

In Ernest Hemingway's masterpiece, The Old Man and the Sea, he uses much symbolism to assist the readers understanding of the massage he is trying to portray. The Old Man and the Sea isn't just a book about an old man and the sea. There are many hidden meanings to it. Each element represents different things. The marlin, for example, represents strength, beauty and the last challenge we all go though. The lions in his dreams resemble youth, freedom, and also strength. Santiago, the old man, symbolizes Christ in many ways and other people and things symbolize different things like the young boy, Manolin.

Manolin, the young boy, that followed Santiago was not fishing with the old man because his parents forced him to, actually he was told to stay away form the old man because he was bad luck, but because he wanted too. He liked to be around the old man and listen to what he had to say. When the old man would look at Manolin he would see himself at a younger age, someone who cared more about the elderly and their heritage than the new ways bestowed on them. Manolin symbolized the disciples of Jesus. The ones who would follow him to his death and then go out and preach his ways. He believes in the old man and takes charge and tells all the other fisherman to stay away from Santiago after his return. He would take care of the old man when he said to him "Keep warm old man. Remember we are in September." Manolin only wanted good things for Santiago, he did not want anyone to hurt him or put him down for his accomplishments. He wants to learn from the old man and to listen to what he had to say about him as a young man or of Joe DiMaggio.

Joe DiMaggio represents many things to the old man. Santiago sees DiMaggio as an equal. One whose father was a poor fisherman just like he is. When he was out fishing he thought to himself, would the great DiMaggio ever stay this long as he did and quickly replied to himself that DiMaggio is young and strong and that his father was a fisherman so of course he would stay. This made him feel better because now he could compare himself to his hero. Santiago thought that DiMaggio would understand him because of their background being the same. He wanted someone like the boy that would listen to him but understood him more and he believes DiMaggio could be that person. Joe DiMaggio also represents hope that the old man has for Manolin. He wishes that the boy will grow up and be like the great DiMaggio so that he will not be a poor fisher like he is.

All of the other fisherman in the story are the people that want the newest equipment and want to do away with the old ways of living. They were intentionally putting down the old man and his accomplishments especially

when one of the fishers said to Manolin "What a fish it was. There has never been such a fish. Those were two fine fish you took yesterday too." Which Manolin did not like because he knew that it was the old man's day to shine and not his. In ways the fisherman were like the people that had to choose between setting Jesus free or a murder free and they chose the murder because they did not understand him and his ways which frightened the crowd. The fishers represent anyone who would rather think about themselves rather than others. In ways the fishers are like the sharks wanting to take things away from Santiago while Santiago is much like the marlin

The marlin represented many different things. For example, he symbolized strength and durability by putting up such a struggle. By doing this he also made Santiago a legend among the other fishermen. This struggle would be Santiago's last challenge. However, since Santiago would end up tricking the marlin, the marlin seemed more noble in Santiago's mind. Santiago thought that since the marlin was fighting for his life he had a more noble cause. Santiago thought of him as his equal, and called him "brother." The marlin could also represent the great struggle we all go through. We then must be careful of going out too far comparable to Santiago. Accomplishing or obtaining something does not always end one's journey. Once Santiago hooked the fish he still had to bring it home. Bringing home the marlin brought further complications from the sharks. The sharks could represent those who would tear apart anyone's successes. These loathsome, scavengers delight in tormenting and bringing about defeat or tragedy, similar to how some people react to other's successes. Like the marlin and the sharks, the lions also symbolized different attributes.

The lions in Santiago's dreams represented his lost youth and his decreasing strength. For instance, when he needed strength on his long and strenuous voyage he thought of his dreams of the lions, and of them playing on the beach without a care in the world. With this in his mind it seemed to make him stronger and gave him the endurance to continue. The lions could also symbolize pride. Like the lions Santiago had pride. He was proud of his fishing skills. He was able to keep his lines straight and at varying levels to improve his catch of fish. He was better at this than the younger, richer, generation. Santiago knew however, that too much pride was not good. It could lead to feelings of arrogance and a know it all attitude. He was humble simultaneously with being proud. For instance he knew that he depended upon other people for food and other sustenance. Once the weather was going to turn cold Manolin was planning to bring Santiago shoes, clothes and a blanket.

The author chose to not only use the various animals as symbols, but seemed to compare Santiago to Christ. Santiago had cramps in his hands from holding the fishing line all night while he and the boat were being pulled by the strong fish. Hemingway wrote that the sounds Santiago made while having the cramps were the same as the reaction "someone would have while having a nail passed through their hand and into wood." This was the same experience Christ had while being crucified. Hemingway included this reference purposefully so the reader would be able to compare and understand the similarity. After his voyage was completed Santiago was exhausted and weak. While bringing in the mast from his boat he stumbled three times under the weight resting upon his shoulders. This resembled Christ's walk carrying his heavy cross to the hill where he was crucified. Also when Santiago was back in his shack he fell asleep on his bed with his arms outstretched resembling Jesus on the cross. At this point Manolin awoke Santiago and Santiago realized he had completed his last challenge and that his time as a fisherman was up. He passed on the sword from the great fish to Manolin for continuation of the skills he had taught his apprentice. Manolin was comparable to a disciple left in charge of continuing the work the Master had started.

The importance of Hemingway's story was more than just stories of animals and characters. However, Christ did his most effective teachings using stories so the common folk would understand and get the concepts of his messages. Hemingway's book was not just another "fish tale." Its' meaning was hidden among the characters and events for the reader to discover and interpret. Hemingway proclaimed however that this was not true. He stated that it was just a simple book with little meaning about a man, his boat, and a fish. However, the reader can conclude that one should not go too far without thinking of the consequences beforehand. If one does not think things through completely, the results can sometimes be worse than what was originally planned. A beautiful prize at the end of a struggle does not always end up being worthwhile, or worth what one expected.


海明威《老人与海》的象征主义的浅析 现代文秘Y131 Y01113140 殷丽 内容摘要:海明威的著名小说《老人与海》,运用象征主义的创作手法,颂扬了人类在与自然搏斗时表现出的“可以被摧毁、不能被打败”的伟大精神。而细读作品,发现作品中出现过的老人、大海、小男孩、大马林鱼等均具有特定的象征意义,本文着重挖掘老人、大海、小男孩、大马林鱼等蕴涵的象征意义,进而理解海明威的创作风格。 关键词:象征主义;老人与海;海明威 一、《老人与海》讲述的主要内容 老渔夫桑提亚哥独驾孤舟在大海捕鱼,连续84天都一无所获.在第85天他遇到了一条比船还大的马林鱼。经过三天三夜的生死搏斗,老人终于将其捕获。不料返航途中遭到了一群鲨鱼的进攻。他们围绕着绑在船弦边的马林鱼你争我夺。尽管老人奋力拼搏,也无济于事,最后老人拖着疲惫的身体,仅将光秃秃的马林鱼骨架带回了小茅屋。这就是小说《老人与海》的全部情节。 然而就是这样一部“简单”的小说却能深深影响欧美文坛,震撼数亿读者心灵,重要原因之一就是小说看似简单的故事却包含着多层次、复杂而深刻的象征意义。老人桑提亚哥是人类的缩影,海是老渔夫活动的舞台之一,出海捕鱼是与大海抗争、不屈于命运、积极奋争的象征。《老人与海》故事象征的是人类同大自然抗衡的故事。 二、“老人、大海、小孩、鱼骨架”的象征意义分析 1、老人桑提亚哥——“硬汉式”人物 桑提亚哥可被解读为一个典型的“硬汉式”人物。主人公曾是海边最有经验、捕鱼本领最高的渔夫,然而现在老了,生活状态也不佳。但是他并没屈服,仍然对生活充满着昂扬的斗志,为的就是要证明自己还是最棒的渔夫。所以他能够忍受三天三夜的饥饿,并想尽一切办法把扑到的鱼带回来(尽管剩下的只是骨头),以此证明他从来都不是弱者,而是命运的强者,从来不气馁,永远都乐观地面对生活。我们可以认为,主人公桑提哥的“硬汉”形象是海明威理想化的。


《老人与海》人物、情节梳理 一、内容梗概 老渔夫圣地亚哥在海上连续84天没有捕到鱼。起初,有一个叫曼诺林的男孩跟他一道出海,可是过了40天还没有钓到鱼,孩子就被父母安排到另一条船上去了,因为他们认为孩子跟着老头不会交好运。第85天,老头儿一清早就把船划出很远,他出乎意料地钓到了一条比船还大的马林鱼。老头儿和这条鱼周旋了两天,终于叉中了它。但受伤的鱼在海上留下了一道腥踪,引来无数鲨鱼的争抢,老人奋力与鲨鱼搏斗,但回到海港时,马林鱼只剩下一副巨大的骨架,老人也精疲力尽地一头栽倒在陆地上。孩子来看老头儿,他认为圣地亚哥没有被打败。那天下午,圣地亚哥在茅棚中睡着了,梦中他见到了狮子。 “一个人并不是生来要被打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他。”这是圣地亚哥的生活信念,也是《老人与海》中作者要表明的思想。通过圣地亚哥的形象,作者热情地赞颂了人类面对艰难困苦时所显示的坚不可摧的精神力量。孩子准备和老人再度出海,他要学会老人的一切“本领”,这象征着人类这种“打不败”的精神将代代相传。 二、人物形象 1、圣地亚哥 《老人与海》中的老渔夫圣地亚哥象征着一种哲理化的硬汉子精神,一种永恒的、超时空的存在,一种压倒命运的力量。作者将富有生命的形象同朦胧的寓意融合在一起,将现实生活的诗情画意同深刻的哲理融合在一起,创造了一种体现着人类尊严和命运重压下仍有优雅风度的硬汉子形象。 《老人与海》中,圣地亚哥说:“一个人可以被毁灭,但不能给打败。”这句话既体现了人类抗拒命运的宣言,更是海明威内心的真实写照。文章中老人在面对长达84天未有收获的情况,面对来自人们鄙夷的猜测,依然义无反顾的出海。与其说是为了生存倒不如说是为了证明自己的实力,向外人显示自己的青春。人的生命是奋斗的,是与命运做不懈的抗争。也许这些挑战和抗争足以把人的肉体消灭,但是一个人只要保持旺盛的斗志和在任何艰难险阻面前不屈服的精神,人就永远是胜利者。——永不言弃,战胜一切艰难险阻,打败一切敌人的决心和勇气。 2、曼诺林 小男孩马洛林在《老人与海》中起着不可或缺的作用。孩子是从五岁起跟老人上船学习捕鱼的,孩子的个性特征从另一个侧面反映了老人的性格,孩子虽然很小,但并不显很孩子气;从老人那里学到的不仅是捕鱼的本领,还有自尊自强的精神,并学会懂得生活的艰辛与男人的责任。稚嫩的肩膀早已习惯了清早就得出门打鱼的生活的磨砺,纵然是“走路还打瞌睡”,仍然说“这算什么,男子汉就得这样。”铿锵有力,落地有声的言语充分的展示了“海明威式”的硬汉子精神。 在老人的潜意识里,孩子是自己人生的另一阶段,因为一个人不可能梦到两个自己,所以尽管他与孩子朝夕相处,他“做梦时从没有梦见过孩子”。孩子的离开是孩子家长的决定,老人不愿意也不让孩子为难,于是不让他再跟着自己,不让小男孩也沾上老人的霉运,孩子多次的要求坚持回来,纵然老人的失败就摆在面前,现实证实了老人的失败,老人的多次回决,但始终阻止不了孩子。他不怕失败,蔑视失败,勇敢地面对失败,因为在小男孩心里,桑提亚哥是一个“神钓”、“与众不同”。 孩子在回归帮助表现海明威“重压下的优雅风度”,小男孩的出现决不是可有可无的点缀品,是有其象征意蕴的,是人类的


A man can be destroyed but not defeated -----comment of《The old man and the sea》专业:测控技术与仪器姓名:学号:成绩: This semester, we saw the movie —《The old man and the sea》. The movie which was adapted from the novel written by Hemingway tells us a story about an old man fight against the nature. The novel narrates an old fisherman named Santiago didn’t catch a fish after 84 days on the sea. Finally, he made a decision that going fishing to the unfamiliar sea area. Luckily, he discovered a huge marlin. After fierce fighting, he conquered the marlin despite he was exhausted. Drawn the short straw, the smell of marlin’s blood attracted the sharks. Sharks raided the old man and bit the meat of marlin. The old man resisted the attack from the sharks desperately. However, when he went back the harbor, there was only the marlin’s skeleton left. And there were many discussions about the skeleton among people in harbor. Although the old man failed again and again, he was never disappointed. His calm showed us a matchless strong heart. Despite Santiago is old and miserable, he would never like to quit. He persisted in struggling with the destiny. Sometimes our destiny can not be dominated by us. But we can confront the fate optimistically and accept it calmly. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. Though our human body can be tormented, our determination can never be encroached. The marlin is a


1、《老人与海》是现代美国小说作家海明威创作于1952年的一部中篇小说,也是作者生前发表的最后一篇小说。海明威认为这是他“这辈子所能写得最好的一部作品”。作者通过主人公桑地亚哥的形象,热情地歌颂了人类面对艰难困苦时所显示的坚不可摧的精神力量。() 答案:对 2、象征主义的手法是《老人与海》最大的特色。桑地亚哥打鱼的生涯实际上就是人生的象征,老人与鲨鱼的搏斗是强者与强者之争,其实也是资本主义社会人与人的关系的写照。() 答案:对 3、《老人与海》是海明威最具代表性的作品之一,它讲述了一个叫桑地亚哥的老渔夫在大海上孤身与鲨鱼搏斗的故事,歌颂了桑地亚哥富于冒险的精神。() 答案:错作者并非讴歌老人的冒险精神 4、“他合上两只手,摸一摸手掌心,两只手没有死,只要把两只手一张一合,他还觉得活活地痛哩。他把脊背靠在船艄上,才知道自己没有死。”用动作刻画老人内心的沉着与稳重。() 答案:错将“沉着与稳重”改成恐惧 5、文章叙述角度是第三人称,而老渔夫是在海上独驾孤舟,采用内心独白,不易直接展示他面对厄运时的内心动摇和顽强意志。() 答案:错相反,“不”改为“更” 6、《老人与海》中使用桑地亚哥和曼诺林之间的对话推动故事的情节。其中他们谈话最多的是棒球赛,探讨老人的偶像——狄马吉奥在球场的表现。() 答案:对 7、《老人与海》的作者海明威在创作中坚持忠于客观的原则,以明确生动的语言和简洁凝练的笔法进行冷静而客观的叙述,形成一种含蓄而内涵深刻的风格。() 答案:对 8、因为老人连续84天没有捕到鱼,所以他十分沮丧,打不起精神不想打鱼。孩子是因为没有信心才离开他的。() 答案:错老人在85天又出海打鱼了,另外孩子离开“是孩子的父母让孩子离开老人”9、《老人与海》中狮子象征着黑暗与暴力,马林鱼与鲨鱼象征着大自然的强者,桑地亚哥在海上的捕鱼经历象征着人类的命运,是人生道路上的一个缩影。() 答案:错狮子象征着勇敢与无敌 10、老人在海上捉到了一条很长很大从未见过的鱼,捉这条鱼耗费了老人几天的时间,受了伤,但最终还是捉到了鱼。() 答案:对 11、老人返航的时候,第一条鲨鱼来了,老人被打败了。而那些不断前来吞吃、咬噬大鱼的鲨鱼,则可视为抢掠成性、制造灾难、阻止人们达到理想境地的各种破坏性恶势力的象征。() 答案:错老人没有被打败,而是战胜了鲨鱼 12、老人的鱼,到了回家时,只剩下鱼头和鱼骨,为此,老人有点伤心。孩子却决定与老人一起出海,这使老人非常高兴。() 答案:对 13、在海明威的《老人与海》中,老人喜欢飞鱼、海豚和海龟,厌恶僧帽水母,这实际上是表现老人对弱者的同情,对强者与欺诈者的憎恶。() 答案:对

老人与海 翻译

加几张图片 The Old Man and the Sea 他是一位独自在湾流中划船捕鱼的老人,虽然外出已有八十四天了却一无所获。在起初那四十天里,有个男孩一直陪伴他。可是四十天后,老人依旧没有捕到鱼儿,孩子的父母不得不跟男孩说道:“那个老头儿已经倒霉透顶(salao)了,根本没有什么运气可言。”在父母的安排下,男孩上了一只运气尚好的船,第一周就捉到了三条大鱼。每次老人出海回来时,船舱里总是“空无一物”,看到这场景的男孩难受极了;每逢此时,男孩总会像往常一样帮老人搬运杂乱无章的鱼线、手钩(注释:将大鱼托出水面的钩子)、鱼叉以及裹在桅杆上的船帆。布满褶皱的、船帆是用面粉袋缝制而成,收拢的船帆就像一面彰显“永远失败”的旗帜。 老人身体单薄、憔悴不堪,脖颈上爬满了深深的皱纹。热带洋面极易反射太阳光线,这引起了老人的良性皮肤癌变,因此他的脸颊上布满了褐色斑纹。它们从他脸的两侧蔓延下去。由于常年用绳索拖拽大鱼,手上的疤痕像沟壑一样纵横密布。这些疤痕都有些年代了,就像是无鱼沙漠的风华侵蚀现象一样富有历史。 老人看起来那么的老态龙钟,除了他那双海蓝色眼睛,它们是那么的愉悦欢乐,释放着不可战胜的光芒。 “圣地亚哥,”当他们从小船停泊地儿上岸时,男孩跟老人说道:“我们又能一起出海捕鱼了,我们家挣了一些钱。”

老人教授男孩捕鱼技术,男孩也因此爱惜他。 “不行”,老人说:“你现在的那条船运气十足,你就跟他们出海捕鱼吧。” “可是请你别忘了有一次我们出海捕鱼,一连八十七天都一无所获,后来的三周内我们每天都能捕到几条大鱼啊!” “我没忘记呢,”老人说,“我知道你对我还是有信心的,这是你没有离开我的原因吧!” “是爸爸让我离开你的,作为他的孩子我必须言听计从。” “我晓得,”老人说,“这挺正常的。” “我爸爸对你没有信心啊。” “是啊,”老人说,“可是我们信心十足啊。对不对啊?” “嗯,”男孩说道,“我请你到特勒斯酒吧喝杯啤酒吧,完了我们再把东西搬回去。” “何乐而不为呢?”老人说,“这是渔民间的传统。” 老人和男孩坐在特勒斯酒吧时,旁边的不少渔民嘲弄老人,老人却泰然自若、不为所动。其他的一些渔民伤心地看着老人,他们并没有表现出来,只是彬彬有礼地谈论洋流、描绘他们鱼线的深度、赞美稳定的好天气以及捕鱼时的见闻。那天捕到大鱼的渔民早就坐在酒吧了 “圣地亚哥,”男孩喊道。 “怎么了?”老人回答说。此时他手里端着酒杯,正在追忆许多年前的琐事呢。


老人与海主要内容 老人与海主要内容(一) 《老人与海》故事的背景是在二十世纪中叶的古巴。主角人物是一位圣地亚哥的老渔夫,配角是一个叫马诺林的小孩。这位风烛残年的渔夫一连八十四天都没有钓到一条鱼,几乎都快饿死了;但他仍然不肯认输,而充满着奋斗的精神,终于在第八十五天钓到一条身长十八尺,体重一千五百磅的大马林鱼。大鱼拖着船往大海走,但老人依然死拉着不放,即使没有水,没有食物,没有武器,没有助手,而且左手又抽筋,他也丝毫不灰心。经过两天两夜之后,他终于杀死大鱼,把它拴在船边。但许多小鲨立刻前来抢夺他的战利品;他一一地杀死它们,到最后只剩下一支折断的舵柄做为武器。结果,大鱼仍难逃被吃光的命运,最终,老人筋疲力竭地拖回一副鱼骨头。他回到家躺在床上,只好从梦中去寻回那往日美好的岁月,以忘却残酷的现实。老渔夫,虽然老了,倒霉、失败;但他仍旧坚持努力,而能在失败的风度上赢得胜利。这部小说表现了一种奋斗的人生观,即使面对的是不可征服的大自然,但人仍然可以得到精神上的胜利。也许结果是失败的,但在奋斗的过程中,我们可以看到一个人如何成为一个顶天立地的大丈夫。 老人与海主要内容(二)

《老人与海》之所以成为海明威的巅峰之作,之所以不同于海明威其他硬汉小说,就在于海明威在《老人与海》中,不但写了硬汉,而且通过这一硬汉讴歌了人类永恒价值。正是这一点使得《老人与海》中的硬汉圣地亚哥与海明威其他小说中的硬汉有了天壤之别。 “人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不可以给打败”.孤独的老渔夫圣地亚哥刚毅的性格、精湛的钓鱼术等勾勒出他已不仅仅是条硬汉,而他身上所体现的精神价值,更完全是古希腊悲剧精神的体现,作者海明威在他身上找到了一种灵魂,这灵魂是人类亘古不变的永恒价值。 从他身上看到了各种不同的、让人深思的境界:自信、勇敢、乐观、单纯、孤寂及睿智。而且从他身上可以品味到一种艺术,这种艺术在当今的人群中也是罕有的。 《老人与海》,一个“硬汉”以坚强的意志与凶恶的敌手进行一场孤独的抗争。老渔夫桑地亚歌84天一无所获,就连跟他一起出海的孩子也去了别的船。他真的是“倒了血霉”,失落和孤独此时是他唯一的朋友,也是敌人。但他并不畏惧强敌,不抱怨命运,始终为制服对手而顽强坚持着。第85天老渔夫似乎行了好运,终于钓到了一条1500磅的大鱼。当一个人苦苦等待,终于有机会的时候,他总是很珍惜这难得的机会,想尽一切办法实现它。因为这是他精神支柱,只有实现了,他才能继续那孤独难熬的日子。 从与大鱼周旋,到驱赶凶恶的鲨鱼,他的整个奋斗过程都处于个


海明威《老人与海》的象征主义手法的赏析 内容摘要:海明威的著名小说《老人与海》,运用其提出的“冰山理论”的创作原则,运用象征主义和解构主义的创作手法,颂扬了人类在处理人与自然斗争的这一题材时,表达出“可以被摧毁、不能被打败”的伟大精神。本文在联系海明威人生经历的基础上,着重挖掘老人、大海、小男孩、大马林鱼等蕴涵的象征意义,进而理解海明威的创作风格。 关键词:象征主义;老人与海;冰山理论;海明威 莫言拿到“诺奖”,国人心里热了,大街小巷“奔走相告”,各大媒体更是将莫言先生的“红高梁地”的曝光到底的。溯源的精神总是驱使国人,遇事“总要翻过底朝天”。同样的,我最近方才读完海明威几本作品,其中包括《老人与海》、《永别了,武器》。并且翻阅海明威的相关资料,追溯其的生平事迹,以期望更好的解读文本。 一、海明威的人生经历与文本关系分析 (一)海明威事迹简述: 1899年出生在一个父母性格迥异的家庭,父亲的冒险精神深刻影响着他的人生。他爱好广泛,但是好胜心极强,在体育运动比赛项目上拿不到冠军,就会放弃这项运动。也因此,他拳击失败了,该踢足球,但因为足球队里不是主力而放弃。喜欢钓鱼和打猎,这是他一生都爱好的事情。自学生时代起,爱写作,是校园里写文章响当当的人物。 1918年参加军队,受到垄断资本家的鼓动,年轻的他赴欧洲意大利一带参加协约国对奥地利的作战受了重伤。战后获得意大利十字军功奖章回国做了记者,但是思想转入了迷茫。1924年辞去记者工作,专心从事文学写作,这一年出版了《在我们的时代》。次年再版的《在我们的时代》使他赢得了声誉。 此后,陆续出版了《太阳也升起来了》、《永别了,武器》、《下午之死》、《非洲青山》,《有的和没有的》。 1936年西班牙内战爆发,他参加了反对佛朗哥的战争,后来加入国际纵队,对人民和共产主义有了接触与了解。这改变了他在精神世界里面的迷茫。海明威在此期间写了剧本《第五纵队》的解说词,还写了战争题材的小说《战地钟声》等。二战中,他多次负伤,尽管健康不好,但是依然喜欢打猎和斗牛。他是一个在打击面前不肯低头的人,因此,晚年的他思想斗争极其巨大。但是,“唯有《老


Plot Summary In a small fishing village in Cuba, Santiago, an old, weathered fisherman has just gone 84 days without catching a fish. On the 85th day, he is determined to catch a big, impressive fish. For years, Santiago has been fishing with a young boy named Manolin. Manolin started fishing with the old man when he was only 5 years old. Santiago is like Manolin's second father, and has taught the young boy everything about fishing. Manolin is extremely loyal to Santiago and makes sure that the old man is always safe, fed and healthy. Manolin's parents, however, force the boy to leave Santiago and fish on a more lucrative fishing boat. Manolin does not want to leave Santiago, but must honor his duty to his parents. On the new boat, Manolin catches several fish within the first few days. Santiago, meanwhile, decides to head out on the Gulf Stream alone. He feels the 85th day will be lucky for him. He sets out on his old, rickety skiff. Alone on the water, Santiago sets up his fishing lines with the utmost precision, a skill that other fisherman lack. Finally, he feels something heavy tugging at one of his lines. A huge Marlin has found Santiago's bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags Santiago beyond all other boats and people - he can no longer see land from where the fish drags him. The struggle takes its toll on Santiago. His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish. Santiago and the Marlin become united out at sea. They are attached to each other physically, and in Santiago's case, emotionally. He respects and loves the Marlin and admires its beauty and greatness. He sees the fish as his brother. Despite this, Santiago has to kill it. He feels guilty killing a brother, but after an intense struggle in which the fish drags the skiff around in circles, Santiago harpoons the very large fish and hangs it on the side of his boat. He feels brave, like his hero Joe DiMaggio, who accomplished great feats despite obstacles, injuries or adversities. After enjoying a few moments of pride, a pack of sharks detects the blood in the water and follow the trail to Santiago's skiff. Santiago has to fend off each shark that goes after his prized catch. Each shark takes a huge bite out of the Marlin, but the old man fends them off, himself now bruised, but alive. He sails back to shore with the carcass of his Marlin. He is barely able to walk and slowly staggers back to his hut, where he falls into bed.


In Ernest Hemingway's masterpiece, The Old Man and the Sea, he uses much symbolism to assist the readers understanding of the massage he is trying to portray. The Old Man and the Sea isn't just a book about an old man and the sea. There are many hidden meanings to it. Each element represents different things. The marlin, for example, represents strength, beauty and the last challenge we all go though. The lions in his dreams resemble youth, freedom, and also strength. Santiago, the old man, symbolizes Christ in many ways and other people and things symbolize different things like the young boy, Manolin. Manolin, the young boy, that followed Santiago was not fishing with the old man because his parents forced him to, actually he was told to stay away form the old man because he was bad luck, but because he wanted too. He liked to be around the old man and listen to what he had to say. When the old man would look at Manolin he would see himself at a younger age, someone who cared more about the elderly and their heritage than the new ways bestowed on them. Manolin symbolized the disciples of Jesus. The ones who would follow him to his death and then go out and preach his ways. He believes in the old man and takes charge and tells all the other fisherman to stay away from Santiago after his return. He would take care of the old man when he said to him "Keep warm old man. Remember we are in September." Manolin only wanted good things for Santiago, he did not want anyone to hurt him or put him down for his accomplishments. He wants to learn from the old man and to listen to what he had to say about him as a young man or of Joe DiMaggio. Joe DiMaggio represents many things to the old man. Santiago sees DiMaggio as an equal. One whose father was a poor fisherman just like he is. When he was out fishing he thought to himself, would the great DiMaggio ever stay this long as he did and quickly replied to himself that DiMaggio is young and strong and that his father was a fisherman so of course he would stay. This made him feel better because now he could compare himself to his hero. Santiago thought that DiMaggio would understand him because of their background being the same. He wanted someone like the boy that would listen to him but understood him more and he believes DiMaggio could be that person. Joe DiMaggio also represents hope that the old man has for Manolin. He wishes that the boy will grow up and be like the great DiMaggio so that he will not be a poor fisher like he is. All of the other fisherman in the story are the people that want the newest equipment and want to do away with the old ways of living. They were intentionally putting down the old man and his accomplishments especially


[读后感]老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感 老人与海英文读后感: It’slonglongago,’,’s prettybrisk,,IlikedElizabeth,theheroine,thoughIdidn’tthinkshe’’,Ididn’’,Ihaven’treadthewholestoryinEnglishoritschineseversion, Infact,Ididn’’,butIdidn’tfindwhere’’snormal, 老人与海英文读后感: 老人与海读后感英文版 whenIwasamiddleschoolstudent,I’,Ireally,formypart,thatistrue. Firstly,,majorcharactersandthetopicofit. TheoldmanandtheSeaisastorybyErnestHemingway,,itcentersuponSantiago,anagingcubanfishermanwhostruggleswithagiantmarlinfaroutintheGulfStream. TheoldmanandtheSeaservedtoreinvigorateHemingway’sl;itrestoredmanyreaders’confidenceinHem ingway’,Scribner’s,onanearlydustjacket,calledthenovellaa”newclassic,”andmanycriticsfavorablypareditwithsuchworksaswilliamFaulkner ’s”TheBear”andHermanmelville’smoby-Dick. Thisbookgivesmeadeepimpressionespeciallythedescriptionabouttheman’sbravenessandpersistence. Inthisbook,inordertosuggesttheprofundityoftheoldman’ssacrificeandtheglorythatderivesfromit,HemingwaypurposefullylikensSantiagotochrist,who,accordingtochristiantheology,’spalmsarefirstcutbyhisfishingline,,whenthesharksarrive,Hemingwayportraystheoldmanasacrucifiedmartyr,sayingthath,theimageoftheoldmanstrugglingupthehillwithhismastacrosshisshouldersrecallschrist’—facedownwithhisarmsoutstraightandthepalmsofhishandsup— oystheseimagesinthefinalpagesofthenovellainordertolinkSantiagotochrist,whoexemplifiedtranscendencebyturninglossintogain,defeatintotriumph,andevendeathintorenewedlife. Themajorcharactersinthisbookarealsovividandlively. Santiago?,theoldmanofthenovella’stitle,,,,andofhiscraft,isunparalleledandhelpshimpreserveasenseofhoperegardlessofcircumstance. Themarlin?,Santiagohooksthemarlin,whichwelearnattheendofthenovellameasureseighteenfeet,?,aboypresumablyinhisadolescence,manolinisSantiago’’srecentbadluck,manolin’,however,stillcaresdeeplyfortheoldman,towhomhecontinuestolookasamentor. joeDimaggio,althoughDimaggioneverappearsinthenovel,,andhisthoughtstur?,Perico,thereaderassumes,ownsthebodegainSantiago’,butheservesanimportantroleinthefisherman’martin,likePerico,martin,acaféownerinSantiago’svillage,,whooftengoestomartinforSantiago’,martinisamanoffrequentkindnesswhodeservestoberepaid. Fromtheveryfirstparagraph,—’sstruggle,thesailofhisskiffresembles“theflagofpermanentdefeat.”Buttheoldman refusesdefeatateveryturn:here solvest,tyinghisrecordofeighty-sevendaysafterabrutalthree-dayfight,andhecontinuestowardoffsharksfromstealinghisprey,eventhoughheknowsthebattleisuseless.


《老人与海》 语文精品课例:《老人与海》 1、教材版本 人教版高中语文第三册第一单元第三篇略读课文《老人与海》1课时。 2、目标确立 (1)教材分析。高中语文新课标对小说教学提出要求,即“培养阅读古今中外各类小说的兴趣,从优秀的小说中吸取思想、感情和艺术的营养,丰富、深化对历史、社会和人生的认识,提高文学修养”,并且包括“了解小说等文学体裁的基本特征和主要表现手法”等内容。鉴于此,高中人教版必修课程共设置了两个小说单元,选择的篇章都是富有代表性的古今中外名家名篇。 课文《老人与海》,是诺贝尔文学奖获得者、美国著名作家海明威的同名代表作品的节选,描绘了一位老人——桑地亚哥勇敢顽强地与鲨鱼搏斗的情景,表现了一种英勇无畏的硬汉精神。海明威说:“这本书描写的是一个人的能耐可以达到什么程度,描绘人的灵魂的尊严。”这一人物形象及其蕴含的精神的确有利于学生“形成健康美好的情感和奋发向上的人生态度”(新课标)。 此外,正如诺贝尔文学奖评委会在给海明威的颁奖词中指出“他精通于叙事艺术,突出地表现在他的近著《老人与海》之中”,作品的成功得益于他那高度简练的叙事技巧和那简约、含蓄的语言风格。所以,本课的教学重点放在人物形象、主题思想、语言风格等方面,这一方面是本文的重点及特色所在,同时也在整个小说教学中有承前启后的衔接作用。 (2)学情分析。对于小说这一叙事文体,高中学生大都能够比较有效地运用多种阅读方式解读文本,在对一般小说要素的把握上并不存在大的障碍。本文的突出特点一是篇幅较长,要求学生有较强的速读能力;二是海明威著名的“冰山理论”在这部小说中也有体现,表面上写老渔夫的冒险经历,实际上,作品中的形象却具有高度的概括性和寓意性,把握到这个层面,对学生来说是有难度的。此外,这一代学生是在和平温馨的环境中长大的,他们的内心深处相对脆弱、孤独,抗挫能力差,比如孙华泽、尹香美等同学。对于一篇激励了几代人奋斗不息的文学作品,我希望自己的学生能够从海明威充满魅力的文字中获取人生拼搏的力量,希望学生在感悟作者塑造的形象的魅力的同时去筑造自己人生的精神砥柱!


老人与海读后感英文版 读了美国著名作家海明威的小说《老人与海》。我十分佩服 小说中老渔夫的意志,他让我懂得了一个人一定要有坚持不懈的 精神,才能获得成功。下面是WTT为您收集整理的示例范文,仅 供参考! 篇【1】 this year summer vacation, i read the american well-known writer hemingway's novel “ old person and sea ”. i extremely admire in the novel the senior fisherman's will, he let me understand one person certainly must have relentless spirit, only then could obtain successfully. the novel deion is one year near sixty years of age senior fisherman, when alone goes to sea in one fishing, fished one big fish, actually did not pull. the senior fisherman socialized several days after the fish, only then discovered this was the big marlin which one surpassed the oneself fishing boat several fold, although knew perfectly well very difficult to win, but still did not give up.


《老人与海》中的硬汉形象以及象征意 义 摘要:《老人与海》是一部独具特色的作品,它把现实主义的细节描写和通篇作品的象征寓意性融为一体,表达了深邃的内涵。桑提亚哥的硬汉形象具有浓厚的哲理性和象征意义。桑提亚哥这个老而不衰,不幸但不可战胜的英雄形象,表达作者一贯推崇的勇敢、坚毅、意志力等精神。透过小说表面,可以说尽管不乏非凡精确的现实主义描写,然而就整体而言,则堪称一部象征意义的作品。 关键词:硬汉象征 一、引言 《老人与海》是海明威一生的创作的结晶,是思想和艺术的总结。这是故事简单、篇幅不大的作品,但含义丰富。《老人与海》写的是老人桑提亚哥在远离陆地的大海上与一条比小船还要大的马林鱼搏斗的故事。桑提亚哥是一个孤独的捕鱼的老人,出海84天却一无所获。周围的人不理解他,嘲笑他,但他并未放弃希望。他独自一人驾船“走出去很远”,终于捕到一条大马林鱼。不料,在回来的途中遭到成群的鲨鱼争夺,搏斗两天两夜之后,他筋疲力尽,满身血污地拖着马林鱼的骨架回家了。 桑提亚哥不仅仅是个普通劳动者的形象,还是个富有寓意的形象。他是海明威所崇尚的完美的人的象征:宽厚、仁慈、充满爱心、有着永远不败的精神力量。即使在人生的角斗场上失败了,面对着不可逆转的厄运,他仍然是精神上的强者,是“硬汉子”,而不是要别人保护的可怜虫。“一个人并不是生来要被打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败他。”[1]这是桑提亚哥的生活信念,也是《老人与海》的主旨。 二、桑提亚哥的硬汉形象 桑提亚哥是海明威以细腻的现实主义笔调塑造的具有浓厚象征性的硬汉典型,他是海明威笔下一系列硬汉形象的发展与升华。他“象征着一种高度哲理化的人类精神,一种永恒的超越时空的存在” [2]。海明威将富有生命力的人物形象与朦胧抽象的寓意、把现实生活的诗情画意与丰富深刻的哲理有机融合,从而创造出这位体现着人类尊严、在厄运乃至悲剧性命运的重压下昂首挺立而不弯腰的硬汉子典型。 作为硬汉性格的最典型体现,桑提亚哥主要有这样几个特点: 1.首先具有一般硬汉所共有的勇敢、倔强、不屈不挠的精神特质。桑提亚哥在接连84天没有捕到一条鱼的困境中,毫不气馁,再度出海。在远海上为制服马林鱼,周旋了三天三夜;归途中又与蚕食自己劳动果实的凶猛鲨鱼展开殊死搏斗,鱼叉丢了用刀,刀子折了用船桨,桨把断了再用舵…… 2.超时空的主体情境,赋予了桑提亚哥豪迈的人格力量。海明威笔下的许多硬汉总是活动于具体的时空,而桑提亚哥则明显不同,始终是孤零零地漂泊于浩瀚无际的大海上,先后与大马林鱼和鲨鱼展开搏斗。在这种超越具体的时空中,老人与大海及与鱼的关系便具有了某种象征性意义:他与大鱼的较量成了一曲人类与自然、人与命运相抗争的颂歌,老人失败转化为寓言意义上的胜利,老人由此而获得了豪迈的人格力量。即如他的那句口头禅所说的:“一个人并不是生来要给打败的,你尽可以把他消灭掉,可就是打不败 他。” [1] 3.小说结尾的点睛之笔,给桑提亚哥的硬汉性格注入了独有的乐观因素。和其他许多硬汉相比,桑提亚哥并没有带着悲壮的神色走向必然的失败,而是在遭受了那么多磨难之后,仍满怀信心地梦见了力量的 化身——一头雄狮。 桑提亚哥已经不是单纯的硬汉子了,他的背后是人类永恒存在的价值:自信、自强和自尊。桑提亚哥的形象具有象征性的哲理意义,他不再代表他个人,他的行为也不是个人的英雄主义,而是象征了永恒的人类精神存在。他激励人们向困难和死亡挑战,他的行为准则就是拼,不顾一切地去拼,虽死犹荣,决不
