


1. 'I can't breathe!' - 詹姆斯·加纳 (Eric Garner)

这句话来自于2014年7月17日,纽约市的一次警务行动中,一名黑人男子被警察制服时窒息而死。这次事件引发了全美大规模的抗议和示威活动,NBA球员们也纷纷表达了对这种不公正的抗议。在比赛中,勒布朗·詹姆斯戴着一件印有'I can't breathe!'的T恤,向观众和媒体传达了他对这种社会问题的关注和呼吁。

2. 'I have a dream.' - 马丁·路德·金 (Martin Luther King)


3. 'Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.' - 文斯·洛姆巴迪 (Vince Lombardi)



4. 'I'm taking my talents to South Beach.' - 勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James)


5. 'I'm just here so I won't get fined.' - 马歇尔·林奇(Marshawn Lynch)




Air ball:“三不沾”,投出的球什么都没碰到。 Alley-oop:“空中接力”。一个运动员把球抛向空中,另一个队员在空中接住球把球扣入篮筐。Arena:比赛场;竞技场。比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena。 Assist:助攻(缩写:Ast.)。 Backboard:篮板。注意不是basketboard。 Backcourt:后场。一支球队本方的半场为后场,即这支球队所要防守的那半场。Backdoor paly:篮球基本战术之一。当一个队员在罚球弧周围接到球时,另一个动员立刻从弱侧切入篮下,接队友的传球投篮得分。 Baseline:底线。球场两端的边界线。 Basket:篮筐。也作ring,还有一种通俗的说法是hoop。 Bench:替补队员。 Block shot:盖帽(缩写:Blk.)。 Bo嘘声(n);发出嘘声(v)。球迷发泄不满的一种方法。 Bounce pass:击地传球。 Box out:抢篮板球挡人,即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作。Brickv)球打在篮筐或篮板上被崩出来。许多公牛队的球迷在客队罚球时都手执一块上写"Brick"的牌子在罚球队员的眼前不停的晃动,扰乱他的视线,以达到干扰罚球的目的。Buzzer beater:比赛结束前的最后一投。buzzer是比赛用的蜂鸣器。 Captian:队长。队长是场上惟一有资格与裁判讨论规则和判罚的人。 Coach:教练。比如Head coach是主教练,Assistant coach是助理教练。 Coast-to-coast:从球场的一端到另一端(n)。例如:coast-to-coast pass。 Conference:联盟。NBA分东、西两个联盟(Eastern Conference和Western Conference),每个联盟都有自己的logo。 Commissioner:总裁。NBA的现任总裁是David Stern。 Court:球场;赛场。home court主场。 Crossover:交叉运球过人。是Tim Hardaway的商标动作。 Cut:切入。 Debut:首次上场。 Defense:防守。当客队进攻时,我们经常能听到主场的球迷在体育馆音效师的带领下高喊"Defense! Defense!"。 Deny the ball:绕前防守。 Disqualification:被罚下场(缩写:DQ.)。 Division:赛区。NBA共有四个赛区,每个联盟下属两个赛区。 Double-double:两双,即两项技术统计指标达两位数。 Double-team:双人夹击。 Double dribble:两次运球。 Downtown:三分线以外。 Draft:选秀,即NBA每年一度的纳新大会。 Dribble:运球(vt,n)。 Du原义是二重唱,在篮球中专指双人组合。 Fadeaway shot:后仰投篮。也作fadeaway jumper。 Fake:假动作(n);做假动作(v)。 Fast break:快攻;快速突破。 Finals:总决赛。Semifinals半决赛。


nba名言英文 1、whocanstopmeisme. 只有我才能使自己停下来。 2、Iplayeverygamelikeitismylast. 我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。 3、Idonottorespectandfearanyone. 我不用尊重和害怕任何人! 4、whocanstopmeisme. 只有我才能使自己停下来。 5、Iplayeverygamelikeitismylast. 我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。 6、Nobrothernotbasketball. 无兄弟,不篮球。 7、ILoveThisGame. 我爱这比赛。 8、Wherespacewalkinghappens. NBA,地心引力不再有。 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考

9、iceinmyvein. 我的血管里流的是冰. 10、WhatI’mdoingrightnow,I’mchasingperfection. 我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。 11、IalwaysthinkIcouldmiss20shotsandbelievethatthe21stisgoingin,Ijustkeee pfighting. 我总是觉得我会投失前20投,并且相信那第21球一定会进!我只是不停的奋斗. 12、Nomatterwhat,justdonotgiveup.Alwaysbelievethatyourdreamcancometr ue&justkeepworkingforwhatyouwanttoachieve. 无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。 13、Theycannotbreakme.Theonlywaytobreakmeistokillme,Andeverythingthat doesnotkillmemakesmestronger. 他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2


nba励志名言英语 导读:英语名言 nba励志名言英语 1、我过你就像过清晨的马路,等下我要在这里绝杀你,认住了,是这里。——拉里伯德 I cross you like a road in the morning. I'm going to kill you here. I recognize it. It's here. 2、一名伟大的球星最突出的能力就是让周围的队友变得更好。——乔丹 The most outstanding ability of a great star is to make his teammates around him better. 3、压力、挑战,这一切消极的东西都是我能够取得成功的催化剂。——科比 Pressure, challenges, all these negative things are catalysts for my success. 4、得分可以让一个人很快乐,但助攻可以让两个人很快乐。——魔术师约翰逊 Scoring can make one person happy, but assists can make two people happy. 5、我不知道需要多长时间才能取得辉煌,我只是想尽我所能去成为最出色的篮球运动员。——科比 I don't know how long it will take to be brilliant. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.

6、一周有七天,一天有二十四个小时,我随时可以搞定卡尔·马龙。——罗德曼 There are seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day. I can fix Carl Malone at any time. 7、我不尊重任何人,包括乔丹,因为我要胜利。——雷吉·米勒 I don't respect anyone, including Jordan, because I want to win. 8、我把每一场比赛都当作我最后的一场比赛来打。——艾弗森 I play every game as if it was my last. 9、即使几个月没上过球场、但我还有自信,还有在球场上击败每一个人的信心。——欣哲 Even though I haven't been on the pitch for months, I still have confidence and the confidence to beat everyone on the pitch. 10、我总是觉得我会投失前20投,并且相信那第21球一定会进!我只是不停奋斗!——艾弗森 I always think I'll miss the first 20 shots and believe that the 21st is going to be a goal!I just keep fighting! 11、他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强!——艾弗森 They can't knock me down unless they kill me, and anything that can't kill me will make me stronger!


nba英语语录 NBA英语语录是每个篮球迷必备的宝藏,它不仅包含了经典的球员名言,还记录了无数精彩的比赛瞬间。以下是一些经典的NBA英语语录,让我们一起来回顾一下这些激动人心的瞬间。 1. 'I can't breathe!' - 詹姆斯·加纳 (Eric Garner) 这句话来自于2014年7月17日,纽约市的一次警务行动中,一名黑人男子被警察制服时窒息而死。这次事件引发了全美大规模的抗议和示威活动,NBA球员们也纷纷表达了对这种不公正的抗议。在比赛中,勒布朗·詹姆斯戴着一件印有'I can't breathe!'的T恤,向观众和媒体传达了他对这种社会问题的关注和呼吁。 2. 'I have a dream.' - 马丁·路德·金 (Martin Luther King) 这句话被认为是美国民权运动的标志性口号,代表着人们对平等和公正的向往。NBA球员们在比赛中也经常引用这句话,表示对社会正义的追求和呼唤。例如,2014年,波士顿凯尔特人队伍在一次比赛中穿着印有马丁·路德·金的T恤,向观众传达了他们对社会公正的期望。 3. 'Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.' - 文斯·洛姆巴迪 (Vince Lombardi) 这句话被认为是体育界的经典名言,它传达了对胜利的追求和追求卓越的态度。在NBA比赛中,球员们也时常引用这句话,表示他们的决心和努力。例如,科比·布莱恩特曾说过:'我不在乎我得了多少分,如果我不能带领我的球队赢得比赛,那么这些分数都毫无意义。

' 4. 'I'm taking my talents to South Beach.' - 勒布朗·詹姆斯 (LeBron James) 这句话被认为是NBA自由球员市场的重要时刻,也是勒布朗·詹姆斯决定转会迈阿密热火队的宣言。这次转会引起了全国的轰动和热议,但最终证明了勒布朗·詹姆斯的决策是正确的。他带领热火队赢得了两个总冠军,再次证明了他的超群实力和领袖才能。 5. 'I'm just here so I won't get fined.' - 马歇尔·林奇(Marshawn Lynch) 这句话来自于2015年超级碗赛前的新闻发布会上,西雅图海鹰队的马歇尔·林奇在接受采访时不断地重复这句话。这次事件引发了全美的关注和讨论,人们开始思考体育明星与媒体之间的关系和交流方式。NBA球员们也经常在接受采访时引用这句话,表示他们对媒体的态度和看法。 总之,这些经典的NBA英语语录记录了NBA历史上无数精彩的瞬间和球员们的精神风貌,它们不仅是体育粉丝们的宝藏,更是人们对体育和社会的思考和关注。让我们一起珍惜这些语录,向着更加美好的未来前进!


关于30句乔丹英文励志名言 1.i am back! (乔丹最) 2.i can accept defeat but could not accept to give up . 我可以接受失败,但不能接受放弃.(乔丹) 3.when i step out on to the basketball court,i consider myself to be the best basketball player i can be. i have total confidence that once i step on the basketball court that i can do all the things that i m capable of doing. 当我放大步伐走进篮球场的时候,我把自己想象成最优秀的篮球运动员,我有这样的信心:一旦我踏进球场我能把所有我可以做的事情做好。 4. we re entertainers. i don t think my job is more important than all the firemen and policemen s jobs each and every day. there is a place for relaxation,and i think that s where my responsibility lies. hopefully,i can provide relaxation for some people. 我们球员也是演员,我不认为我每天的工作比消防员或者警察更重要,这球场是让人们来放松的,而我有责任,或者能够做点什么去让大家放松! 5.i m not about the money. i don t care if i get paid a dime. i ve said that many years. i m going to play the game of basketball because i love it. 我不关心钱,我不在乎,哪怕我只是


nba励志名言英文 导读:本文是关于nba励志名言英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、只有我才能使自己停下来。 Only I can make myself stop. 2、让我们倒在敌人的尸体上。 Let's fall in the enemy's body. 3、不做下一个谁,做第一个我。 Who do not do the next, first I do. 4、在球场上我不需要尊敬任何人。 I don't need to respect anyone on the court. 5、我像个超级英雄。请叫我篮球人。 I like a super hero. Please call me basketball. 6、我可以接受失败,但无法接受放弃。 I can accept failure, but can't accept giving up. 7、世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。 The world abandoned me, but there are basketball with me. 8、你最好全心关注,因为我会全力以赴。 You'd better with all my heart, because I will go all out. 9、你永远不要低估一颗冠军的心。

You don't ever underestimate the heart of championship. 10、我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。 I take every game as my last. 11、即使世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。 Even if the world abandoned me, but there are basketball with me. 12、不要换我下场,我死后多的是时间休息。 Don't change my fate, I more time to rest after death. 13、我从来没打算退缩,我的字典没有妥协。 I'm never going to retreat, my dictionary without compromise. 14、我从不惧怕任何对手,只怕对手不够强大。 I never fear any opponent, is not strong enough. 15、我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。 Everything I do now, is in pursuit of more perfect. 16、我想在自己的墓碑上,刻上两个字‘误解’。 I want to in my tombstone, carved two words "misunderstanding". 17、我们这支球队就是为了要夺取总冠军而存在的。 We this team is to win a championship. 18、我把每一场比赛都当作我最后的一场比赛来打。 I take every game as my last one game to play.


Number 2-of-17 shooting:投篮17次命中2次. 3PG%:三分球命中率. 3 men weave:三人组合;指一般称强边进攻的模式. 6-of-8 from the line:投罚球8次命中6次. 8-man-rotation game:8人替补的比赛,季后赛中,一般教练都只让8人轮流上场,即一个控球替补,一个2,3号替补,一个4,5号替补再加五个先发共8人. 12-0 run in last 4 minutes:在刚刚过去的4分钟内连得了12分,12比0的小高潮. A a blockbuster deal:球队之间"大规模的球员交易". a foul:shooting:a球员在对手投篮下的犯规. a free throw 1 of 2:a球员在2次罚球下罚第一球. a free throw 2 of 2:a球员在2次罚球下罚第二球. a jump shot:made (30 PTS):a球员跳投得分(第30分). a jump shot:missed:a球员跳投:不进. a sellout crowd:满座,座无虚席. a substitution replaced by b:a球员替补上b球员. ABA:American Basketball Association,美国篮球协会. acceleration sprint:加速跑,由慢跑,滑步跑而后全速跑的跑步. acclimatization:适应,由于不断地滞留在不同的天气下而获得某种生理上的调整(adjustment). achilles tendon:跟腱. active recovery:主动休息,即以30~40%运动强度实施休息.在运动完后作主动休息者,其血液中乳酸量降低较快,尤其在20~40分钟时差距较大. aerobic:有氧的,氧存在的. agent 经纪人. aggressiveness:侵略. agility:敏捷性,动作迅速. aircraft carrier:吨位大的球员. air-ball:篮外空心球,篮板,篮框,篮网都没碰到. alley-(h)oop:空中接力. All-Defensive Team:最佳防守阵容. All-NBA Team:NBA最佳阵容. All-Rookie Team:最佳新秀阵容. All-Star:全明星. anaerobic:无氧的,氧不存在的,基本上篮球是属于无氧运动. APG:平均每场助攻. aqueous:水的. arc:三分线.


科比励志英语名言 1、只要心够绝! As long as the heart enough unique! 2、我是最好的。 I am the best。 3、永远笑着面对生活。 Always face life with a smile。 4、我可以比我更高大。 I can be taller than me。 5、我们有着一颗冠军的心。 We have a heart of champion。 6、我不想永远被他的光环笼罩着。 I don't want to always be his aura。 7、谁也不是佐敦,我只做我自己。 Who also not Jordan,I only do myself。 8、生命的有些时候,你必须去挑战伟大。 Life sometimes,you must go to the great challenges。

9、谁说我已经完蛋了,那些质疑者都是蠢蛋。 Who says I have already finished,those questions are stupid。10、我离开后,你们才会真正明白我的价值。 After I left,you will truly understand the value of I。 11、你可以不爱我,但你至少要怕我。 You can do not love me,but at least you should be afraid of me。 12、我从来没打算退缩,我的字典没有妥协。 I'm never going to retreat,my dictionary without compromise。13、这就是我的人生,谁也不要期望我怎么活。 This is my life,who also don't expect me how to live。 14、既然对手已经放弃,那我便必要在炫耀自己。 Since opponents have given up,that I need in to show off。 15、我不想和别人一样,即便这个别人:是乔丹。 I don't want to and others,even if the others:is Michael Jordan。 16、我想在自己的墓碑上,刻上两个字“误解”。 I want to in my tombstone,carved two words "misunderstanding"。 17、替我谢谢中国球迷,我在证明自己是最好的球员。 Thank you Chinese fans for me,I was proved to be the best player。


nba球星经典语录英文 导读:本文是关于nba球星经典语录英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、让我们倒在敌人的尸体上。——阿泰斯特 Let's fall on the enemy's body. 2、我可以接受失败,但无法接受放弃。——乔丹 I can accept failure, but I can't accept it. 3、世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。——科比 The world abandoned me, but also with me. 4、你永远不要低估一颗冠军的心。——汤姆贾诺维奇 You should never underestimate the heart of a champion. 5、我从不惧怕任何对手,只怕对手不够强大。——乔丹 I never fear any opponent, but the opponent is not strong enough. 6、不要换我下场,我死后多的是时间休息。——巴克利 Don't change my fate, my death is more time to rest. 7、我们这支球队就是为了要夺取总冠军而存在的。——韦德 Our team is there to win the championship. 8、我不尊重任何人,包括乔丹,因为我要胜利。——雷吉米勒 I don't respect anyone, including Jordan, because I want to win.

9、不要轻言放弃,一旦放弃了,比赛就结束了。——安西教练 Don't give up, give up once, the game ends. 10、我把每一场比赛都当作我最后的一场比赛来打。——艾弗森 I play every game as my last game. 11、现在他们确实比我强,但我相信在不久的将来会打败他们。——姚明 Now they are better than me, but I believe I will beat them in the near future. 12、得分可以让一个人很快乐,但助攻可以让两个人很快乐。——魔术师约翰逊 Scoring can make a person happy, but assists can make two people happy. 13、我过你就像过清晨的马路,等下我要在这里绝杀你,认住了,是这里。——拉里伯德 I like you too early in the morning of the road, and I want you to recognize lore here, live here. 14、即使几个月没上过球场、但我还有自信,还有在球场上击败每一个人的信心。——欣哲 Even if I haven't been on the court for a couple of months, but I have confidence and the confidence to beat everyone on the court.


nba励志英语名言 导读:本文是关于nba励志英语名言的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、一步一步地走,这是唯一的成功之路。——乔丹 Step by step, this is the only way to success. 2、我从不惧怕任何对手,只怕对手不够强大。——乔丹 I'm never afraid of any opponent, just afraid that the opponent is not strong enough. 3、我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。——科比 All I do now is to pursue perfection. 4、我想在自己的墓碑上,刻上两个字‘误解’。——艾弗森 I want to engrave two words `misunderstanding'on my tombstone. 5、即使世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。——科比 Even if the world abandoned me, basketball accompanied me. 6、你最好全心关注,因为我会全力以赴。——詹姆斯 You'd better concentrate on it, because I'll do my best. 7、不要换我下场,我死后多的是时间休息。——巴克利 Don't change me. I have more time to rest after I die. 8、不做下一个谁,做第一个我。——詹姆斯

Don't be the next one, be the first one. 9、我像个超级英雄。请叫我篮球人。——詹姆斯 I'm like a superhero. Please call me a basketball player. 10、只有我才能使自己停下来。——艾弗森 Only I can stop myself. 11、让我们倒在敌人的尸体上。——阿泰斯特 Let's fall on the body of the enemy. 12、天才可以赢得一些比赛,团队合作才能赢得冠军。——乔丹 Genius can win some games, teamwork can win the championship. 13、在球场上我不需要尊敬任何人。——艾弗森 I don't have to respect anybody on the court. 14、我们这支球队就是为了要夺取总冠军而存在的。——韦德 Our team exists to win the championship. 15、我从来没打算退缩,我的字典没有妥协。——艾弗森 I never meant to back down. My dictionary didn't compromise. 16、世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。——科比 The world abandoned me, but basketball accompanied me. 17、我可以接受失败,但无法接受放弃。——乔丹


nba詹姆斯名言英文 NBA球星詹姆斯是现代篮球界的传奇人物,他不仅是一位出色的球员,还是一位极具影响力的领袖。他的成功离不开他的努力和智慧,他所说的名言也成为了人们学习和借鉴的对象。在本文中,我们将分享一些詹姆斯的名言,以及他们所蕴含的深刻意义。 1. 'I'm going to use all my tools, my God-given ability, and make the best life I can with it.' 这句话表达了詹姆斯的信念和决心。他相信自己有天赋和能力,也相信只要全力以赴,就能创造出最好的人生。这句话也告诉我们,每个人都有自己的优点和特长,只要发挥出来,就能取得成功。 2. 'I don't believe in pressure. I believe in work.' 詹姆斯认为,压力只是一种心理状态,只有通过不断的工作才能克服它。这句话也告诉我们,成功需要努力和坚持,而不是被压力所束缚。 3. 'I have short-term goals – to get better every day, to help my teammates every day – but my only ultimate goal is to win an NBA championship.' 这句话表达了詹姆斯对胜利的追求。他认为,只有拿到NBA冠军,才能真正证明自己的实力。这句话也告诉我们,成功需要有明确的目标和计划,而追求胜利是一种持续的努力。 4. 'I don't need too much. Glamour and all that stuff don't excite me. I am just glad I have the game of basketball in my


nba篮球明星名言英语 篮球明星们在比赛中或生活中说过许多经典名言,这些言语对于我们也有着很多启示和鼓励。让我们来看看一些nba篮球明星的名言吧! 1. “篮球不仅仅是一项运动,它是一种信仰。”——迈克尔·乔丹 Basketball is more than just a game. It is a faith. - Michael Jordan 2. “如果你不做梦想,你就不会有梦想成真的机会。”——科比·布莱恩特 If you don't dream, you don't have the chance to make a dream come true. - Kobe Bryant 3. “每当你失败的时候,你就接近了成功。”——勒布朗·詹姆斯 Every time you fail, you are one step closer to success. - LeBron James 4. “一场比赛不是只有我一个人在打,而是全队在打。”——史蒂夫·纳什 A game is not just me playing, it's the entire team playing. - Steve Nash 5. “我不会让我的天赋浪费在我身上,我会努力让它们在其他人身上得到发挥。”——沙奎尔·奥尼尔

I won't let my talent go to waste on myself, I will work hard to let it shine on others. - Shaquille O'Neal 6. “只要你有梦想,就有机会让它们成真。”——克里斯·保罗 If you have dreams, you have the chance to make them come true. - Chris Paul 7. “每个人都有不同的路要走,不同的方法去实现自己的梦想。”——凯文·杜兰特 Everyone has a different path to follow, a different way to achieve their dreams. - Kevin Durant 8. “我不会在我的生命中留下遗憾,我会尽我所能去追求我的 梦想。”——德里克·罗斯 I won't leave any regrets in my life, I will do everything I can to pursue my dreams. - Derrick Rose 9. “当你遇到挑战的时候,你要坚持不懈,直到你成功为止。”——卡尔·马龙 When you face challenges, you have to persevere until you succeed. - Karl Malone 10. “如果你一直在努力,你就会成功。”——史蒂芬·库里 If you keep working hard, you will succeed. - Stephen Curry 这些篮球明星的名言都是鼓舞人心的,它们告诉我们要坚持不懈,努力追求自己的梦想,只要我们有信心和勇气,就一定能够成功。


nba励志语录英文版_NBA篮球英语励志名言带翻译 很多nba球星都说过一些励志语录,这些励志语录被大部分他们的球迷当做是自己的座右铭。以下是店铺为你整理的nba励志语录英文版,欢迎大家阅读。 nba励志语录英文版【经典篇】 1.who can stop me is me.只有我才能使自己停下来 2.I play every game like it is my last我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场 3.No matter what , just do not give up .Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。 4.I do not know what a pure point guard is , I just play the game & do whatever is necessary to win even it means I have to be selfish我不知道一个控球后卫是怎样的,我只知道要全力争取胜利,就算必须做得"自私"。 5.They can not break me . The only way to break me is to kill me,And everything that does not kill me makes me stronger他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强! 6.I do not to respect and fear anyone我不用尊重和害怕任何人! 7.I always think I could miss 20 shots and believe that the 21st is going in,I just keeep fighting我总是觉得我会投失前20投,并且相信那第21球一定会进!我只是不停的奋斗. 8.I've learned to play when I'm struggling,I think that's what being a professional and growing up is all about. You realize you're not going to play well every night. You keep fighting and something good will happen.在奋斗过程中,我学会了怎样打球.我想那就是作为职业球员的全部.你明白了你不可能每晚都打得很好,但你不


关于篮球的英文句子 小编给大家整理了一些关于篮球的英文句子,以供大家参考学习。 Which team do you think will win? 你觉得哪个队会赢? Hard to say. 很难说。 These two teams are really well matched. 两个队水平相当。 You want a bet? 你想打赌吗? What are the odds? 赌什么? If the Celtics wins, I‘ll treat you a big deal. If the Lakers wins, you treat me. 如果凯尔特人队赢了,我请你吃大餐,如果湖人队赢了,你请我。 Done. 一言为定。 看球现场常用的句子: Good shot! 好球! New Jersey has to play better defense. 新泽西队必须加强防守。 The game is tied and there is not much time left. It may go into overtime. 比赛打平,而且时间也不多了,可能要进入加时赛。 Los Angeles with a 97-96 lead over New Jersey. 洛杉矶队以97比96领先新泽西队。 Perhaps we should not play zone defense. We would have beaten them with man-to-man defense. 也许我们不该打区域防守,如果人盯人防守我们可能就赢了。 Wait. Now Ma Ke gets a rebound. And what a nice hook! 等等。马克抢到篮板了,好漂亮的勾手投篮! Good boy! He’s got 30 points and 12 rebounds. Now we take a 2 points lead. 好样的! 他已经得了30分,抢了12个篮板。现在我们领先2分了。 Only 30 seconds is left. Our team is sure to win. 只剩30秒,我们队赢定了。 谈论看球心得常用的句子:


1、我……我想打篮球。——三井寿 me i...... i want to play basketball. 2、让我们倒在敌人的尸体上。——阿泰斯特 let's pour over the enemy's body. 3、世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。——科比 the world abandoned me, but also basketball with me. 4、我可以接受失败,但无法接受放弃。——乔丹 i can accept failure, but i can't accept it. 5、即使世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。——科比 even if the world abandoned me, but also basketball with me. 6、你永远不要低估一颗冠军的心。——汤姆贾诺维奇 you should never underestimate the heart of a champion. 7、不要换我下场,我死后多的是时间休息。——巴克利 do not change my fate, i died after more time to rest. 8、我从不惧怕任何对手,只怕对手不够强大。——乔丹 i never fear any opponent, but the opponent is not strong enough. 9、我们这支球队就是为了要夺取总冠军而存在的。——韦德 our team is in order to win the championship and the existence of. 10、不要轻言放弃,一旦放弃了,比赛就结束了。——安西教练 don't give up, give up once, the game ends.


科比最经典语录英文黑曼巴 Kobe Bryant, also known as the Black Mamba, was one of the greatest basketball players of all time. He was not only known for his skills on the court but also for his inspiring words. Here are seven of his most memorable quotes, showcasing his passion, drive and relentless work ethic: 1. "I can't relate to lazy people. We don't speak the same language. I don't understand you. I don't want to understand you." This quote highlights Kobe’s disdain for complacency and his pure dedication to hard work. 2. "I'm reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose." Kobe was always forward-thinking, analyzing his past to improve for the future. 3. "The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win." Kobe never gave up, even when the odds were against him. He always believed in himself and his abilities. 4. "If you're afraid to fail, then you're probably going to fail." Kobe was fearless, both on and off the court. He embraced failures as opportunities to learn and grow. 5. "I'm not the most talented. I'm not the tallest. But I'm not afraid to outwork you." This quote epitomizes Kobe’s unrelenting work ethic, reminding us that hard work can overcome any perceived disadvantage. 6. "I don't want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be
