身影,记得你们在国庆游行时喊出“祖国万岁,清华加油”,也记得百年校庆时用我的名字在人人网上写下“清华,生日快乐”,引来无数的转载和回复……有的同学说,7字班是最幸福的一届,因为经历了这么多的国家大事和学校大事。而我想说,你们不仅经历了这些大事,更在这些大事中奉献了智慧、付出了辛劳、得到了锻炼和成长。我更为你们感到骄傲! 当然我也知道,学校一些工作中存在的问题,比如校园建设中的噪音、尘土和交通不便等,给大家带来了困扰,网络收费和宿舍搬迁也有

令大家不满意的地方。我觉得,同学们的批评和意见,是出于对学校的爱护和理解。学校领导和各部门都会以虚心的态度去反思、以负责的行动去改进。在此,我要衷心感谢你们的包容与热爱,学校也一定会与同学们一起,把清华建设得更加美好。 作为在清华学习工作了46年的一个“老清华人”,我能清晰地感到你们这一代人的不同特点。与我们那个时代相比,你们知识更丰富,视野更开阔,思维活跃,多才多艺,也更加敢于展示个性、表达想法。我由衷地赞赏你们的这些品质,也因此愿意对你们寄予更多的期待。所以,在这告别的时候,我还想与你们分享一点我的体会,两句话八个字,希望能够对你们的未来有所帮助。 第一,独立思考。从陈寅恪先生倡导“独立之精神,自由之思想”,到蒋南翔校长坚持“不惟书,不惟上,不惟他,不惟洋,只惟实”,清华传统的深处,始终蕴含着实事求是、独立思考的精神。无论是在学术研究中,还是在社会生活中,各种各样的情况需要我们去分析、去判断、去决定。比如毕业时面临的选择,是读研,还是工作?是出国,还是留下?是到企业,还是去政府?是选择这个行业,还是那个行业?实际上,如果没有真正独立深刻的思考,就难以作出正确的决断,将来在研究和工作中也难以有真正的创见,更难以形成自己对社会、对人生的深刻认识。人云亦云,随波逐流,见异思迁,只会失去自己前进的方向。 看到同学们毕业,不禁使我想起40多年前我在清华的情景。我是1965年进入清华学习的,刚入学9个月“文革”就开始了,正常的教学秩序完全被打乱,但我和一些同学依然坚持学习。书本被扔到垃圾箱里,就半夜打着手电去偷偷捡回来;学校呆不下去,就背起课本回家自学。之所以如此,是因为我相信这样一个朴素的道理:只有用知识武装自己,才能成为有用之才。所以我常说,人要“循常理,不跟风”,就是要有自己的思考、认识和坚持。我觉得,这是人在一生中有所成就的重要基础。


哈佛校长2016年毕业典礼演讲 Greetings, alumni, graduates, families, and friends. It is such a pleasure to see you all he re and offercongratulations on this day of celebration. I am in the unenviable role of war m-up act for one ofthe greatest storytellers of our - or any other - time. Nevertheless, m y assignment is to offer a fewreflections on this magnificent institution at this moment in its history. And what a moment it is! From comments of astonished pundits on television, in print, and online, to conversations withbewildered friends and colleagues, the question seems unavoidable and mesmerizin g: What is goingon? What is happening to the world? The tumultuous state of American politics, spotlighted in thiscontentious presidential contest; the political challenges around the globe from Brazil to Brexit; theMiddle East in flames; a refugee crisis in Europe; terr orists exploiting new media to perform chillingacts of brutality and murder; climate-relate d famine in Africa and fires in Canada. It is as if we arebeing visited by the horsemen of t he apocalypse with war, famine, natural disaster and, yes, evenpestilence - as Zika sprea ds, aided by political controversy and paralysis. As extraordinary as these times may seem to us, Harvard reminds us we have been here before. Itis in some ways reassuring at this 365th Commencement to recall all that Harv ard has enduredover centuries. A number of these festival rites took place under clouds of war; others in times offinancial crisis and despair; still others in face of epidemics - fro m smallpox in the 17th century tothe devastating flu of 1918 to the H1N1 virus just a fe w years ago. Harvard has not just survivedthese challenges, but has helped to confront t hem. We sing in our alma mater about "Calm risingthrough change and through storm." What does that mean for today's crises? Where douniversities fit in this threatening mix? What can we do? What should we do? What must we do? We are gathered today in Tercentenary Theatre, with Widener Library and Memorial Chu rchstanding before and behind us, enduring symbols of Harvard's larger identity and pur poses,testaments to what universities do and believe at a time when we have never nee ded them more.And much is at stake, for us and for the world. We look at Widener Library and see a great edifice, a backdrop of giant columns where p hotos aretaken and 27 steps are worn down ever so slightly by the feet of a century of st udents andscholars. We also see a repository of learning, with 57 miles of shelving at the heart of a librarysystem of some 17 million books, a monument to reason and knowledg e, to the collection andpreservation of the widest possible range of beliefs, and experienc es, and facts that fuel free inquiryand our constantly evolving understanding. A vehicle fo r Veritas - for exploring the path to truthwherever it may lead. A tribute to the belief that knowledge matters, that facts matter - in thepresent moment, as a basis for the informe


大学毕业典礼学生代表致辞 各位尊敬的老师,各位亲爱的同学,各位尊贵的来宾,大家好: 我是来自xx学院xx级的学生:;xx。能够代表xx大学xx学院xx届全体毕业生站在这里,我感到无比的荣幸。手上握着这薄薄的一纸毕业证书,不知道大家会不会和我一样,因为这里面所包含着的欣喜、感恩、留恋、与憧憬,而感觉它沉甸甸。 四年前,也是个烈日炎炎的夏天,也是面对未知的新世界,墨绿色的军服如同此时的学士袍一样让我们热得汗流浃背,老师和家长们的目光也如同此刻一样无比殷切的注视着我们。不同的是,那个时候,我们正带着相同的向往会聚到一起;而此时此刻,我们将怀着不同的期望踏上各自的征途。 在这离别之际,让我们欣喜的接受母校给予我们的这份平实而厚重的肯定。这份平实的肯定,饱含着母校多么深沉的训诫,是对我们四年来每一个寒窗苦读的晨昏最好的确证。这份厚重的肯定,又承载过先辈们多么光荣的历程,是对我们的在不断抉择中走向的未来最为严格的期许。这份肯定将是我们生命里最醒目的烙印,它将让我们在众生喧哗中自省,在万物齐喑中张扬。 在这离别之际,让我们给予我们无从回报的恩师们以最真挚的祝福。让我们铭记,是老师的为人师表打动着初入校门的学子的心灵,是老师的言传身教充实了今天每一个学子的生命。老师,即使您因为操劳而苍老,即使您因为治学而疲劳,但我们真诚的希望,您会在我们感恩的祝福中幸福,我们也真诚的祝愿,您的生命之树将因为您无私的

传道授业而常青,乃至永恒。 在这离别之际,让我们怀着感恩的心情对所有关注我们成长的人们道一声谢谢。当我们为完成学业而欢呼雀跃的时候,当我们身着学位服骄傲的在镜头前绽开自信的笑容的时候,请不要忘记我们生命的缔造者:;父母,我们的喜悦,将因血脉相连而使得他们感同身受;也请不要忘记生命中曾给予我们帮助和鼓励的朋友,我们的成就,将因为他们的存在而愈显分量沉重。 在这离别之际,让我们再次如数家珍般的将那些可笑的经历、可气的事情和可爱的故事都搬上记忆的舞台。还记得刚入学时空旷的珠海校区里那些遮不住阳光的小树吗?是我们的争鸣与喧闹让它们不再在海边的大风中显得落寞而单薄。还记得回迁广州校区时那热火朝天的场景吗?我们求学的梦想也因此适应了不同的土壤而更加茁壮。如今小树已经慢慢枝繁叶茂,大二的同学们也开始打点回迁的行装,让依依不舍的我们感到欣慰的是,这份同样的激情与悸动依然在每一辈中大学子的手中和心里,生生不息的传递。 在这离别之际,让我们一如既往的用信任的目光相互鼓励。长长又短短的求学生涯告一段落了,我们的面容依然年轻,但是思想却不再幼稚。我们将牢记由民族的苦难和国家的复兴交织而成的生存背景,坚持不懈的为社会的发展与文明的进步提供持续不断的动力。我们将不忘母校之恩不负母校之名,让我们约定若干年后再次相聚于此的时候,要让母校为我们的人生引以为傲。 毕业在即,面对分别的场景,面对未知的旅程,让我们的留恋与坚定


比尔.盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的励志演讲稿 比尔.盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的励志演讲稿 尊敬的bok校长,rudenstine前校长,即将上任的faust校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学: 有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:“老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!” 我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。明年,我就要换工作了(注:指从微软公司退休)......我终于可以在简历上写我有一个大学学位,这真是不错啊。 我为今天在座的各位同学感到高兴,你们拿到学位可比我简单多了。哈佛的校报称我是“哈佛大学历史上最成功的辍学生”。我想这大概使我有资格代表我这一类学生发言......在所有的失败者里,我做得最好。 但是,我还要提醒大家,我使得steve ballmer(注:微软总经理)也从哈佛商学院退学了。因此,我是个有着恶劣影响力的人。这就是为什么我被邀请来在你们的毕业典礼上演讲。如果我在你们入学欢迎仪式上演讲,那么能够坚持到今天在这里毕业的人也许会少得多吧。 对我来说,哈佛的求学经历是一段非凡的经历。校园生活很有趣,我常去旁听我没选修的课。哈佛的课外生活也很棒,我在

radcliffe过着逍遥自在的日子。每天我的寝室里总有很多人一直待到半夜,讨论着各种事情。因为每个人都知道我从不考虑第二天早起。这使得我变成了校园里那些不安分学生的头头,我们互相粘在一起,做出一种拒绝所有正常学生的姿态。 radcliffe是个过日子的好地方。那里的女生比男生多,而且大多数男生都是理工科的。这种状况为我创造了最好的机会,如果你们明白我的意思。可惜的是,我正是在这里学到了人生中悲伤的一课:机会大,并不等于你就会成功。 我在哈佛最难忘的回忆之一,发生在1975年1月。那时,我从宿舍楼里给位于albuquerque的一家公司打了一个电话,那家公司已经在着手制造世界上第一台个人电脑。我提出想向他们出售软件。 我很担心,他们会发觉我是一个住在宿舍的学生,从而挂断电话。但是他们却说:“我们还没准备好,一个月后你再来找我们吧。”这是个好消息,因为那时软件还根本没有写出来呢。就是从那个时候起,我日以继夜地在这个小小的课外项目上工作,这导致了我学生生活的结束,以及通往微软公司的不平凡的旅程的开始。 不管怎样,我对哈佛的回忆主要都与充沛的精力和智力活动有关。哈佛的生活令人愉快,也令人感到有压力,有时甚至会感到泄气,但永远充满了挑战性。生活在哈佛是一种吸引人的特殊
