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Ann ual repo - rts
Page 8
Org aniz atio n char - ts
Syst ems doc ume ntati - on Pro duct liter atur -e Rep orts from prev ious wor k, eith er by inter nal or exte rnal con sult - ants Bro chur - es Audi t tea m blue bac ks (if an audi t clie - nt)
Ste p Deli vera bles :
Page 7
Pro ble m Defi nitio n Wor ksh eet
Tas ks: Perf
orm Bac kgro und rese arch . Obt ain a clie nt data pac kag e (initi al doc ume ntati on sho uld be obta ined from the clie nt , 1 if
Page 9
Pro ces s flow char - ts Cus tom er com plai nt lette - rs Em ploy ee surv - eys Clie nt dos - sier Exa min e the clie nt situ atio 2 n. Basi c clie nt orga niza tion fact -s Clie nt hist - ory
Page 13
b. ysis
Page 3
Con duct oneonone inter view s with key stak ehol ders to und erst and their curr ent visio n of the futur 2 e.
Und erst and the exte nt to whic h the visio n is shar ed amo ng pote ntial key stak ehol ders 3.
Page 10
The Clie nt抯 indu stry/ serv ice/ mar - ket Clie nt sup plier -s Clie nt抯 cust ome r bas -e Co mpe titio -n Iden tify key orga niza tion al proc ess - es
Tas ks:
Page 2
Iden tify and clari fy the clie nt抯 visio n of the futur e as it relat es to the proj ect sco 1 pe
a. Revi Revi ew an indu stry anal
Page 4
Begi n to ass ess the relat ions hip bet wee n this visio n and the com pan y's mis sion and purp a. ose. Det ermi ne gap s and crea te plan to addr b. ess.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Sheet1 Page 1
Pro ble m Defi nitio n Wor ksh eet Pro pos al Lett er
Ste p Na me: Dev elop a Sha red Visi on
Ste p Deli vera bles : Sha red Visi on Stat eme nt
Page 5
Desi gn shar ed visio n ses sion to buil d com mit men t and con sen sus for futur e visio n. Foc us 4 on:
The relat ions hip bet wee n the visio n and the com pan y抯 mis sion and purp a. ose.
Time to Completion
Met hod olog y Deli vera bles : No Deli vera bles .
Pha se Na me: Ass ess Syst emi c Nee ds
Pha se Deli vera bles : Co mpl eted Que stio n Pyr ami d CP 1 Deli vera ble List
Page 12
Iden tify the con seq uen 4 ces.
Iden tify wha t will hap pen as a resu lt of the com plic atio - nDet ermi ne who /wh at else is affe - cted
Page 6
Gap s bet wee n the com pan y mis sion /pur pos e and the visio n and crea te plan to addr b. ess
Ste p Na me: Defi ne the Busi nes s Issu es
Iden tify the com plic atio 3 n(s).
Page 11
Iden tify the eve nt or seri es of eve nts has led the clie nt to perc eive that ther e is a prob lem or opp ortu - nity Iden tify the mag nitu de of the perc eive d prob lem or opp ortu - nity-