




How like the sea is the grassland! It's just quieter than the sea; the grassland is like a picture without a frame, so vast that it can't reach the margin.


The setting sun has been completely engulfed by the twilight. The glorious sunset in the sky turned grayish-brown, as if torn to pieces by someone, one by one, taking up the western sky.


The grass also stood up proudly, with its tiny head like a needle. Under the moistening of spring rain, it was permeated with the beloved green and reborn green.


There is a rhombic goldfish pond in the middle of the school. There are many small red goldfish. They are chasing and playing in the clear water.


The boundless plain is flat and vast. It is like a huge dark green jadeite disc. It is vast and vast. It has great courage.


As soon as I entered the campus in the morning, a fresh fragrance came to my face. The flowers and leaves just moistened by night rain were so delicious that they seemed to emit an attractive fragrance.


In the grassland after rain, wild flowers are blooming like a flower scarf just soaked in water. Even dew drops are colorful!


Jinding Stone Wall, painted with a variety of bird patterns, colorful. The floor was covered with soft brocade Satin Embroidered carpets, occasionally burning several bright red



Outside the west end of the door, the hanging moon has become a golden watermelon, no longer a curved eyebrow.


On the sidewalk, three or two children cheered and jumped, treading on the snow naughtily. One foot, one foot, crunch, thick snow covered with fresh footprints.


Night falls, the blue sky is dotted with many small stars, blinking, it seems to invite you to wander in the broad space.


The leaves on their heads were still, and they were impatient and shrill, and the sandy slime and shit fell on the ground.


There is a green lawn in the middle of the playground.

Students are willing to read and play on the lawn in groups. The loud sound of reading often attracts pedestrians outside the playground.


Although it is late autumn, the sun still goes to work every day, giving plants enough light and heat to make them grow well in the cold late autumn.


Looking from afar, there are clouds squirming on the grassland. It turns out that this is the sheep of the pasture, one by one white, strong and lovely, which makes the grassland more vibrant.


When the severe winter comes, poplars, Platanus trees and grass are irrevocably withered, the green of the whole campus will be concentrated in those proud frost pine trees and the growing green holly trees.



Midnight after autumn. The moon went down, the sun was not yet out, and there was only a dark blue sky left; everything except the things that traveled at night fell asleep.


Mount Tai rises from the ground to the clouds, just like a great man standing among the mountains, looking up to the earth with kindness.


My ideal life is to wake up naturally every day, to do nothing, to take no responsibility, to sit and talk with my loved ones and those who love me, and to laugh at the sunset.


It's this apathy that usually attracts men, but at last a man marries a woman who admires him. A woman without ability lives by marrying a man, and a woman with ability lives by herself.


If the memory is as hard as steel, then I should smile or cry, if the memory of steel corrodes, then here is Huancheng, or ruins.


The peaks on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have changed into interesting gestures: sometimes like fairies, sometimes like old men with sticks, sometimes like apes offering peaches, sometimes like wild horses without rein.


White snow, I love you, I love your purity. You decorate the earth in silver, how beautiful you decorate it.


If you are really angry with her, you should be more polite on the surface. The less you show it, the less you give her the chance to guard against you and suffer.


When problems occur, people often blame the environment. In fact, one should try to adapt to the

surroundings. If one can't adapt, he has to create the environment himself.


From a distance, you can see a row of weeping willows. The willows have just turned green. The green shadows are like a green veil covering the plum blossoms behind the willows in the breeze. They are beautiful.


The pine trees stand green in the white snow, swaying with the harsh Southeast wind, and retracting the sharp and harsh roar, as if intentionally despising winter.


In fact, it is very difficult for a person to be truly free. It is often the person himself that locks up the person. Unconsciously, we are not slaves to feelings, but slaves to career.


The wind blows and wrinkles the sparkling light of a river.

A group of egrets started up from the reeds, fluttering their wings and drawing arrogant and powerful arcs.


Nearby, the long port of Bashi meanders southward. At the foot of the bank, the weeds sit or lie down, or dive into the water. The withered and yellow veins are clearly visible.


Night covered the grassland, a round moon flashed from the scaly clouds, the grassland filled with dim moonlight, like a light rising silver fog.


With the advent of severe winter and the irreversible withering of poplars, Acer trees and grass, the green of the whole campus is concentrated in the proud frost of the pine trees and the growing green holly trees.


In this melancholy and bright March, I beat horses through my thin youth, through corydalis, through kapok,

through hidden joys and sorrows and inconstancies.


She shed tears for you, don't apologize, don't comfort, hold her tight, tell her you are there, you can. Never leave with remorse, because she needs you most at this time.


Four old dilapidated school buildings disappeared. New classrooms and conference rooms stood inside the barrier wall. The small and exquisite communication room guarded the west side of the gate.


Ancient and interesting streets, ancient castles, simple and quiet towns, Inn courtyard green trees, rippling river water flowing from the front and the courtyard, beautiful environment. Be quiet.


In August in the south, the sun was shining like fire. At noon, the sun curled up the leaves. Knowing that chattering

constantly adds a layer of boredom to the muggy weather.


The biggest mistake people make in daily life is to be too polite to strangers and too strict to intimate people. Turn this bad habit over and the world will be peaceful.


The legendary dragon belongs to the Middle Ages. If we wear it in such a way as to adapt to the environment and avoid attracting attention, it will be much easier for us to rescue the sheep.


It's very sharp. Look at that gesture, like a drunk general, waving a knife, hesitating to shake out.


This is our beautiful new school. I love our new school. In such a comfortable environment, we should seize the time to study hard and explore in the ocean of knowledge.


英语写作常用词语和句子 一、常用的过渡词 1.用以解释的过渡词 now, in addition, for, in this case, furthermore, in fact… 2.表示强调的过渡词 certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important… 3.表示限制的过渡词 but, however, although, though, yet, except for… 4.用以举例的过渡词 for example, for instance, thus, such, next… 5.表示递进或补充的过渡词 in addition, furthermore, also, moreover, yet… 6.表达顺序的过渡词 first, second, third, afterward, meanwhile, thereafter, last, finally, eventually… 7.用以表示比较的过渡词 like, in the same way, similarly, equally important, too… 8.用以表示对比的过渡词 unlike, in contrast, whereas, on the other hand, instead… 9.表示让步的过渡词 although, nevertheless, of course, after all, clearly, still, yet… 10.用以表达结果的过渡词 therefore, as a result, consequently, then, thereby, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, so, otherwise… 11.用以表示总结的过渡词 to sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in short, in a word, in the long run, in summary… 二、常用句子 1.比较 (1)The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. (2)The advantages of A are much greater than those of B. (3)A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that… (4)It is reasonable to maintain that…, but it would be foolish to claim that… (5)For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. (6)Like anything else, it has its faults. (7)Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects. (8)People used to think…, but things are different now. (9)the same is true of B. (10)Wondering as A is, it has its drawbacks. 2.原因 (1)A number of factors are accountable for this situation. (2)The answer to this problem involves many factors. (3)The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that… (4)The factors that contribute to this situation include…


描写大自然的唯美句子 描写大自然的唯美句子 1、走向自然,走向绿色的田野,享受它独特的风采。这里虽没有高山的险峻,却有厚野的辽阔;虽没有大海的汹涌,却有小溪的优雅,虽没有外界的热闹,却有你所期待的平静。在这里,你可以欣赏到蓝天的遂道,白云的飘逸;小草的翠绿;果菜的芬芳,蝴蝶的阿娜,蜜蜂的辛勤…… 2、一转身,一棵高大而笔直的大树就映入我的眼帘,它那粗壮的枝干多么强壮有力;它那茂密的树叶还保留着春天的色彩,一黄一绿与先前看到的银杏树形成鲜明的对比。大自然那只神奇画笔的魔力真令我佩服埃 3、在美景如画的自然里,你会把自己的身心整个溶入其中,用心去聆听大自然的声音,那是动听的回响,那是动听的旋律,那是大自然为我们人类谱写一首首新的乐章。 4、在这辽阔宁静的自然境界,尽情地舒展你那迷人的欢笑,敞开心胸容纳这宽广的原野;用那动听的乐音赞赏它们的美丽,用灵巧的小手绘画出它们的完美组合,在这里,让你的思想无束缚地飞扬,让你的心在高空放飞,让你的心灵在这无尘染的环境中净化,让你自己完完全全融入这美景中…… 5、一条小河穿过树林弯弯曲曲地流向远方。河水清澈见底,明镜一样的水面在阳光的照射下闪着点点银光。水中的鱼儿欢快的游来游去。水里的小螃蟹挥动着大钳子在石缝间爬来爬去,看起来特别威风。 6、走到乡间的小路上,有着牧羊人的足迹,在田间呼吸着新鲜的空

气,看着花絮飞飞,走到乡村,看着错落有致的房子,在乡村里闻一闻那泥土的芳香,听着蛙鸣,听着流水潺潺。 7、我爱大自然,尤其爱大自然的风,它是自然的灵魂。风带给大自然灵、真、屈,使大自然有了生命力。我陶醉于风,陶醉于风的虚实、劲静,陶醉于风的疾缓、刚柔。我真想蘸一笔自然之色来谱写一曲风之颂。 漫漫人生路,带奋斗一起飞翔,因为它是我一生的呵护;芸芸众生中,带奋斗一起飞翔,因为它比金钱更贵重;悠悠求学路,带奋斗一起飞翔,因为它比荣誉实在。在我成长的历程中,我很庆幸自己选择了奋斗。不论经历多少风风雨雨,我都会坚持奋斗下去。 8、走进大自然,用我们最纯真的心灵去聆听大自然吧!让心灵贴近自然,让心灵归于平静,让心灵得到洗礼,在旅行中放飞你遥远而美丽的梦想。多到大自然走一走,会让我们的心静如止水。 看,今天公鸡又发威了。只见他昂首张望,搜寻目标。这时,一只公鸡进入了它的视线,它以迅雷不及掩耳之势扑了去,那只公鸡躲闪不及,被它啄了一些脑袋,那只可怜的公鸡被啄的“咕咕”大叫,冠子流血了,好几嘬毛被啄了下来。 9、一片绿油油的植物,好像是庄稼种的小麦,大片大片的,别有一番意境,像是到了辽阔的大草原,只有一望无际绿色,象征着生命。还有嫁接的树木,排列的很整齐,像等待着操练的士兵,又像是在进行阅兵仪式,很是壮观。 10、我喜欢大自然的风景,喜欢蔚蓝的天空和大海,喜欢那如梦似幻高山流水绝景意境画面,更喜欢海南椰岛那一排排高耸入云,挺拔秀丽四


保护环境的英文句子 导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、节约用水就是珍惜生命。 Saving water means cherishing life. 2、茵茵绿草地,脚下请留情。 Please be merciful at your feet. 3、留住草的美,体现你的美。 Keep the beauty of grass and show your beauty. 4、让绿色看得见,让绿色听得见。 Let green see, let green hear. 5、人类善待自然、就是善待自己。 Man treats nature kindly, that is, he treats himself kindly. 6、同建绿色校园,共享鸟语花香。 Build a green campus and share the fragrance of birds and flowers. 7、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。 We are seedlings, and we all need to take care of them. 8、爱护绿化,就是保护自己。 To love greening is to protect oneself. 9、水是一切生命的起源点。

Water is the origin of all life. 10、美好校园需要我们共同建设。 We need to build a beautiful campus together. 11、让绿色的希望从校园萌芽。 Let the green hope sprout from the campus. 12、你来绕一绕,我来笑一笑。 Come around and I'll laugh. 13、捡起片片纸,传递深深情。 Pick up pieces of paper and convey deep feelings. 14、快快行动起来,保护自然生态! Quick action to protect the natural ecology! 15、拯救地球就是拯救未来。 Saving the earth is saving the future. 16、保障饮水安全,维护生命健康。 Safeguard drinking water and maintain life and health. 17、少一个脚印,多一份芳香。 One less footprint, one more fragrance. 18、追求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。 Pursue green fashion and embrace green life. 19、保护自然界,关爱家园。 Protect nature and care for home. 20、节约用水,请从身边做起。


摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述。它用最简洁的语言概括了原文的主题。写摘要主要包括三个步骤:(1)阅读;(2)写作;(3)修改成文。 第一步:阅读 A.认真阅读给定的原文材料。如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍。阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻。 B.给摘要起一个标题。用那些能概括文章主题思想的单词、短语或短句子作为标题。也可以采用文中的主题句作为标题。主题句往往出现在文章的开头或结尾。一个好标题有助于确定文章的中心思想。C.现在,就该决定原文中哪些部分重要,哪些部分次重要了。对重要部分的主要观点进行概括。 D.简要地记下主要观点——主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西。 第二步:动手写作 A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长。因此首先数一下原文的字数,然后除以三,得到一个数字。摘要的字数可以少于这个数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字。 B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成。不要引用原文的句子。 C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序。这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实。 D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意。 1 / 19

E. 写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧: 1) 删除细节。只保留主要观点。 2) 选择一至两个例子。原文中可能包括5个或更多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子。 3) 把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子。如果材料中描述某人或某事用了十个句子,那么你只要把它们变成一两句即可。 4) 避免重复。在原文中,为了强调某个主题,可能会重复论证说明。但是这在摘要中是不能使用的。应该删除那些突出强调的重述句。 5) 压缩长的句子。如下列两例: “His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:”He was very brave in battle.” “He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.” 可以概括为:“He was in financial difficulties.” 6) 你还可以使用词组代替整句或者从句。请看下面的例子:“Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Mount Huang, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on these mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.” 2 / 19


描写环境的优美句子 1、碧蓝如洗的晴空下,是一片连绵不断的青山绿树,各种不知名的野花在丛林间争相盛开,绽放着如云霞般绚烂的色彩。 2、让我们在辽阔无边的草原去感受草原的清新,在天苍苍之下去印证我们的渺小,在野茫茫之中去流浪,流浪成一片白白的云、或是一只只欢快的羊,或是一株株柔韧的小草。 3、太阳刚露脸的时候,我沿着小河往村里走,那么淡淡的清清的雾气,那么润润的湿湿的泥土气味,不住地扑在我的脸上,钻进我的鼻子。 4、天空的霞光渐渐地淡下去了,深红的颜色变成了绯红,绯红又变为浅红。最后,当这一切红光都消失了的时候,那突然显得高而远了的天空,则呈现出一片肃穆的神色。最早出现的启明星,在这深蓝色的天幕上闪烁起来了。它是那么大,那么亮,整个广漠的天幕上只有它在那里放射着令人注目的光辉,活像一盏悬挂在高空的明灯。 5、晚秋的野地死静,身后的湖水像面硕大无朋的镜子。 6、我是没有去过草原的。但,草原却是我所喜欢的,一如我喜欢的沙漠和大山。这种喜欢源于内心和生命的深处。 7、午后的阳光,太强烈了,连秧田里的水,都给蒸得暗地发出微小的声音。禾苗叶子晒得起卷子,失掉嫩绿的光泽,又没有一点风,人走在两边都有禾苗的田埂上,简直闷热得浑流汗,气也不容易透一口,因此谁也不愿出来了。 8、雾,朦胧了山的身体。山,坚定了雾的信念。环绕。依恋。缠绵。丝丝缕缕中。点点滴滴间。不会轻易地离开。不在轻浮的抛弃。在那一刻已是永远。 9、夕阳落山不久,西方的天空,还燃烧着一片橘红色的晚霞。大海,也被这霞光染成了红色,而且比天空的景色更要壮观。因为它是活动的,每当一排排波浪涌起的时候,那映照在浪峰上的霞光,又红又亮,简直就像一片片霍霍燃烧着的火焰,闪烁着,消失了。而后面的一排,又闪烁着,滚动着,涌了过来。 10、夏日的傍晚,燕雀的狂噪穿过暮霭,在天空回绕。月夜还有虾蟆像滚珠一样的叫声,好比浮到池塘面上的气泡。倘使这幢旧屋子不是时时刻刻被沉重的车子震动,仿佛大地在高热度中发抖的话,你决计想不到住在巴黎。 11、在狂风的吹袭下,在闪电的攻击下,在雷声的威吓下,在这草原上最高大的树——倒下了。天地间似乎没有东西可以与暴风雨抗争了,它们可以为所欲为了。天空越来越暗,


保护环境得英语句子 1 It's everyone's duty to love and protect the environment、 爱护与保护环境就是每个人得责任与义务、 2 But some people don't care about it、但有些人却不关心或不在意。 3 The most important question in the world today is pollution、 当今世界最重要得话题就就是污染问题。 4 The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less、 适合人类喝得水就是越来越少了。 5 Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers、 更糟糕得就是她们排放污水到河流里。 6 They waste a lot of water in their daily life 日常生活中她们浪费很多水。 7、Something must be done to stop the pollution、 人类必须采取一些措施来制止污染。 8、They throw rubbish into rivers , too、她们还乱扔垃圾到河流理去。 9、Do not throw rubbish onto the ground、Do not waste water、Use both si des of paper when you write、Stop using plastic bags for shopping、Make c lassrooms less noisy、 不要在地上扔垃圾。不要浪费水。当您写字时要在纸得两面都要写。停止使用塑料袋去购物。减少教室里德吵闹声。 10、Planting trees, Trees are very helpful and important for us、 树对我们人类就是多么得重要与有用。 11、No one can live without water or air、没有人能离开水与空气生存。


关于环保的英语好句子 没有地球的健康就没有人类的健康与自然重建和谐,与地球重修旧好垃圾混置是垃圾,垃圾分类是资源。 关于环保的英语好句子(一) 1、But save square inch ground, stay with descendant Geng. 但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。 2、Protection of the environment is everyones responsibility. 保护环境,人人有责。 3、Rescue the Earth is to rescue future. 拯救地球就是拯救未来。 4、The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. 水的量是适宜的饮料是越来越少了。 5、But some people dont care about it. 但有些人不关心它。 6、It is very important to take care of our environment. 这是非常重要,我们要保护我们的环境。 7、Now p eople pay more attention to how to pretend our environment .With the development of science and technology,it

becomes more important to pretend our environment.In china,prentending environment is very nomal in our life for the Olympics coming or the peoples sense of environmental pretection. 环境保护是当今社会的一大热点问题。随着科技的发展,环保显得越来越重要。在中国,也许是奥运会的临近,也许是人们意识 的崛起,环保已经成为我们身边一个普遍的存在了。 8、It“s our duty to protect our environment. 它”是我们的责任来保护我们的环境。 9、Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. 许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。 10、The rubbish will pullute the enviroment .It is bed for our health.So please dont throw about the rubbish. 垃圾污染环境,损害健康,不要到处扔垃圾 11、Its our duty to protect our environment。 保护我们生存的环境是我们的责任和义务。 12、The waste water will pour into rivers,lakes and fields.It will harm the crops ,kill a large number of fish. 废水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染农作物,杀死大量的鱼。 13、Its everyones duty to love and protect the environment. 这是每个人的责任,爱护和保护环境。


开头常用万能句子: 1.Depending on personal experience, personal type and emotion concern, we find that some people hold the idea of..., while others prefer... 基于个人经历、个性类型和情感关注的不同,我们发现有人持……的观点,而另外一些人则更喜欢…… 例句:Depending on personal experience, personal type and emotion concern, we find that some people hold the idea of living in the small town, while others prefer the big city. 基于个人经历、个性类型和情感关注的不同,我们发现有人喜欢生活在小城镇,而另外一些人则更喜欢大城市。 2.When asked about..., the vast/ overwhelming majority of/ most/ many/ quite a few people say/ think/ believe/ answer that... But... 当被问及……时,多数(大多数、许多)人认为(回答)……但是……例句:When asked about choosing living place, the vast people think that living in the big city is perfect. But I think living in the small town is the better choice. 当被问及在选择居住地方时,多数人认为居住在城市是很棒的。但是我觉得住在小城镇更好。 3.When it comes to ..., some think/ hold/ believe... 当提及……时,有人认为…… 例句:When it comes to sports, some believe basketball is the most popular one. 当提到运动时,有人认为篮球是最受欢迎的。 4.It has become apparent to us that... 对我们来说,……已经变得很明显了 例句:It has become apparent to us that living in a small town is more comfortable. 对我们来说,住在小城镇更加舒服。 5.Nowadays, it is commonly/ widely/ generally believed/ thought/ held that..., but I wonder/ doubt that... 如今,人们普遍认为……,但是我怀疑…… 例句:Nowadays, it is generally believed that living in a big city is convenient, but I doubt that living in a small country is more comfortable. 如今,人们普遍认为住在大城市更便利,但是我觉得住在小城镇更加舒服。 6.With the rapid growth of..., ...have/has become increasingly


篇一:环境描写的句子 3、在学校的中院有一个菱形的金鱼池,里面有许多红色的小金鱼,它们在清清的水里追逐着、嬉戏着。花园似的校园,点缀得五彩斑斓,更显得生气盎然。 5、果园里,柿子黄黄的,像一个个黄灯笼.还没成熟的橘子绿绿的,正在枝头上荡秋千呢! 7、没有城市的高楼大厦,没有川流不息的汽车,没有吵杂的声音,有的只是一种让城里人久违了的宁静。漫步乡村路上,享受着有空旷的阳光,感受着乡村独有的气息,有点令人陶醉。听鸟儿清脆的歌声,观池塘鲤鱼闹波,踏着石板路,感受着难得的闲散自在。 8、南面的山,山高树茂。 9、农村房屋的错落无序,环境的不雅这是以前乡村生活的旧貌,然而走过这一条乡村大道,让很多的城市人都投来了羡慕的眼神。 10、秋天,在家乡的田野到处呈现出一派丰收的景象.那瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空,洁净得好像洗过的蓝宝石.秋风吹来,使我感到心旷神怡.秋天把田野披上了一层金黄色.黄澄澄的稻田,好像一块块铺展在大地上的毯子.农民伯伯们正忙着收割水稻.他们一边割,一边从嘴里露出微笑.山坡上,一棵棵成熟的苹果树,挂满了一个个红苹果,好像一个个小灯笼.秋天真是一个丰收的日子!苹果树下长满了许多花草,一棵棵小草伸着懒腰,仰起脸蛋,甜甜地微笑着.一阵清风拂过,小野花们摇着身子,把散发出一阵阵诱人的香味.稻田两旁有几棵大树,一阵清风吹过,树叶轻轻地飘落下来,投进大地母亲的怀抱.它们就像一只只彩蝶在空中飞舞.一片片树叶把道路,披上一层金色的地毯.啊,我真喜爱家乡田野的秋景! 11、秋天在果园里,果园里的苹果、桔子、香蕉等果实都成熟了。 12、秋天在花园里。花园里菊花怒放,红的,黄的,绿的,白色,橘红的这些菊花的花瓣就像细细的萝卜丝一样。 13、秋天在人们的身上。 16、春天使大地焕然一新,春天给学校满园春色,春天给我们欢乐和希望,催促我们奋发向上。 篇二:初中描写环境的优美句子 4、天空的霞光渐渐地淡下去了,深红的颜色变成了绯红,绯红又变为浅红。最后,当这一切红光都消失了的时候,那突然显得高而远了的天空,则呈现出一片肃穆的神色。最早出现的启明星,在这深蓝色的天幕上闪烁起来了。 6、我是没有去过草原


保护环境英语句子 掩护环境英语句子 一、Environmental附件problems附件directly附件affect附件the附件quality附件of附件people's附件lives. 环境答习题间接影响人们的糊口量质。 二、Right附件side,please. 请靠左止。 三、Handle附件with附件Care. 小口沉搁。 四、Turn附件off附件the附件light,please. 请顺手闭灯。 五、Save附件Food. 节约食粮。 六、Keep附件Silence.

连结平静。 七、Save附件on附件electricity. 节约用电。 八、After附件you! 你先请。 九、Pollution附件is附件legally附件controlled附件and附件enforced 附件through附件various附件federal附件and附件state附件laws. 净化由联邦战州各类律例节制战强迫执止。 十、Save附件the附件earth,附件Our附件Only附件Home. 掩护天球,咱们惟一的野。 十一、Please附件keep附件off附件the附件grass. 没有要蹂躏草坪。 十二、Save附件paper,please. 节约用纸。 1三、Discharge附件pipes附件directly附件take附件pollutants附件

away附件from附件the附件plant附件into附件the附件river. 吸收管叙间接将净化物从工场排进河道。 1四、No附件smoking. 制止抽烟。 1五、Environmental附件law附件heavily附件intertwined附件with附件administrative附件law. 环保法取止政法严密联络正在一同。 1六、Please附件shut附件the附件door附件after附件you. 收支请闭门。 1七、Most附件environmental附件litigation附件involves附件disputes 附件with附件governmental附件agencies. 许多环保诉讼皆波及取当局机构的争端。 1八、Environmental附件impact附件reports附件are附件required附件under附件many附件circumstances附件by附件federal附件and附件state 附件law.


考研英语作文常用句子总结 句型在英语学习中占有不可替代的作用,背诵一些有用的句子对于我们来说也是非常重要的。考研英语作文冲刺复习要注意积累,记忆一些好的句式。素材丰富了,大家才能下笔灵活,下面分享的这些考研英语常用写作句型,大家可以收藏。 1.The cartoon vividly shows an important truth that…漫画生动地揭示了一个重要的道理 2.As is vividly depicted in the drawings 漫画生动地描述了 3.Clearly, the cartoon reveals a very common problem in our society 很明显,漫画揭示了我们社会的一个普遍现象 4.The implied meaning of the drawings is that 漫画的寓意是 5.As is manifested in the cartoon 如漫画所示 6.The two drawings stand in a sharp contrast 两幅图形成了鲜明的对比 7.A ridiculous situation 一个可笑的场景 8.To grasp the full implication 充分理解寓意 9.With sweats trailing down the face 汗流满面 10.There is no denying that… 毋庸置疑…… 11.There is a general assumption that 人们普遍认为 12.To make careful decision 认真做决定


描写大自然的优美语句 1、一条小河穿过树林弯弯曲曲地流向远方。河水清澈见底,明镜一样的水面在阳光的照射下闪着点点银光。水中的鱼儿欢快的游来游去。水里的小螃蟹挥动着大钳子在石缝间爬来爬去,看起来特别威风。 2、走到乡间的小路上,有着牧羊人的足迹,在田间呼吸着新鲜的空气,看着花絮飞飞,走到乡村,看着错落有致的房子,在乡村里闻一闻那泥土的芳香,听着蛙鸣,听着流水潺潺。 3、让我们感受大自然的无忧无虑的魅力,倾听大自然的魅力,它创造了一幅永远存放在人们心里的完美图画,让我们用真诚的心感受大自然,用期待来抚摸大自然,让我们面对大自然的魅力,大声骄傲的喊出:我爱大自然! 4、我陶醉于春天的风,它轻柔、稚嫩。它为春天平添了盎然生机,平添了一份和谐和宁静的美。我喜欢春天到野外去品尝春的味道。闭上眼睛,若有若无的风拂过我的脸,在我的脖颈中呵着气,中间还夹杂着花朵和泥土的芬芳,这,就是春的味道。我追逐着春风,与它嬉戏,享受一种无拘无束的快乐。 5、大自然好像一道菜,一道色香味俱全的菜,每一种味道都夹有大自然的气息,每种色彩都带着大自然洋溢的色泽,每品尝其香,那来自大自然产物的香味,美食家评论此道菜为天下佳肴,美食家称1 / 8

赞这道菜的奇特,继而品尝着大自然的产物如此让人迷恋。 7、我爱大自然,尤其爱大自然的风,它是自然的灵魂。风带给大自然灵、真、屈,使大自然有了生命力。我陶醉于风,陶醉于风的虚实、劲静,陶醉于风的疾缓、刚柔。我真想蘸一笔自然之色来谱写一曲风之颂。 8、走进大自然,用我们最纯真的心灵去聆听大自然吧!让心灵贴近自然,让心灵归于平静,让心灵得到洗礼,在旅行中放飞你遥远而美丽的梦想。多到大自然走一走,会让我们的心静如止水。 9、一片绿油油的植物,好像是庄稼种的小麦,大片大片的,别有一番意境,像是到了辽阔的大草原,只有一望无际绿色,象征着生命。还有嫁接的树木,排列的很整齐,像等待着操练的士兵,又像是在进行阅兵仪式,很是壮观。 10、我喜欢大自然的风景,喜欢蔚蓝的天空和大海,喜欢那如梦似幻高山流水绝景意境画面,更喜欢海南椰岛那一排排高耸入云,挺拔秀丽四季常青的树木,在这一片绿色田园,大自然的独特风景中。我喜欢静静聆听,那溪水清冷,鸟语婵鸣。还有附近村子的鸡鸣狗叫。喧闹一片! 11、欣赏着大自然的美,赞美大自然,回归于大自然,让人感觉到一身轻松,把眼里的风光都尽收眼底。欣赏大自然美景的同时,让人感觉到了大自然的绝妙美伦,找到了天地万物相融合的感觉。 12、心灵的遨游:清风拂袖过,弦音抚琴生。远离城市的喧嚣,2 / 8


关于环境的英语句子 导读:本文是关于关于环境的英语句子的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、草原多么像海啊!只是比海寂静;草原多么像一幅没有框子的画,广漠得望不到边际。 How like the sea is the grassland! It's just quieter than the sea; the grassland is like a picture without a frame, so vast that it can't reach the margin. 2、夕阳已完全被暮色吞噬。空中绚丽的晚霞变成灰褐色,好像被什么人撕成碎片,一条条,一缕缕地占满了西边的天空。 The setting sun has been completely engulfed by the twilight. The glorious sunset in the sky turned grayish-brown, as if torn to pieces by someone, one by one, taking up the western sky. 3、小草儿也傲立起头,冒出针尖似的小脑袋,在春雨的润泽下,透着心爱的绿,重生的绿。 The grass also stood up proudly, with its tiny head like a needle. Under the moistening of spring rain, it was permeated with the beloved green and reborn green. 4、在学校的中院有一个菱形的金鱼池,里面有许多红色的小金鱼,它们在清清的水里追逐着、嬉戏着。


1、There is an arbitration clause in the contract. (or insurance clause, inspection clause, shipping clause...) 这是合同中的一项仲裁条款。(或:保险条款,检验条款,装运条款等) 2、We sincerely hope that both quality and quantity are in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们真诚希望质量、数量都与合同规定相吻合。 3、The contract states that the supplier will be charge d a penalty if there is a delay in delivery. 合同规定如果供货商延误交货期,将被罚款。 4、The contract comes into effect today, we can’t go back on our word now. 合同已于今日生效,我们不能反悔了。 5、Once the contract is approved by the Chinese government, it is legally binding upon both parties. 合同一经中国政府批准,对双方就有了法律约束力。 6、We always carry out the terms of our contract to the letter and stand by what we say. 我们坚持重合同,守信用。 7、You have no grounds for backing out of the contract. 你们没有正当理由背弃合同。 8、In case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel the contract. 如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤消该合同。 9、This contract will come into force as soon as it is signed by two parties. 合同一经双方签定即生效。 10、Are you worrying about the non-execution of the contract and non-payment on our part? 你是否担心我们不履行合同或者拒不付款?



篇一:环境描写经典佳句 环境描写佳句积累 炎夏 1、南 方的八月间,骄阳似火。中午时分,太阳把树叶都晒得卷缩起来。 2、午 后的阳光,太强烈了,连秧田里的水,都给蒸得暗地发出微小的声音。 6、整 个城市像烧透了的砖窑,使人喘不过气来。 7、街 上的柳树像病了似的,叶子挂着尘土在枝上打着卷,枝条一动也不动。 冬 2、寒 风“呼呼”地咆哮着,用它那粗大的手指,蛮横地乱抓行人的头发,针一般地刺着行人的肌 肤。 3、这 天,太冷了。就连路旁的小花小草都缩紧了身子。凛冽的北风呼呼地刮着,怒嚎着,如咆哮 的狮子。风想一把把刀,无情的伤害我,风又像调皮的孩子,我已经把衣服攥地紧紧的了,可 风还是能跑到我体内。街上的行人缩着脖子,倒着走,路边玩耍的孩子也都跑回了家。 4、风 刮得很紧,雪片像扯破了的棉絮一样在空中飞舞,没有目的地四处飘落。 5、风 玩弄着伞,把它吹得向四面偏倒,有一两次甚至吹得它离开了行人的手。 晴日 雨:

1、天空仿佛一个阴郁的孩子,天空刚刚的灰白脸色渐渐沉下来,被沉重的灰黑取代。调皮的风四处流窜着,幸灾乐祸地看着人们的狼狈。 2、墨色的浓云挤压着天空,掩去了刚刚的满眼猩红,沉沉的仿佛要坠下来,压抑得仿佛整个世界都静悄悄的。淡漠的风凌厉地地穿梭着,将人的惊呼抛在身后。 5、雨从空中洒向各个角落,雨滴很像一颗颗晶莹透明的珍珠,好看极了。 6、风呼呼地刮着,雨哗哗地下着。 7、风夹着雨星,像在地上寻找什么似的,东一头,西一头地乱撞着。路上行人刚找到一个避雨之处,雨就劈劈啪啪地下了起来。 8、春雨潇潇地下着,树木干枯的枝条朦朦胧胧有了一层淡绿的色彩,雨水顺着树尖滴下来,变成了一串串水灵灵的音符。地面也湿润了许多,散发出一种沁人心脾的芳香气息。小草也偷偷地钻出地面,开始编织绿色的地毯。春雨潇潇地下着,它正轻轻地唤醒大地,悄悄地带走寒冷,慢慢地抚慰树木上严冬的创伤。 : 3)忽然狂风大作,霎时,飞沙走石,遮天盖地 4)北风呼啸,吹打在人脸上像针扎一样疼 师的话: 加油!


保护环境的英文句子 导读:1、编织爱心,保护环境。 Love, protect the environment. 2、茵茵绿草地,脚下请留情。 Lush green grass, please watch your step. 3、青山清我目、流水静我耳。 The green hills clear my eyes, and the rivers run my ears. 4、请让我们的校园永远充满绿色。 Please let our campus always full of green. 5、赞化天地、道法自然。 Zanhua heaven and nature. 6、芳草依依,大家怜惜。 Grass Yiyi, pity you. 7、树木拥有绿色,地球才有脉搏。 Trees have green, the earth has a pulse. 8、小草微微笑,请你绕一绕。 Tiny grass smile, please circle around you. 9、追求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。 The pursuit of green fashion, embrace the green life. 10、多一份绿色,多一份健康。 More green, more health.

11、用爱心呵护每一片绿色。 Care for every piece of green with love. 12、保护环境是我们生存的惟一条件。 Protecting the environment is the only condition for our existence. 13、花草是我的朋友,请多一份爱护! Flowers are my friends, please take care of! 14、树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。 Set up the environment consciousness, protect the ecological environment. 15、环境保护,人人有责。 Environmental protection is everyone's responsibility. 16、爱护绿化,就是保护自己。 Cherish the green, is to protect themselves. 17、美好校园需要我们共同建设。 Beautiful campus needs us to build together. 18、坚持人水和谐,建设生态文明。 Adhere to the harmony between human and water, the construction of ecological civilization. 19、水是生命之源,树是生命之根。 Water is the source of life, the tree is the root of life. 20、我们梦想一个没有污染的环境。


经典优美励志英文句子(上) 每天阅读背诵一句,不要求多背,贵在持之以恒!在阅读背诵的感受句子背后带来的生活启示,在轻松中学习英语! 1、If it is wrong to love you, then my heart just won’t let me be right——爱上你是一种错,但我的心却怂恿我一错再错。 2、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. - 生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱着我们。 3、Not every morning wake up your alarm clock, but dream! 每天早上叫醒你的不是闹钟,而是梦想! 4、Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.——Tagore 有福之人,是因为他的真实比他的名誉更耀眼。——泰戈尔 5、Life is too short to not experience the madness of love. 生命太短,不能不疯狂地去爱一把。 6、Sometimes goodbye is the only way. 有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。 7、Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 人生太短暂,不要把时间浪费在伤害他人上。 8、Sometimes it sucks being strong. Because when people know that you are strong, they think that it is okay to hurt you, over and over again. 有时候坚强并不是什么好事情,因为有些人会认为你坚强,所以伤害你问题不大,于是一再的伤害你。 9、Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress——选择让你快乐的那个人来共度余生,而不是你必须努力取悦的那一个。 10、Shall I hang on or shall I let you go? 我该死缠烂打,还是放手让你走? 11、Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.-Aristotle 认识自己是一切智慧的开端。-亚里士多德 12、Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school. 我们忘记学校所教的东西以后,最终剩下的就是教育。--Albert Einstein 13、A conundrum of a city. Same scenes, same routes, and same destinies.迷宫般的城市,让人习惯看相同的景物,走相同的路线,到相同的目的地. 14、Never do something permanently stupid just because you are temporarily upset. 不要因为一时的心烦,做出一辈子的傻事。
