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1. The woman ________(be) a great actress.

2. My clothes _______(be) all wet.

3. So far, he ___________(teach) in Shiyan for five years.

4. To help the poor _______(be) our duty.

To work and to live _________(be) two different things.

5. Reading books _____(be) a very good habit for a child.

Looking after children and doing cooking _________(be) her jobs.

6. What he is doing _______(seem) very important.


1. There __________(be) no water in the glass.

2. There _____ (be) going to be a basketball match this afternoon.

3. Good news! There __________(be) fewer people catching this kind of illness now.

4. Here _________(come) the bus.

5. Here ___________ (be) the books you want.

6. Among the guests _________(be) standing Betty.

7. On the wall _____(hang) two pictures of my family.


1. Nothing except some chairs _________(be) there.

2. Mary as well as her three classmates ________ (study) Chinese in our school.

3. The teacher, together with some students, ____________(run) now.

4. Nobody but Mike ________(like) the English song.

5. My uncle, rather than anyone else, ___________ (injure) in the fire.

6. Linda, like her sisters _______(like) watching TV


1. Here ________ (be) a pair of trousers for you.

My trousers ________(be) new.

2. There __________(be) two pieces of good news in today’s newspaper.

3. Cups of coffee _________(have) been ready for the guests.

4. The box of oranges _____(be) full, I can't carry it.


1. I hear one third of the books in Wuhan Library ________(be) new. Let's borrow some.

Four fifths of the juice __________(be) orange. It's very pure.

2. About 10 percent of the students _________ (be) volunteers.

More than 70 percent of the earth's surface _______(be) covered by water.

3. Half of her money ________(be) spent on clothes.

Half of the men _____________(kill) yesterday.

4. The rest of the time _________(be) spent in reading books.

The rest of the books _____________(be) useful.

5. Some of my classmates ________(come) from other cities.

Some of his pocket money ________(come) from his parents.

6. There ________(be) plenty of room in this room.

There _________(be) plenty of women teachers in our school. They work very hard.

7. Most of his free time ______(be) spent in playing computer games in the past.
