浅议国有企业激励机制 毕业论文外文翻译

浅议国有企业激励机制  毕业论文外文翻译
浅议国有企业激励机制  毕业论文外文翻译

Discussion on Incentive Mechanism in state owned


With the economic system reform and market competition, any enterprise wants to obtain long-term development, must establish their own effective incentive mechanism, arouse the staff's enthusiasm and creativity, realize the goal of enterprise. At present, China's state-owned enterprises evaluation and incentive system is still not perfect, or assessment, incentive system can`t effectively implement, causes the staff job enthusiasm is not high, which seriously restrict the development of state-owned enterprises.

1. The current existing problems of incentive mechanism in state owned enterprises.

1.1. The lack of scientific performance appraisal system perfect.

The performance appraisal system is the basis for enterprises to implement and the basis of incentive mechanism, the enterprise implements the purpose of performance appraisal is to through the integrated use of performance appraisal results, realize the role of staff motivation. There is no scientific and perfect assessment system, incentive mechanism can not effectively play the role of. Problems existing in the current evaluation system of state-owned enterprise performance is more, the main problem for the performance appraisal work ineffective implementation. The first performance in the interpersonal relationship is too large, encounter problems first not to consider the system, but the first thought of acquaintances, relations, cause the man more than the rule of law, management system to implement. The second includes the reasonable assessment methods, assessment criteria, assessment of unstable level is not high, managers do not attach importance to etc.

1.2. The lack of scientific and effective compensation, promotion incentive mechanism.

(1). Egalitarianism tendency serious. One aspect is the amount of labor of different positions, different income, labor remuneration is not much difference between, can not play the role of incentive pay. On the other hand the performance of staff promoted mainly by seniority, rather than by ability or performance, leading to lack of staff initiative. In addition, the lack of management and technical backbone of the backbone of the backbone of incentive, causing loss of talent.

(2). The incentive mechanism is not fair, employees led by the subjective will of large influence. Many state-owned enterprise also has strong political atmosphere, the staff like pull relationship, engage in small groups. The workers received rewards and punishment is not real talent, but look at the relationship and leads are close. If not good relations and leadership, not only do not reward, but also may have been excluded, work seriously dampened the enthusiasm of the staff.

1.3. Incentive form single, ignoring the diversity of incentive mode.

Talking about the incentive, everybody often one-sided understanding of material reward. Indeed, the material reward is one of the effective means of incentive, but also at some time and incentive measures. But money is not almighty, material reward is only the primary means of encouraging "". According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, people's demand level is gradually increasing, while the basic physiological needs are met, it will produce a higher level of demand, then the money generated incentive effect is very limited, while encouraging the spirit's role becomes particularly important.At present, the incentive mechanism of state-owned enterprise of our country existing form single problem, performance in many to material incentive based, and ignore the spiritual incentive effect; frequent use of positive incentives to improve employee enthusiasm, but ignore the negative incentive complementarity effect etc.

1.4. Incentive mode is not flexible, the lack of specific.

The needs of employees are complex, enterprise incentive mode should also differ from man to man, advancing with the times, to more productive. While the majority of state-owned enterprises incentives often immutable and frozen, incentive object is not clear, not fully consider the individual differences of employees and staff of different levels of demand.

2. Improve the incentive mechanism of state-owned enterprises suggestions.

2.1.To establish a scientific performance appraisal system perfect.

On the basis of job analysis to make a comprehensive and objective scientific performance evaluation system, and evaluation results as an important basis for staff salary and promotion, in order to motivate staff as. In this way, can continue to motivate the staff to improve business performance and improve their work, at the same time the enterprise provides resources and help to improve staff performance, realize the goal of enterprise and employee development and win-win.

2.2.Improve the compensation system, establish a scientific and effective compensation system.

The implementation of post responsibility system, personnel to posts, responsibilities to the people, and to determine the reward based on performance, avoid the occurrence of the phenomenon of unfair treatment, the salary management into institutionalized, scientific, standardized management track. For example, can use job evaluation technique, based on position evaluation shall be classified in different position, the formation of the cascade structure of wage system, opened the gap in opened appropriate longitudinal gap at the same time, the income distribution is inclined to make contribution to the enterprise, according to the contribution to the enterprise big small pay. At the same time, according to the special nature of the enterprise or department, in the capital, welfare, subsidies and other aspects of the pay system to supplement, in addition to the legal provisions of welfare projects, selectively provide some welfare programs to employees, such as the housing accumulation fund, transportation allowance, communication allowance, paid annual vacation. In addition to the establishment of a profit sharing system, so the performance benefits of employees and business combination, so as to stimulate the

consciousness of the whole staff. Incentives for comprehensive use of all aspect, multi range of compensation, the compensation system to play the biggest incentive effect.

2.3.The combination of a variety of incentives, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff.

(1)Combination of material incentive and spirit incentive. A compensation and compensation for labor and material incentive enterprise reflects the contribution to people's. The use of the material clever incentive, can inspire the staff to work harder, to promote enterprise development. Spirit encouragement is a kind of recognition and to promote the enterprise contribution of talent. The enterprise through the recognition and publicity in various forms, so that employees get a sense of honor, achievement and the sense of responsibility, which has important significance to stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff. Two material and spirit incentive goal is the same, is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff, but they had different function object. The physiological role of people in the former aspect, is to meet people's material needs, the latter effect of psychological aspects to the human, is to meet the needs of the human spirit. With the development of people's material life level unceasing enhancement, people's demand on spirit and emotion is more and more urgent. The state-owned enterprises in the implementation of incentive for employees, the integrated use of to focus on material motivation and spiritual motivation.

(2)Positive and negative incentive incentive combination. The so-called positive incentive is when a person's behavior to meet the needs of the organization, by rewarding way to encourage this kind of behavior, in order to achieve sustained and carry forward the purpose of action. The so-called negative incentives is when a person's behavior does not meet the needs of the organization, through the means to resist the behavior, in order to achieve the purpose of reducing or eliminating the behavior. Positive incentive as two different types of motivation and negative motivation, purpose is to strengthen the human behavior, the difference lies in the opposite orientation of the two. It inspired the positive reinforcement effect, is on the behavior of affirmation; negative incentive plays a negative role in strengthening, is a negation of behavior. The state-owned enterprise managers often only pay attention to the use of positive incentives, and ignore the complementary role of negative incentive. In human resources management, positive incentive and negative incentives are necessary and effective incentive measures, because these two kinds of ways of incentive effect will not only direct effects on individuals, and will indirectly affect individuals and groups around. Through the typical, set an example of both positive and negative foster and develop a good style, will have the invisible positive behavior standards, can make the whole groups of behavior oriented more positive.

Due to people's demands are changing, when the low level needs satisfied, will rise to a higher level of demand. We therefore encouraging way should along with the enterprise, the social development and change. So as to make the incentive measures to maintain the sustained effectiveness, and continuously improve staff enthusiasm and creativity, enable enterprises to maintain its vigor and vitality.


Establish and improve the incentive mechanism of state-owned enterprises, the key is to people-oriented. The enterprise through the clever use of incentive mechanism, will attract and retain a large number of outstanding talents, the wisdom and power for their own use, the talents play a role for the development of enterprises.


























