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sfr P0 0x80

sfr P1 0x81

sfr ADCON; 0xDE

sbit EA 0x9F


ADCON = 0x08 ;

P1 = 0xFF ;

io_status = P0 ;

EA = 1 ;

在使用了interrupt 1 关键字之后,会自动生成中断向量

在ISR中不能与其他"后台循环代码"(the background loop code) 共享局部变量



timer0_int() interrupt 1 using 2


unsigned char temp1 ;

unsigned char temp2 ;

executable C statements ;



这里,在08H的代码区域生成LJMP timer0_int 这样一条指令

"using" tells the compiler to switch register banks on entry to an interrupt routine. This "context" switch is the fastest way of providing a fresh registerbank for an interrupt routine's local data and is to be preferred to stacking registers for very time-critical routines. Note that interrupts of the same priority can share a register bank, since there is no risk that they will interrupt each other.

'using' 告诉编译器在进入中断处理器去切换寄存器的bank。这个"contet"切换是

为中断处理程序的局部变量提供一个新鲜的寄存器bank 最快的方式。对时序要求严格的程序,是首选的stack寄存器(保存寄存器到stack)方式。


If a USING 1 is added to the timer1 interrupt function prototype, the pushing of registers is replaced by a simple MOV to PSW to switch registerbanks. Unfortunately, while the interrupt entry is speeded up, the direct register addressing used on entry to sys_interp fails. This is because C51 has not yet been told that the registerbank has been changed. If no working registers are used and no other function is called, the optimizer eliminiates teh code to switch register banks.

如果在timer1 的中断函数原型中使用USING 1, 寄存器的pushing将被MOV to PSW 切换寄存器bank 所替换。



Logically, with an interrupt routine, parameters cannot be passed to it or returned. When the interrupt occurs, compiler-inserted code is run which pushes the accumulator, B,DPTR and the PSW (program status word) onto the stack. Finally, on exiting the interrupt routine, the items previously stored on the stack are restored and the closing "}" causes a RETI to be used rather than a normal RET.




为了用Keil‘C’语言创建一个中断服务程序(ISR),利用interrupt 关键词和正确的中断号声明一个static void 函数。Keil‘C’编译器自动生成中断向量,以及中断程序的进口、出口代码。Interrupt 函数属性标志着该函数为ISR。可用using 属性指定ISR使用哪一个寄存器区,这是可选的。有效的寄存器区范围为1到3。


中断源 Keil中断编号矢量地址

最高优先级 6 0x0033

外部中断0 0 0x0003

定时器0溢出 1 0x000B

外部中断1 2 0x0013

定时器1溢出 3 0x001B

串口 4 0x0023

定时器2溢出 5 0x002B

DMA 7 0x003B

硬件断点 8 0x0043

JTAG 9 0x004B

软件断点 10 0x0053

监视定时器 12 0x0063
